Minute to Win It Games
Implementation Guide
Table of Contents
HOW TO PLAY MINUTE TO WIN IT GAMES ............................................................................................. 3
BALANCE THE BOOKS .............................................................................................................................. 4
BALL ON THE WALL ................................................................................................................................... 5
BOTTLE TO BOTTLE .................................................................................................................................. 6
BOUNCING BASKETBALL ......................................................................................................................... 7
CHOOSING CUPS ........................................................................................................................................ 8
DEFYING GRAVITY ..................................................................................................................................... 9
FEED THE MONSTER ............................................................................................................................... 10
HUNT RELAY ............................................................................................................................................. 11
LET’S PLAY BALL! .................................................................................................................................... 12
MINI GOLF .................................................................................................................................................. 13
OBSTACLE COURSE ................................................................................................................................ 14
OBSTACLE COURSE HOCKEY ............................................................................................................... 15
PLATE TOSS .............................................................................................................................................. 16
TABLE TENNIS TOPPLING....................................................................................................................... 17
TOWEL SCOOT ......................................................................................................................................... 18
How to Play Minute to Win It Games
There are three different styles of play for Minute to Win It Games. Which one will work
best for your game and group?
Option 1: Minute to Win It for Individuals | One player tries to beat the clock for
each game.
Option 2: Minute to Win It for Groups | Two or more players are selected from the
larger group. These players compete in the game.
Option 3: Minute to Win It for Teams | The larger group is broken into different
even-sized teams. A representative from each team competes in the game.
Balance the Books
Materials Needed
1 book per team (of similar size/weight)
Tape or chalk to create a line
1. Prepare the materials: Create two lines, about 10 feet apart from each other,
using the tape or chalk.
2. Explain that the object of the game is for player(s) to balance a book on their
head and walk from the start line to the finish line and back again.
3. Provide examples and non-examples of acceptable ways to balance the book
and walk.
4. Instruct player(s) to stand behind the start line.
5. Hand a book to each player.
6. Prompt the player(s) to begin.
Game Styles
Minute to Win It for Individuals: If the player makes it to the finish line and
back in 1 minute or less, they win.
Minute to Win It for Groups: The first player to make it to the finish line and
back wins.
Minute to Win It for Teams: The first player to make it to the finish line and
back wins for their team.
Ball on the Wall
Materials Needed
5 balls of crumbled paper per team
1 basket or trashcan per team
Tape or chalk to create a line
1. Prepare the materials:
a. Find a wall.
b. Place the baskets/trashcans against the wall.
c. Mark a place to throw from using tape or chalk.
2. Explain that the object of the game is for player(s) to throw their paper balls
toward the wall and into the basket/trashcan.
3. Provide examples and non-examples of acceptable ways to throw the paper
4. Instruct player(s) to stand behind the line.
5. Hand the paper balls to the player(s).
6. Prompt the player(s) to begin.
Game Styles
Minute to Win It for Individuals: If the player gets all 5 paper balls in the
basket/trashcan within 1 minute, they win.
Minute to Win It for Groups: The first player to get all 5 paper balls in the
basket/trashcan wins.
Minute to Win It for Teams: The first player to get all 5 paper balls in the
basket/trashcan wins for their team.
Bottle to Bottle
Materials Needed
2 plastic bottles (water or 2-liter) per team
Something small to fill the bottles with (e.g., cereal, candy)
1. Prepare the materials: For each player, fill 1 bottle with its contents.
2. Explain that the object of the game is for player(s) to transfer the contents of
their bottle to the other bottle as quickly as they can.
3. Provide examples and non-examples of acceptable ways to transfer bottle
contents (e.g., what body parts and objects can be used).
4. Hand 2 bottles (1 filled, 1 empty) to each player.
5. Prompt the player(s) to begin.
Game Styles
Minute to Win It for Individuals: If the player transfers their bottle contents
over to the other bottle in 1 minute or less, they win.
Minute to Win It for Groups: The first player to transfer their bottle contents
over to the other bottle wins.
Minute to Win It for Teams: The first player to transfer their bottle contents
over to the other bottle wins for their team.
Bouncing Basketball
Materials Needed
10 ping pong balls per team
1 basket or trashcan per team
Tape or chalk to create a line
1. Prepare the materials:
a. Find a flat surface (e.g., table or ground).
b. Place the baskets/trashcans on the surface.
c. Mark a place to bounce from using tape or chalk.
2. Explain that the object of the game is for player(s) to bounce their ping pong
balls into their basket/trashcan.
3. Provide examples and non-examples of acceptable ways to bounce the ping
pong balls.
4. Instruct player(s) to stand behind the line.
5. Hand the balls to the player(s).
6. Prompt the player(s) to begin.
Game Styles
Minute to Win It for Individuals: If the player bounces all 10 ping pong balls
in the basket/trashcan within 1 minute, they win.
Minute to Win It for Groups: The first player to bounce all 10 ping pong balls
into the basket/trashcan wins.
Minute to Win It for Teams: The first player to bounce all 10 ping pong balls
into the basket/trashcan wins for their team.
Choosing Cups
Materials Needed
20 cups
Water to fill the cups
4 small stickers
1. Prepare the materials.
a. Place 3 small stickers on the bottom of 3 cups (1 sticker per cup).
b. Lay out the cups on a flat surface (e.g., table or ground).
c. Fill each cup with water.
2. Explain that the object of the game is for player(s) to locate stickers on the
bottom of the cups.
3. Provide examples and non-examples of acceptable ways to locate stickers.
4. Prompt the player(s) to begin.
Game Styles
Minute to Win It for Individuals: If the player locates all stickers in under 1
minute, they win.
Minute to Win It for Groups: The player to find the most stickers wins.
Minute to Win It for Teams: The player to find the most stickers wins for their
Defying Gravity
Materials Needed
3 balloons per team
1. Prepare the materials: Equally inflate 3 balloons for each player.
2. Explain that the object of the game is for player(s) to keep their balloons in the
air for as long as they can.
3. Provide examples and non-examples of acceptable ways to keep balloons in
the air (e.g., what body parts or objects may be used).
4. Hand 3 balloons to each player.
5. Prompt the player(s) to begin.
Game Styles
Minute to Win It for Individuals: If the player keeps their balloons in the air
for 1 minute, they win.
Minute to Win It for Groups: The player to keep their balloons in the air the
longest wins.
Minute to Win It for Teams: The player to keep their balloons in the air the
longest wins for their team.
Feed the Monster
Materials Needed
1 2-liter bottle
Tiny objects (e.g., candy, cereal) to toss into the bottle
Tape or chalk to create a line
Optional: Drawings or pictures of an animal/creature to tape onto each bottle
1. Prepare the materials:
a. Find a flat surface (e.g., table or ground).
b. Place the bottle on the surface.
c. Mark a place to throw from using tape or chalk.
2. Explain that the object of the game is for player(s) to toss the object into the
3. Provide examples and non-examples of acceptable ways to throw the objects.
4. Instruct player(s) to stand behind the line.
5. Hand the objects to the player(s).
6. Prompt the player(s) to begin.
Game Styles
Minute to Win It for Individuals: If the player throws an object that lands in
the bottle in less than 1 minute, they win.
Minute to Win It for Groups: The first player to throw an object that lands in
the bottle wins.
Minute to Win It for Teams: The first player to throw an object that lands in
the bottle wins for their team.
Hunt Relay
Materials Needed
Small objects to hide (e.g., ping pong balls, Easter eggs)
1. Prepare the materials:
a. Document the number of objects you are hiding.
b. Identify the boundaries of the area in which you will hide these objects.
c. Hide the objects in this area.
2. Explain that the object of the game is for player(s) to find hidden objects.
3. Provide examples and non-examples of acceptable ways to search for objects.
4. Prompt the player(s) to begin.
Game Styles
Minute to Win It for Individuals: If the player finds all their hidden objects in 1
minute, they win.
Minute to Win It for Groups: The first player to find a specific number of
objects wins.
Minute to Win It for Teams: Teams line up. One player from each team looks
for hidden objects at a given time. After that player finds their object, they
return to the line, and the next player from that team goes to look for hidden
objects. The first team to find a specific number of objects wins.
Let’s Play Ball!
Materials Needed
1 foam ball per team
6 plastic bottles (e.g., small water bottles or larger 2-liter bottles) per team
Tape or chalk to create a line
1. Prepare the materials:
a. Find a flat surface (e.g., table or ground).
b. Stack the bottles in a pyramid with 3 on the bottom, 2 on the second
layer, and 1 on top.
c. Mark a place to throw the ball from using tape or chalk.
2. Explain that the object of the game is for player(s) to knock over their pyramid
using the foam ball.
3. Provide examples and non-examples of acceptable ways to throw the ball at
their pyramid.
4. Instruct player(s) to stand behind the line.
5. Hand a foam ball to each player.
6. Prompt the player(s) to begin.
Game Styles
Minute to Win It for Individuals: If the player knocks over their pyramid in 1
minute, they win.
Minute to Win It for Groups: The first player to knock over their pyramid wins.
Minute to Win It for Teams: The first player to knock over their pyramid wins
for their team.
Mini Golf
Materials Needed
1 broom per team
1 small object (e.g., golf ball, foam ball) per team
Tape or chalk to create lines
1. Prepare the materials:
a. Tape/draw one long horizontal line (the start line).
b. About 15-20 feet away from this line, tape/draw two long horizontal lines
about 6 inches apart (the goal lines).
2. Explain that the object of the game is for player(s) to putt their object (using the
broom) to land between the two lines that are about 6 inches apart.
3. Provide examples and non-examples of acceptable ways to putt the object.
4. Instruct the player(s) to stand behind the start line.
5. Hand each player a broom and object.
6. Prompt the player(s) to begin.
Game Styles
Minute to Win It for Individuals: If the player putts their object within the goal
lines in under 1 minute, they win.
Minute to Win It for Groups: The first player to putt their object within the goal
line three times wins.
Minute to Win It for Teams: The first player to putt their object within the goal
line three times wins for their team.
Obstacle Course
Materials Needed
Whatever objects you’d like to add to your obstacle course!
1. Prepare the materials: Set up an obstacle course.
2. Explain that the object of the game is for player(s) to complete the obstacle
course as quickly as they can.
3. Provide examples and non-examples of acceptable ways to complete the
obstacle course.
4. Prompt the player(s) to begin.
Game Styles
Minute to Win It for Individuals: If the player completes the obstacle course
in under 1 minute, they win.
Minute to Win It for Groups: The first player to complete the obstacle course
Minute to Win It for Teams: The first player to complete the obstacle course
wins for their team.
Obstacle Course Hockey
Materials Needed
Whatever objects you’d like to add to your obstacle course!
1 broom per team
1 object (e.g., foam ball) per team
1. Prepare the materials: Set up an obstacle course.
2. Explain that the object of the game is for player(s) to move their object through
the obstacle course as quickly as they can using only their broom.
3. Provide examples and non-examples of acceptable ways to move the object
through the obstacle course.
4. Hand each player a broom.
5. Prompt the player(s) to begin.
Game Styles
Minute to Win It for Individuals: If the player moves their object through the
obstacle course in under 1 minute, they win.
Minute to Win It for Groups: The first player to move their object through the
obstacle course wins.
Minute to Win It for Teams: The first player to move their object through the
obstacle course wins for their team.
Plate Toss
Materials Needed
6 paper plates per team
Tape or chalk to create a line
1. Prepare the materials:
a. Mark a place to toss the plates from using tape or chalk.
b. For each team, label 1 plate with a “1,” 1 plate with a “2,” and 1 plate
with a “3.”
c. Place the “3” plate farthest from the tossing line, the “2” plate in the
middle, and the “1” plate closest to the tossing line.
2. Explain that the object of the game is for player(s) to earn points by tossing 3
plates to land on the numbered plates. When a plate touches a numbered
plate, that player earns the number of points on that plate.
3. Provide examples and non-examples of acceptable ways to toss the plates.
4. Instruct player(s) to stand/sit/kneel behind the line.
5. Hand three plates to each player.
6. Prompt the player(s) to begin.
Game Styles
Minute to Win It for Individuals: If the player earns 8 or more points in a
minute, they win.
Minute to Win It for Groups: The first player to earn 8 points wins.
Minute to Win It for Teams: The first player to earn 8 points wins for their
Table Tennis Toppling
Materials Needed
5 plastic cups per team
1 ping pong ball per team
Tape or chalk to create a line
1. Prepare the materials:
a. Find a flat surface (e.g., table or ground).
b. Set up the plastic cups about an inch apart.
c. Mark a place to throw the ball from using tape or chalk.
2. Explain that the object of the game is for player(s) to roll their ping pong balls
to knock over their cups.
3. Provide examples and non-examples of acceptable ways to roll the ping pong
4. Instruct player(s) to stand/sit/kneel behind the line.
5. Hand a ping pong ball to each player.
6. Prompt the player(s) to begin.
Game Styles
Minute to Win It for Individuals: If the player knocks over all 5 cups in 1
minute, they win.
Minute to Win It for Groups: The first player to knock over all 5 cups wins.
Minute to Win It for Teams: The first player to knock over all 5 cups wins for
their team.
Towel Scoot
Materials Needed
1 towel per team
Tape or chalk to create a line
1. Prepare the materials:
a. Find a flat surface (e.g., table or ground).
b. Mark a start and finish line using tape or chalk.
2. Explain that the object of the game is for player(s) to sit on their towel and
scoot their way from the start line to the finish line.
3. Provide examples and non-examples of acceptable ways to scoot on their
4. Instruct player(s) to stand behind the start line.
5. Hand a towel to each player.
6. Prompt the player(s) to begin.
Game Styles
Minute to Win It for Individuals: If the player scoots on their towel from the
start line to the finish line in less than 1 minute, they win.
Minute to Win It for Groups: The first player to scoot on their towel to the
finish line wins.
Minute to Win It for Teams: The first player to scoot on their towel to the
finish line wins for their team.