Whispering Winds ~ 8186 Commercial Street ~ La Mesa, CA 91942
A Bi-Yearly Publication
Vol. 13 No.2 Summer/Fall 2003
This is
Family Camps 2003
Cast A Net Yo Ho!!! Jesus called the
disciples to do something a little out
of the ordinary by casting their nets
on the other side of the boat. When
their nets filled up with loads of fish,
they became his followers. Some-
times Jesus gets our attention by
stretching our boundaries and call-
ing us to step outside of ourselves.
He tells us “be not afraid, I go be-
fore you always.” Family Camp 2003
has been one incredible journey with
many leaps of faith and countless cel-
ebrations of faith.
Cast A Net For Jesus
Using Simon Peter as our model, we
rode upon the waves of a sacred
voyage that led us closer to Christ
Jesus. Families discovered the
sharks, dolphins, crabs, piranhas, star
and clown fish among them and
talked about the bait that Jesus used
to hook them in faith. Simon Peter
(Gary Peck) shared his story with
us on Saturday. We learned that faith
is a constant journey with many ups
and downs, but the one thing that is
steady is Jesus’ love for us. We par-
tied on Saturday night with wacky
costumes and silly songs that pro-
claimed the message of each week-
end. We danced, and danced, and
danced. Our Eucharistic celebration
allowed us to share our Catholic tra-
dition and bound us as one body in
Christ. Our water play brought out
the child in all of us. The Whispy Chix
(Letty Peck, Abigail Lucca, Rachel
Lucca, Jen Bedison) led us in ever
enthusiastic singing and dancing and
sold many CDs as well. With a dash
of pirate and a smidgen of “white girl
rap”, we introduced the new theme
song “Yo Ho Cast A Net.” We even
had moms and dads shaking their boo-
I think the summer can best be sum-
marized in a song written on one of
the weekends by the Bacher &
Curran families:
Simon Peters Journey
(to the tune of Gilligan’s Island)
Just sit right back and you’ll hear a
A tale of a lifelong trip
That started out in Galilee
Aboard a tiny ship
Aboard a tiny ship.
Simon Peter was a fisherman
Who wasn’t always sure
When Jesus told him “Follow me”
He wondered, “what’s in store?”
He wondered, “what’s in store?”
Peter stepped out on the sea one
‘Cause Jesus called his name
But soon his faith was sinking fast
And Jesus said, “that’s lame!”
And Jesus said, “that’s lame!”
Jesus said to him one night
My name you will deny
When Pete said “no” for the
third time
He heard a rooster cry
He heard a rooster cry
Jesus sent him out to cast
His net for all of us
But after Calvary he feared
Their faith was just a bust
Their faith was just a bust
The third day dawned, they all
woke up
And Jesus had risen
And God the Father gave his Son
So sins could be forgiven
So sins could be forgiven
Now Peters journey didn’t end
Jesus walked with him each mile
He’s still here with our families
So leave here with a smile
So leave here with a smile.
Our team really went out of their way
to make this summer a great one for
every single family. Marjorie Bialk
coordinated and facilitated an out-
standing children’s program, Sarah
Wright wrote the teen program,
Katie O’Loughlin facilitated the teen
program and did whatever we
needed her to do, Chris Nieman, our
Staff Assistant, handled everything I
could not, Matt Miller served as Ac-
tivities Coordinator and was doused
with water each and every Saturday,
Marie and Bob Cizek created a self-
guided nature hike that many fami-
God Bless our Volunteers & Donors
Helen Kane - volunteer office worker
Robert Henry - installation and tile for dining hall bathroom
Bob Cizek, Ken Dube, Ken Denbow, Phil Mascari, George Meulmester, Marie Cizek,
Mo Kojis, Mary Jane Nigro - workparties
James Vadeboncoeur - adding Whispering Winds to his will & trust
Diane Nagle - sportscraft turbo air hockey table
Rudy and Marilyn Regalado - assorted items donated
Family Parish Weekend Projects:
Mission de Alcala - computer software; St. Patricks Carlsbad - computer for camp;
All Hallows - computer software; St. Therese - mosquito magnets;
Mary Magdalene/Our Lady of Grace - steam table and DVD player;
Sacred Heart Brawley - digital camera; St. Gabriel - storage sheds;
St. Pius X, Jamul - railroad ties for stairs
Glenn and Susan Wilhite - seed, fertilizer, aerator, drag mat
The Brickman Group - use of their office and telephones for the Phonathon
All Phonathon callers and cooks and donors to auctions
Jaye Park - use of sheets, towels, and pillow cases
RCP Block and Brick - Tom Finch - 20 yds of topsoil, rock, and road mix
JR Wike and Bill Broding - Milner door repairs
Steve Spooner - WWWA store counter, Forest Home week for Jen and Abigail
Jim and Paula Silk - ride-on mower
Vincent Memorial High School workparty - Michael Gamboa, Ivan Mendez, Ana Montano, Ivette
Valenzuela, Blanca Padilla, Jose Armanelo Carter & Sr. Maryanne Beeler
Eagle Scout projects, Tom Perry and Luke Miller - replant trees
Joey and Bridgid Krys - pallet of trash bags, portable tools, etc
Boy Scout Troop 362 - workparty
Brodings Battery - repair fire engine alternator
Mark Malovic, Jerry Wills, Glenn Wilhite and the Markey Family - Thanksgiving cooks and helpers
AND...$5,000 donated by Richard Blum for the Barter Club
Family Camps 2003
lies did together, Matt McBride coordinated and super-
vised all the fabulous and ever necessary CCAs (Child
Care Assistants), Brian and Tara Denny handle all the
facilities and rental duties for the camp, Rosie Soto and
the “sexy” cooks kept us well fed all summer long (I miss
the salsa already), Joe and Agnes McKnight gave their
faith-filled and dynamic adult program on Saturday, Gary
Peck was an awesome Peter, Dotti Hulburt originated
and wrote the Cast A Net For Jesus program, Steve
Spooner provided us with all the beautiful wooden fish for
our family mobiles, and The Wispy Chix inspired us with
song and dance. A special thanks goes out to all the vol-
unteers who helped out with the children’s program, all
the committees that contributed to the overall program,
the clean up crews, and the Women’s Auxiliary for run-
ning the Angels in the Wind gift shop all summer long.
None of this would be possible of course if not for the
faith and dedication of Don and Mo Kojis. We love you.
I would like to personally thank the team for all their hard
work this summer. I accepted the position of Program
Director because I believe in families and in Whispering
Winds, but I really could not have made it through this
summer without the help and prayers of all of you. Thank
you from the bottom of my heart. God bless you all and
let’s continue to pray for one another. Jen Bedison
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[] I would like to Volunteer my time to help Whispering Winds. Please send me a volunteer sheet to fill out.
[] I am intersted in including Whispering Winds in my will.
[] Please add my email address to the Whispering Winds' list of friends to keep me updated on important
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Whispering Winds Needs Your Help
Director's Corner
In the 25 years of Whispering Winds' exist-
ence, we have been good and prudent servants of the
faithful donors to our camp . We are DEBT FREE and
we own our 161 ACRES OF LAND. It took us 17
years to pay off the land, but its owned free and clear.
There are four permanent and eight portable
buildings and eight tipis on the property now and
thousands of guest have utilized our facilities this past
year. Recreation activities include a batting cage with
pitching machine, archery range, pool tables, ping
pong tables, air hockey tables, foosball, tree house
with 25' slide, childrens grass and sand playground,
hiking trails, slip and slides, small plastic swimming
pools, basketball courts and tennis court.
However, to complete the camp we need to
build four more 12 room lodges, our main conference
center building, a swimming pool, miniature golf
course, recreational fields, permanent chapel, pave the
interior roads, build leach fields, etc.
We are grateful to our loyal donors as we rely
on the generosity of others to sustain our growth. May
God bless you,
Don Kojis
Executive Director
Dinner Dance and Silent Auction
April 24, 2004
Doubletree Hotel
Mission Valley
Call Mary Griffin,chairperson to help with
the dinner dance: 619-437-7131
Call Vicki Youngers, Silent Auction Chair-
person, to help with the Silent Auction:
Non-profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 501
San Diego, CA
Whispering Winds
8186 Commercial Street
La Mesa, CA 91942
Wish List
Forklift and Metal detector
75' router snake for drains
Cleaning products for camp
Rototiller and disc attachment
Athletic Equipment:
Tennis racquet and balls; baseball bats and helmets,
new outdoor basketballs, ping pong paddles and balls,
bows, arrows and targets
Hydraulic bucket on truck to trim trees
Canvas for Tipis
Commercial ride-on mower
Family Oriented Video Tapes for evening viewing
Camp Repairs
Bunkhouse - needs roofing
Kitchen - interior painting
Grounds -Dead trees removed
Meeting Hall
- Exterior paint
- Interior lighting redo and light to addition
- Directions to building, hiking trails and speed limits
- Repair and replace
Treehouse - netting
8 1/2 x 11 copier paper
Office supplies - colored paper, scotch tape, white out, 1"
x 4" white printer labels (Avery 5160), manila folders,
37 cent stamps (rolls of 100) and 3 cent stamps
Underwrite newsletter costs
Plastic bins for storage
3.5 Computer diskettes
Large dictionary
Contact Don Kojis at 619-464-1479
If you have a used vehicle or motorhome. We need your donations.
Thanks to: Robert and Marty Fowler - 1990 Dodge Conversion Van
Patrick McCallan - 1993 Ford Taurus
John and Barbara deKergulen - 1979 Datsun 280ZX
Willard Delagardelle - 1991 Honda Accord
Keith Wilhite - 1993 Ford F250 4WD Truck for the camp
Jim and Mattie Scull - 1989 Honda