Flies in My Soup: 1 Player Per Team
Supplies: All Minute to Win It games require a timer! Each player
needs a plate with 3 colored ping pong balls and 15 plain white ping pong
balls (adjust the number of white balls to the size plate you are using).
Object: Blow all the white balls off the plate without blowing the
colored ones off. If a colored ball is accidentally blown off, that colored ball
and a white ball must be returned to the plate as a penalty. Other members
of your team may NOT assist in collecting the ping pong balls that fall.
Who wins: The person to get rid of all the white balls first wins. If the timer runs out, both players must
stop and the person with fewer white balls wins.
Full of Hot Air: 1 Player Per Team
Supplies: 10 Cups and a new balloon for each player. (Do not re-use
balloons) This game is not recommended for young kids that may not have the
lung capacity to inflate a balloon.
Object: When the timer begins, players pick their balloon off the table
and begin to inflate it. Players attempt to blow cups off the side of a table.
Players may not push the cup with the balloon or their hands. Some players
choose to inflate the balloon to capacity before starting on the cups. Other
players choose to fill the balloon a little, blow a cup over and then repeat. The balloon can be refilled as many
times as needed to complete this task.
Who wins: The winner is the player who blows all of the cups over first. If neither player is able to
complete the task by the end of the given time then the player with fewer cups standing is the winner.
Moving on Up: 1 Player Per Team
Supplies: Each player receives a stack of 20 cups. They are also
given a cup of a different color which is placed at the bottom of the stack.
Object: When the clock starts, each player must remove a single
cup from the top of the stack and place it at the bottom of the stack. If more
than 1 cup is moved then that group of offending cups must be returned to
the top before continuing. Players must remain standing and the cups must remain held in the air.
Who wins: To complete the game, the different colored cup must be placed back on the bottom after
traveling through the stack within the 60-second time limit. If neither player is able to complete the challenge,
then the player who got closer to the goal is the winner.
Mighty Metal Towers: 1 Player Per Team
Supplies: 1 Chopsticks and 12 nuts (½” size) for each player
Object: Each player begins the game with 12 nuts placed on a
chopstick. The only time a player may use their hands is to pick fallen nuts up
to place them back on the chopstick. A player may not use their hands to move
a nut closer to the end of the chopstick. Fallen towers may be started from
scratch to ensure a solid base if desired. Each team should have a different
table to avoid accidental or mischievous tower collapses.
Who wins: The player that builds a tower of 12 nuts first wins. A full-size tower must stand for at least 3
seconds on its own to be considered a winner. If neither team completes a tower then the team with the taller
tower at the end of the timer wins. No scores are counted from partially completed towers that fall over.
Speed Sorter: 1 Player Per Team
Supplies: Each player is given a zip-lock baggie. In the bag are 6, clear
plastic cups. The top cup has 2 servings of skittles (80 grams, approximately
½ cup. Skittles are weighed rather than touched by hand so they may be eaten
after the game by the players or their team.)
Object: When the timer begins, Each player opens their zip-lock and
sets out the 5 empty cups. One at a time, players remove a skittle by hand from
the mixed cup and sort them by color into the other 5 cups.
Who wins: The first player to sort all of their candy by color wins. If
neither player finishes then the winner is the person with fewer pieces left to
Quick Draw: 1 Player Per Team
Supplies: 5 cups and 4 cards per player.
Object: Begin with an empty table. When the timer begins, players must start
building a tower by placing a cup upside-down on the table. Pieces of cardboard are
then placed on the cups to allow another cup to be stacked upside-down. Once a tower
of 5 cups is built, cardboard pieces must be removed to allow the cups to fall into a
stack. Cardboard pieces may be pulled one at a time or multiple at a time. If the stack
tumbles, it must be rebuilt to a stack of 5 cups before continuing with the cardboard
removal. 2 hands are permitted for building the tower but only 1 hand may be used to
remove the cardboard. You may NOT steady the tower with your hand during cardboard
removal. The cups must fall into place on their own. It is recommended that each person
have a different table to avoid accidental or mischievous tower collapses.
Who wins: The player who successfully makes a tower of 5 cups and then is able to remove the cards
to form a stack of 5 cups is the winner.
Ping-Tac-Toe: 1 Player Per Team
Supplies: 18 clear plastic cups and 30 ping pong balls (9 cups and
15 balls per player). Adding water to cups for stability is optional (More
Object: Cups are arranged in a 3 by 3 pattern with cups spaced
about 1 inch apart. Players must bounce ping pong balls off the table and
get the ball to land in the cups. Players are working with their own cups
Who wins: To win this game a player must get 3 in a row diagonally, horizontally, vertically, or get all 4
corners. The first one to finish before the timer sounds is the winner. If neither player wins before time runs out
the game is a tie and no points are awarded.
Save the Kings and Queens: 1 Player Per Team
Supplies: A full deck of cards. Give player 1 all the red cards and
player 2 all the black cards. Begin the setup by placing the red kings and red
queens Face-up on a table. Then bury those kings and queens with the
remaining red cards Face-down. At the opposite end of the table, (or another
small table) do the same for the other player with the black cards.
Object: Blow the face-down cards off of the table and leave only the kings and queens standing. If a
king or queen is accidently blown off the table then it must be returned to the table and the player must recite
the Scout Law before resuming the game. (An alternate penalty could be a 3 second penalty or make them
count to 10, young Cub Scouts may not have the Scout Law memorized yet.)
Who wins: The person who blows all the face-down cards to the floor leaving only the kings and
queens Face-up on a table wins. If time runs out before either player completes the game, then the player with
fewer face-down cards remaining is the winner.
Cookie Face: 1 Player Per Team
Supplies: At least 2 Oreo cookies (replacements are suggested to
replace cookies that land on the ground). Performing this task in a chair is
optional. Oreo cookies are an excellent option because they do not contain
any common allergens like dairy or nuts. Any cookie can be used though.
Object: Lean your head back and place a cookie in the center of
your forehead. When the one-minute timer begins, use only your face muscles to move the cookie from your
forehead to your mouth. Players may use their hands to catch falling cookies and place them back on the
Who wins: The player who gets the cookie to their mouth first is the winner. The cookie does not have
to be eaten to win.
Field Goal: 2 Players Per Team - Extremely Difficult!
Supplies: Each team receives 1 piece of wood approximately 30-36
inches long and 13 cups
Object: When the timer sounds, 1 cup is placed upside down on the
table and the wood is centered on top. Each player then stacks a cup at
either end of the stick. Cups are alternated upside-down and rightside-up to
make the upright stacks of the goal posts. Players may use both hands and
make corrections to the stack as they go. It is recommended that each team
have a different table to avoid accidental or mischievous tower collapses.
Who wins: The team that creates a full-
size goal post with 6 cups stacked at each end of the stick wins. The field goal must stand for at least 3
seconds on its own to be considered a winner. If neither team completes a tower then the team with the taller
tower at the end of the timer wins. No scores are counted from partially completed towers that fall over.
Penny Stacker: 1 Player Per Team
Supplies: At least 100 pennies per person and a ruler to determine the
Object: Stack the pennies 1 at a time to create a tower that is taller than your
competitor’s tower. Only one hand may be used to pick up, stack or straighten your
tower. No straight edge may be used to assist in straightening the tower. A player
may stop stacking before the timer ends if they believe further additions would result
in a collapse. Only the height at the end of the timer counts. It is recommended that
each person have a different table to avoid accidental or mischievous tower
Who wins: The tallest tower at the end of the timer wins. Winner is determined by measuring.
Mighty Metal Towers - Professional Edition: 2 Players Per Team - Extremely
Supplies: 1 Chopstick, 1 plate and 12 nuts (½” size) per team
Object: Player 1 begins the game holding a plate. They may hold the plate on
top of their head, in front of them or on their knee. The plate may not touch the floor or
another stationary surface. Player 2 has 12 nuts placed on a chopstick. The only time a
player may touch the nuts is to retrieve fallen nuts and place them back on the chopstick.
Fallen towers may be started from scratch to ensure a solid base if desired. Teams may
stop before stacking 12 nuts if they fear continuing will result in collapse however the
player with the plate will have to balance the less-than-12 tower until the timer sounds. A
complete 12-nut tower must stand for only 3 seconds to counted.
Who wins: The team that builds a tower of 12 nuts first wins. A full-size tower must stand for at least 3
seconds on its own to be considered a winner. If neither team completes a tower then the team with the taller
tower at the end of the timer wins. No scores are counted from partially completed towers that fall over.
Rapid Fire: 1 Player Per Team
Supplies: Each player needs at least 10 rubber bands and 6 cups.
Each player should start with the same number of rubber bands. Cups
should be stacked as shown.
Object: Shoot down the stack of cups before your competitor. If a
player runs out of rubber bands, they may retrieve the bands that have
been fired once already and shoot them again
Who wins: The winner is the player who knocks all of the cups over
first. If neither player is able to complete the task by the end of the given
time then the player with fewer cups standing is the winner.
Spin Doctor: 2 Players Per Team
Supplies: Each team needs a quarter. If additional quarters are available the
game can become more exciting as teams attempt more strategy.
Object: Player 1 spins a quarter and Player 2 must stop it with just 1 finger. To
count as a successful stop, the quarter must be held on its edge for at least 3 seconds.
When player 2 succeeds in stopping his first quarter he yells 1! As additional quarters are
caught, player 2 must call out 2, 3, 4... and so on. This way both teams can hear the
current score of the other team. If multiple quarters are available, player 1 may launch
quarters as fast as they wish. Player 2 is still limited to one catching finger, they may not
use both hands. The game can be further complicated by adding a foul line between the
players with painters tape. Each player must stay on their side or points are deducted.
Who wins: The team that stops the most quarters on their edge at the end of the time allowed wins.
Pinewood Puzzler: 1 Player Per Team
Supplies: Each team is given puzzle pieces and the solution to the
puzzle face-down. Normally this game is played with cereal boxes but
Scout-themed puzzles can also be made from Pinewood Derby or
Raingutter Regatta boxes. Teams may assemble the same puzzle or
different puzzles as long as the difficulty is similar. Additionally, giving the
solution is optional but younger players may need it in order to finish the
Object: Using the sample, players must assemble the puzzle as
quickly as possible. Players MAY NOT assemble the pieces on top of the sample.
Who wins: The winner is the player who completes their puzzle first. If neither player is able to
complete the task by the end of the given time then the player with fewer pieces remaining is the winner.
Tilt a Cup: 2 Players Per Team
Supplies: Each team needs 8 cups and 15 ping pong balls. If the playing area
will not allow balls to bounce they can be thrown instead of bounced.
Object: Player 1 begins with 8 cups stacked together. Player 2 begins with the
ping pong balls. The players stand 6’ apart from each other. When time begins, player 2
bounces a ping pong ball toward player 1. Player 1 may not use their hands to direct or
assist the ball into the cup but they may move the cup under the ball. When a ball is
caught, the cup with the ball is removed from the top and placed at the bottom of the
stack. Leave the caught ping-pong ball in place! Continue in this pattern until all 8 cups
have a ping pong ball in them. Only the bottom cup may be held while catching.
Who wins: The winner is the team that finishes first. If neither team is able to complete the task by the
end of the given time then the team with fewer cups left at the bottom of the stack is the winner.
Magic Carpet Ride: Entire team 1 vs. entire team 2
Supplies: 2 Towels, 25 feet of open space on a smooth surface.
Object: Each player sits on the towel with their butt near the back
and their feet toward the front edge. Without leaving the towel the players
bring themselves forward with their feet and scoot their butts forward. The
goal is to do this as quickly as possible and beat the other team to the finish
line. No part of the body may touch the ground. Players may wrap the front
of the towel over their toes and hold on to the towel to gain more control as
they race. Once the toes reach the finish line the player returns the towel to
the next person in line for their team.
Who wins: The winner is the team that finishes first. If neither team is able to complete the task by the
end of the given time then the team with fewer players left to race is the winner.
Pencil Backflip: 1 Player Per Team
Supplies: Each player need 6 UN-sharpened pencils.
Object: Once the timer begins, the player grabs 1 pencil and places it
on the back of their hand. The player must flip the pencil from the back of their
hand and catch the pencil in the same hand. When they successfully catch 1
pencil, they add another. The player must continue to add pencils until they are
able to catch 6 pencils. During competition if a player is attempting 4 pencils
and drops some, they simply try 4 pencils again until they are successful. They
do not start over with 1 pencil.
Who wins: The winner is the player who is
able to complete the challenge and flip 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and then 6 pencils. If
neither player is able to complete the task by the end of the given time then the player that was able to
successfully flip more pencils is the winner.
10 Cup Topple - Straws: 1 Player Per Team
Supplies: 10 Cups and a new straw for each player.
(Do not re-use straws)
Object: Blow cups from one side of a table off the other side with a
straw. Players may not push the cup with the straw itself.
Who wins: The winner is the player who blows all of the cups over
first. If neither player is able to complete the task by the end of the given
time then the player with fewer cups standing is the winner.
Candy Pickup: 1 Player Per Team
Supplies: 2 chopsticks, 2 plates, and 20 pieces of candy per player.
Many different candies can be used for this game. They can be seasonal
candies, tootsie rolls, marshmallows or just about any other candy. Be sure to
watch out for potential food allergies as the candies are likely to be eaten at the
end of the game.
Object: The game is set up with 20 pieces of candy on a plate and an
empty plate at the other end of a table or across the room. Each player uses chopsticks to move as many
candies to the empty plate as they can in one minute. 2 hands may be used to manage the chopsticks. Hands
may be used to return dropped candies from the floor back to the starting point. Dropped candies can also be
picked up with the chopsticks and the player may continue toward the goal with it.
Who wins: The winner is the player moves all the candies first. If neither player is able to complete the
task by the end of the given time then the player with fewer pieces left to move is the winner.
Sticky Pong: 1 Player Per Team
Supplies: 1 roll of Blue Painters tape, 20 Ping Pong Balls for each
player, and 2 tables.
Object: At one end of the table a strip of blue tape is rolled out with
the sticky side up. This tape is secured to the table at the edge so that the
sticky side extends completely from one side to the other. When the timer
sounds, players begin rolling ping pong balls across the table attempting to get them to stick to the tape.
Teammates may help by gathering ping pong balls that have rolled off the table and hit the floor. When the
player runs out of ping pong balls they must run to their teammates to retrieve the missed balls. Teammates
may not bring the balls back to the player.
Who wins: The winner is the player with the most ping pong balls stuck
to the tape when time runs out.
Balancing Act: 2 Players Per Team
Supplies: 2 Spoons, 2 Cups, and 10 Ping Pong Balls per team
Object: Player 1 removes a ping pong ball by hand from the cup and places it in their spoon which is
held in their mouth. Player 1 must then transfer the ball to player 2’s spoon. Player 2 must transfer the ball to
the other cup without using their hands. Nobody may use their hands during this game except for player 1
placing the ball in their spoon at the start or to retrieve dropped balls. Dropped balls must be placed back in the
starting cup before resuming.
Who wins: The winner is the team that moves all the ping pong balls to the other end first. If neither
team is able to complete the task by the end of the timer then the team with more pieces moved is the winner.
Defying Gravity: 1 Player Per Team
Supplies: 3 Balloons for each player.
Object: Once the timer begins, players must keep 3 balloons in the
air for one minute. The first hit of the balloons must launch them over your
head. After the initial hit balloons do not need to be hit above your head.
Players may use any part of their body to keep balloons in the air. Balloons
must be kept in motion and cannot be held. Each time a balloon hits the floor that team gains a strike. In the
event of a tie the game is played again with one hand behind their back the entire time. If there is another tie
the game is played a third time with 4 balloons. (Tiny bounces are considered cheating as determined by the
Who wins: The team with the fewest strikes at the end of the game wins.
Elephant Walk: 1 Player Per Team
Supplies: Each player is given 10 plastic cups and a pair of nylons with
a tennis ball shoved down to the end of one leg, the other leg is not used.
Object: With the nylons pulled onto their head, each player must knock
down the cups. 10 cups are laid out upside-down in a straight line for each
player and spaced about 1 - 2 feet apart. Players do NOT have to cover their
eyes with the nylons. Players may NOT use their hands for knocking down
cups or guiding the nylons but they may support their back by placing their
hands on their knees. Multiple cups may be knocked down at once if a player
finds a method for doing so.
Who wins: The winner is the player who knocks all of the cups over first. If neither player is able to
complete the task by the end of the given time then the player with fewer cups standing is the winner.
More ideas can be found on YouTube! Start with this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBF1UedYqmY