May 2020
Security Policy
North West Cambridge Development
Version 1.0
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1 Introduction
The University of Cambridge (“University”) is committed to maintaining an open yet secure
environment at the Eddington site on the North West Cambridge Development (“Eddington”) where
the security of all its residents, staff and visitors is balanced with the rights and responsibilities of all
The University expects all members of the University community to assume their individual and
collective responsibilities to make the University a place that is free of crime, fear and disorder, and to
provide a civil and open environment that fosters learning. Please refer to the NWCD Anti-Social
Behaviour Policy for full details on the treatment of anti-social behaviour.
This policy is intended for both internal and external use and application. This policy will be made
available on the Eddington website for the public to access. This policy will be reviewed periodically or
in line with changes in relevant legislation and updated without notice.
1.1 Aims
This policy aims to set out the approach to maintaining security at Eddington in a way which ensures
that it can be enjoyed by all users in a safe manner. It is aligned with the University security policies.
This policy interacts with a number of University policies, including but not limited to:
Health and Safety Policy and associated policy statements.
Policy and procedure on harassment.
Data Protection Policy.
Risk Management Policy.
1.2 Definitions
The following definitions apply in this policy:
CCTV closed circuit television. Used for the monitoring of areas of the University Estate.
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2 Roles and Responsibilities
2.1 NWCD Operations Director
The Operations Director will:
Trigger review of this policy, if required.
Review and, where necessary, respond to complaints in relation to this policy.
2.2 NWCD Facilities Manager
The Facilities Manager will:
Ensure that sufficient resources and processes are in place for security.
Conduct regular reviews of processes and procedures with relation to security.
2.3 All stakeholders and visitors
All residents, stakeholders and visitors are responsible for familiarising themselves with, and
complying with, this policy and any supporting policies, in particular any aspects that have a direct
bearing upon their activities. All users of the Eddington development must at all times behave with
due regard to the security of themselves and others.
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3 Security on the University Estate
Eddington is part of the University estate.
The University Security Control Centre provides a 24-hour operation that monitors security across the
University’s estate, delivers a response to alarms and other incident and co-ordinates anti-crime
The Security Control Centre offers crime prevention advice should it be required.
3.1 CCTV
All CCTV cameras at the Eddington development are monitored by the University Security Control
Centre. The cameras cover a limited area down Eddington Avenue. This is not managed locally,
therefore all queries relating to the management of CCTV systems at Eddington should be addressed
to the University Control Centre:
Telephone 01233 331818
[email protected]
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4 Reporting Security Issues
All incidents and concerns regarding the security at Eddington should be reported. The mechanisms
for reporting are listed below. The method used should reflect the seriousness of the incident.
Contact the police on 999 in an emergency.
Contact the police on 101 in a non-emergency.
Contact the University Security Control Centre on 01233 331818/
Contact Portal Estate Management by emailing
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5 Access Control
Residents are responsible for providing access to visitors to their properties. Publicly-accessible areas
are open to all and do not require access.
Access for external contractors and agencies is controlled by the total facilities management
contractor through the Portal Helpdesk. The Portal Helpdesk can be reached by submitting a request
via the Portal website ( or via telephone on 03332 079 501.
Access to University accommodation is controlled by the landlord Lodge Property Services. Lodge can
be reached via email ( or telephone on 07566 289667.
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6 Suspicious Packages
Mail and packages can arrive at Eddington through many routes, including:
Post via University Messenger Service (UMS).
Deliveries via courier.
Deliveries directly to tenants.
Hand deliveries.
The Cambridge City Council guidance document “Dealing with Suspect Letters and Packages”
useful information on dealing with suspicious deliveries.
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7 Lost and Found Property
If items are found within commercial premises, lost property should be handed to the operator of the
commercial premises.
For lost property found in the public realm at Eddington, the following process should be followed:
Bring any lost property items to the Estate Management Office at 25 Eddington Avenue.
The Estate Management Office will advertise lost property once per month via newsletter.
Items will be held for a maximum of six weeks.
Unclaimed items will be disposed of or donated to charity.