User Manual
SAP Business One 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 and 10.0, version for SAP HANA;
SAP Business One 10.0 PL01 and later
Document Version: 1.26 – 2024-02-02
Working with SAP Business One Service Layer
All Countries
© 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
with SAP Business One Service Layer
Typographic Conventions
Typographic Conventions
Type Style Description
Example Words or characters quoted from the screen. These include field names, screen titles,
pushbuttons labels, menu names, menu paths, and menu options.
Textual cross-references to other documents.
Example Emphasized words or expressions.
Technical names of system objects. These include report names, program names,
transaction codes, table names, and key concepts of a programming language when they
are surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE.
Example Output on the screen. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages,
names of variables and parameters, source text, and names of installation, upgrade and
database tools.
Example Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as
they appear in the documentation.
Variable user entry. Angle brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters
with appropriate entries to make entries in the system.
EXAMPLE Keys on the keyboard, for example, F2 or ENTER.
Working with SAP Business One Service Layer
Document History
© 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 3
Document History
Version Date Change
1.0 2014-06-27 The first release of SAP Business One Service Layer
1.1 2014-11-11 SAP Business One service user
Configuration by request
Configuration options (Schema, SessionTimeout)
User-defined schemas
User-defined objects
User-defined fields (metadata management)
Retrieving individual properties
Associations and navigation properties (Experimental)
1.2 2014-12-30 Support OData version 4
Metadata for UDF/UDT/UDO
Updates for user-defined objects, user-defined fields and user-defined
1.3 2015-03-19 Use SLD server during logon
Support $inlinecount in OData query
Add the code samples for Service Layer versus DI API
Add the limitations of Service Layer
1.4 2015-07-20 Add Session in Login/Logout
Add an example "Preview an Order" in Actions
Add Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
1.5 2015-12-15 Add Single Sign-On
1.6 2016-03-04 Minor update for OBServer.
1.7 2016-05-04 Add Create Entity with No Content
Add Aggregation
Add Attachments
Add Item Image
Add Cross Origin Resource Sharing
1.8 2016-07-28 Support JavaScript Extension
Support case-insensitive query
Support query with grouping
Support Cross-Joins
Support allowed request header in CORS
© 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
with SAP Business One Service Layer
Document History
Version Date Change
1.9 2017-08-14 Support SAP Business One 9.3, version for SAP HANA
1.10 2018-01-15 Support Semantic Layer Service
Minor corrections
1.11 2018-02-09 Support cancel/close entity for UDO
Support row level filter
1.12 2018-12-04 Update Appendix II: Collection object naming difference
1.13 2019-03-13 Add back the example "Preview an Order" in Actions
1.14 2019-05-20 Add the Ping Pong API
1.15 2019-10-20 Support SAP Business One 10.0, version for SAP HANA.
Add Configuration Controller for Service Layer.
1.16 2019-12-02 Add Employee Image
1.17 2020-01-02 Support SAP Business One 10.0 PL01 (on Microsoft SQL Server)
1.18 2020-04-08 Support SQL View.
Configuration Controller Is Available on the SQL version.
1.19 2020-08-20 Update Appendix II: Collection object naming difference
1.20 2020-10-28 Support SQL Query.
Update JavaScript SDK Generator Tool for the Micorsoft Windows
1.21 2021-03-22 SQLQueries supports user-defined objects and user-defined tables.
Support ETag mechanism.
1.22 2021-06-10 For oData Query, additional selection options are supported:
Single entity $expand with $select list
Collection entity $expand with $select list
1.23 2022-02-22 Enhance Service Layer Upload Mechanism.
Add Service Layer Controller Log Monitor.
1.24 2023-07-14 Update Login and Logout
Update permission control for SQL Query
NavigationProperty in metadata is enabled for both OData Version 3 and
OData Version 4
Add two configuration options for Service Layer
1.25 2023-07-25 Add description of Enable Access Log in 6.2 Configuration Options
for Service Layer
1.26 2024-02-02 Update query allowlist
Working with SAP Business One Service Layer
Table of Contents
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Table of Contents
1 Introduction............................................................................................................................ 10
1.1 About This Document .......................................................................................................................... 10
1.2 Target Audience ................................................................................................................................... 10
1.3 About SAP Business One Service Layer ............................................................................................ 10
2 Getting Started ....................................................................................................................... 11
2.1 System Requirements .......................................................................................................................... 11
2.2 Architecture Overview .......................................................................................................................... 11
2.3 Installing SAP Business One Service Layer ....................................................................................... 12
3 Consuming SAP Business One Service Layer ...................................................................... 14
3.1 Login and Logout ................................................................................................................................. 15
3.1.1 Session ................................................................................................................................. 16
3.2 Single Sign-On (SSO) .......................................................................................................................... 17
3.2.1 SSO via PAOS ...................................................................................................................... 17
3.2.2 SSO via HTTP-POST ........................................................................................................... 19
3.3 Metadata Document ............................................................................................................................20
3.4 Service Document ............................................................................................................................... 22
3.5 Create/Retrieve/Update/Delete (CRUD) Operations ..................................................................... 22
3.5.1 Creating Entities .................................................................................................................. 23
3.5.2 Retrieving Entities ............................................................................................................... 25
3.5.3 Updating Entities ................................................................................................................. 26
3.5.4 Deleting Entities ................................................................................................................... 27
3.5.5 Create Entity with No Content ........................................................................................... 27
3.6 Actions .................................................................................................................................................. 28
3.7 Query Options ...................................................................................................................................... 33
3.7.1 Get All Entities...................................................................................................................... 34
3.7.2 Get Fields of an Entity ......................................................................................................... 34
3.7.3 Query Properties of the Enumeration Type ...................................................................... 34
3.7.4 Query Properties of the Datetime Type............................................................................. 35
3.7.5 Query Properties of the Time Type .................................................................................... 35
3.7.6 Paginate the Selected Orders ............................................................................................ 35
3.7.7 Aggregation.......................................................................................................................... 36
3.7.8 Grouping ............................................................................................................................... 41
3.7.9 Cross-Joins .......................................................................................................................... 43
3.7.10 Row-Level Filter ...................................................................................................................50
3.7.11 Expand Query Enhancements ............................................................................................ 53
3.8 SAP Business One Semantic Layer View Exposure .......................................................................... 56
3.8.1 Views Deployment ............................................................................................................... 56
3.8.2 View Exposure Scope .......................................................................................................... 56
3.8.3 View Exposure OData Version ............................................................................................ 57
3.8.4 Semantic Layer Service Root ............................................................................................. 57
3.8.5 Semantic Layer Service Metadata ..................................................................................... 58
3.8.6 Semantic Layer View Authorization .................................................................................. 62
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3.8.7 Semantic Layer View Query ............................................................................................... 63
3.8.8 Customized Views Exposure .............................................................................................. 70
3.8.9 Customized Views Query ................................................................................................... 72
3.8.10 Semantic Layer Basic Authentication ............................................................................... 72
3.9 SQL View Exposure ............................................................................................................................. 73
3.9.1 Create View .......................................................................................................................... 73
3.9.2 Expose View ......................................................................................................................... 74
3.9.3 View Service Endpoint ........................................................................................................ 75
3.9.4 Query View ........................................................................................................................... 77
3.9.5 Authorize View......................................................................................................................81
3.10 Batch Operations ................................................................................................................................. 82
3.10.1 Batch Request Method and URI......................................................................................... 82
3.10.2 Batch Request Headers ...................................................................................................... 82
3.10.3 Batch Request Body ........................................................................................................... 82
3.10.4 Change Sets......................................................................................................................... 83
3.10.5 Batch Request Sample Codes ........................................................................................... 84
3.10.6 Batch Response .................................................................................................................. 86
3.11 Retrieving Individual Properties ......................................................................................................... 89
3.12 Associations ......................................................................................................................................... 90
3.12.1 Metadata Definitions of Associations and Navigation Properties ...................................91
3.12.2 Retrieving navigation properties as entity ........................................................................ 93
3.12.3 Retrieving navigation properties via $expand .................................................................. 93
3.13 User-Defined Schemas ....................................................................................................................... 94
3.13.1 Filter Fields........................................................................................................................... 95
3.14 User-Defined Fields (UDFs) ................................................................................................................ 96
3.14.1 Managing Metadata of UDFs .............................................................................................. 97
3.14.2 CRUD Operations ................................................................................................................ 99
3.15 User-defined Tables (UDTs) ............................................................................................................. 100
3.15.1 Managing Metadata of UDTs............................................................................................. 101
3.15.2 CRUD Operations ............................................................................................................... 101
3.16 User-Defined Objects (UDOs) .......................................................................................................... 102
3.16.1 Managing Metadata of UDOs ........................................................................................... 103
3.16.2 Creating Entity for a UDO ................................................................................................. 107
3.16.3 Retrieving Entity for UDO ................................................................................................. 108
3.16.4 Updating Entity for UDO .................................................................................................... 110
3.16.5 Deleting Entity for UDO...................................................................................................... 110
3.16.6 Canceling/Closing Entity for UDO .................................................................................... 110
3.17 Attachments ........................................................................................................................................111
3.17.1 Setting up an Attachment Folder ..................................................................................... 112
3.17.2 Uploading an Attachment ................................................................................................. 113
3.17.3 Downloading Attachments ................................................................................................ 117
3.17.4 Updating Attachment ........................................................................................................ 118
3.18 Stream Entity Upload ........................................................................................................................ 120
3.18.1 OData Client Sample .......................................................................................................... 121
3.18.2 SAP UI5 Sample ................................................................................................................ 122
3.19 Item Image and Employee Image ..................................................................................................... 123
3.19.1 Setting up an Item Image Folder...................................................................................... 124
3.19.2 Getting an Item Image or an Employee Image ............................................................... 124
3.19.3 Updating or Uploading an Item Image ............................................................................ 125
3.19.4 Deleting an Item Image ......................................................................................................127
Working with SAP Business One Service Layer
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3.20 JavaScript Extension ......................................................................................................................... 127
3.20.1 JavaScript Parsing Engine ................................................................................................ 128
3.20.2 JavaScript Extension Framework .................................................................................... 128
3.20.3 JavaScript Entry Function ................................................................................................ 129
3.20.4 JavaScript URL Mapping .................................................................................................. 130
3.20.5 JavaScript SDK .................................................................................................................. 130
3.20.6 Logging ............................................................................................................................... 143
3.20.7 JavaScript SDK Generator Tool ....................................................................................... 143
3.20.8 JavaScript Deployment..................................................................................................... 144
3.20.9 Typical User Cases of Applying Script ............................................................................. 146
3.20.10 Consume Script Service from .Net Application .............................................................. 149
3.21 Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) .......................................................................................... 152
3.21.1 Enabling CORS ................................................................................................................... 152
3.21.2 Enable to Configure Allowed Headers ............................................................................. 152
3.21.3 CORS process .................................................................................................................... 153
3.22 Ping Pong API ..................................................................................................................................... 153
4 SQL Query............................................................................................................................. 156
4.1 Business Object Metadata ................................................................................................................ 156
4.2 CRUD Operations ............................................................................................................................... 157
4.2.1 Create ................................................................................................................................. 157
4.2.2 Retrieve by Key .................................................................................................................. 157
4.2.3 Patch ................................................................................................................................... 158
4.2.4 Delete.................................................................................................................................. 158
4.2.5 Retrieve All ......................................................................................................................... 159
4.3 List Operation ..................................................................................................................................... 160
4.4 List with Paging ................................................................................................................................... 161
4.5 Query Allowlist ................................................................................................................................... 163
4.5.1 Table Allowlist .................................................................................................................... 163
4.5.2 Column Allowist ................................................................................................................. 164
4.6 SQL Keywords .................................................................................................................................... 165
4.7 SQL Functions .................................................................................................................................... 167
4.8 SQL Normalization ............................................................................................................................. 167
4.8.1 Table/Column Normalization .......................................................................................... 167
4.8.2 Alias Normalization ........................................................................................................... 168
4.8.3 Function Normalization .................................................................................................... 169
4.9 Query with Parameter ....................................................................................................................... 169
4.10 Query Errors and Exceptions ............................................................................................................. 171
4.10.1 Table or Column not in Allowlist ........................................................................................ 171
4.10.2 SQL Grammar Error .......................................................................................................... 172
4.10.3 SQL Keyword/Symbol Not Supported ............................................................................ 172
4.10.4 Multiple Identical Aliases .................................................................................................. 173
4.10.5 Computed Columns Without Alias................................................................................... 174
4.10.6 Select All Columns from One Table ................................................................................. 174
4.10.7 SQL DML ............................................................................................................................ 175
4.11 Query with Permission Control ......................................................................................................... 175
4.12 Security Considerations .................................................................................................................... 177
4.12.1 SQL Injection ...................................................................................................................... 177
4.12.2 Log SQL Query Modification............................................................................................. 178
4.12.3 Sensitive Data Accessibility .............................................................................................. 178
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4.13 Limitations or By Design ................................................................................................................... 178
5 Service Layer ETag ............................................................................................................... 179
5.1 ETag Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 179
5.2 ETag Scenarios .................................................................................................................................. 179
5.2.1 ETag in Entity Creation ..................................................................................................... 179
5.2.2 ETag in Entity Retrieval ..................................................................................................... 180
5.2.3 ETag in Entity Update ....................................................................................................... 180
5.2.4 ETag in Entity Delete .......................................................................................................... 181
5.2.5 ETag in Entity Action ......................................................................................................... 182
5.3 Entities with ETag .............................................................................................................................. 183
5.4 ETag Metadata ................................................................................................................................... 184
6 Configuring SAP Business One Service Layer ................................................................... 186
6.1 Configuration Controller for Service Layer ..................................................................................... 186
6.2 Configuration Options for Service Layer ......................................................................................... 187
6.3 Configuration by Request ................................................................................................................. 189
6.4 Log Monitor ........................................................................................................................................ 190
6.4.1 List View of Normal Requests ........................................................................................... 191
6.4.2 Detailed View of Normal Requests ................................................................................... 191
6.4.3 List View of Error Requests .............................................................................................. 192
6.4.4 Detailed View of Error Requests ...................................................................................... 193
6.4.5 Request/Response Detailed Logs ................................................................................... 193
7 Limitations............................................................................................................................ 194
7.1 OData Protocol Implementation Limitations .................................................................................. 194
7.2 Functional Limitations versus SAP Business One DI API............................................................... 194
8 High Availability and Load Balancing ................................................................................. 195
9 FAQ........................................................................................................................................ 196
10 Appendix I: Service Layer versus DI API ............................................................................. 198
10.1 CRUD APIs .......................................................................................................................................... 198
10.1.1 Creating Entities ................................................................................................................ 198
10.1.2 Retrieving Entities ............................................................................................................. 199
10.1.3 Updating Entities .............................................................................................................. 200
10.1.4 Deleting Entities ............................................................................................................... 200
10.2 Company Service APIs ...................................................................................................................... 201
10.3 Transaction APIs................................................................................................................................ 202
10.4 Query APIs ..........................................................................................................................................204
10.5 UDO APIs ............................................................................................................................................ 205
10.5.1 Creating UDOs ................................................................................................................... 205
10.5.2 CRUD and Query Operations ........................................................................................... 210
10.6 UDF APIs ............................................................................................................................................. 210
10.6.1 CRUD Operations ............................................................................................................... 211
10.6.2 Performing Operations on Entities with UDFs ................................................................ 213
11 Appendix II: Metadata Naming Difference between Service Layer and DI API ................ 216
11.1 Collection Object Naming Difference .............................................................................................. 216
Working with SAP Business One Service Layer
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11.2 Business Object Naming Difference ................................................................................................ 218
11.3 Property Naming Difference ............................................................................................................. 219
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with SAP Business One Service Layer
1 Introduction
1.1 About This Document
This document covers the basic usages of SAP Business One Service Layer and explains the technical details of
building a stable, scalable Web service using SAP Business One Service Layer.
1.2 Target Audience
We recommend that you refer to this document if you are:
Developing applications based on Service Layer API
Planning your first load balancing deployment
Improving your system's performance
Assuring your system's stability under heavy work load
This document is intended for system administrators who are responsible for configuring, managing, and
maintaining an SAP Business One Service Layer installation. Familiarity with your operating system and your
network environment is beneficial, as is a general understanding of web application server management.
This document is also relevant for software developers who build add-ons for SAP Business One.
1.3 About SAP Business One Service Layer
SAP Business One Service Layer is a new generation of extension API for consuming SAP Business One data and
services. It builds on core protocols such as HTTP and OData, and provides a uniform way to expose full-featured
business objects on top of a highly scalable and high-availability Web server. Currently, Service Layer supports
OData version 3, version 4, and a few selected OData client libraries, for example, WCF for .Net developers; data.js
for JavaScript developers.
You can use the following URIs to switch the OData versions:
o /b1s/v1/$metadata is for odata v3
o /b1s/v2/$metadata is for odata v4
Working with SAP Business One Service Layer
Getting Started
© 2024
2 Getting Started
2.1 System Requirements
SAP Business One Service Layer runs on both SUSE Linux Enterprise and Microsoft Windows operating systems
(as of SAP Business One 10.0 PL01). It is an application server built on the Apache HTTP Web server.
SAP Business One Service Layer can be deployed in one of two different modes:
An integrated mode, installing on the same database server so as to keep the system landscape as simple as
A distributed mode, installing on separate machines to obtain more computing power for higher concurrent
For hardware requirements, such as memory capacity or number of CPU cores, refer to SAP HANA hardware
specifications and Hardware Requirements Guide for SAP Business One.
For more information, refer to the Platform Support Matrix in conjunction with the SAP Productivity Availability
Matrix and the Administrator's Guides for SAP Business One (versions for both Microsoft SQL and SAP HANA)
on SAP Help Portal.
2.2 Architecture Overview
SAP Business One Service Layer has a 3-tier architecture: the clients communicate with the Web server using
HTTP/OData, and the Web server relies on the database for data persistence.
Within the Web server, several key components are involved in handling incoming OData-based HTTP requests:
The OData Parser looks at the requested URL and HTTP methods (GET/POST/PATCH/DELETE), translates
them into the business objects to be operated on, and calls each object's respective method for
create/retrieve/update/delete (CRUD) operations. In reverse, the OData Parser also receives the returned
data from business objects, translates them into HTTP return code and JSON data representatives, and
responds to the original client.
The DI Core is the interface for accessing SAP Business One objects and services, the same one that is used
by SAP Business One DI API. As a result, Service Layer API and DI API have identical definitions for objects
and object properties, smoothing the learning curve for developers who have already acquired DI API
development experience.
The session manager implements session stickiness, working with the Service Layer load balancer, so that
requests from the same client will be handled by the same Service Layer node.
OBServer is the body of business logic dealing with the actual work, for example, tax calculation, posting, and
so on. Service Layer achieves high performance and scalability by leveraging multi-processing.
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with SAP Business One Service Layer
Getting Started
In order to achieve even higher availability and scalability, we recommend deploying multiple Service Layer
instances with a load balancer in the front. The benefits include the following:
Client requests can be dispatched to different Service Layer instances and executed in parallel.
If Service Layer is installed in a distributed mode, and there is a hardware failure in one host machine, Service
Layer is smart enough to re-dispatch client requests to another live instance without asking users to log on
2.3 Installing SAP Business One Service Layer
The Service Layer is an application server that provides Web access to SAP Business One services and objects
and uses the Apache HTTP Server (or simply Apache) as the load balancer, which works as a transit point for
requests between the client and various load balancer members. The architecture of the Service Layer is
illustrated below:
Working with SAP Business One Service Layer
Getting Started
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As the communication between the load balancer and the load balancer members is transmitted via
HTTP instead of HTTPS, you should configure the firewall on each load balancer member machine in such
a way that only visits from the load balancer are allowed to the load balancer members.
You may set up Service Layer in one of the following ways:
[Recommended] The load balancer and all load balancer members are installed on the same machine.
The load balancer and load balancer members are all installed on different physical machines. Note that at
least one load balancer member must be installed on the same machine as the load balancer.
Remote installation of Service Layer is not supported. For example, if you intend to install the load balancer on
server A and two load balancer members on servers B and C, you must run the server components setup wizard
on each server separately.
For more information, see the Installing the Service Layer charpter in the SAP Business One Administrator’s
Guides (version for SQL and version for SAP HANA).
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with SAP Business One Service Layer
Consuming SAP Business One Service Layer
3 Consuming SAP Business One Service Layer
This section explains how to consume SAP Business One Service Layer and provides examples. For a full list of
exposed entities and actions, refer to metadata returned by your service or the API reference of SAP Business
One Service Layer.
Before interacting with Service Layer, refer to the following table for the key elements and terms:
Key Elements and
Description/Activity URL/Sample Code
Service Root URL
Identifies the root of Service Layer
API. Service layer supports HTTPS
by default.
To use OData version 3, send the following
HTTP request:
To use OData version 4, send the following
HTTP request:
Resource Path
Identifies the resource to be
interacted with. It can be a collection
of entities or a single entity.
Query Options Specifies multiple query options and
operation parameters.
Indicates the action to be taken
against the resource, in accordance
with the RESTful architectural
In the following example, the 2 requests are
POST /Login
JSON Resource
Represents and interacts with
structured content, embedded in
Service Layer requests and
{"key1": "value1", "arr1": [100, 200],
"key2": "value2"}
Working with SAP Business One Service Layer
Consuming SAP Business One Service Layer
© 2024
To test Service Layer without developing a program, you can install the "POSTMAN" browser extension in
Google Chrome, or install equivalent add-ons on other browsers.
3.1 Login and Logout
Before you perform any operation in Service Layer, you first need to log into Service Layer.
Send this HTTP request for login:
POST https://<Server Name/IP>:<Port>/b1s/v1/Login
{"CompanyDB": "US506", "UserName": "manager", "Password": "1234"}
As of SAP Business One 10.0 FP2305, you can log in to the Service Layer with a Windows domain user
account after activating the Active Directory Domain Services and binding its users to company users.
For more information, please refer to the “SL Connection References” part in the guide Identity and
Authentication Management in SAP Business One on the Help Portal
If the login is successful, you get the following response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Set-Cookie: B1SESSION=PTRzIjYK-weN6-1Lx1-ZG0J-3ARxfjcU0Shy;HttpOnly;
Set-Cookie: ROUTEID=.node1; path=/b1s
"SessionId": "PTRzIjYK-weN6-1Lx1-ZG0J-3ARxfjcU0Shy",
"Version": "1000110",
"SessionTimeout": 30
The response of Login request indicates that Service Layer inserts a cookie in the response header, with the
cookie name 'B1SESSION' and cookie value 'PTRzIjYK-weN6-1Lx1-ZG0J-3ARxfjcU0Shy' respectively. In addition,
another cookie item (ROUTEID=.node1) is returned by Apache server to ensure the load balancer stickiness.
Send this HTTP request for logout:
POST /Logout
Cookie: B1SESSION=PTRzIjYK-weN6-1Lx1-ZG0J-3ARxfjcU0Shy; ROUTEID=.node1
If the logout is successful, you get the following response, without any response content:
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
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Consuming SAP Business One Service Layer
3.1.1 Session
A session is started by a login request and is ended by a logout request. Each valid session has a unique session ID
which is distinguished by a GUID-like string. To make subsequent requests after login, the cookie items
B1SESSION and ROUTEID are mandatory and shall both be set in each request header. For example, to get an
Item with ID='i001', send the following request with a cookie:
GET /Items('i001')
Cookie: B1SESSION=PTRzIjYK-weN6-1Lx1-ZG0J-3ARxfjcU0Shy; ROUTEID=.node1
If you write a client application in Windows desktop mode (not in Browser Access mode), do not forget to add the
cookie item in the HTTP header, as in the above example of Logout. Otherwise, you may receive the "Invalid
session" error:
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
"error" : {
"code" : 301,
"message" : {
"lang" : "en-us",
"value" : "Invalid session or session already timeout."
If your application is written in JavaScript and runs in Browser Access mode, you do not need to set the
cookie each time you send a request, since most Web browsers are able to handle the cookie
Working with SAP Business One Service Layer
Consuming SAP Business One Service Layer
© 2024
3.2 Single Sign-On (SSO)
As of SAP Business One 9.2, version for SAP HANA, besides the normal login, Service Layer supports SSO as well.
Service Layer, as a service provider (SP), implements the SSO process via the SAML2 protocol on top of SLD,
which functions as an identity service provider (IDP). Service Layer supports two SSO methods:
HTTP-POST: used in the browser environment
PAOS (Reverse HTTP Binding for SOAP Specification): used for the non-browser client
It is recommended that Service Layer be deployed on the same Linux machine as SLD. If you deploy it on two
separate machines, the time must be synced between the two machines before the SSO process is implemented.
Service Layer SSO does not work with windows account bound using service principal name (SPN).
3.2.1 SSO via PAOS
In order to maintain a session, it is essential to first log in to SLD, before logging in to Service Layer via SSO.
SSO Flow
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Consuming SAP Busine
ss One Service Layer
Steps Description
1. Post a login request to Service Layer with the PAOS header as below:
POST /b1s/v1/ssob1s/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.paos+xml
PAOS: ver='urn:liberty:paos:2003-08';'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:profiles:SSO:ecp'
2. From the response header, get the JSESSIONID from Set-Cookie header as the SSO session between
Service Layer and the client:
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=5AE19B213830AF766BCC477DF4A40AE5;
Add JSESSIONID in subsequent requests to Service Layer, so that the client can maintain a session with
Service Layer for the whole SSO process. From the response body, get the IDP location and the soap body
3. Forward the soap body content from step 2 to the IDP location, with the session ID maintained between the
client and SLD as the request cookie.
4. IDP issues a signed response containing user login information.
5. The client forwards the signed response to Service Layer, with the SSO session ID retrieved from step 2.
6. If authentication is passed, Service Layer responds with the http status 200.
7. The client posts a login request to Service Layer with the SSO Session ID in the request cookie as below:
POST /b1s/v1/ssob1s HTTP/1.1
Cookie: JSESSIONID=5AE19B213830AF766BCC477DF4A40AE5
8. On success, Service Layer responds with:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Set-Cookie: B1SESSION=PTRzIjYK-weN6-1Lx1-ZG0J-3ARxfjcU0Shy;HttpOnly;
Set-Cookie: ROUTEID=.node1; path=/b1s
{ "SessionId" : "PTRzIjYK-weN6-1Lx1-ZG0J-3ARxfjcU0Shy", "Version" : "920110",
"SessionTimeout" : 30 }
"SessionId": "PTRzIjYK-weN6-1Lx1-ZG0J-3ARxfjcU0Shy",
"Version": "1000110",
"SessionTimeout": 30
9. With the B1SESSION and ROUTEID, clients are allowed to access the resources of Service Layer.
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3.2.2SSO via HTTP-POST
SSO Flow
Steps Description
The SSO flow via the browser client is basically the same as SSO via PAOS, except for the following:
1. Browser clients finish the SSO process via HTTP-POST.
2. Browser clients automatically redirect the request to and the response from Service Layer by auto-submitting
HTML forms.
3. Between step 3 and step 4, a login SLD form is returned if the user does not log in to SLD before the start of
the SSO process. After the SLD login, the response of step 4 is to redirect to Service Layer.
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3.3 Metadata Document
Metadata describes the capability of the service. It mainly defines types, entities (for example, SAP Business One
objects) and actions (for example, SAP Business One services).
Send the following HTTP request to retrieve metadata:
GET /$metadata
Using SAP Business One business partners and sales orders as examples, you can see the following sections in
the metadata:
<!-- section 1.1 -->
<EnumType Name="BoCardTypes">
<Member Name="cCustomer" Value="C"/>
<Member Name="cSupplier" Value="S"/>
<Member Name="cLid" Value="L"/>
<!-- section 1.2 -->
<EntityType Name="BusinessPartner">
<PropertyRef Name="CardCode"/>
<Property Name="CardCode" Nullable="false" Type="Edm.String"/>
<Property Name="CardName" Type="Edm.String"/>
<Property Name="CardType" Type="SAPB1.BoCardTypes"/>
<!-- section 1.3 -->
<ComplexType Name="DocumentParams">
<Property Name="DocEntry" Nullable="false" Type="Edm.Int32"/>
<!-- section 1.4 -->
<EntityType Name="Document">
<PropertyRef Name="DocEntry"/>
<Property Name="DocEntry" Nullable="false" Type="Edm.Int32"/>
<Property Name="DocNum" Type="Edm.Int32"/>
<Property Name="DocType" Type="SAPB1.BoDocumentTypes"/>
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<Property Name="DocumentLines" Type="Collection(SAPB1.DocumentLine)"/>
<!-- section 1.5 -->
<ComplexType Name="DocumentLine">
<Property Name="LineNum" Nullable="false" Type="Edm.Int32"/>
<Property Name="ItemCode" Type="Edm.String"/>
<Property Name="ItemDescription" Type="Edm.String"/>
<Property Name="Quantity" Type="Edm.Double"/>
<!-- section 2 -->
<Action IsBindable="true" Name="Close">
<Parameter Name="Document" Type="SAPB1.Document"/>
<!-- section 3 -->
<EntityContainer Name="ServiceLayer">
<EntitySet EntityType="SAPB1.BusinessPartner" Name="BusinessPartners"/>
<EntitySet EntityType="SAPB1.Document" Name="Orders"/>
The above metadata sections indicate how the entities and actions are exposed:
In Section 3, you can see that entities BusinessPartners and Orders are exposed. You can perform
standard create/retrieve/update/delete (CRUD) operations on them.
In Section 2, you can see that a bindable action named Close is defined and can be bound to type
SAPB1.Document. As orders are of this entity type, therefore, orders has a Close action (POST
Metadata for UDFs/UDTs/UDOs:
In SAP Business One 9.1 patch level 05 and later, information from the user-defined fields (UDFs), user-
defined tables (UDTs) and user-defined objects (UDOs) is added to the metadata. As different SAP
Business One company databases have different UDFs/UDTs/UDOs, the metadata of the service may
vary if you connect to a different company database.
For UDTs, only the "no object" type is added to the metadata. UDTs are treated as simple entities that
have only one main table. Thus, third-party tools, such as MS WCF, can generate code for
UDFs/UDTs/UDOs from the metadata.
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3.4 Service Document
The service document is a list of exposed entities. Use the root service URL to retrieve the service document.
Send the HTTP request:
The response is:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"value": [
"name": "ChartOfAccounts",
"kind": "EntitySet",
"url": "ChartOfAccounts"
"name": "SalesStages",
"kind": "EntitySet",
"url": "SalesStages"
3.5 Create/Retrieve/Update/Delete (CRUD) Operations
OData protocol defines a standard way to create/retrieve/update/delete (CRUD) an entity. The CRUD operations
are all similar. You can refer to the API reference document for details (see the screenshot below).
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3.5.1 Creating Entities
Use the HTTP verb POST and the content of an entity to create the entity.
For most cases, the response on success is also the content of the entity.
How to create a customer (business partner) named "c1"
Send this HTTP request:
POST /BusinessPartners
"CardCode": "c1",
"CardName": "customer c1",
"CardType": "cCustomer"
All valid fields are defined in its type - SAPB1.BusinessPartner in metadata section 1.2.
Note that CardType is of type Enumeration (BoCardTypes, defined in metadata section 1.1). Both the
enumeration name and value are accepted by Service Layer. So these two statements are equivalent:
{"CardType": "cCustomer",}
{"CardType": "C",}
On success, the server returns HTTP code 201 (Created) and the content of the entity is as follows:
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
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"CardCode": "c1",
"CardName": "customer c1",
"CardType": "cCustomer",
"GroupCode": 100,
On error, the server returns HTTP code 4XX (for example, 400) and the error message as content is as
follows (suppose customer "c1" exists):
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"error": {
"code": -10,
"message": {
"lang": "en-us",
"value": "1320000140 - Business partner code 'c1' already assigned
to a business partner; enter a unique business partner code"
How to create a sales order with two document lines
The POST content - entity Orders - is of type Document and defined in metadata section 1.4.
DocumentLines, known as the sub-object of sales order, is a collection of the complex type
DocumentLine, which is defined in metadata section 1.5. In JSON format, it is an array in square brackets
Send this HTTP request:
POST /Orders
"CardCode": "c1",
"DocDate": "2014-04-01",
"DocDueDate": "2014-04-01",
"DocumentLines": [
"ItemCode": "i1",
"UnitPrice": 100,
"Quantity": 10,
"TaxCode": "T1",
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"ItemCode": "i2",
"UnitPrice": 120,
"Quantity": 8,
"TaxCode": "T1",
On success, the server returns 201 (Created) and the content of the entity is as follows:
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
"DocEntry": 22,
"DocNum": 11,
"DocType": "dDocument_Items",
"DocumentLines": [
"LineNum": 0,
"ItemCode": "i1",
"LineNum": 1,
"ItemCode": "i2",
3.5.2Retrieving Entities
Use the HTTP verb GET and the key fields to retrieve the entity.
How to get the customer "c1" in the previous example
As defined in metadata section 1.2, CardCode is the key property (type is string). To retrieve the
customer "c1", send the HTTP request:
GET /BusinessPartners('c1')
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GET /BusinessPartners(CardCode='c1')
The service returns HTTP code 200 that indicates success with the content of the object in JSON format:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"CardCode": "c1",
"CardName": "customer c1",
"CardType": "cCustomer",
"GroupCode": 100,
How to get the sales order in the previous example
As defined in metadata section 1.4, DocEntry is the key property (type is Int32). To retrieve the sales
order, send the HTTP request:
GET /Orders(22)
GET Orders(DocEntry=22)
Single quotes are required for string values such as 'c1', and no single quotes around integer values such
as 22.
If the entity key contains multiple properties, send the HTTP request:
GET /SalesTaxAuthorities(Code='AK',Type=-3)
3.5.3Updating Entities
Use the HTTP verb PATCH or PUT to update the entity. Generally, PATCH is recommended.
The difference between PATCH and PUT is that PATCH ignores (keeps the value) those properties that are not
given in the request, while PUT sets them to the default value or to null.
How to update the name of the customer "c1"
Send the HTTP request:
PATCH /BusinessPartners('c1')
"CardName": "Updated customer name"
On success, HTTP code 204 is returned without content.
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HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Read-only properties (for example, CardCode) cannot be updated. They are ignored silently if assigned in
the request.
3.5.4Deleting Entities
Use the HTTP verb DELETE and the key fields to delete the entity.
How to delete the customer "c1"
Send the HTTP request:
DELETE /BusinessPartners('c1')
On success, HTTP code 204 is returned without content.
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
You cannot delete the sales order in SAP Business One. If you try to delete the sales order No.22:
DELETE /Orders(22)
An error is reported to deny the operation:
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"error": {
"code": -5006,
"message": {
"lang": "en-us",
"value": "The requested action is not supported for this object."
3.5.5Create Entity with No Content
Considering the fact that returning all the entity content on creating one entity may be not suitable for the high
performance demanding scenario, Service Layer provides a way to respond no content by specifying a special
header Prefer with the value return-no-content. For example:
POST /b1s/v1/Items HTTP/1.1
Prefer: return-no-content
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"ItemCode": "i011"
On success, HTTP code 204 is returned without content, instead of having the usual 201 resource created.
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Location: /b1s/v1/Items('i011')
Preference-Applied: return-no-content
Response header includes Preference-Applied to confirm that the server accepts this preference
The URI of the created resource is in the Location header.
3.6 Actions
Besides the basic entity CRUD operations, Service Layer provides you with two kinds of actions:
Bound action (bound to entity for operations other than CRUD)
Global action (mainly used to expose SAP Business One services)
The request and response for each action are described in the metadata. For example, the login function that was
introduced above is a global action. You can find its definition in metadata.
"Action" is an OData version 4 concept. In OData version 3, it is called "FunctionImport".
You can use the HTTP verb POST for OData actions.
How to use the bound action
In the metadata section 2.1, you can see a bindable action named "Close" with the first parameter bound
to the Document type:
<!-- section 2.1 -->
<Action IsBindable="true" Name="Close">
<Parameter Name="Document" Type="SAPB1.Document"/>
As orders are of type Document, that means orders have a "Close" action. You can send the following
HTTP request to close the document No. 22:
POST /Orders(22)/Close
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How to use the global action
In SAP Business One DI API, you can use the SAPbobsCOM.Activity object to operate the activities in
SAP Business One. However, in SAP Business One 9.1 patch level 01, from Service Layer, you cannot find
the Activity entity. Then how to use it?
By searching in metadata, you can find the action definitions, as follows:
<Action Name="ActivitiesService_GetActivity">
<Parameter Name="ActivityParams" Type="SAPB1.ActivityParams"/>
<ReturnType Type="SAPB1.Activity"/>
<Action Name="ActivitiesService_AddActivity">
<Parameter Name="Activity" Type="SAPB1.Activity"/>
<ReturnType Type="SAPB1.ActivityParams"/>
Note that the example follows the format of OData version 4. For OData version 3, "FunctionImport" is
used instead of "Action". The result is as follows:
<FunctionImport Name="ActivitiesService_GetActivity">
<Parameter Name="ActivityParams" Type="SAPB1.ActivityParams"/>
<ReturnType Type="SAPB1.Activity"/>
<FunctionImport Name="ActivitiesService_AddActivity">
<Parameter Name="Activity" Type="SAPB1.Activity"/>
<ReturnType Type="SAPB1.ActivityParams"/>
It shows that you can use ActivitiesService to get and add activity objects. The related types are also
defined in metadata, as follows:
<ComplexType Name="ActivityParams">
<Property Name="ActivityCode" Nullable="false" Type="Edm.Int32"/>
<ComplexType Name="Activity">
<Property Name="ActivityCode" Nullable="false" Type="Edm.Int32"/>
<Property Name="CardCode" Type="Edm.String"/>
<Property Name="Notes" Type="Edm.String"/>
To add an activity, send the HTTP request:
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POST /ActivitiesService_AddActivity
"ActivityCode": 1,
"CardCode": "c1"
On success, it returns the content of type SAPB1.ActivityParams as defined.
To get an activity, send the HTTP request:
POST /ActivitiesService_GetActivity
"ActivityParams": {
"ActivityCode": 1
On success, it returns the content of type SAPB1.Activity as defined.
Note that from SAP Business One 9.1 patch level 02 and later, "Activity" has been exposed as an entity,
and, therefore, the global actions were hidden by default.
Previewing an order
A hidden action named OrdersService_Preview allows you to preview an order to create without
actually creating it. Its metadata is as follows:
<Action Name="OrdersService_Preview">
<Parameter Name="Document" Type="SAPB1.Document"/>
<ReturnType Type="SAPB1.Document"/>
An order to create can be previewed this way:
POST /b1s/v1/OrdersService_Preview
"Document": {
"CardCode": "c1",
"DocDate": "2014-04-01",
"DocDueDate": "2014-04-01",
"DocumentLines": [
"ItemCode": "i1",
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"UnitPrice": 100,
"Quantity": 10,
"TaxCode": ""
On success, the server returns HTTP code 200 (OK) and part of the response is as follows:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"DocEntry": null,
"DocNum": null,
"DocType": "dDocument_Items",
"Printed": "psNo",
"DocDate": "2014-04-01",
"DocDueDate": "2014-04-01",
"CardCode": "c1",
"CardName": "customer 1",
"DocTotal": 1000,
"DocCurrency": "$",
"JournalMemo": "Sales Orders - 0af75168-60cd-4",
"TaxDate": "2014-04-01",
"DocObjectCode": "17",
"DocTotalSys": 1000,
"DocumentStatus": "bost_Open",
"TotalDiscount": 0,
"DocumentLines": [
"LineNum": 0,
"ItemCode": "i1",
"ItemDescription": "i01",
"Quantity": 10,
"ShipDate": "2014-04-01",
"Price": 100,
"PriceAfterVAT": 100,
"Currency": "$",
"WarehouseCode": "01",
"AccountCode": "_SYS00000000081",
"TaxCode": "",
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"LineTotal": 1000,
"TaxTotal": 0,
"UnitPrice": 100,
"LineStatus": "bost_Open",
"PackageQuantity": 10,
"LineType": "dlt_Regular",
"OpenAmountSC": 1000,
"DocEntry": null,
"UoMCode": "Manual",
"InventoryQuantity": 10,
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3.7 Query Options
Query options within the request URL can control how a particular request is processed by Service Layer. The
following table shows the query options supported by Service Layer.
Option Description Example
$filter Queries collections of entities.
Currently supported functions for
$filter are:
Currently supported logical and
relational operators include:
le (less than or equal to)
lt (less than)
ge (greater than or equal to)
gt (greater than)
eq (equal to)
ne (not equal to)
The operator not is supported
as of 9.1 patch level 01.
Parentheses are also supported.
/Orders?$filter=DocTotal gt 3000
/Orders?$filter=DocEntry lt 8 and
(DocEntry lt 8 or DocEntry gt 116)
and CardCode eq 'c1'
/Orders?$filter=DocEntry lt 8 and
((DocEntry lt 8 or DocEntry gt 116)
and startswith(CardCode,'c1'))
(startswith(ItemName, 'item') and
ForeignName eq null)
$select Returns the properties that are
explicitly requested.
/Orders?$select=DocEntry, DocTotal
$orderby Specifies the order in which entities are
/Orders?$orderby=DocTotal asc,
DocEntry desc
$top Returns the first n (non-negative
integer) records.
$skip Specifies the result excluding the first n
Where $top and $skip are used together, the
$skip is applied before the $top, regardless of
the order of appearance in the request.
$count Returns the count of an entity
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Option Description Example
/Items/$count?&filter=ItemCode eq
Allows clients to request the number of
matching resources inline with the
resources in the response.
$inlinecount query option
applies to OData 3.0 protocols
only. This feature is available in
SAP Business One 9.1 patch
level 06 and later.
For more information, see the section inlinecount
The combination of query options enables Service Layer to support any complex query scenarios, while keeping
the API interface as simple as possible.
3.7.1 Get All Entities
You can use the following ways to get all entity records:
GET /Items
GET /Items?$select=*
3.7.2Get Fields of an Entity
You can use the following ways to get item fields:
GET /Items('i1')?$select=ItemCode,ItemName,ItemPrices
GET /Items(ItemCode='i1')?$select=ItemCode,ItemName,ItemPrices
3.7.3Query Properties of the Enumeration Type
Enumeration value and enumeration name are both supported in a query option. You can use the following ways
to get all customers:
GET /BusinessPartners?$filter=CardType eq 'C'
GET /BusinessPartners?$filter=CardType eq 'cCustomer'
Note that 'C' is an enumeration value while 'cCustomer' is an enumeration name.
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3.7.4Query Properties of the Datetime Type
Multiple date formats are supported. For example:
GET /Orders?$filter=DocDate eq '2014-04-23'
GET /Orders?$filter=DocDate eq '20140423'
GET /Orders?$filter=DocDate eq datetime'2014-04-23'
GET /Orders?$filter=DocDate eq datetime'20140423'
GET /Orders?$filter=DocDate eq '2014-04-23T12:21:21'
GET /Orders?$filter=DocDate eq '20140423000000'
Note that SAP Business One ignores the HOUR/MINUTE/SECOND parts. The datetime keyword prefix can also
be added before the datetime value.
3.7.5Query Properties of the Time Type
Multiple time formats are supported. For example:
GET /Orders?$filter=DocTime eq '18:38:00'
GET /Orders?$filter=DocTime eq '18:38'
GET /Orders?$filter=DocTime eq '183800'
GET /Orders?$filter=DocTime eq '1838'
GET /Orders?$filter=DocTime eq '2014-06-18T18:38:00Z'
GET /Orders?$filter=DocTime eq '2014-06-18T18:38'
Note that SAP Business One ignores the YEAR/MONTH/DAY parts; only the HOUR/MINUTE parts are effective.
3.7.6Paginate the Selected Orders
The pagination mechanism is implemented through top and skip. It allows the data to be fetched chunk by chunk.
For example, after you send the HTTP request:
GET /Orders
The service returns:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"value": [
{"DocEntry": 7,"DocNum": 2,...},
{"DocEntry": 8,"DocNum": 3,...},
{"DocEntry": 26,"DocNum": 21,...}
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"odata.nextLink": "/b1s/v1/Orders?$skip=20"
Annotation odata.nextLink is contained in the body for the link of the next chunk.
For OData V3, the next link annotation is odata.nextLink; For OData V4, the next link annotation is
The default page size is 20. You can customize the page size by changing the following options:
o Set the configuration option PageSize in conf/b1s.conf.
o Use the OData recommended annotation odata.maxpagesize in the Prefer header of the request:
GET /Orders
... (other headers)
The response contains HTTP header Preference-Applied to indicate whether and how the request
is accepted:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Preference-Applied: odata.maxpagesize=50
If PageSize or odata.maxpagesize is set to 0, the pagination mechanism is turned off.
The by-request option odata.maxpagesize is prior to the configuration option PageSize.
As of SAP Business One 9.1 patch level 12, version for SAP HANA, aggregation is partly supported by Service
Aggregation behavior is triggered using the query option $apply. Any aggregate expression that specifies an
aggregation method MUST define an alias for the resulting aggregated value. Aggregate expressions define the
alias using the "as" keyword, followed by a SimpleIdentifier. The alias will introduce a dynamic property in the
aggregated result set. The introduced dynamic property is added to the type containing the original expression.
Currently, the supported aggregation methods include sum, avg, min, max, count and distinctcount. sum
The standard aggregation method sum can be applied to numeric values to return the sum of the non-null values,
or null if there are no non-null values.
For example, to sum the DocRate of the Orders, send a request such as:
GET /b1s/v1/Orders?$apply=aggregate(DocRate with sum as TotalDocRate)
On success, the response is as follows:
"odata.metadata" : "$metadata#Orders(TotalDocRate)",
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"value" : [
"" : null,
"TotalDocRate" : 4.0
The equivalent SQL on database is:
SELECT SUM(T0."DocRate") AS "TotalDocRate" FROM "ORDR" T0 average
The standard aggregation method average can be applied to numeric values to return the sum of the non-null
values divided by the count of the non-null values, or null if there are no non-null values.
For example, to calculate the average VatSum of the Orders, send a request such as:
GET /b1s/v1/Orders?$apply=aggregate(VatSum with average as AvgVatSum )
On success, the response is as follows:
"odata.metadata" : "$metadata#Orders(AvgVatSum)",
"value" : [
"" : null,
"AvgVatSum" : 1.70
The equivalent SQL on database is:
SELECT AVG(T0."VatSum") AS "AvgVatSum" FROM "ORDR" T0 max
The standard aggregation method max can be applied to values with a totally ordered domain to return the largest
of the non-null values, or null if there are no non-null values. The result property will have the same type as the
input property.
For example, to get the maximum DocEntry of the Orders, send a request such as:
GET /b1s/v1/Orders?$apply=aggregate(DocEntry with max as MaxDocEntry)
On success, the response is as follows:
"odata.metadata" : "$metadata#Orders(MaxDocEntry)",
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"value" : [
"" : null,
"MaxDocEntry" : 6
The equivalent SQL on database is:
SELECT MAX(T0."DocEntry") AS "MaxDocEntry" FROM "ORDR" T0 min
The standard aggregation method min can be applied to values with a totally ordered domain to return the
smallest of the non-null values, or null if there are no non-null values. The result property will have the same type
as the input property.
For example, to get the minimum DocEntry of the Orders, send a request such as:
GET/b1s/v1/Orders?$apply=aggregate(DocEntry with min as MinDocEntry)
On success, the response is as follows:
"odata.metadata" : "$metadata#Orders(MinDocEntry)",
"value" : [
"" : null,
"MinDocEntry" : 2
The equivalent SQL on database is:
SELECT MIN(T0."DocEntry") AS "MinDocEntry" FROM "ORDR" T0 countdistinct
The aggregation method countdistinct counts the distinct values, omitting any null values.
For example, to count the distinct CardCode of the Orders, send a request such as:
GET /b1s/v1/Orders?$apply=aggregate(CardCode with countdistinct as
On success, the response is as follows:
"odata.metadata" : "$metadata#Orders(CountDistinctCardCode)",
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"value" : [
"" : null,
"CountDistinctCardCode" : "2"
The equivalent SQL on database is:
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT T0."CardCode") AS "CountDistinctCardCode" FROM "ORDR" T0 count
The value of the virtual property $count is the number of instances in the input set. It must always specify an alias
and must not specify an aggregation method.
For example, to count the number of Orders, send a request such as:
GET /b1s/v1/Orders?$apply=aggregate($count as OrdersCount)
On success, the response is as follows:
"odata.metadata" : "$metadata#Orders(OrdersCount)",
"value" : [
"" : null,
"OrdersCount" : 4
The equivalent SQL on database is:
SELECT COUNT(T0."DocEntry") AS "OrdersCount" FROM "ORDR" T0 inlinecount
The $inlinecount query option allows clients to request the number of matching resources in line with the
resources in the response. This is most useful when a service implements server-side paging, as it allows clients
to retrieve the number of matching resources even if the service decides to respond with only a single page of
matching resources.
You must specify the $inlinecount query option with a value of allpages or none (or not specified); otherwise,
the service returns an HTTP Status code of 400 Bad Request.
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The $inlinecount query option with a value of allpages specifies that the total count of entities matching
the request must be returned along with the result. The following example returns the total number of banks
in the result set along with the banks.
GET /Banks?$inlinecount=allpages
"odata.count": "5",
"value": [
{ "BankCode": "bank001", ... },
{ "BankCode": "bank002", ... },
{ "BankCode": "bank003", ... },
{ "BankCode": "bank004", ... },
{ "BankCode": "bank005", ... }
The $inlinecount query option with a value of none (or not specified) signifies that the service should not
return a count. For example:
GET /Banks?$inlinecount=none
"value": [
{ "BankCode": "bank001", ... },
{ "BankCode": "bank002", ... },
{ "BankCode": "bank003", ... },
{ "BankCode": "bank004", ... },
{ "BankCode": "bank005", ... }
The $inlinecount query option can also work with $top and $filter.
The following example returns the first two banks and the count of all banks.
GET /Banks?$inlinecount=allpages&$top=2
"odata.count": "5",
"value": [
{ "BankCode": "bank001", ... },
{ "BankCode": "bank002", ... }
The following example returns the count of all banks with BankCode greater than "bank003".
GET /Banks?$inlinecount=allpages&$filter=BankCode gt 'bank003'
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"odata.count": "2",
"value": [
{ "BankCode": "bank004", ... },
{ "BankCode": "bank005", ... }
Grouping behavior is triggered using the query option apply and the groupby keyword. This keyword specifies
the grouping properties, a comma-separated list of one or more single-valued property paths that is enclosed in
parentheses. The same property path should not appear more than once; redundant property paths may be
considered valid, but must not alter the meaning of the request.
As of SAP Business One 9.2 PL03, version for SAP HANA, grouping is supported. Simple Group
Simply enclose the group properties within parentheses. For example, to group the orders by CardCode,
DocEntry, send the following request:
GET /b1s/v1/Orders?$apply=groupby((CardCode, DocEntry))
/b1s/v1/Orders?$apply=groupby((Orders/CardCode, Orders/DocEntry))
On success, the response is as follows:
"odata.metadata" : "$metadata#Orders(CardCode, DocEntry)",
"value" : [
"" : null,
"CardCode" : "c001",
"DocEntry" : 2
"" : null,
"CardCode" : "c002",
"DocEntry" : 3
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"" : null,
"CardCode" : "c001",
"DocEntry" : 5
"" : null,
"CardCode" : "c001",
"DocEntry" : 6
The equivalent SQL on SAP database is:
SELECT T0."CardCode", T0."DocEntry" FROM "ORDR" T0 GROUP BY T0."CardCode",
T0."DocEntry" Group with Aggregation Method
Service Layer also supports combining grouping with aggregation. For example, to aggregate the DocNum
property on grouping CardCode, send the following request:
GET /b1s/v1/Orders?$apply=groupby((CardCode), aggregate(DocNum with sum as
On success, the response is as follows:
"odata.metadata" : "$metadata#Orders(CardCode,TotalDocNum)",
"value" : [
"" : null,
"CardCode" : "c001",
"TotalDocNum" : 8
"" : null,
"CardCode" : "c002",
"TotalDocNum" : 2
The equivalent SQL on database is:
SELECT T0."CardCode", SUM(T0."DocNum") AS "TotalDocNum" FROM "ORDR" T0 GROUP BY
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43 Group with Aggregation Method and Filter
SL allows you to filter before grouping. These two operations are separated by a forward slash (/) to express that
they are consecutively applied. For example, to filter before grouping with the aggregation method, send the
following request:
GET /b1s/v1/Orders?$apply=filter(Orders/CardCode eq 'c001')/groupby((CardCode),
aggregate(DocNum with sum as TotalDocNum))
On success, the response is as follows:
"odata.metadata" : "$metadata#Orders(CardCode,TotalDocNum)",
"value" : [
"" : null,
"CardCode" : "c001",
"TotalDocNum" : 8
The equivalent SQL on database is:
SELECT T0."CardCode", SUM(T0."DocNum") AS "TotalDocNum" FROM "ORDR" T0 WHERE
T0."CardCode" = 'c001' GROUP BY T0."CardCode"
The filter option can also be specified as below, which is functionally equivalent.
GET /b1s/v1/Orders?$apply=groupby((CardCode), aggregate(DocNum with sum as
TotalDocNum))&$filter=(Orders/CardCode ne 'c001')
Cross-Joins is supported as of SAP Business One 9.2, version for SAP HANA patch level 07.
OData supports querying related entities through defining navigation properties in the data model. These
navigation paths help guide regular consumers in understanding and navigating relationships. In some cases,
however, requests need to span entity sets with no predefined associations. Such requests can be sent to the
special resource $crossjoin instead of to an individual entity set. Cross-Joins with Expand
Expand across two entities
To expand across two entities according to given filter conditions, a request such as the one below,
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GET /b1s/v1/$crossjoin(Orders,BusinessPartners)?$expand=Orders($select=DocEntry,
DocNum),BusinessPartners($select=CardCode)&$filter=Orders/CardCode eq
BusinessPartners/CardCode and Orders/DocNum le 3 and
results in:
"odata.metadata" : "$metadata#Collection(Edm.ComplexType)",
"value" : [
"BusinessPartners" : {
"CardCode" : "c002"
"Orders" : {
"DocEntry" : 3,
"DocNum" : 2
"BusinessPartners" : {
"CardCode" : "c001"
"Orders" : {
"DocEntry" : 2,
"DocNum" : 1
"BusinessPartners" : {
"CardCode" : "c001"
"Orders" : {
"DocEntry" : 5,
"DocNum" : 3
The equivalent SQL on database is:
"SELECT T0."DocEntry", T0."DocNum", T1."CardCode" FROM "ORDR" T0 ,"OCRD" T1 WHERE
T0."CardCode" = T1."CardCode" AND T0."DocNum" <= 3 AND T1."CardCode" Like 'c00%'
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Expand across more entities
Service Layer supports expanding across more entities as well. A request such as the one below,
ders/CardCode eq BusinessPartners/CardCode and BusinessPartners/CardCode eq
results in:
"odata.metadata" : "$metadata#Collection(Edm.ComplexType)",
"value" : [
"Activities" : {
"ActivityCode" : 1
"BusinessPartners" : {
"CardCode" : "c001"
"Orders" : {
"DocEntry" : 2,
"DocNum" : 1
"Activities" : {
"ActivityCode" : 1
"BusinessPartners" : {
"CardCode" : "c001"
"Orders" : {
"DocEntry" : 5,
"DocNum" : 3
"Activities" : {
"ActivityCode" : 1
"BusinessPartners" : {
"CardCode" : "c001"
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"Orders" : {
"DocEntry" : 6,
"DocNum" : 4
The equivalent SQL on database is:
SELECT T0."DocEntry", T0."DocNum", T1."CardCode", T1."CardName", T2."ClgCode" FROM
"ORDR" T0 , "OCRD" T1, "OCLG" T2 WHERE T0."CardCode" = T1."CardCode" AND
T1."CardCode" = T2."CardCode"
More Examples
CardName)&$filter=SalesOpportunities/StartDate le '2017-09-20' and
BusinessPartners/CardCode eq SalesOpportunities/CardCode
"odata.metadata": "$metadata#Collection(Edm.ComplexType)",
"value": [
"SalesOpportunities": {
"CardCode": "c2",
"CustomerName": "customer c22",
"StartDate": "2017-09-20"
"BusinessPartners": {
"EmailAddress": null,
"CardName": "customer c22"
"SalesOpportunities": {
"CardCode": "c1",
"CustomerName": "customer c11",
"StartDate": "2017-09-20"
"BusinessPartners": {
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"EmailAddress": null,
"CardName": "customer c11"
} Cross-Joins with Calculation
Service Layer allows you to perform simple arithmetic operations on the selected properties and filter conditions.
The supported operations include:
For example, a request such as the one below,
/b1s/v1/$crossjoin(Orders,BusinessPartners)?$expand=Orders($select=DocEntry mul
(DocNum sub 1) as DocSeq),BusinessPartners($select=CardCode,
CardName)&$filter=Orders/CardCode eq BusinessPartners/CardCode and Orders/DocEntry ge
Orders/DocNum sub 3
results in:
"odata.metadata" : "$metadata#Collection(Edm.ComplexType)",
"value" : [
"BusinessPartners" : {
"CardCode" : "c001",
"CardName" : null
"Orders" : {
"DocSeq" : 0
"BusinessPartners" : {
"CardCode" : "c002",
"CardName" : null
"Orders" : {
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"DocSeq" : 3
"BusinessPartners" : {
"CardCode" : "c001",
"CardName" : null
"Orders" : {
"DocSeq" : 18
The equivalent SQL on database is:
SELECT T0."DocEntry" * (T0."DocNum" - 1) AS "DocSeq", T1."CardCode", T1."CardName"
FROM "ORDR" T0 , "OCRD" T1 WHERE T0."CardCode" = T1."CardCode" AND T0."DocEntry"
>= T0."DocNum" - 3 Cross-Joins with Aggregation
To aggregate the properties of Orders and BusinessPartners, send the following request:
/b1s/v1/$crossjoin(Orders,BusinessPartners)?$apply=filter(Orders/CardCode eq
Orders/DocEntry),aggregate(Orders(DocNum with countdistinct as DistinctDocNum)))
On success, the server replies this:
"odata.metadata" : "$metadata#Collection(Edm.ComplexType)",
"value" : [
"BusinessPartners" : {
"CardCode" : "c001"
"Orders" : {
"DistinctDocNum" : 1,
"DocEntry" : 2
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"BusinessPartners" : {
"CardCode" : "c002"
"Orders" : {
"DistinctDocNum" : 1,
"DocEntry" : 3
"BusinessPartners" : {
"CardCode" : "c001"
"Orders" : {
"DistinctDocNum" : 1,
"DocEntry" : 5
The equivalent SQL on database is:
SELECT T1."CardCode", T0."DocEntry", COUNT(DISTINCT T0."DocNum") AS "DistinctDocNum"
FROM "ORDR" T0 , "OCRD" T1 WHERE T0."CardCode" = T1."CardCode" GROUP BY
T1."CardCode", T0."DocEntry"
Examples of max
GET /b1s/v1/$crossjoin(Orders,BusinessPartners)?$apply=filter(Orders/CardCode eq
with max as MaxDocNum)))
is equivalent to:
SELECT T1."CardCode", MAX(T0."DocNum") AS "MaxDocNum" FROM "ORDR" T0 , "OCRD" T1 WHERE
T0."CardCode" = T1."CardCode" GROUP BY T1."CardCode"
Examples of count
GET /b1s/v1/$crossjoin(Orders,BusinessPartners)?$apply=filter(Orders/CardCode eq
as CountDocEntry))
is equivalent to:
SELECT T1."CardCode", COUNT(T0."DocEntry") AS "CountDocEntry" FROM "ORDR" T0 , "OCRD"
T1 WHERE T0."CardCode" = T1."CardCode" GROUP BY T1."CardCode"
Simply crossing join entities without any query options would not work, as this rarely has practical usage
and would fetch large volumes of data under extreme conditions. For example, a request such as the one
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ss One Service Layer
results in:
"error": {
"code": -1000,
"message": {
"lang": "en-us",
"value": "invalid $crossjoin query"
3.7.10 Row-Level Filter
As of SAP Business One 9.2 PL11, version for SAP HANA, Service Layer allows you to do row level filtering (for
example, document line filtering).
To fully comply with OData, Service Layer exposes a new query service for the row level filter, which is
implemented based on the $crossjoin capabilities by separating the QueryPath and QueryOption in the
query URL. Metadata for Query Service
Query Service is exposed in the manner of FunctionImport in the following way:
<FunctionImport Name="QueryService_PostQuery" ReturnType="Edm.String"
<Parameter Name="QueryOption" Type="Edm.String"/>
<Parameter Name="QueryPath" Type="Edm.String"/>
</FunctionImport> Examples for Query Service
Filter on joining document header and document line
A request such as the one below,
POST /b1s/v1/QueryService_PostQuery
"QueryPath": "$crossjoin(Orders,Orders/DocumentLines)",
"QueryOption": "$expand=Orders($select=DocEntry,
DocNum),Orders/DocumentLines($select=ItemCode,LineNum)&$filter=Orders/DocEntry eq
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Orders/DocumentLines/DocEntry and Orders/DocEntry ge 3 and
Orders/DocumentLines/LineNum eq 0"
results in:
"odata.metadata" : "$metadata#Collection(Edm.ComplexType)",
"value" : [
"Orders" : {
"DocEntry" : 9,
"DocNum" : 5
"Orders/DocumentLines" : {
"ItemCode" : "i1",
"LineNum" : 0
"Orders" : {
"DocEntry" : 12,
"DocNum" : 6
"Orders/DocumentLines" : {
"ItemCode" : "i1",
"LineNum" : 0
"Orders" : {
"DocEntry" : 20,
"DocNum" : 12
"Orders/DocumentLines" : {
"ItemCode" : "i1",
"LineNum" : 0
"Orders" : {
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"DocEntry" : 44,
"DocNum" : 22
"Orders/DocumentLines" : {
"ItemCode" : "i1",
"LineNum" : 0
Filter on joining document header and document line with parenthesis
A request such as the one below,
POST /b1s/v1/QueryService_PostQuery
"QueryPath": "$crossjoin(Orders,Orders/DocumentLines)",
"QueryOption": "$expand=Orders($select=DocEntry,
DocNum),Orders/DocumentLines($select=ItemCode,LineNum)&$filter=Orders/DocEntry eq
Orders/DocumentLines/DocEntry and (Orders/DocumentLines/LineNum eq 0 or
Orders/DocumentLines/LineNum eq 1 or Orders/DocumentLines/LineNum eq 2)"
results in:
"odata.metadata" : "$metadata#Collection(Edm.ComplexType)",
"value" : [
"Orders" : {
"DocEntry" : 9,
"DocNum" : 5
"Orders/DocumentLines" : {
"ItemCode" : "i1",
"LineNum" : 0
"Orders" : {
"DocEntry" : 3,
"DocNum" : 1
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"Orders/DocumentLines" : {
"ItemCode" : "i1",
"LineNum" : 0
"Orders" : {
"DocEntry" : 28,
"DocNum" : 17
"Orders/DocumentLines" : {
"ItemCode" : "i2",
"LineNum" : 1
"Orders" : {
"DocEntry" : 44,
"DocNum" : 22
"Orders/DocumentLines" : {
"ItemCode" : "i2",
"LineNum" : 1
The response is a raw string with the same structure as JSON and the content-type istext/plain. Some
JSON utility libraries can be used to convert the response to a valid JSON structure to analyze.
3.7.11 Expand Query Enhancements
As of SAP Business One 10.0 FP 2105, the OData $expand query capability is enhanced. You can specify a
$select clause in the $expand.
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This enhancement allows a single entity to expand its navigation properties. For example, you send the following
query to the Service Layer:
tPerson, CardCode),Item($select=ItemCode, ItemName)&$select=Subject HTTP/1.1
You get the following response:
"BusinessPartner": {
"CardCode": "c1",
"ContactPerson": "contact001"
"Item": {
"ItemCode": "i001",
"ItemName": "i001 name"
"Subject": "subject1"
This query has the two variants below, which means the following two queries would produce the same result.
tactPerson, CardCode),Item&$select=Item/ItemCode, Item/ItemName, Subject HTTP/1.1
t=BusinessPartner/ContactPerson, BusinessPartner/CardCode, Item/ItemCode,
Item/ItemName, Subject HTTP/1.1 Collection Entity
This enhancement allows each entity in a collection to expand its navigation properties. For example, you send the
following query to the Service Layer:
rson, CardCode),Item($select=ItemCode, ItemName)&$select=Subject HTTP/1.1
You get the following response:
"@odata.context": "https://hanaserver:50000/b1s/v2/$metadata#ServiceCalls",
"value": [
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"BusinessPartner": {
"CardCode": "c1",
"ContactPerson": "contact001"
"Item": {
"ItemCode": "i001",
"ItemName": "i001 name"
"Subject": "subject1"
"BusinessPartner": {
"CardCode": "c1",
"ContactPerson": "contact001"
"Item": {
"ItemCode": "i001",
"ItemName": "i001 name"
"Subject": "subject2"
"BusinessPartner": {
"CardCode": "c1",
"ContactPerson": "contact001"
"Item": {
"ItemCode": "i001",
"ItemName": "i001 name"
"Subject": "subject3"
This query has the two variants below, which means the following two queries would produce the same results.
tPerson, CardCode),Item&$select=Item/ItemCode, Item/ItemName, Subject HTTP/1.1
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usinessPartner/ContactPerson, BusinessPartner/CardCode, Item/ItemCode,
Item/ItemName, Subject HTTP/1.1
3.8 SAP Business One Semantic Layer View Exposure
Semantic Layer View is for SAP Business One, version for SAP HANA only.
As of SAP Business One 9.3 PL02, version for SAP HANA, Service Layer supports to automatically discover and
expose the Semantic Layer views, which are available upon deploying the SAP HANA models in SAP Business One
analytics powered by SAP HANA. In this way, Semantic Layer works as an OData web service which is possible to
be consumed by clients using OData protocol.
3.8.1 Views Deployment
Semantic Layer views are on top of SAP Business One Analytic Service and fall into two categories: system built-in
views and customized views.
The author of the first category is generally SAP and you can deploy the views by following these steps after
installing Analytic Service:
1. Open the SAP Business One analytics home page. (The URL is basically like:
2. Navigate to the Company tab
3. Click the Initialize button to start the initialization process.
After initialization, the views should be available in the Content package of the current SAP HANA instance in
the SAP HANA studio.
For the customer view deployment, see subsequent sections.
3.8.2View Exposure Scope
Semantic Layer has various kinds of views. Not all views are appropriate to be in the exposure scope.
For the system built-in views, only the views satisfying all the below conditions are eligible for exposure:
o With the calculation view type.
o With the Query postfix in its name, for example, SalesOrderDetailQuery, BalanceSheetQuery, and
so on.
For the customized views, as long as the view is of type calculation, the view is eligible for exposure.
All eligible views are not exposed by default. To expose them, you can manually perform the following steps:
1. Start SAP Business One client.
2. Open the SAP HANA Model Management window.
3. Select views and check the corresponding Service Layer Expose checkbox.
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4. Restart Service Layer to effect the changes.
3.8.3View Exposure OData Version
Considering OData version 4 is the latest and prevalent protocol in OData world, Semantic Layer service is
exposed in this version by default. Another advantage that comes with this is that implementing OData version 4
would make it possible for Semantic Layer service to be integrated with those SAP components (e.g. WEB IDE),
which have supported or are going to support OData 4.
Meanwhile, OData 3 is supported as well, but it is not the default supported OData version. Clients must set the
request header OData-MaxVersion: 3.0 or MaxDataServiceVersion: 3.0 to specify OData 3.
3.8.4Semantic Layer Service Root
To distinguish Semantic Layer service from Service Layer, the root URL for this service is /b1s/v1/sml.svc.
Upon successfully accessing this URL, the response is as follows:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"@odata.context": "https://databaseserver:50000/b1s/v1/sml.svc/$metadata",
"value": [
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"name": "PurchaseOrderFulfillmentCycleTimeQuery",
"kind": "EntitySet",
"url": "PurchaseOrderFulfillmentCycleTimeQuery"
"name": "VendorBalanceAnalysisQuery",
"kind": "EntitySet",
"url": "VendorBalanceAnalysisQuery"
"name": "AveragePurchasingPriceQuery",
"kind": "EntitySet",
"url": "AveragePurchasingPriceQuery"
@odata.context is one annotation from OData 4.
3.8.5Semantic Layer Service Metadata
The service metadata URL is as follows:
GET /b1s/v1/sml.svc/$metadata
Upon successfully accessing the metadata, the service returns:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<edmx:Edmx Version="4.0"
<Schema Namespace="SAPB1"
<EntityType Name="AveragePurchasingPriceQuery">
<PropertyRef Name="id__"/>
<Property MaxLength="160" Name="LineDocumentOwner" Nullable="true"
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<Property MaxLength="15" Name="PaymentMethodCode" Nullable="true"
<Property Name="PostingDateSQL" Nullable="true" Type="Edm.DateTime"/>
<Property Name="id__" Nullable="false" Type="Edm.Int32"/>
<EntityType Name="OnTimeReceiptStatisticsQuery">
<PropertyRef Name="id__"/>
<Property MaxLength="160" Name="DocumentOwner" Nullable="true"
<Property Name="NumberOfPurchaseOrder" Nullable="true"
<Property Name="id__" Nullable="false" Type="Edm.Int32"/>
<EntityContainer Name="SemanticLayer">
<EntitySet EntityType="SAPB1.PurchaseOrderFulfillmentCycleTimeQuery"
<EntitySet EntityType="SAPB1.BalanceSheetComparisonQueryParameter"
<NavigationPropertyBinding Path="BalanceSheetComparisonQuery"
<EntitySet EntityType="SAPB1.KPICashFlowStatementQueryParameter"
<NavigationPropertyBinding Path="KPICashFlowStatementQuery"
Please refer to OData-CSDL (Common Schema Definition Language) for more information on the
metadata format.
Version="4.0" in the metadata indicates the service exposes resources with OData 4.
All Semantic Layer views are exposed as entities, as OData only allows to perform queries on entities. Due to the
OData specification, each entity must at least have a primary key. However, this is contradictory to the fact that
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views do not have keys from the database perspective. To address this issue in a generic way, a virtual property
id__ is defined as the entity key for the typical views, as seen from the following example.
<!-->For the view<-->
<EntityType Name="SalesOrderDetailQuery">
<PropertyRef Name="id__"/>
<Property Name="DocumentNumber" Nullable="true" Type="Edm.Int32"/>
<Property Name="Owner" Nullable="true" Type="Edm.String"/>
<Property Name="ShippingType" Nullable="true" Type="Edm.String"/>
<Property Name="DueQuarter" Nullable="true" Type="Edm.String"/>
<Property Name="DueMonth" Nullable="true" Type="Edm.String"/>
<Property Name="GrossProfitLC" Nullable="true" Type="Edm.Double"/>
<Property Name="LineTotalAmountLC" Nullable="true" Type="Edm.Double"/>
<Property Name="id__" Nullable="false" Type="Edm.Int32"/>
<EntitySet EntityType="SalesOrderDetailQuery"
The entity type and entity set of view SalesOrderDetailQuery are both in the name of SalesOrderDetailQuery. No
other metadata are needed for this view. However, not all views are as simple as that. Some views have
placeholders, for example,, such as below:
To expose this sort of view, only one entity type and one entity set are not enough to express it. The
corresponding placeholders must be exposed in an appropriate way as well. Another characteristic of this view is
that it cannot be executed directly in the SAP HANA studio. Only with the placeholder parameters can this view be
To cope with this situation, it is sensible to separate this view into two entity types, expose them respectively and
then associate them with navigation.
<EntityType Name="BalanceSheetQuery">
<PropertyRef Name="id__"/>
<Property MaxLength="15" Name="AccountCode" Nullable="true"
<Property MaxLength="20" Name="FinancialPeriodCode" Nullable="true"
<Property Name="FiscalYear" Nullable="true" Type="Edm.Int16"/>
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<Property MaxLength="100" Name="AccountName" Nullable="true"
<Property MaxLength="200" Name="SegmentationAccountCode" Nullable="true"
<Property Name="FiscalYearOpeningBalanceLC" Nullable="true"
<Property Name="FiscalYearOpeningBalanceSC" Nullable="true"
<Property Name="FinancialPeriodClosingBalanceLC" Nullable="true"
<Property Name="FinancialPeriodClosingBalanceSC" Nullable="true"
<Property Name="id__" Nullable="false" Type="Edm.Int32"/>
<EntitySet EntityType="BalanceSheetQuery" Name="BalanceSheetQuery"/>
<EntityType Name="BalanceSheetQueryParameter">
<PropertyRef Name="P_FinancialPeriod"/>
<PropertyRef Name="P_AddVoucher"/>
<Property MaxLength="20" Name="P_FinancialPeriod" Nullable="false"
<Property DefaultValue="N" MaxLength="1" Name="P_AddVoucher" Nullable="false"
<NavigationProperty Name="BalanceSheetQuery"
Partner="BalanceSheetQueryParameters" Type="Collection(SAPB1.BalanceSheetQuery)"/>
<EntitySet EntityType="SAPB1.BalanceSheetQueryParameter"
<NavigationPropertyBinding Path="BalanceSheetQuery"
In this way, BalanceSheetQuery can be navigated from BalanceSheetQueryParameters with placeholders in the
following way.
NavigationPropertyBinding, Path and Target are three attributes introduced in OData version 4 to
describe the navigation properties of an entity set.
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Directly accessing BalanceSheetQuery and BalanceSheetQueryParameters without keys would result in
3.8.6Semantic Layer View Authorization
For SAP Business One forms, only authorized users have the privilege to access the corresponding views.
By default, a normal user has no permission to access views. Attempting to access would result in failure.
For example, log in to Service Layer with a normal user (e.g. user1) and then send a request to retrieve
Service returns:
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
"error": {
"code": -1,
"message": {
"lang": "en-us",
"value": "No permission to access this view 'BalanceSheetQuery' for the
current user 'user1'"
To grant the view permission to a normal user, log on to the SAP Business One client with the superuser and then
open the General Authorizations window from System Initialization -> Authorizations.
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Superusers have permission to access all exposed views.
The updated authorization for the normal user would not take effect immediately. To get the latest data,
log off and log on to the service again or simply restart the service.
3.8.7Semantic Layer View Query
Semantic Layer service enables you to perform the basic OData queries on exposed views, which makes it
possible for it to be used in some flexible scenarios.
Assume all queries are performd on schema SBODEMOUS. Getting All Records from View
GET /b1s/v1/sml.svc/AveragePurchasingPriceQuery
is equivalent to
SELECT * , row_number() over() as "id__" FROM
"_SYS_BIC"."" T0
On success, the response is as follows:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
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"value": [
"PurchaseAmountLC": 5000,
"PurchaseQuantityInInventoryUoM": 100,
"AverageUnitPriceLC": 50,
"id__": 1
"PurchaseAmountLC": 2000,
"PurchaseQuantityInInventoryUoM": 10,
"AverageUnitPriceLC": 200,
"id__": 2
} Querying View with Query Options
Semantic Layer service allows you to retrieve data with query option combinations.
For example, send the following request to service:
kip=1&$filter=PostingYear eq '2017' and startswith(BusinessPartnerCode,
On success, the response is as follows:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"value": [
"PostingYear": "2017",
"BusinessPartnerCode": "1071287676"
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"PostingYear": "2017",
"BusinessPartnerCode": "1100270398"
"PostingYear": "2017",
"BusinessPartnerCode": "124052273"
"PostingYear": "2017",
"BusinessPartnerCode": "1785286082"
} Querying View by Key
As mentioned above, the virtual property id__ was created just to comply with OData spec. Despite the fact that it
functions similarly to that of a key, it is only allowed to do some simple queries.
Get one line by entity key
GET /b1s/v1/sml.svc/AveragePurchasingPriceQuery(1)
is equivalent to
SELECT * , row_number() over() as "__RowNum__" FROM
On success, the response is as follows:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"DueDateSQL": "2017-05-16",
"DocumentDate": "2017-05-16",
"DocumentYear": "2017",
"DocumentQuarter": "Q2",
"DocumentMonth": "05",
"Manager": "-NULL-",
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"PurchaseAmountLC": 5000,
"PurchaseQuantityInInventoryUoM": 100,
"AverageUnitPriceLC": 50,
"id__": 1
Get properties by entity key
On success, the response is as follows:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"PostingYear": "2017",
"BusinessPartnerCode": "d3fb9f1c-72a0-4"
Get parameter entity by entity key
An entity ending with Parameter is only allowed to be accessed by key. For example, send a request as below:
On success, the response is as follows:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"P_AddVoucher": "N",
"P_FinancialPeriod": "2017"
Retrieving it without specifying an entity key results in the following failure message:
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"error": {
"code": -1,
"message": {
"lang": "en-us",
"value": "View parameters is not allowed to directly access."
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There are some innate query limitations on the virtual property id__. Do not depend on it excessively to
perform complicated queries. Querying View with Placeholders
A view with placeholders is queried by navigating from its corresponding parameter entity.
For example, to queryBalanceSheetQuery, you should navigate from BalanceSheetQueryParameters as follows:
/BalanceSheetQuery?$select=FiscalYear, AccountCode
which is equivalent to
SELECT FiscalYear, AccountCode FROM
On success, the response is as follows:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"value": [
"FiscalYear": 2017,
"AccountCode": "_SYS00000000049"
"FiscalYear": 2017,
"AccountCode": "_SYS00000000009"
"FiscalYear": 2017,
"AccountCode": "_SYS00000000029"
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siness One Service Layer
In addition, query by key is also supported for placeholder views.
/BalanceSheetQuery(1)?$select=FiscalYear, AccountCode
@odata.nextLink is the paging annotation literal in OData version 4. Querying View with Aggregation
In SAP HANA Studio, you can preview the query view data from multiple dimensions, such as displayed in the
following screenshot:
The produced grid is as follows:
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PostingYear PostingMonth ItemCode_COUNT AverageUnitPriceLC_SUM
2017 10 2 50
The equivalent SQL for this is:
SELECT "PostingYear", "PostingMonth", COUNT(*) AS "ItemCode_COUNT",
SUM("AverageUnitPriceLC") AS "AverageUnitPriceLC_SUM"
GROUP BY "PostingYear", "PostingMonth"
ORDER BY "PostingYear" ASC, "PostingMonth" ASC
To simulate this in Semantic Layer service, send a request as follows:
GET /b1s/v1/sml.svc/AveragePurchasingPriceQuery?$apply=groupby((PostingYear,
PostingMonth), aggregate($count as ItemCode_COUNT, AverageUnitPriceLC with sum as
AverageUnitPriceLC_SUM))&$orderby=PostingYear asc,PostingMonth asc
On success, the response is as follows:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"value": [
"PostingYear": "2017",
"PostingMonth": "10",
"ItemCode_COUNT": 2,
"AverageUnitPriceLC_SUM": 50
From this perspective, for a simple aggregation scenario, Semantic Layer service is somewhat capable of
producing the similar result as SAP HANA Studio does. However, this does not mean the service is completely
functionally equivalent to SAP HANA Studio. The service aggregation abilities could be gradually enhanced in
subsequent patches.
Other Examples
To query the records number of one view (for example, AveragePurchasingPriceQuery), simply append the
$count keyword as follows:
GET /b1s/v1/sml.svc/AveragePurchasingPriceQuery/$count
On success, the response is as follows:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
The $count can also be applied to views with placeholders, seen from the following examples:
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3.8.8Customized Views Exposure
Besides the system built-in views, the customer designed views are also able to be exposed as OData service.
To achieve this, first use the latest SAP HANA Model Package Tool to generate a compressed model package
after exporting the designed SAP HANA models from SAP HANA Studio. As for how to download and use this tool,
see SAP Note 2008991 or this blog.
Compared to the old versions, in the SAP HANA Model Packaging Wizard for SAP Business One, a column named
as Enable for Service Layer is added with checkbox type as below:
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For this newly introduced column, the behaviors are described as follows:
It is disabled for all views, except the views with calculation type.
The default value is unchecked.
If it is checked, a new parameter SLEnable="Y" is added to SAP HANA Model information file Info.XML.
The new version packaging tool is compatible with the old version exported views.
<Model name="xxxx" type="CalculationView" menu="mymenu" IAEnable="N" SLEnable="Y"
SLExpose="Y" />
If SLEnable = "N" or no SLEnable tag in Info.XML, the corresponding views should be disabled in the SAP
HANA Model Management window.
Once the model package is ready, open the SAP HANA Model Management window in the SAP Business One
client, import the package and click the Deploy button to start the deployment process as follows:
o Customized views are not allowed to have the same name as the system built-in view, even with a
different package path. Otherwise, the service will respond with an error.
o Likewise, the authorization mechanism can also be applied to customized views.
o One significant functionality of exposing customized views is to provide an alternative to the
RecordSet in DI API, which is not allowed to expose in Service Layer for security and compatibility
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3.8.9Customized Views Query
Likewise, all queries supported on system built-in views can be performed on customized views as well. See the
following examples:
Get all records from view
GET https://databaseserver:50000/b1s/v1/sml.svc/MyItem
Query one record from view
GET GET https://databaseserver:50000/b1s/v1/sml.svc/MyItem(2)
Get data with projection, filter and orderby
GET https://databaseserver:50000/b1s/v1/sml.svc/MyItem?$select=ItemGroup,
ItemCode&$filter=ItemCode ne 'FA10004'&$orderby=ItemCode desc,ItemGroup
Get data with aggregation
GET https://databaseserver:50000/b1s/v1/sml.svc/MyItem?$apply=aggregate(ItemCode with
countdistinct as CountDistinctItemCode)
GET https://databaseserver:50000/b1s/v1/sml.svc/MyItem?$apply=filter(IsPurchaseItem eq
'N')/groupby((ItemGroup), aggregate(ItemCode with max as MaxItemCode))
3.8.10 Semantic Layer Basic Authentication
Semantic Layer allows you to access views through basic authentication in browsers. For more information, see
However, basic authentication only allows you to input user name and password. There is not a third input box for
company database.
To address this issue, the solution combines the SAP Business One user name and company database together in
a JSON format as the user name for basic authentication.
For example, for the browser Microsoft Edge, log on as follows:
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Basic authentication is another login mechanism just for Semantic Layer service. The authenticated
session is not allowed to be reused to access the Service Layer resources (for example,
BusinessPartners, Orders).
3.9 SQL View Exposure
As of SAP Business One 10.0 PL02, Service Layer on Microsoft SQL Server is able to automatically discover and
expose the regular customized SQL views in OData V3/V4 protocol.
3.9.1 Create View
Open the SQL Server Management Studio, create a view (e.g. B1_ItemPriceB1SLQuery) in the company
database (e.g. SBODEMOUS) in the following way:
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ce Layer
/****** Object: View [dbo].[B1_ItemPriceB1SLQuery] Script Date:
12/13/2019 13:16:56 ******/
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[B1_ItemPriceB1SLQuery] AS
SELECT T0.[ItemCode], T0.[PriceList], T0.[UomEntry], T0.[Price], T0.[Currency],
FROM [dbo].[ITM1] T0
SELECT T0.[ItemCode], T0.[PriceList], T0.[UomEntry], T0.[Price], T0.[Currency],
FROM [dbo].[ITM9] T0
To guarantee the view is recognized by Service Layer, it must fulfill the following requirements:
o Make sure the view is under schema dbo.
o Make sure the view name ends with B1SLQuery.
3.9.2Expose View
By default, customized views are not exposed in Service Layer. To expose customized views, Service Layer brings
a new entity SQLViews to help accomplish this.
For example, post the below request without any payload to expose B1_ItemPriceB1SLQuery:
POST /b1s/v1/SQLViews('B1_ItemPriceB1SLQuery')/Expose
On success, the service returns no content with response code 204.
To cancel the exposure, try the Unexpose command of SQLViews:
POST /b1s/v1/SQLViews('B1_ItemPriceB1SLQuery')/Unexpose
In a practical environment, exposing views one by one might be time consuming. To manipulate all views at once,
use the asterisk * to represent all:
POST /b1s/v1/SQLViews('*')/Expose
POST /b1s/v1/SQLViews('*')/Unexpose
Since it is exposed as an entity, you are allowed to query the view's basic properties in the following way:
GET /b1s/v1/SQLViews('B1_ItemPriceB1SLQuery')
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On success, the response is like:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"odata.metadata" :
"Name" : "B1_ItemPriceB1SLQuery",
"DBType" : "MSSQL",
"SchemaName" : "dbo",
"CreateDate" : "2020-02-14"
And here is the relevant metadata:
<EntityType Name="SQLView">
<PropertyRef Name="Name"/>
<Property Name="Name" Nullable="false" Type="Edm.String"/>
<Property Name="DBType" Type="Edm.String"/>
<Property Name="SchemaName" Type="Edm.String"/>
<Property Name="CreateDate" Type="Edm.DateTime"/>
<EntitySet EntityType="SAPB1.SQLView" Name="SQLViews"/>
<FunctionImport IsBindable="true" Name="Expose" m:HttpMethod="POST">
<Parameter Name="SQLViewParams" Type="SAPB1.SQLView"/>
<FunctionImport IsBindable="true" Name="Unexpose" m:HttpMethod="POST">
<Parameter Name="SQLViewParams" Type="SAPB1.SQLView"/>
3.9.3 View Service Endpoint
As in the Semantic Layer service, a unique endpoint is used for the view service, as below:
GET /b1s/v1/view.svc
To retrieve the metadata, append the $metadata to the endpoint:
GET /b1s/v1/view.svc/$metadata
On success, the service returns:
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<edmx:Edmx Version="1.0" xmlns:edmx="">
<edmx:DataServices m:DataServiceVersion="3.0"
<Schema Namespace="SAPB1" xmlns="">
<EntityType Name="B1_ItemPriceB1SLQuery">
<PropertyRef Name="id__"/>
<Property MaxLength="100" Name="ItemCode" Nullable="false" Type="Edm.String"/>
<Property Name="PriceList" Nullable="false" Type="Edm.Int16"/>
<Property Name="UomEntry" Nullable="true" Type="Edm.Int32"/>
<Property Name="Price" Nullable="true" Precision="19" Scale="6" Type="Edm.Decimal"/>
<Property MaxLength="6" Name="Currency" Nullable="true" Type="Edm.String"/>
<Property MaxLength="1" Name="PriceType" Nullable="true" Type="Edm.String"/>
<Property Name="id__" Nullable="false" Type="Edm.Int32"/>
<EntityContainer Name="B1SView">
<EntitySet EntityType="SAPB1.B1_ItemPriceB1SLQuery" Name="B1_ItemPriceB1SLQuery"/>
The view service supports OData V4 as well. Here are the V4 URLs for the the endpoint and metadata,
GET /b1s/v2/view.svc
GET /b1s/v2/view.svc/$metadata
o Please refer to OData-CSDL (Common Schema Definition Language) for more information on the
metadata format.
o All views are exposed as entities, as OData only allows to perform queries on entities. Due to the
OData specification, each entity must at least have a primary key. However, this is contradictory to
the fact that views do not have keys from the database perspective. To address this issue in a generic
way, a virtual property id__ is defined as the entity key for the typical views, as seen from the last
property of entity type in the metadata.
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3.9.4 Query View
View service enables you to perform the basic OData queries on exposed views, which is useful in some flexible
The following examples are all using OData V3 to demonstrate how to do the view query. OData V4 can be
applied as well. Query View by Key
As mentioned above, the virtual property id__ is created just to comply with OData specification. Despite the fact
that it functions similarly to a key, it is only allowed to perform some simple queries.
[Get one line by entity key]
The request below
GET /b1s/v1/view.svc/B1_ItemPriceB1SLQuery(1)
is equivalent to
SELECT T0.[ItemCode] , T0.[PriceList] , T0.[UomEntry] , T0.[Price] , T0.
[Currency] , T0.[PriceType] , row_number() OVER (order by getdate()) as
[id__] FROM [dbo].[B1_ItemPriceB1SLQuery] T0 ORDER BY CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
On success, the response is like:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"ItemCode": "i001",
"PriceList": 1,
"UomEntry": -1,
"Price": 0,
"Currency": null,
"PriceType": "M",
"id__": 1
[Get properties by entity key]
Request as below:
GET /b1s/v1/view.svc/B1_ItemPriceB1SLQuery(1)?$select=ItemCode,PriceList
On success, the response is like:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
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"ItemCode": "i001",
"PriceList": 1
o There are some innate query limitations on the virtual property id__. Do not excessively depend on it
to perform complicated queries.
o Query by key is just to comply with the OData specification. It is not a typical user case in a production
environment. Retrieve Records with Paging
Considering there might be hundreds of thousands of records one view would return in one roundtrip, the paging
mechanism is enabled by default to avoid any potential resource racing issue on the service side.
For example, such a request as below
GET /b1s/v1/view.svc/B1_ItemPriceB1SLQuery
results in the following response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"value": [
"ItemCode": "i001",
"PriceList": 1,
"UomEntry": -1,
"Price": 0,
"Currency": null,
"PriceType": "M",
"id__": 1
"ItemCode": "i001",
"PriceList": 2,
"UomEntry": -1,
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"Price": 0,
"Currency": null,
"PriceType": "M",
"id__": 20
"odata.nextLink": "B1_ItemPriceB1SLQuery?$skip=20"
The default page size is 20. To change it (for example, to 40) from the client side, append such a Prefer entry in
the request header:
GET /b1s/v1/view.svc/B1_ItemPriceB1SLQuery
Prefer:odata.maxpagesize=40 Query Records with Query Options
View service allows you to retrieve data with query option combinations.
For example, send the below request to service:
GET /b1s/v1/view.svc/B1_ItemPriceB1SLQuery?
$select=ItemCode,PriceType&$filter=PriceType eq 'M'
On success, the response is like:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"value": [
"ItemCode": "i001",
"PriceType": "M"
"ItemCode": "i001",
"PriceType": "M"
"ItemCode": "i001",
"PriceType": "M"
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"ItemCode": "i001",
"PriceType": "M"
"ItemCode": "i002",
"PriceType": "M"
} Query View with Aggregation
To get the total record number of B1_ItemPriceB1SLQuery, send such a request:
GET /b1s/v1/view.svc/B1_ItemPriceB1SLQuery/$count
On success, the response is like:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8;
To get the maximum ItemCode of the B1_ItemPriceB1SLQuery, send a request like:
GET /b1s/v1/view.svc/B1_ItemPriceB1SLQuery?$apply=aggregate(ItemCode with max as
On success, the response is like:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"odata.metadata": "$metadata#B1_ItemPriceB1SLQuery(MaxItemCode)",
"value": [
"MaxItemCode": "i002"
The equivalent SQL on Microsoft SQL Server is:
SELECT MAX(T0.[ItemCode]) AS 'MaxItemCode' FROM [dbo].[B1_ItemPriceB1SLQuery] T0
To perform a complex aggregation with group by, send a request like:
GET /b1s/v1/view.svc/B1_ItemPriceB1SLQuery?$apply=groupby((ItemCode, PriceType),
aggregate($count as ItemCode_COUNT, Price with sum as SumPrice))&$orderby=ItemCode
asc,PriceType asc
On success, the response is like:
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HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"value": [
"ItemCode": "i001",
"PriceType": "M",
"ItemCode_COUNT": 10,
"SumPrice": 0
"ItemCode": "i002",
"PriceType": "M",
"ItemCode_COUNT": 10,
"SumPrice": 0
The equivalent SQL on Microsoft SQL Server is:
SELECT T0.[ItemCode], T0.[PriceType], COUNT(*) AS 'ItemCode_COUNT', SUM(T0.[Price]) AS
'SumPrice' FROM [dbo].[B1_ItemPriceB1SLQuery] T0 GROUP BY T0.[ItemCode],
T0.[PriceType] ORDER BY T0.[ItemCode],T0.[PriceType] OFFSET 0 ROWS FETCH NEXT 20 ROWS
3.9.5 Authorize View
As in SAP Business One, only authorized users have the privilege to access the corresponding views.
By default, a normal user has no permission to access views; attempting to do so would end in failure. For
example, log in to Service Layer with a normal user and then send a request to retrieve B1_ItemPriceB1SLQuery:
GET /b1s/v1/view.svc/B1_ItemPriceB1SLQuery
As expected, the service returns:
HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
"error" : {
"code" : 804,
"message" : {
"lang" : "en-us",
"value" : "No permission to access this view
'B1_ItemPriceB1SLQuery' for the current user."
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To grant the view permission to a normal user, perform the following:
1. Log on to SAP Business One client with a superuser.
2. Open the Authorizations window (System Initialization ->-Authorizations).
3. Change No Authorization to Full Authorization.
o Superusers have full permission to access all exposed views.
o The updated authorization for the normal user might not take effect immediately. To get the latest
data, wait for a while (for example, one minute) to allow the internal permission cache mechanism to
get refreshed.
o The view's authorization is reset to No Authorization if the view is updated to unexposed status.
3.10 Batch Operations
Service Layer supports executing multiple operations sent in a single HTTP request through the use of batching. A
batch request must be represented as a Multipart MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) v1.0 message.
3.10.1 Batch Request Method and URI
Always use the HTTP POST method to send a batch request. A batch request is submitted as a single HTTP POST
request to the batch endpoint of a service, located at the URI $batch relative to the service root.
POST https://databaseserver:50000/b1s/v1/$batch
3.10.2 Batch Request Headers
The batch request must contain a Content-Type header that specifies a content type of multipart/mixed and a
boundary specification as:
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;boundary=<Batch Boundary>
The boundary specification is used in the Batch Request Body section.
3.10.3 Batch Request Body
The body of a batch request is composed of a series of individual requests and change sets, each represented as a
distinct MIME part, and separated by the boundary defined in the Content-Type header.
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--<Batch Boundary>
--<Batch Boundary>
--<Batch Boundary>
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;boundary=<Changeset Boundary>
--<Changeset boundary>
--<Changeset boundary>
--<Changeset boundary>--
--<Batch Boundary>--
The service processes the requests within a batch request sequentially.
Each sub request must include a Content-Type header with value application/http and a Content-
Transfer-Encoding header with value binary.
<sub request body>
The sub request body includes the real request content.
POST /b1s/v1/Items
<Json format Items Content>
GET /b1s/v1/Item('i001')
Note that two empty lines are necessary after the GET request line. The first empty line is part of the GET
request header, and the second one is the empty body of the GET request, followed by a CRLF.
3.10.4 Change Sets
A change set is an atomic unit of works. It means that any failed sub request in a change set will cause the whole
change set to be rolled back. Change sets must not contain any GET requests or other change sets.
Sub change set requests basically have the same format as sub requests outside change sets, except for one
additional feature: Referencing Content ID.
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Referencing Content ID: New entities created by a POST request within a change set can be referenced by
subsequent requests within the same change set by referring to the value of the Content-ID header prefixed
with a $ character. When used in this way, $<Content-ID> acts as an alias for the URI that identifies the new
How to use change set with Content-ID
1. Create an order.
2. Use $<Content-ID> to modify the order you just created.
--<Batch Boundary>
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;boundary=<Changeset Boundary>
--<Changeset boundary>
POST /b1s/v1/Items
<Json format Items Content>
--<Changeset boundary>
PATCH /b1s/v1/$1
<Json format Item update content>
--<Changeset boundary>--
--<Batch Boundary>--
Note that Content-ID only exists in change set sub requests:
o For OData Version 3, it is not necessary to use Content-ID unless you need to use it for reference.
o For OData Version 4, this header is a mandatory field, whether you use it or not.
3.10.5 Batch Request Sample Codes
The sample codes in this section show a complete batch request that contains the following operations:
A query request
A change set that contains the following requests:
o Insert entity (with Content-ID = 1)
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o Update request (with Content-ID = 2)
Sample Codes
POST https://databaseserver:50000/b1s/v1/$batch
OData-Version: 4.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;boundary=batch_36522ad7-fc75-4b56-8c71-56071383e77b
Content-Type: application/http
GET /b1s/v1/Items('i001')
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;boundary=changeset_77162fcd-b8da-41ac-a9f8-9357efbbd
Content-Type: application/http
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-ID: 1
POST /b1s/v1/Items('i002')
Content-Type: application/json
<Json format item(i002) body>
Content-Type: application/http
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-ID: 2
PATCH /b1s/v1/$1
Content-Type: application/json
<Json format item(i002) update body>
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3.10.6 Batch Response
This section contains the batch responses after you execute the batch requests.
[Batch Request Format Invalid]
Service returns HTTP error code: 400 Bad Request with error info in body if the request format is not valid.
"error" : {
"code" : -1000,
"innererror" : {
"context" : null,
"trace" : null
"message" : {
"lang" : "en-us",
"value" : "Incomplete Batch Request Body!"
[Batch Request Format Valid]
Service returns HTTP code: 202 Accept (OData Version 3) or 200 OK (OData Version 4) if the request format is
valid, The response body that is returned to the client depends on the request execute result.
If the batch request execution is successful, each sub request will have a corresponding sub response in the
response body.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
<Json format Item(i001) Body>
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HTTP/1.1 201 Created
<Json format Item(i002) Body>
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
If the batch request execution is not successful, the batch will stop executing once a sub request fails.
Note that when there is a failure in the change set, only one response returns for this change set, no matter
how many sub requests exist in this change set. For example, in the example below, the CREATE item
operation fails because an item with the same item code already exists in the database.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
<Json format Item(i001) Body>
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
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"error" : {
"code" : -10,
"innererror" : {
"context" : null,
"trace" : null
"message" : {
"lang" : "en-us",
"value" : "Item code 'i002' already exists"
Create an order and cancel it in one transaction
POST https://databaseserver:50000/b1s/v1/$batch
content-type: multipart/mixed;boundary=batch_36522ad7-fc75-4b56-8c71-
content-type: multipart/mixed;boundary=changeset_77162fcd-b8da-41ac-a9f8-
content-type: application/http
content-id: 1
post orders
"cardcode": "c1",
"docduedate": "2017-07-20",
"documentlines": [
"itemcode": "i1",
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"quantity": "1",
"taxcode": "t1",
"unitprice": "30"
content-type: application/http
post $1/cancel
host: host
3.11Retrieving Individual Properties
This feature is available in SAP Business One 9.1 patch level 04 and later.
Retrieving the properties of a complex type is not supported. For example, the following request is not
GET /Orders(1)/TaxExtension/TaxId0
Retrieving Property Values
To retrieve the values of individual properties, send HTTP requests as follows:
GET /Orders(1)/DocEntry
The service returns either of the following:
If DocEntry 1 exists:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"value": 1
If DocEntry 1 does not exist:
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HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"odata.null": true
For OData version 4, an additional "@" is added before "odata.null" in the response.
Retrieving Property Raw Values
To retrieve the raw values of individual properties, send HTTP requests as follows:
GET /Orders(1)/DocEntry/$value
The service returns:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
For null values, the service returns a 404 Not Found error, as below:
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
"error": {
"code": -2028,
"innererror": {
"context": null,
"trace": null
"message": {
"lang": "en-us",
"value": "Resource not found for the property: DocEntry"
This feature is available in SAP Business One 9.1 patch level 05 and later.
Two entities may be associated (independently related) in one way or another. The association is optionally
represented in the navigation property of each association end (one of the two associated entities).
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For example, if an association and corresponding navigation properties have been defined for order and customer
entities in the metadata, you can send the following HTTP request to get the customer associated with a particular
GET Orders(1)/BusinessPartner
If you already knew that the CardCode property of the order is "c1", the above request is equal to GET
You can continue to operate on this entity as on GET BusinessPartners('c1'). For example, to get the foreign
name of the customer, the following two requests are also equal:
GET Orders(1)/BusinessPartner/ForeignName
GET BusinessPartners('c1')/ForeignName
3.12.1 Metadata Definitions of Associations and Navigation
Associations and navigation properties are defined in the service metadata. Take orders and business partners,
for example:
<!-- section 1 -->
<Association Name="FK_Documents_BusinessPartners">
<End Type="SAPB1.BusinessPartner" Role="BusinessPartners" Multiplicity="0..1" />
<End Type="SAPB1.Document" Role="Documents" Multiplicity="*" />
<Principal Role="BusinessPartners">
<PropertyRef Name="CardCode" />
<Dependent Role="Documents">
<PropertyRef Name="CardCode" />
<!-- section 2 -->
<EntityType Name="BusinessPartner">
<PropertyRef Name="CardCode"/>
<Property Name="CardCode" Nullable="false" Type="Edm.String"/>
<Property Name="CardName" Type="Edm.String"/>
<Property Name="CardType" Type="SAPB1.BoCardTypes"/>
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<NavigationProperty Name="Orders" Relationship="SAPB1.FK_Documents_BusinessPartners"
FromRole="BusinessPartners" ToRole="Orders" />
<NavigationProperty Name="Invoices"
Relationship="SAPB1.FK_Documents_BusinessPartners" FromRole="BusinessPartners"
ToRole="Invoices" />
<!-- section 3 -->
<EntityType Name="Document">
<PropertyRef Name="DocEntry"/>
<Property Name="DocEntry" Nullable="false" Type="Edm.Int32"/>
<Property Name="DocNum" Type="Edm.Int32"/>
<Property Name="DocType" Type="SAPB1.BoDocumentTypes"/>
<NavigationProperty Name="BusinessPartner"
Relationship="SAPB1.FK_Documents_BusinessPartners" FromRole="Documents"
ToRole="BusinessPartners" />
<!-- section 4 -->
<AssociationSet Association="SAPB1.FK_Documents_BusinessPartners"
<End EntitySet="Orders" Role="Documents"/>
<End EntitySet="BusinessPartners" Role="BusinessPartners"/>
<AssociationSet Association="SAPB1.FK_Documents_BusinessPartners"
<End EntitySet="Invoices" Role="Documents"/>
<End EntitySet="BusinessPartners" Role="BusinessPartners"/>
The metadata defines the association between BusinessPartners and Orders as follows:
Section 1 defines a "1:*" (1:n) association between BusinessPartners and Documents, joined on the
condition BusinessPartners.CardCode = Documents.CardCode.
Section 2 defines two navigation properties Orders and Invoices on entity type BusinessPartner.
Section 3 defines a navigation property BusinessPartner on entity type Document.
Section 4 defines two association sets with the same association FK_Documents_BusinessPartners. The
first association set is Orders and BusinessPartners and the second is Invoices and
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3.12.2 Retrieving navigation properties as entity
As long as navigation properties are defined on association ends, you can navigate back and forth between the
association ends. The navigation is not necessarily bidirectional; it can be unidirectional.
According to the metadata (section 2 in Metadata Definitions of Associations and Navigation Properties), a
navigation property Orders has been defined for entity type BusinessPartner (the type of entity set
BusinessPartners). To get the orders associated with business partner "c1", send the following request:
GET BusinessPartners('c1')/Orders
This request is equal to the following request:
GET Orders?$filter=CardCode eq 'c1'
According to the metadata (section 3 in Metadata Definitions of Associations and Navigation Properties), entity
type Document has a navigation property BusinessPartners. To get the customer associated with the order
(DocEntry: 1), send the following request:
GET Orders(1)/BusinessPartner
You can extend your request chain even further in the URL. For example, to get all orders of the customer who is
associated with order 1, send the following request:
GET Orders(1)/BusinessPartner/Orders
3.12.3 Retrieving navigation properties via $expand
With OData query option $select and $expand, the navigation properties can be retrieved just as other properties.
For example, to retrieve the customer as a property of an order, send the following request:
GET Orders(1)?$select=*,BusinessPartner&$expand=BusinessPartner
You can get the customer code property from an order and the foreign name property from the associated
customer by sending the following request:
GET Orders(1)?$select=CardCode,BusinessPartner/ForeignName&$expand=BusinessPartner
$expand can be applied to collections as well. For instance, you can send the following request to retrieve the
BusinessPartner properties of all orders:
GET Orders?$select=*,BusinessPartner&$expand=BusinessPartner
The following two requests have the same effect:
GET Orders(1)?$select=CardCode,BusinessPartner/ForeignName
GET Orders(1)?$select=CardCode
For the former, BusinessPartner/ForeignName is ignored as the navigation property
BusinessPartner is not expanded.
$expand working with collections may have performance issues. We recommend that you not send such
requests frequently.
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3.13 User-Defined Schemas
This feature is available in SAP Business One 9.1 patch level 03 and later.
A typical sales order returned by Service Layer:
"DocEntry": 71,
"DocNum": 51,
"DocType": "dDocument_Items",
"HandWritten": "tNO",
"Printed": "psNo",
"DocumentLines": [
"LineNum": 0,
"ItemCode": "i1",
"ItemDescription": "item 1",
"Quantity": 10,
"ShipDate": "2014-04-01",
"Price": 100,
"LineNum": 1,
"ItemCode": "i2",
"ItemDescription": "item 2",
"Quantity": 8,
"ShipDate": "2014-04-01",
"Price": 120,
If the existing data structure does not satisfy your needs or you want to restrict the field amount, you can create
your own schemas. Note that user-defined schemas are based on entities.
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Before working with a user-defined schema, ensure the following:
You have created a schema file under the <Installation Directory>/ServiceLayer/conf folder.
If you want to send requests directly through a load balancer member which is installed on a different
machine from the load balancer, you must ensure a copy of the schema file exists also on the member
You have defined the schema in the JSON format, according to your needs.
Any change to the schema file takes effect immediately after you save the file. You do not have to restart
the Service Layer service.
If you want to use the default schema defined in the b1s.conf file instead of specifying the schema in
requests, you have made the schema file name identical to the value of the schema configuration option. For
more information, see Configuration Options for Service Layer.
3.13.1 Filter Fields
A company database usually contains many more fields than needed. You can define your own schemas with
"trimmed" data structures.
How to restrict data output to a limited number of fields
In the conf folder, create a file named marketingDocument.schema and edit the file as below:
"Document": [
"DocumentLine": [
This schema restricts output fields as follows:
o For type (EntityType or ComplexType in the metadata) Document (including all marketing
document entities): DocEntry, DocNum, and DocumentLines
o For type DocumentLine: LineNum, ItemCode, and Quantity
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The service returns:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
B1S-Schema: schema1.schema
...(other HTTP headers)...
"DocEntry": 71,
"DocNum": 51,
"DocumentLines": [
"LineNum": 0,
"ItemCode": "i1",
"Quantity": 10
"LineNum": 1,
"ItemCode": "i2",
"Quantity": 8
The schema file is often named {xxx}.schema but that is not mandatory. You can use any name, for
example, myschema.
In SAP Business One 9.1 patch level 04 and later, a schema file named demo.schema is available after
installation. You can directly use it as follows:
GET /Orders
B1S-Schema: demo.schema
3.14 User-Defined Fields (UDFs)
In SAP Business One 9.1 patch level 04 and earlier, user-defined fields (UDFs) are treated as dynamic properties
of an OData entity. An entity that has a dynamic property is of "open type", that is, in the EntityType XML node
in metadata, it has the attribute OpenType=true.
As of SAP Business One 9.1 patch level PL04, you can manage the metadata of UDFs and perform CRUD
operations on UDFs as on regular entities.
As of SAP Business One 9.1 patch level PL05, UDFs appear in the entity definition in metadata.
All UDFs in SAP Business One are prefixed with "U_".
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3.14.1 Managing Metadata of UDFs
This feature is available in SAP Business One 9.1 patch level 04 and later.
You can perform CRUD operations on UDFs as on regular entities. However, you must be aware that DDL
operations on tables can be expensive in the database if the tables are referenced by many objects (for example,
procedures, functions, and views). It may take longer than expected to create or delete UDFs, especially in
marketing documents.
Creating UDFs
Use the POST method to create a UDF. For example, to create a UDF named "u1" on table OCRD (business partner
master data), send the following HTTP request:
POST /UserFieldsMD
"Name": "u1",
"Type": "db_Alpha",
"Size": 10,
"Description": "udf 1",
"SubType": "st_None",
"TableName": "OCRD"
The service returns:
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
"Name": "u1",
"Type": "db_Alpha",
"Size": 10,
"Description": "udf 1",
"SubType": "st_None",
"LinkedTable": null,
"DefaultValue": null,
"TableName": "OCRD",
"FieldID": 0,
"EditSize": 10,
"Mandatory": "tNO",
"LinkedUDO": null,
"ValidValuesMD": []
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For data consistency, when you create a UDF on a particular table, the UDF is automatically created on other
related tables. In the example above, in addition to OCRD, the UDF "u1" is also created on table ACRD (the archive
table for the Business Partner object). If you create a UDF on a sales order row table RDR1, the UDF is
automatically created on all marketing document line tables (for example, purchase order rows -POR1, delivery
rows - DLN1, invoice rows - INV1) as well as the archive table for document rows ADO1.
For more information, see Creating Entities.
Retrieving UDFs
To retrieve a UDF, send an HTTP request as the example below:
GET /UserFieldsMD(TableName='OCRD', FieldID=0)
For more information, see Retrieving Entities.
Querying UDFs
Standard OData query options are also supported for UDFs. For example, you've forgotten the table name and the
UDF ID but still remember the UDF name; you can query the UDF as follows:
GET /UserFieldsMD?$filter=Name eq 'u1'
The service returns:
"value": [
"Name": "u1",
"TableName": "ACRD",
"FieldID": 0,
"Name": "u1",
"TableName": "OCRD",
"FieldID": 0,
From the response above, you can see that in addition to table OCRD, UDF "u1" has also been created on table
For more information, see Query Options.
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Updating UDFs
To change the description and size of a UDF, send an HTTP request as the example below:
PATCH /UserFieldsMD(TableName='OCRD', FieldID=0)
"EditSize": 20,
"Description": "Internal Id",
You cannot change such properties as the file type (Type).
For more information, see Updating Entities.
Deleting UDFs
To delete a UDF, send an HTTP request as the example below:
DELETE /UserFieldsMD(TableName='OCRD', FieldID=0)
3.14.2 CRUD Operations
As with regular entities, you can perform CRUD operations on UDFs, query UDFs, and so on.
How to add Business Partners with a UDF "U_BPSpecRemarks"
Send the HTTP request:
POST /BusinessPartners
"CardCode": "bpudf_004",
"U_BPSpecRemarks": "First Business Partners with UDF remarks added by
The service returns:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"CardCode": "bpudf_004",
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siness One Service Layer
"U_BPSpecRemarks": "First Business Partners with UDF remarks added by
How to query entities using UDFs
Send the HTTP request:
GET /BusinessPartners?$filter=startswith(U_BPSpecRemarks, 'First')
The service returns:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"value": [
"CardCode": "bpudf_001",
"U_BPSpecRemarks": "First Business Partners with UDF remarks.",
"CardCode": "bpudf_003",
"U_BPSpecRemarks": "First Business Partners with UDF remarks added
by Chrome.",
3.15User-defined Tables (UDTs)
You can directly access user-defined tables (UDTs) of "no object" type in SAP Business One 9.1 patch level 05 and
later. UDTs of "no object" type are treated as simple entities that only have one main table. UDTs of "no object"
type cannot be used by UDOs (UDOs use UDTs of type "master data", "master data rows", "document" or
"document rows").
In the following examples, we will add UDT "MYTBL" of type "no object", and then service layer will expose it as an
entity named "U_MYTBL".
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3.15.1 Managing Metadata of UDTs
You can manage UDT metadata via service layer in SAP Business One 9.1 patch level 04 and later.
How to create UDT "MYTBL" as a "no object" table
Send the HTTP request:
POST /UserTablesMD
"TableName": "MYTBL",
"TableDescription": "My Table",
"TableType": "bott_NoObject"
Note that:
o The table name uses capital letters. This name will be used when you get the metadata of this new
table via GET /UserTablesMD('MYTBL').
o The real table in the database is "@MYTBL". This name will be used when you add user-defined fields.
How to add fields "F1" to table "MYTBL"
Send the HTTP request to add field "F1" with type "Alphanumeric":
POST /UserFieldsMD
"Name": "F1",
"Type": "db_Alpha",
"Size": 10,
"Description": "Customer name",
"SubType": "st_None",
"TableName": "@MYTBL"
3.15.2 CRUD Operations
As with regular entities, you can perform CRUD operations on UDTs.
Service layer maps UDTs to entities by adding the prefix "U_". For example, UDT "MYTBL" gets the entity name
How to create entities for UDT "MYTBL"
Send the HTTP request:
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"U_F1":"test data"
How to retrieve the records of UDT "MYTBL" (Code is the key field)
Send the HTTP request:
GET /U_MYTBL(Code='C')
How to get a key list of all user orders
Send the HTTP request:
GET /U_MYTBL?$select=Code
How to get a record whose name equals 'CName'
Send the HTTP request:
GET /U_MYTBL?$filter=Name eq 'CName'
How to update the record value of "U_F1"
Send the HTTP request:
"U_F1": "test data - updated"
How to delete the record
Send the HTTP request:
3.16 User-Defined Objects (UDOs)
CRUD operations are possible for UDOs in SAP Business One 9.1 patch level 03 and later.
You can manage UDO metadata in Service Layer in SAP Business One 9.1 patch level 04 and later.
You can access UDTs via Service Layer directly in SAP Business One 9.1 patch level 05 and later.
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In SAP Business One 9.1 patch level 05 and later, information from UDTs, UDOs and UDFs is included in
OData metadata https://databaseserver:50000/b1s/v1/$metadata.
In SAP Business One 9.2 patch level 11 and later, UDO Cancel/Close function is supported.
Depending on your business needs, you can create your own objects for managing custom data and creating
custom functionality. Each user-defined object must be registered with one main user-defined table and,
optionally, with one or more child UDTs. Each UDT contains one or more user-defined fields (UDFs). The object
type of a main UDT must be either Master Data or Document, while the object type of a child UDT must be either
Master Data Rows or Document Rows.
3.16.1 Managing Metadata of UDOs
This feature is available in SAP Business One 9.1 patch level 04 and later.
Service Layer requires the same procedure to create a UDO as in the SAP Business One client application or via
the DI API. The following procedure illustrates how to create a UDO "MyOrder" with the following definition:
Main Table / Child Table UDT UDF Type
Main Table MyOrder Document
CustomerName Alphanumeric
DocTotal Units and Totals / Amount
Child Table MyOrderLines Document Rows
ItemName Alphanumeric
Price Units and Totals / Price
Quantity Units and Totals / Quantity
1. To create the main table "MyOrder", send the following HTTP request:
POST /UserTablesMD
"TableName": "MyOrder",
"TableDescription": "My Orders",
"TableType": "bott_Document"
The service returns:
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
"TableName": "MYORDER",
"TableDescription": "My Orders",
"TableType": "bott_Document",
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"Archivable": "tNO",
The name is the unique identifier for a UDT and undergoes the following automatic changes after its
o A prefix "@" is added to the name.
o The name is converted to the upper case.
For example, if you define a UDT name as "MyOrder", the actual UDT name in the database is
To obtain the metadata of this table, send the HTTP request:
GET /UserTablesMD('MYORDER')
2. Add UDFs to table "MyOrder".
1. To create field "CustomerName", send the following HTTP request:
POST /UserFieldsMD
"Name": "CustomerName",
"Type": "db_Alpha",
"Size": 10,
"Description": "Customer Name",
"SubType": "st_None",
"TableName": "@MYORDER"
2. To create field "DocTotal", send the following HTTP request:
POST /UserFieldsMD
"Name": "DocTotal",
"Type": "db_Float",
"Description": "Total Amount",
"SubType": "st_Sum",
"TableName": "@MYORDER"
3. To create the child table "MyOrderLines", send the following HTTP request:
POST /UserTablesMD
"TableName": "MyOrderLines",
"TableDescription": "My Order Lines",
"TableType": "bott_DocumentLines"
As with the main table, the actual name of this table is "@MYORDERLINES".
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4. Add UDFs to table "MyOrderLines".
1. To create field "ItemName", send the following HTTP request:
POST /UserFieldsMD
"Name": "ItemName",
"Type": "db_Alpha",
"Size": 10,
"Description": "Item name",
"SubType": "st_None",
"TableName": "@MYORDERLINES"
2. To create field "Price", send the following HTTP request:
POST /UserFieldsMD
"Name": "Price",
"Type": "db_Float",
"Description": "Unit Price",
"SubType": "st_Price",
"TableName": "@MYORDERLINES"
3. To create field "Quantity", send the following HTTP request:
POST /UserFieldsMD
"Name": "Quantity",
"Type": "db_Float",
"Description": "Quantity",
"SubType": "st_Quantity",
"TableName": "@MYORDERLINES"
5. To register UDO "MyOrder", send the following HTTP request:
POST /UserObjectsMD
"Code": "MyOrder",
"Name": "My Orders",
"TableName": "MyOrder",
"ObjectType": "boud_Document",
"UserObjectMD_ChildTables": [
"TableName": "MyOrderLines",
"ObjectName": "MyOrderLines"
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ce Layer
The property name of a subobject collection is "<Subobject Code>Collection" and the UDT code is, by
default, the same as the UDT name. Therefore, if you intend to use a UDT as a child table for a UDO and
the UDT name (TableName) contains spaces, we recommend that you change the UDT code
(ObjectName) during the registration. For example, if a UDT code is "My Order Lines", the
corresponding property name would be "My Order LineCollection".
Adding User Keys
You can add user keys to user-defined tables. For example, to create a unique key on column CustomerName,
send the following HTTP request:
POST /UserKeysMD
"TableName": "@MYORDER",
"KeyIndex": "1",
"KeyName": "IX_0",
"Unique": "tYES",
"UserKeysMD_Elements": [
"ColumnAlias": "CustomerName"
The service returns:
"TableName": "@MYORDER",
"KeyIndex": "0",
"KeyName": "IX_0",
"Unique": "tYES",
"UserKeysMD_Elements": [
"SubKeyIndex": "0",
"ColumnAlias": "CustomerName"
To get the metadata of this key, send the following HTTP request:
GET /UserKeysMD(TableName='@MYORDER', KeyIndex=0)
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3.16.2 Creating Entity for a UDO
As with regular entities, you can perform CRUD operations on UDOs, query UDOs, create user-defined schemas
based on UDOs, and so on.
To create a UDO entity, send an HTTP request to add an order with 2 items, such as:
POST /MyOrder
"U_CustomerName": "c1",
"U_DocTotal": 620,
"MyOrderLinesCollection": [
"U_ItemName": "item1",
"U_Price": 100,
"U_Quantity": 3
"U_ItemName": "item2",
"U_Price": 80,
"U_Quantity": 4
The property name of the sub object collection is "{sub-object-code}Collection", for example, the sub
object code is MyOrderLines (by default the same as the UDT name if you do not change it), so the
property name is MyOrderLinesCollection.
On success, the server replies as the follows:
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
"DocEntry": 10,
"DocNum": 2,
"U_CustomerName": "c1",
"U_DocTotal": 620,
"MyOrderLinesCollection": [
"LineNum": 1,
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"U_ItemName": "item1",
"U_Price": 100,
"U_Quantity": 3
"LineNum": 2,
"U_ItemName": "item2",
"U_Price": 80,
"U_Quantity": 4
When defining a schema file based on a UDO, the object name is required instead of the ID (which is the unique
identifier of a UDO). As the system does not prevent you from creating a UDO with a name identical to an existing
UDO or a system object, you must pay special attention to maintain the uniqueness of the UDO name. Note that
URL and request contents still require the UDO ID.
3.16.3 Retrieving Entity for UDO
You can get the order via a key field. DocEntry is the key field of the order.
GET /MyOrder(10)
GET /MyOrder(DocEntry=10)
On success, HTTP code 200 is returned with the content of the object that is the same as the one returned by
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"DocEntry": 10,
Query options are also supported. You can get a key list of all user orders.
GET /MyOrder?$select=DocEntry
Service returns:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"value": [
{"DocEntry": 1},
{"DocEntry": 2},
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{"DocEntry": 13}
To get user orders with specified customer name and total money greater than 1000:
GET /MyOrder?$filter=U_CustomerName eq 'c1' and U_DocTotal gt 1000
User-defined schema is also supported for UDO.
For example, you created a file named myobj.schema in the conf folder:
"MyOrder": ["DocEntry", "U_CustomerName"],
"MyOrderLines": ["U_ItemName", "U_Quantity"]
o Use UDO name (not UDO code) to define the schema if the name is not the same as the code.
o By default, the object name is the same as the object code (i.e. the unique ID), and the sub-object
name is the same as the sub-object code (i.e. the user table name). You can change the object name
or sub-object name during registration. Code will be used in URL and request content, and name will
be used in user-defined schema.
o UDO name may contain a space, for example, "Order Lines".
Then send the request:
GET /MyOrder(1)
B1S-Schema: myobj.schema
You get:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
B1S-Schema: myobj.schema
"DocEntry": 10,
"U_CustomerName": "c1",
"MyOrderLinesCollection": [
"U_ItemName": "item1",
"U_Quantity": 3
"U_ItemName": "item2",
"U_Quantity": 4
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3.16.4 Updating Entity for UDO
You can update the order, for example, change the quantity of item2 from 4 to 5 for this sales order. Note:
U_DocTotal also needs to change as the quantity changes.
PATCH /MyOrder(10)
"U_DocTotal": 700,
"MyOrderLines": [
"LineNum": 2,
"U_Quantity": 5
On success, HTTP code 204 is returned without content.
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
PUT/PATCH/MERGE are all supported for updating. PATCH and MERGE are the same. Refer to chapter
Updating Entities for differences between PATCH and PUT.
3.16.5 Deleting Entity for UDO
Use HTTP verb DELETE and the key fields to delete the entity.
DELETE /MyOrder(10)
On success, HTTP code 204 is returned without content.
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
3.16.6 Canceling/Closing Entity for UDO
By default, you are not allowed to close or cancel the UDO. To enable this, first send a patch request to
UserObjectsMD as below:
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PATCH UserObjectsMD('MyOrder')
{ "CanClose": "tYES", "CanCancel": "tYES" }
To cancel the order,
POST /MyOrder(10)/Cancel
To close the order,
POST /MyOrder(10)/Close
On success, HTTP code 204 is returned without content.
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
The related metadata is as follows:
<EntitySet EntityType="SAPB1.MYORDER" Name="MyOrder"/>
<FunctionImport IsBindable="true" Name="Cancel">
<Parameter Name="MYORDERParams" Type="SAPB1.MYORDER"/>
<FunctionImport IsBindable="true" Name="Close">
<Parameter Name="MYORDERParams" Type="SAPB1.MYORDER"/>
As of SAP Business One 9.1 patch level 12, version for SAP HANA, attachment manipulation is supported through
the Service Layer. The supported attachment type list is:
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3.17.1 Setting up an Attachment Folder
An attachment folder is generally a shared folder on the Windows platform for the SAP Business One client.
For the Service Layer running on SAP HANA on Linux, it is not allowed to directly access this shared folder. In
order to make the attachment folder accessible for Service Layer as well, the Common Internet File System
(CIFS) is required. For more information about CIFS, you can visit:
Take the following steps to set up:
1. Create a network shared folder with read and write permissions on Windows (for example,
\\<databaseserver>\temp\SL\attachments2) and configure it as the attachment folder in General Settings
in the SAP Business One client.
2. Create a corresponding attachment directory on Linux, (for example, /mnt/attachments2).
3. Mount the Linux folder to the Windows folder by running a command such as this:
mount -t cifs -o username=xxxxx,password=******,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777
"//<databaseserver>/temp/SL/attachments2/" /mnt/attachments2
Remember to escape in case the user name or password contains any special characters (e.g. \, $). For
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mount -t cifs -o
"//<databaseserver>/temp/andy/attachments2/" /mnt/attachments2
Remember the shared folder is a network folder rather than a local folder on Windows. Otherwise, Service
Layer will not be able to access it.
How to auto mount when Linux server starts
To facilitate the configuration convenience for customers, /etc/fstab can be leveraged to automatically
mount to the Windows shared folder once the Linux server reboots. One approach to achieve this is as
1. Log in as a root user and create a credentials file (for example, /etc/mycifspass) with the following
2. Open the system configuration file /etc/fstab and append one line, as follows:
//<databaseserver>/temp/SL/attachments2/ /mnt/attachments2 cifs
credentials=/etc/mycifspass 0 0
3. Reboot the Linux server; the Windows shared folder is automatically mounted.
3.17.2 Uploading an Attachment
Considering that the source file to upload may be on the same machine as Service Layer or on a separate
machine, Service Layer has to support both of these two cases. Uploading source file to the local Service Layer
[Applicable for Service Layer on both SAP HANA and SQL Server]
This case is similar as the attachment handling by the SAP Business One client, as the source file and the SAP
Business One client are always in the same machine.
The file to upload in this case is on Linux. It can also be applied to the Windows files.
For this case, upload the source file (for example, /home/builder/src_attachment/my_attach_1.dat) as
an attachment by sending a request such as:
POST /b1s/v1/Attachments2
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"Attachments2_Lines": [
"SourcePath": "/home/builder/src_attachment",
"FileName": "my_attach_1",
"FileExtension": "dat"
On success, the response is as follows:
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
"AbsoluteEntry": "1",
"Attachments2_Lines": [
"SourcePath": "/home/builder/src_attachment",
"FileName": "my_attach_1",
"FileExtension": "dat",
"AttachmentDate": "2016-03-25",
"UserID": "1",
"Override": "tNO"
The source file is saved in the destination attachment folder on Linux (/mnt/attachments2).
Open the Windows folder (\\<databaseserver>\temp\SL\attachments); the source file is saved there as
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115 Upload source file to a remote Service Layer
[Applicable for Service Layer on both SAP HANA and SQL Server]
As a Web service, most times Service Layer and the source file to upload may be on separate machines, which is
quite different than the attachment case in the SAP Business One client.
One way to add an attachment for this case is to use the HTTP POST method. The request must contain a
Content-Type header specifying a content type of multipart/form-data and a boundary specification as:
Content-Type: multipart/form-data;boundary=<Boundary>
The body is separated by the boundary defined in the Content-Type header, such as:
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="files"; filename="<file1>"
Content-Type: <content type of file1>
<file1 content>
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="files"; filename="<file2>"
Content-Type: <content type of file2>
<file2 content>
For example, if you want to pack two files into one attachment to post, send the request as follows:
POST /b1s/v1/Attachments2 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=WebKitFormBoundaryUmZoXOtOBNCTLyxT
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="files"; filename="line1.txt"
Content-Type: text/plain
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B1 Service Layer (SL) is a new generation of extension API for consuming B1 objects
and services
via web service with high scalability and high availability.
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="files"; filename="line2.jpg"
Content-Type: image/jpeg
<image binary data>
On success, the response is as follows:
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
"odata.metadata" :
"AbsoluteEntry" : "3",
"Attachments2_Lines" : [
"SourcePath" : "/tmp/sap_b1_i066088/ServiceLayer/Attachments2/",
"FileName" : "line1",
"FileExtension" : "txt",
"AttachmentDate" : "2016-04-06",
"UserID" : "1",
"Override" : "tNO"
"SourcePath" : "/tmp/sap_b1_i066088/ServiceLayer/Attachments2/",
"FileName" : "line2",
"FileExtension" : "png",
"AttachmentDate" : "2016-04-06",
"UserID" : "1",
"Override" : "tNO"
o The boundary MUST be prepended with two dashes (--) in the request body.
o The last boundary in the request body MUST be appended with two extra dashes (--).
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o If Service Layer returns a message about creating a file error on Linux, it indicates the permission of
temporary attachment directory has been changed by someone accidentally. For this case, open a
Linux terminal with root user privilege and run the below commands to recover the permission.
sudo chown -R b1service0:b1service0 /tmp/sap_b1_b1service0
sudo chmod -R 755 /tmp/sap_b1_b1service0
3.17.3 Downloading Attachments
By default, the first attachment line is downloaded if there are multiple attachment lines in one attachment. To
download it, $value is required to be appended to the end of the attachment retrieval URL. For example:
GET /b1s/v1/Attachments2(3)/$value
On success, the response in browser is as follows:
If you want to download an attachment line other than the first attachment line, you need to specify the full file
name (including the file extension) in the request URL. For example:
GET /b1s/v1/Attachments2(3)/$value?filename='line2.png'
On success, the response in browser is as follows:
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3.17.4 Updating Attachment
Service Layer allows you to update an attachment via PATCH and there are two typical cases for this operation.
How to update an existing attachment line
If the attachment line to update already exists, it is simply replaced by the new attachment line. For
PATCH /b1s/v1/Attachments2(3) HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=WebKitFormBoundaryUmZoXOtOBNCTLyxT
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="files"; filename="line1.txt"
Content-Type: text/plain
Introduction (Updated)
B1 Service Layer (SL) is a new generation of extension API for consuming B1
objects and services via web service with high scalability and high
On success, HTTP code 204 is returned without content.
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
To check the updated attachment line, send a request such as:
GET /b1s/v1/Attachments2(3)/$value?filename='line1.txt'
On success, the response in browser is as follows:
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How to add one attachment line if not existing
If the attachment line to update doesn't exist, the new attachment line is appended to the last existing
attachment line. For example:
PATCH /b1s/v1/Attachments2(3) HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=WebKitFormBoundaryUmZoXOtOBNCTLyxT
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="files"; filename="line3.png"
Content-Type: image/jpeg
<binary data>
On success, HTTP code 204 is returned without content.
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
To check the newly created attachment line, send a request as follows:
GET /b1s/v1/Attachments2(3)/$value?filename='line3.png'
On success, the response in browser is as follows:
o From the business logic perspective, it is not allowed to delete an attachment or attachment line.
o Due to security considerations, the attachment to upload MUST be less than 50M. If not, SL responds
with an error message as below:
413 Request Entity Too Large
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<title>413 Request Entity Too Large</title>
<h1>Request Entity Too Large</h1>
The requested resource
<br />/b1s/v1/Attachments2
<br />
does not allow request data with POST requests, or the amount of data
provided in
the request exceeds the capacity limit.
Additionally, a 413 Request Entity Too Large
error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to
handle the request.
3.18Stream Entity Upload
As of SAP Business One 10.0 FP 2202, Service Layer allows users to upload a stream entity with the Slug
mechanism. Slug is an HTTP entity-header whose presence in a POST to a Collection constitutes a request by the
client to use the header's value as part of any URIs that would normally be used to retrieve the to-be-created Entry
or Media Resources. For information about Slug, please see its specification.
In the Service Layer, the following entities have streaming capabilities and can be used to leverage the Slug
If you look at its metadata, you will see that such a streaming entity has a special attribute HasStream="true",
which means that the entity type is a media entity, and represents a media stream, such as a photo.
<EntityType HasStream="true" Name="Attachments2" OpenType="true">
<PropertyRef Name="AbsoluteEntry"/>
<Property Name="AbsoluteEntry" Nullable="false" Type="Edm.Int32"/>
<Property Name="Attachments2_Lines"
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The following section will give some samples that demonstrate how to use the Slug to work with Service Layer.
3.18.1 OData Client Sample
The code snippet below uses the oData client library to upload an attachment to the Service Layer. For more
details on how to use the oData client library to work with the Service Layer, please see OData Client for Service
// POST /b1s/v2/Attachments2
Attachments2 attachment = new Attachments2();
string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
string imageFile = path + @".\SAP-logo.jpg";
// Open an image file and save it as a stream.
FileStream imageStream = new FileStream(imageFile, FileMode.Open);
slContext.SetSaveStream(attachment, imageStream, true, "image/jpeg", "SAP.jpg");//
image/jpeg => jpeg jpg jpe
// Upload the file and get the response.
ChangeOperationResponse changeResponse = slContext.SaveChanges().FirstOrDefault() as
// Get the entity created on the service and check if the entity is as expected.
var entityDescriptor = changeResponse.Descriptor as EntityDescriptor;
Uri editLink = entityDescriptor.EditLink;
Regex regex = new Regex(@"/b1s/v2/attachments2\((?<entry>\d+)\)",
Match match = regex.Match(editLink.LocalPath);
return match.Success ? Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups["entry"].Value) : 0;
Capture the request and you will find the Slug header is there to indicate the file name.
POST https://servicelayerhost:50000/b1s/v2/Attachments2 HTTP/1.1
Slug: SAP.jpg
OData-Version: 4.0
OData-MaxVersion: 4.0
Accept: application/json;odata.metadata=minimal;
Accept-Charset: UTF-8
User-Agent: Microsoft.OData.Client/7.9.0
Cookie: B1SESSION=3a8f8e84-e1f4-11eb-8000-0a0027000008;HttpOnly;
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Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: image/jpeg
Host: servicelayerhost:50000
Content-Length: 6315
<the binary content of an image>
3.18.2 SAP UI5 Sample
The following code snippet uses the SAP UI5 libaray to work with the Service Layer on the browser side.
UI for the file uploader
<Title text="{i18n>attachmentViewTitle}" />
tooltip="Upload your attachment"
text="Upload Attachment"
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Interaction for the file uploader
sap.ui.define(['sap/m/MessageToast', 'sap/ui/core/mvc/Controller'],
function (MessageToast, Controller) {
"use strict";
return Controller.extend("sapb1.fioriservicelayerapp.controller.Attachment", {
attachHandleUploadPress: function (oEvent) {
var oAttachmentUploader = this.byId("attachmentUploader");
oAttachmentUploader.checkFileReadable().then(function () {
name: "Slug",
value: "SAP.jpg"
}, function (error) {"The file cannot be read. It may have
}).then(function () {
3.19 Item Image and Employee Image
As of SAP Business One 9.1 patch level 12, version for SAP HANA, Service Layer introduces a new stream entity
ItemImages to support the CRUD operations of entity ItemImages. The metadata of this entity is:
<EntityType Name="ItemImage" m:HasStream="true">
<PropertyRef Name="ItemCode"/>
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<Property Name="ItemCode" Nullable="false" Type="Edm.String"/>
<Property Name="Picture" Nullable="false" Type="Edm.String"/>
As of SAP Business One 9.3 patch level 12, version for SAP HANA, EmployeeImages are availabe for you in the
Service Layer.
3.19.1 Setting up an Item Image Folder
The item image folder is a shared folder on Windows platform for the SAP Business One client. To make it
accessible for Service Layer on Linux, CIFS is required. The setup steps for the item image folder are similar to
those of the attachment folder, as follows:
1. Create a shared folder with read and write permissions on Windows (for example,
\\<databaseserver>\temp\SL\itemimages) and configure it as the item image folder in General Settings
of the SAP Business One client. Make sure the folder path is a network path.
2. Create a folder on Linux, (for example, /mnt/itemimages).
3. Mount the Linux folder to the Windows folder by running a command such as:
mount -t cifs -o username=xxxxx,password=******,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777
"//<databaseserver>/temp/SL/itemimages" /mnt/itemimages
To auto mount when the Linux server starts, use the same steps as for the attachment folder.
3.19.2 Getting an Item Image or an Employee Image
From the SAP Business One client, you can specify an item image for an item or an employee image for an
To get the item image via Service Layer, send a request such as:
GET /b1s/v1/ItemImages('i001')/$value
On success, the response in the browser is as follows:
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$value is required to be appended to the end of the ItemImages retrieval URL.
If $value is omitted, the response is as follows:
"odata.mediaReadLink": "ItemImages('i001')/$value",
"odata.mediaContentType": "image/jpeg",
"ItemCode": "'i001'",
"Picture": "sap_1.jpg"
To get the employee image via Service Layer, send a request such as:
GET b1s/v1/EmployeeImages('EmployeeID')
3.19.3 Updating or Uploading an Item Image
Service Layer also allows you to upload or update an item image via PATCH. The request must contain a Content-
Type header specifying a content type of multipart/mixed and a boundary specification as:
Content-Type: multipart/form-data;boundary=<Boundary>
The body is separated by the boundary defined in the Content-Type header, such as:
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="files"; filename="<file>"
Content-Type: <content type of file>
<file content>
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The prerequisite is the item must exist. If the item does not have an image, for example, the item with ItemCode=
'i001', a Patch request such as the one below uploads an image. Otherwise, the request replaces the existing item
PATCH /b1s/v1/ItemImages('i001') HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryUmZoXOtOBNCTLyxT
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="files"; filename="sap_2.jpg"
Content-Type: image/jpeg
<image binary data>
On success, HTTP code 204 is returned without content.
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
To check the updated one, send a request such as:
GET /b1s/v1/ItemImages('i001')/$value
On success, the response in the browser is as follows:
For test purposes only, you can use the Chrome plug-in POSTMAN to update an item image.
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3.19.4 Deleting an Item Image
To delete an item image, send a request such as:
DELETE /b1s/v1/ItemImages('i001')
On success, HTTP code 204 is returned without content.
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
It is not allowed to post an item image. You can work around that limitation by uploading an item image
via PATCH.
It is not allowed to query item images. To work around this issue, query the ItemCode and Picure of the
entity Items instead.
3.20 JavaScript Extension
As of SAP Business One 9.2 PL04, Service Layer allows users to develop their own extension application by
embedding JavaScript in the server side.
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3.20.1 JavaScript Parsing Engine
Service Layer uses Chrome V8 Engine (hereafter referred to as V8) as the JavaScript parsing engine due to the
following considerations:
Parsing performance is of significant importance for Service Layer, and V8 is a script engine known for its
excellent performance.
Service Layer and V8 are both written in C++. This would make the integration more seamless and easier.
The V8 JavaScript engine is an open source JavaScript engine developed by The Chromium Project for the Google
Chrome Web browser. For more information about V8, see
3.20.2 JavaScript Extension Framework
To facilitate the development of an extension application, Service Layer provides a JavaScript framework for
users to easily operate the business objects and services. The diagram below shows the basic structure of the
o Besides the DICore and SLCore, V8, as a new C++ component, is integrated into Service Layer.
o Service Layer adds the C++/JavaScript interop layer to be responsible for the interaction between
JavaScript and C++.
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o On top of the interop layer, JavaScript SDK is designed to hide the interactive details and provide a
high level and simplified API for the application layer.
o Considering the fact that switching the context between C++ and JavaScript stack is not good for
performance, one target of providing the SDK is to decrease the frequency of context switching.
o Users' JavaScript Extension application is suggested to be developed based on the JavaScript SDK.
3.20.3 JavaScript Entry Function
As each executable file has a main entry function, each script file has to define entry functions. Conventionally, it
is better to define four entry functions in each script file, corresponding to the CRUD operations on entities.
Each entry function has a same-name HTTP method. On receiving a request, the entry function having the same
name as the http method of this request is triggered.
//The entry function for http request with the GET method
function GET(){
//The entry function for http request with the POST method
function POST(){
//The entry function for http request with the PATCH method
function PATCH(){
//The entry function for http request with the DELETE method
function DELETE(){
Due to a keyword compatibility issue in JavaScript, each entry function should be in uppercase; otherwise
the function will not be recognized.
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3.20.4 JavaScript URL Mapping
Script files are triggered to run by sending requests to the specific script URL. To differentiate the script URL from
a regular URL, Service Layer provides a specific URL resource path for scripts by appending /script to the
original path /b1s/v1 or/b1s/v2 as below:
Considering the fact that different partners might define the script with the same name, Service Layer identifies
which script to run by combining the partner name and the script name as the unique identifier. The mapping rule
for the URL pattern is:
/b1s/v1/script/{{partner name}}/{{script name}}
Requests sent to URLs with the above pattern are dispatched to the corresponding script function defined by the
corresponding partner.
The following request will trigger the execution of the function POST defined in item.js provided by
POST /b1s/v1/script/mtcsys/items
A prerequisite is to ensure the script file with the corresponding ard file are deployed into SLD by the
partner. For more details about how to deploy scripts, please refer to the chapter JavaScript Deployment.
3.20.5 JavaScript SDK
Similar to the DIAPI, the JavaScript SDK is intended to provide a group of APIs for programmers to easily operate
on business services and business Objects. The APIs consist of entity CRUD, entity query, transactions,
exceptions and http request/response.
JavaScript, as a weak-typed programming language, has many built-in favorable dynamic features. However, for
the sake of programming experience and coding efficiency, the JavaScript SDK is designed like a static-language
library, so as to make the most use of the auto-complete and IntelliSense functionalities provided by the modern
IDE. The recommended one is the Visual Studio 2013/2015 with a Node.js plug-in
Of course, you can also choose to program dynamically and enjoy the flexible features built-in with JavaScript.
This SDK is designed to purposely follow the Common JavaScript Specification and approximates the
Node.js grammar, which is exactly the reason why the Node.js plug-in is recommended.
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131 Http Request API
The http request functions listed below are packaged in the module HttpModule.js, which is an essential
module, required to handle http requests.
API Name API Description
getContet() Returns the raw content from the request payload.
getJsonObject() Returns the JSON format of the request payload.
getMethod() Returns the http Verb, e.g. GET, POST, PATCH, DELETE.
Returns the MIME type of the request body (e.g.
Returns the value of a request parameter as a String, or null if the
parameter does not exist.
Returns an array of String objects containing the names of the
parameters contained in this request.
getEntityKey() Returns the entity key from the URL resource part.
getHeader(name) Returns the value of the specified request header as a String. Http Response API
The http response functions listed below are packaged in the module HttpModule.js, which is an essential
module, required to handle http response.
API Name API Description
setHeader(name, value) Adds a response header with the given name and value.
setContentType(contentType) Sets the content type of the response being sent to the client.
Sets the character encoding (MIME charset) of the response being
sent to the client, for example, to UTF-8.
setStatus(status) Sets the status code for this response.
setContent(content) Sets the content in the response body
send(status, content)
Sends back the response to the client with the optional http status
and content
To handle a request such as the one below,
PATCH /b1s/v1/script/mtcsys/items('i001')?key1=val1 & key2=val2
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"ItemName": "new name"
apply the following script:
var http = require('HttpModule.js');
function PATCH() {
console.log("testing the http request and http response API...")
var ret = {};
ret.content = http.request.getJsonObj();
ret.method = http.request.getMethod();
ret.contentType = http.request.getContentType();
ret.dataServiceVersion = http.request.getHeader("DataServiceVersion");
ret.paramNames = http.request.getParameterNames();
if (ret.paramNames && ret.paramNames.length) {
ret.paramNames.forEach(function (param) {
ret[param] = http.request.getParameter(param);
ret.key = http.request.getEntityKey();
On success, Service Layer returns:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"content": {
"ItemName": "new name"
"method": "PATCH",
"contentType": "text/plain;charset=UTF-8",
"dataServiceVersion": "3.0",
"paramNames": [
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"key1": "val1",
"key2": "val2",
"key": "'i001'"
o Similar to Node.js, require is a global function to import a module and return a reference to that
module. The above example indicates http is a reference of the module HttpModule.js.
o request and response are two members of http, representing a pre-created HttpRequest
instance and an HttpResponse instance, respectively.
o To facilitate HTTP programming, module HttpModule.js also defines HTTP utility constants, for
example, HttpStatus, ContentType. Entity CRUD API
Each exposed entity supports CRUD operations by default. The relevant APIs are packaged in the module
For most cases, to perform CRUD operations on an entity, you first must create an entity instance, if the
entity name is known in advance. Then call the following group of APIs defined in the prototype of EntitySet:
Prototype of EntitySet
API Name API Description
add(content, callback)
Creates an entity by the content and the optional callback function
on creation.
get(key, callback)
Retrieves an entity by the key and the optional callback function on
update(content, key,
Updates an entity by the content, key and the optional callback
function on update.
remove(key, callback)
Removes an entity by the key and the optional callback function on
... ...
For the scenario where the entity name is not know in advance or the entity is a dynamically created UDO, you
first must create a ServiceLayerContext instance. Then call the following group of APIs against this
Prototype of ServiceLayerContext
API Name API Description
add(name, content, callback)
Creates an entity by the name, content and the optional callback
function on creation.
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API Name API Description
get(name, key, callback)
Retrieves an entity by the name, key, and the optional callback
function on retrieval.
update(name, content, key,
Updates an entity by the name, content and key and the optional
callback function on update.
remove(name, key, callback)
Removes an entity by the name, key and the optional callback
function on removal.
... ...
To handle a request such as the one below,
POST /b1s/v1/script/mtcsys/test_items_more
apply the following script:
var ServiceLayerContext = require('ServiceLayerContext.js');
var Item = require('EntityType/Item.js');
var http = require('HttpModule.js');
var test_item_code = "i001";
function POST() {
var slContext = new ServiceLayerContext();
var ret = [];
var item = new Item();
item.ItemCode = test_item_code;
var dataSrvRes = slContext.Items.add(item);
if (!dataSrvRes.isOK()) {
throw http.ScriptException(http.HttpStatus.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "create
entity failure")
ret.push({ "operation": dataSrvRes.operation, "status": dataSrvRes.status
var key = test_item_code;
var dataSrvRes = slContext.Items.get(key);
if (!dataSrvRes.isOK()) {
http.ScriptException(http.HttpStatus.HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "retrieve
entity failure")
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ret.push({ "operation": dataSrvRes.operation, "status": dataSrvRes.status
item.ItemName = 'new_item_name';
dataSrvRes = slContext.update("Items", item, key);//equivalent to
slContext.Items.update(item, key);
if (!dataSrvRes.isOK()) {
http.ScriptException(http.HttpStatus.HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "update
entity failure")
ret.push({ "operation": dataSrvRes.operation, "status": dataSrvRes.status
dataSrvRes = slContext.remove("Items", key);//equivalent to
if (!dataSrvRes.isOK()) {
http.ScriptException(http.HttpStatus.HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "delete
entity failure")
ret.push({ "operation": dataSrvRes.operation, "status": dataSrvRes.status
http.response.send(http.HttpStatus.HTTP_OK, ret);
On success, Service Layer returns:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"operation": "add",
"status": 201
"operation": "get",
"status": 200
"operation": "update",
"status": 204
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"operation": "remove",
"status": 204
] Entity Query API
Query APIs are packaged in the module ServiceLayerContext.js, and similar to the CRUD API, they are
defined both on the EntitySet and the ServiceLayerContext prototype.
Prototype of EntitySet
API Name API Description
query(queryOption, isCaseInsensitive)
Performs a case-sensitive or case-insensitive query and
return the entities satisfying the query options.
count(queryOption, isCaseInsensitive)
Performs a case-sensitive or case-insensitive query and
return the number of the entities satisfying the query
... ...
Prototype of ServiceLayerContext
API Name API Description
query(name, queryOption, isCaseInsensitive)
Performs a case-sensitive or case-insensitive
query and return the entities with the given name
and satisfying the query options.
count(name, queryOption, isCaseInsensitive)
Performs a case-sensitive or case-insensitive
query and return the number of the entities with
the given name and satisfying the query options.
... ...
The paramenter isCaseInsensitive is for SAP HANA database only. If you are working with SAP HANA
database, by default, the query is case-sensitive, due to the default Unicode collation for SAP HANA
database. Specifying the flag isCaseInsensitive as true would issue a case insensitive query.
However, the query performance would not be as efficient as with a case-insensitive query.
As of SAP Business One 9.2 PL07, version for SAP HANA, case-insensitive query is supported.
To handle a request such as the one below,
GET /b1s/v1/script/mtcsys/test_query_businesspartner
apply the following script:
var ServiceLayerContext = require('ServiceLayerContext.js');
var http = require('HttpModule.js');
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function GET() {
var queryOption = "$select=CardName, CardCode &
$filter=contains(CardCode, 'c1') & $top=5 & $orderby=CardCode";
var slContext = new ServiceLayerContext();
var retCaseSensitive = slContext.BusinessPartners.query(queryOption);
var retCaseInsensitive = slContext.query("BusinessPartners", queryOption,
http.response.setContent({ "CaseSensitive": retCaseSensitive.toArray(),
"CaseInsensitive": retCaseInsensitive.toArray() });
On Success, Service Layer returns:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"CaseSensitive": [
"CardCode": "c1",
"CardName": "customer c11"
"CaseInsensitive": [
"CardCode": "c1",
"CardName": "customer c11"
"CardCode": "C11",
"CardName": null
"CardCode": "C12",
"CardName": null
To handle a case insensitive request:
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ce Layer
GET /b1s/v1/BusinessPartners?$filter=contains(CardCode,
B1S-CaseInsensitive: true
On success, Service Layer returns:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"value": [
"CardCode": "C20000"
"CardCode": "C23900"
"CardCode": "c21"
"CardCode": "c22"
} Transaction API
Transaction APIs, such as those listed below, are packaged in the module ServiceLayerContext.js, which is
an essential module, required to control transactions.
API Name API Description
startTransaction Starts a transaction.
commitTransaction Commits a transaction.
rollbackTransaction Rollbacks a transaction
isInTransaction Returns true if the current operation is in a transaction
To handle a request such as the one below,
POST /b1s/v1/script/mtcsys/test_create_businesspartner
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"CardCode": "c001",
"CardName": "c001"
"CardCode": "c002",
"CardName": "c002"
"CardCode": "c003",
"CardName": "c003"
"CardCode": "c004",
"CardName": "c004"
"CardCode": "c005",
"CardName": "c005"
apply the following script:
var ServiceLayerContext = require('ServiceLayerContext.js');
var http = require('HttpModule.js');
var BusinessPartner = require('EntityType/BusinessPartner.js');
function POST() {
var slContext = new ServiceLayerContext();
var bpList = http.request.getJsonObj();
if (!(bpList instanceof Array)) {
throw http.ScriptException(http.HttpStatus.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "invalid
format of payload");
for (var i = 0; i < bpList.length; ++i) {
var res = slContext.BusinessPartners.add(bpList[i]);
if (!res.isOK()) {
throw http.ScriptException(http.HttpStatus.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST,
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http.response.send(http.HttpStatus.HTTP_OK, "transaction committed");
On Success, Service Layer returns:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
transaction committed
Send this request again, Service Layer returns:
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"error" : {
"code" : 600,
"message" : {
"lang" : "en-us",
"value" : "1320000140 - Business partner code 'c001' already
assigned to a business partner; enter a unique business partner code"
o Programmers should be aware that transaction operations are expensive and big transactions
degrade Web service throughput. Thus, Service Layer imposes a limitation on the transaction size.
The total operations in one transaction should be no more than 10.
o Please keep in mind that the following transactions should be called as pairs:
startTransaction/commitTransaction or startTransaction/rollbackTransaction. Exception API Compile Exception
Service Layer responds with an error message to the client if there is a compilation error in a user's script.
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var Document = require('EntityType/Document.js');
//type mistake: ';' should be ','
var line = Document.DocumentLine.create({
ItemCode: 'i001'; Quantity: 2, UnitPrice: 10
var lines = new Document.DocumentLineCollection();
The above code would result in an error message such as the one below:
"error": {
"code": 511,
"message": {
"lang": "en-us",
"value": "Script error: compile error [SyntaxError: Unexpected token
} Exception
Service Layer responds with an error message to the client if there is a runtime error in a user's script.
var ServiceLayerContext = require('ServiceLayerContext.js');
//var Bank = require('EntityType/Bank.js');
var bank = new Bank();
bank.BankCode = 'bank01';
var res = new ServiceLayerContext().Banks.add(bank);
if (!res.isOK) {
The above code would result in an error message such as the one below:
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"error": {
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"code": 512,
"message": {
"lang": "en-us",
"value": "Script error: runtime error [ReferenceError: Bank is not
} Exception
Service Layer also allows users to explicitly propagate exceptions by throwing ScriptException exported from
the http module.
var ServiceLayerContext = require('ServiceLayerContext.js');
var Order = require('EntityType/Document.js');
var http = require('HttpModule.js');
var slContext = new ServiceLayerContext();
var res = slContext.Orders.get(10000);
if (!res.isOK()) {
throw new http.ScriptException(http.HttpStatus.HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "the given
order is not found");
The above code would result in an error message such as the one below:
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
"error": {
"code": 600,
"message": {
"lang": "en-us",
"value": "the given order not found"
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3.20.6 Logging
Currently, debugging script is not supported. However, users are allowed to log the key information during script
programming by using the API console.log:
console.log('Hello, Service Layer Scripting!');
console is a global object. Literally, the output of this object should be printed in the console. However,
considering Service Layer is a backend service, the output is redirected to log files under {SL
Installation Path}/logs/script/.
3.20.7 JavaScript SDK Generator Tool
Considering that in each patch there might be new business objects exposed or new changes made on the
existing objects, the SDK would be adjusted accordingly to adapt to the changes.
To manually maintain the SDK would not only need huge efforts, but also would be error-prone. To automatically
address this issue, a tool named Metadata2JavaScript is provided to generate the SDK according to the
metadata, as metadata reflects all changes on the business objects.
This tool supports generating the SDK in two ways (let's take the Linux environment as an example):
From a local metadata file:
Metadata2JavaScript -a {local metadata file} -o {output folder, default is
Metadata2JavaScript --addr {local metadata file} --output {output folder, default
is ./b1s_sdk}
For example:
Metadata2JavaScript -a metadata.xml -o ./output
From a remote Service Layer instance:
Metadata2JavaScript -a {SL base url} -u {user} -p {password} -c {company} -o
{output folder, default is ./b1s_sdk}
Metadata2JavaScript --addr {SL base url} --user {user} --password {password} --
company {company} --output {output folder, default is ./b1s_sdk}
For example:
Metadata2JavaScript --addr https://databaseserver:50000/b1s/v1/ --user manager --
password 1234 --company SBODEMOUS
This tool is released together with Service Layer and is available in the bin folder of the Service Layer
installation path.
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As this tool depends on JAVA JRE, before running it, make sure the relevant JAVA environment variables
are correctly exported.
In the Linux environment, set JAVA_HOME as below:
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/sap/SAPBusinessOne/Common/sapjvm_8/jre
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
Previously, the Metadata2Javascript tool is available in the Linux environment only. As of SAP Business One 10.0
FP 2011, this tool is also available in the Microsoft Windows environment. There are slight differences when you
use the tool:
In the Linux environment, you enter the command starting with Metadata2JavaScript.
In the Microsoft Windows environment, you enter the command starting with java -jar
In the above examples, for the Microsoft Windows environment, change the command to the following:
java -jar Metadata2JavaScript.jar -a metadata.xml -o ./output
java -jar Metadata2JavaScript.jar --addr https://databaseserver:50000/b1s/v1/ --user
manager --password 1234 --company SBODEMOUS
3.20.8 JavaScript Deployment
Service Layer reuses the extension manager to manage the life cycle of script files. Similar to the DIAPI add-on,
extension applications developed by Service Layer are deployed to SLD as well.
Assume you have a script file Items.js; take the following steps to deploy it:
1. Create an ard file named Items.ard in the below format to describe the meta of this script file. Meanwhile,
the ard file can also be used to determine the script URL path.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AddOnRegData xmlns:xsi=""
SlientInstallation="" SlientUpgrade="" Partnernmsp="mtcsysnm"
Type="ServiceLayerScript" OnDemand="" OnPremise=""
ExtVersion="1.00" Contdata="sa" Partner="mtcsys" DBType="HANA"
<Script Name="items" FileName="Items.js"></Script>
<XApp Name="" Path="" FileName="" />
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2. Compress the ard file and script file into a zip file (e.g.
3. Upload to the extension manager from the Extension Import Wizard.
4. From the Extension Assignment Wizard, assign the extension application to one company.
5. Log in to the company with Service Layer and access the script with the following URL:
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o The script URL is a combination of partner name and script name separated by a '/' appended to the
Service Layer base URL /b1s/v1/.
o Currently, Service Layer does not support compressing multiple script files into one ard file.
o For more details about how to deploy extension applications, please reference the guide How to
Package and Deploy SAP Business One Extensions for Lightweight Deployment.
o In the ard file, do not name the value of the attribute Partner as test, as test is a reserved word
for internal testing.
3.20.9 Typical User Cases of Applying Script Complex Transactions
Scripting can be used in transaction scenarios, which is an important complement to the OData Batch operations.
The following is an example for adding an order and a delivery based on the order in one transaction, which would
be impossible without scripting.
var ServiceLayerContext = require('ServiceLayerContext.js');
var http = require('HttpModule.js');
var Order = require('EntityType/Document.js');
var DeliveryNote = require('EntityType/Document.js');
* Entry function for the POST http request.
function POST() {
var order = new Order();
order.CardCode = 'c1';
order.DocDate = new Date();
order.DocDueDate = new Date();
var line = new Order.DocumentLine();
line.ItemCode = 'i1';
line.Quantity = 1;
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line.UnitPrice = 10;
var line2 = new Order.DocumentLine();
line2.ItemCode = 'i2';
line2.Quantity = 1;
line2.UnitPrice = 10;
order.DocumentLines = new Order.DocumentLineCollection();
var slContext = new ServiceLayerContext();
//start the transaction
var res = slContext.Orders.add(order);
if (!res.isOK()) {
return http.response.send(http.HttpStatus.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, res.body);
//get the newly created order from the response body.
var newOrder = Order.create(res.body);
//create a delivery based on the order
var deliveryNote = new DeliveryNote();
deliveryNote.DocDate = newOrder.DocDate;
deliveryNote.DocDueDate = newOrder.DocDueDate;
deliveryNote.CardCode = newOrder.CardCode;
deliveryNote.DocumentLines = new DeliveryNote.DocumentLineCollection();
for (var lineNum = 0; lineNum < order.DocumentLines.length; ++lineNum) {
var line = new DeliveryNote.DocumentLine();
line.BaseType = 17;
line.BaseEntry = newOrder.DocEntry;
line.BaseLine = lineNum;
res = slContext.DeliveryNotes.add(deliveryNote);
if (!res.isOK()) {
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return http.response.send(http.HttpStatus.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, res.body);
return http.response.send(http.HttpStatus.HTTP_CREATED, res.body);
} Customized Business Logic (e.g. UDO)
Another typical case for scripting is to add customized business logic during the process of operating user-
defined objects (UDO). The following is an example for performing some validations and calculating the DocTotal
when creating the UDO named MyOrder.
POST /b1s/v1/script/mtcsys/test_myorder
"U_CustomerName": "c1",
"U_DocTotal": 0,
"MyOrderLinesCollection": [
"U_ItemName": "i1",
"U_Price": 100,
"U_Quantity": 3
"U_ItemName": "i2",
"U_Price": 80,
"U_Quantity": 4
Apply the following script to handle the above request:
function POST() {
//Before creating the UDO, users are allowed to add extra logic.
var myOrder = http.request.getJsonObj();
var slContext = new ServiceLayerContext();
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//Example 1 : added logic to validate if each item exists and the item stock is
myOrder.MyOrderLinesCollection.forEach(function (line) {
var dataSvcRes = slContext.Items.get(line.U_ItemName);
if (!dataSvcRes.isOK()) {
throw new http.ScriptException(http.HttpStatus.HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "item
not found");
} else {
//Convert weak type to strong type by calling Item.create. The
conversion is not a must.
//You can also use dataSvcRes.body.QuantityOnStock
var item = Item.create(dataSvcRes.body);
if (item.QuantityOnStock < line.U_Quantity) {
throw new http.ScriptException(http.HttpStatus.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST,
"not enough items on stock");
//Example 2 : added logic to calculate the DocTotal
myOrder.U_DocTotal = 0;
myOrder.MyOrderLinesCollection.forEach(function (line) {
myOrder.U_DocTotal += (line.U_Price * line.U_Quantity);
//Add this UDO
var res = slContext.add("MyOrder", myOrder);
if (res.isOK()) {
http.response.send(http.HttpStatus.HTTP_CREATED, res.body);
} else {
http.response.send(http.HttpStatus.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, res.body);
3.20.10 Consume Script Service from .Net Application
For purposes of flexibility, SL allows the response from the script to be highly-customized. It is not appropriate to
define the fixed metadata for the scripting, and as such, using the single WCF framework is not possible to
consume the script service. As an alternative, it is suggested to program with the .NET Web Http library mixed
with WCF, illustrated with the below code snippet.
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class ScriptOrdersTest : AppCommon.GeneralTestGroup
public void setup()
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += delegate(object
sender, X509Certificate cert, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors ssl) { return true; };
ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false;
ServicePointManager.MaxServicePointIdleTime = 2000;
private string m_cookie = AppCommon.WebConnection.Instance.SessionID;
private Uri m_baseUri = new Uri(AppCommon.ConfigInfo.Instance().SL_URL);
private int m_docEntry = 0;
public void test01_create()
Document order = new Document();
order.CardCode = "c1";
order.DocDate = DateTime.Now;
order.DocDueDate = DateTime.Now;
DocumentLine line = new DocumentLine();
line.LineNum = 1;
line.ItemCode = "i1";
line.Quantity = 1;
line.UnitPrice = 10;
DocumentLine line = new DocumentLine();
line.LineNum = 2;
line.ItemCode = "i2";
line.Quantity = 1;
line.UnitPrice = 10;
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var setting = new JsonSerializerSettings() { NullValueHandling =
NullValueHandling.Ignore };
string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(order, setting);
var data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(json);
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(new
Uri(m_baseUri, "script/test/test_orders"));
request.CachePolicy = new
request.Method = "POST";
request.KeepAlive = false;
request.Headers["Cookie"] = m_cookie;
request.ContentType = "application/json;odata=minimalmetadata";
request.ContentLength = data.Length;
using (var stream = request.GetRequestStream())
stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
Assert.AreEqual(response.StatusCode, HttpStatusCode.Created);
var responseString = new
Document newEntity =
Assert.IsTrue(newEntity.DocEntry > 0);
m_docEntry = newEntity.DocEntry;
catch (WebException ex)
WebResponse response = ex.Response;
if (response == null)
throw SetResultMessage(ex);
var responseString = new
throw SetResultMessage(new Exception(responseString));
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catch (Exception ex)
throw SetResultMessage(ex);
3.21Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
As of SAP Business One 9.1 patch level 08, version for SAP HANA, CORS is supported to allow trusted origins to
access the resource of Service Layer. For more information about CORS, please check the links below:
3.21.1 Enabling CORS
By default, a cross domain request is rejected due to the security settings of the browser. To enable CORS, open
b1s.conf and append two configuration items. For example:
"CorsEnable": true,
"CorsAllowedOrigins": "http://host1:8080;https://host2:8443"
You can refer to Configuration Options for Service Layer for more details about the CORS configurations.
3.21.2 Enable to Configure Allowed Headers
As of SAP Business One 9.2, version for SAP HANA patch level 07, request headers are allowed to configure in
By default, only content-type and accept are allowed in the CORS process. However, under some conditions,
other headers are needed, e.g. B1S-CaseInsensitive. To satisfy this requirement, append the configuration
option CorsAllowedHeaders in b1s.conf. For example:
"CorsAllowedHeaders":"content-type, accept, B1S-CaseInsensitive"
You can refer to Configuration Options for Service Layer for more details about the CORS configurations.
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3.21.3 CORS process
Once CORS is enabled, browsers first issue an OPTIONS request (a preflight request), which is like asking the
server for permission to make the actual request. Once permissions have been granted, the browser makes the
actual request. The browser handles the details of these two requests transparently. The preflight response can
also be cached so that it is not issued on every request. Take the requests received by Service Layer as an
[11936] 5- b1s_handler: OPTIONS /b1s/v1/Login from
[11936] 6- b1s_handler: POST /b1s/v1/Login from
[11936] 7- b1s_handler: OPTIONS /b1s/v1/Items from
[11936] 8- b1s_handler: POST /b1s/v1/Items from
3.22 Ping Pong API
As of SAP Business One 9.3 patch level 10, version for SAP HANA, Service Layer provides a new Ping Pong API
method which can improve debugging, support, network testing and component monitoring. The purpose of this
API is to provide a direct response from the Apache server so that you can eliminate SAP Business One internal
processing time from any network performance debugging. (This is different from all other Service Layer APIs
which are passed through to SAP Business One core for processing before returning a result). In response to a
PING request, the Apache server (load balancer or node) will respond directly with a simple PONG response.
This API could be used to fulfill the following scenarios:
Isolate network latency from SAP Business One processing latency
Check server time accuracy
Monitor or debug Service Layer API availability
Monitor load balancer and nodes separately (important for multi-server deployment)
The following scenarios are some examples of how to use the Ping Pong API:
o Scenario 1 - No endpoint specified, load balancer will respond
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
{ "message": "pong", "sender": "load balancer", "timestamp":
o Scenario 2 - Ping Service Layer load balancer
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HTTP/1.1 200 OK
{ "message": "pong", "sender": "load balancer", "timestamp":
o Scenario 3 - Specified node will respond
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
{ "message": "pong", "sender": "node1", "timestamp":
o Scenario 4 - Specified node will respond
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
{ "message": "pong", "sender":"node2", "timestamp": "1552263107.648"}
o Scenario 5 - No node specified, node 1 will respond
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
{ "message": "pong", "sender": "node1", "timestamp":
o Scenario 6 - Node 4 is down
HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable
{ "message": "Service Unavailable"}
o Scenario 7 - Node 5 does not exist
HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable
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{ "message": "node 5 does not exist", "sender": "load balancer",
"timestamp": "1554363934.431"}
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SQL Query
4 SQL Query
As of SAP Business One 10.0 FP 2011, the Service Layer on Microsoft SQL Server and SAP HANA supports a
highly flexible SQL Query.
Via the Service Layer, database views are allowed to be consumed to retrieve unexposed data, which is a good
complement to the OData Query. However, it is impossible to deploy these views automatically, so various manual
steps are needed to require full access to the SAP HANA-box.
To reduce the manual effort to deploy views, a solution is provided to further enhance service layer's query
capability, with the aim to:
Provide a more dynamic way to do a query in a secure and controllable manner
Provide a more lightweight way to do a query than the Semantic/SQL view deployment
Provide a more straightforward way to do a query using a limited subset of SQL, without the need to learn a
new query language similar to LINQ, HQL or DBQI/DBD
4.1 Business Object Metadata
The entity SQLQuery is exposed in the Service Layer, with the following metadata:
<EntityType Name="SQLQuery">
<PropertyRef Name="SqlCode"/>
<Property Name="SqlCode" Nullable="false" Type="Edm.String"/>
<Property Name="SqlName" Type="Edm.String"/>
<Property Name="SqlText" Type="Edm.String"/>
<Property Name="ParamList" Type="Edm.String"/>
<Property Name="CreateDate" Type="Edm.DateTime"/>
<Property Name="UpdateDate" Type="Edm.DateTime"/>
<EntitySet EntityType="SAPB1.SQLQuery" Name="SQLQueries"/>
Besides the ordinary CRUD methods, an additional bounded function List is exposed as below, for the purpose
of performing the SQL statement execution represented by this entity.
<FunctionImport IsBindable="true" Name="List" ReturnType="SAPB1.SQLQueryResult">
<Parameter Name="SQLQueryParams" Type="SAPB1.SQLQuery"/>
<Parameter Name="ParamList" Type="Edm.String"/>
<ComplexType Name="SQLQueryParams">
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<Property Name="SqlCode" Type="Edm.String"/>
<ComplexType Name="SQLQueryResult" OpenType="true">
<Property Name="SqlText" Type="Edm.String"/>
4.2 CRUD Operations
SQLQuery is allowed to perform the basic CRUD operations. The following are some examples of how to do these
operations on the Microsoft SQL Server, which are very similar as on SAP HANA.
4.2.1 Create
POST https://server:50000/b1s/v1/SQLQueries HTTP/1.1
"SqlCode": "sql04",
"SqlName": "queryOnItem",
"SqlText": "select ItemCode, ItemName, ItmsGrpCod from oitm"
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
"odata.metadata" : "https://server:50000/b1s/v1/$metadata#SQLQueries/@Element",
"odata.etag" : "W/\"44486B13CDA82E54A31194A3588857803F9D1E57\"",
"SqlCode" : "sql04",
"SqlName" : "queryOnItem",
"SqlText" : "select [ItemCode], [ItemName], [ItmsGrpCod] from [OITM]",
"ParamList" : null,
"CreateDate" : "2020-10-08",
"UpdateDate" : "2020-10-08"
4.2.2Retrieve by Key
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SQL Query
GET https://server:50000/b1s/v1/SQLQueries('sql04') HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"odata.metadata" : "https://server:50000/b1s/v1/$metadata#SQLQueries/@Element",
"odata.etag" : "W/\"44486B13CDA82E54A31194A3588857803F9D1E57\"",
"SqlCode" : "sql04",
"SqlName" : "queryOnItem",
"SqlText" : "select [ItemCode], [ItemName], [ItmsGrpCod] from [OITM]",
"ParamList" : null,
"CreateDate" : "2020-10-08",
"UpdateDate" : "2020-10-08"
PATCH https://server:50000/b1s/v1/SQLQueries('sql04') HTTP/1.1
"SqlName": "queryOnItem",
"SqlText": "select ItemCode, ItemName from oitm"
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
DELETE https://server:50000/b1s/v1/SQLQueries('sql04') HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
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4.2.5Retrieve All
As with the other entities, the paging mechanism takes effect in this case to avoid potential resource issues on the
server side.
GET https://server:50000/b1s/v1/SQLQueries HTTP/1.1
Prefer: odata.maxpagesize=5
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Preference-Applied: odata.maxpagesize=5
Content-Type: application/json;odata=minimalmetadata;charset=utf-8
"odata.metadata": "https://server:50001/b1s/v1/$metadata#SQLQueries",
"value": [
"SqlCode": "sql01",
"SqlName": "queryOnOrder",
"SqlText": "select [DocEntry], [DocTotal], [DocDate], [Comments] from
[ORDR] where [DocTotal] > :docTotal",
"ParamList": "docTotal",
"CreateDate": "2020-10-08",
"UpdateDate": "2020-10-08"
"SqlCode": "sql02",
"SqlName": "queryOnOrder",
"SqlText": "select [DocEntry], [DocType] from [ORDR] t1 where not
exists(select t2.[DocEntry] from [RDR1] t2 where t1.[DocEntry] = t2.[DocEntry])",
"ParamList": null,
"CreateDate": "2020-10-08",
"UpdateDate": "2020-10-08"
"SqlCode": "sql03",
"SqlName": "queryOnOrder",
"SqlText": "select [DocEntry] from [ORDR] t1 where [DocEntry] in (select
t2.[DocEntry] from [RDR1] t2) or [DocEntry] not in (select t2.[DocEntry] from [INV1]
"ParamList": null,
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"CreateDate": "2020-10-08",
"UpdateDate": "2020-10-08"
"SqlCode": "sql04",
"SqlName": "queryOnOrder",
"SqlText": "select [DocEntry], [DocType] from [ORDR] t1 where [DocEntry]
is not null and t1.[Comments] is null",
"ParamList": null,
"CreateDate": "2020-10-08",
"UpdateDate": "2020-10-08"
"SqlCode": "sql06",
"SqlName": "queryOnItem",
"SqlText": "select [DocEntry] from [ORDR] where [CreateDate] != '2020-10-
"ParamList": null,
"CreateDate": "2020-10-08",
"UpdateDate": "2020-10-08"
"odata.nextLink": "SQLQueries?$skip=5"
4.3 List Operation
The List function is a bounded function to run the query represented by a specific SQLQuery. Once a SQLQuery
entity is created, the List function can be invoked in the following way with verb GET or POST:
GET https://server:50000/b1s/v1/SQLQueries('sql04')/List HTTP/1.1
POST https://server:50000/b1s/v1/SQLQueries('sql04')/List HTTP/1.1
Upon success, the service returns a JSON payload, containing the exact columns in the SQL select clause.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"odata.metadata" : "https://server:50000/b1s/v1/$metadata#SAPB1.SQLQueryResult",
"SqlText" : "select [ItemCode], [ItemName], [ItmsGrpCod] from [OITM]",
"value" : [
"ItemCode" : "i001",
"ItemName" : "i001",
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"ItmsGrpCod" : 100
"ItemCode" : "i002",
"ItemName" : "i002",
"ItmsGrpCod" : 100
"ItemCode" : "i003",
"ItemName" : "i003",
"ItmsGrpCod" : 100
"ItemCode" : "i004",
"ItemName" : "i004",
"ItmsGrpCod" : 100
"ItemCode" : "i005",
"ItemName" : "i005",
"ItmsGrpCod" : 100
4.4 List with Paging
The paging mechanism on the server side is a MUST for the List function of entity SQLQueries, as it can protect
the server resource from exhausting in case there are millions of records returned in one roundtrip, or in the case
of a careless user joining multiple big tables without applying filtering conditions.
However, for the purpose of flexibility, the Service Layer allows clients to change the default paging size by
specifying the following request header:
Prefer: odata.maxpagesize=<Your preferred page size>
For example, such a request with page size = 5,
GET https://server:50000/b1s/v1/SQLQueries('sql0001')/List HTTP/1.1
Prefer: odata.maxpagesize=5
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
would result in the following response, in which the next page link is indicated by the field odata.nextLink.
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HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Preference-Applied: odata.maxpagesize=5
Content-Type: application/json;odata=minimalmetadata;charset=utf-8
"odata.metadata" : "https://server:50000/b1s/v1/$metadata#SAPB1.SQLQueryResult",
"SqlText" : "SELECT [ItemCode], lower([ItemCode]) as [lowerItemCode],
upper([ItemCode]) as [upperItemCode] FROM [OITM]",
"value" : [
"ItemCode" : "i001",
"lowerItemCode" : "i001",
"upperItemCode" : "I001"
"ItemCode" : "i002",
"lowerItemCode" : "i002",
"upperItemCode" : "I002"
"ItemCode" : "i003",
"lowerItemCode" : "i003",
"upperItemCode" : "I003"
"ItemCode" : "i004",
"lowerItemCode" : "i004",
"upperItemCode" : "I004"
"ItemCode" : "i005",
"lowerItemCode" : "i005",
"upperItemCode" : "I005"
"odata.nextLink" : "SQLQueries('sql0001')/List?&$skip=5"
The underlying SQL on Microsoft SQL and SAP HANA is:
SELECT * FROM (SELECT [ItemCode], lower([ItemCode]) as [lowerItemCode],
upper([ItemCode]) as [upperItemCode] FROM [OITM])B1S_DUMMY_TABLE ORDER BY
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SELECT "ItemCode", lower("ItemCode") as "lowerItemCode", upper("ItemCode") as
"upperItemCode" FROM "OITM" LIMIT 5 OFFSET 0 --for SAP HANA
4.5 Query Allowlist
Due to data sensitivity and security considerations, not all tables and columns in the company database can be
4.5.1 Table Allowlist
The the main tables in the database that are accessible are maintained in the following allowlist.
The complete table allowlist can be found in the configuration file b1s_sqltable.conf located in the
folder <service layer installation folder>/conf/b1s_sqltable.conf. The content is in
JSON format.
Tables that are not included in the configuration file are not supported. To meet enhanced security
requirements, you can remove tables from the allowlist. Adding tables that are not on the allowlist is
outside the scope of support and can compromise security.
Company Info (CINF)
Administration (OADM)
Administration Extension (ADM1)
Print Preferences (OADP)
Currencies (OCRN)
Business Partner Master Data (OCRD, OCRP, CRD1)
Sales Documents (OQUT+ QUT1-14, ORDR+RDR1-14, ODLN+DLN1-14, ORRR+RRR1-14, ORDN+RDN1-
14, ODPI+DPI1-14, OINV+INV1-14, ORIN+RIN1-14)
Purchase Documents (OPRQ+PRQ1-14, OPQT+PQT1-14, OPOR+POR1-14, OPDN+PDN1-14,
Drafts (ODRF+DRF1-14)
Payments (ORCT, RCT1, RCT2, RCT3, RCT4 + OVPM, VPM1, VPM2, VPM3, VPM4)
Bank Codes (ODSC)
House Bank Accounts (DSC1)
Hidden Features (OHFC)
Posting Period (OFPR)
Periods Category (OACP)
Branch (OBPL)
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Holidays (OHLD + HLD1)
Item master data, inventory and warehouse tables (OITM, OITW, OIBQ, OBIN, OBTQ, OBBQ, OBTN,
Activity Related Tables (OCLG, OCLT, OCLS)
Attachments (ATC1)
Exchange Rates (ORTT)
Resource master data (ORSC, RSC1, RSC2, RSC3, RSC4, RSC5, RSC6)
Route stage master data (OSRT)
Bill of materials (OITT, ITT1, ITT2)
Production order (OWOR, WOR1, WOR4)
Resource capacity (ORCJ)
Order Recommendations (ORCM)
Price List and Prices (OPLN, ITM1)
Journal Entry (OJDT, JDT1)
Credit Cards (OCRC, OCRH)
Deposit (ODPS)
Contact Persons (OCPR)
Electronic Transactions (ECM2)
4.5.2Column Allowist
By default, all columns in the allowlist tables are accessible. To further control accessibility, you can define the
column allowlist for the above tables. For more stringent security requirements, you may want to only allow
queries on the defined columns, rather than on all the columns in the table.
For example, assume the list is:
"TableList": [
"ColumnExcludeList": {
"ORDR": [
"CINF": [
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"ColumnIncludeList": {
"ADM1": [
Attempting to access the columns defined in ColumnExcludeList in the following request,
POST https://server:50000/b1s/v1/SQLQueries HTTP/1.1
"SqlCode": "sql06",
"SqlName": "queryOnItem",
"SqlText": "select Version, Algo from CINF"
would result in the following error:
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"error" : {
"code" : 703,
"message" : {
"lang" : "en-us",
"value" : "Column 'Algo' from table 'CINF' not accessible"
Please ensure the table names or column names are in the same letter-case as they are defined in the
4.6 SQL Keywords
Considering the gap between the set of query keywords on SAP HANA and the Microsoft SQL Server, not all
keywords are supported in the Service Layer. From the practical usage perspective, the Service Layer is designed
to support the following subset of SQL keywords, which are most commonly used by partners.
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SQL Keywords Example
Select ... From ... Where
select ItemCode, ItemName, ItmsGrpCod from oitm where 1
ItemCode > 'i01'
Alias select t1.DocEntry as Col1 , t1.DocNum as Col2 from ORDR t1
where t1.DocEntry > 0
And, Or, Not
select t1.DocEntry, t1.DocNum from ORDR t1 where not
t1.DocEntry = 1 and t1.DocNum = 1 or t1.Comments <> '1234'
Parenthesis select t1.DocEntry, t1.DocNum from ORDR t1 where not
(t1.DocEntry = 1 or or t1.Comments <> '1234') and t1.DocNum
= 1
Between ... And ... select "DocEntry" from ordr where "DocEntry" BETWEEN 1 AND
Order By select t1.DocEntry, t1.DocNum, t1.DocTotal from ORDR t1
order by t1.DocEntry
Group By select DocStatus, DocType, count(*) as GroupCount from ordr
group by DocStatus, DocType having count(*) > 0
Is (Not) Null select DocEntry, DocType from ordr t1 where DocEntry is not
null and t1.Comments is null
Constants SELECT 1 as c1, 'string' 1 as c2 FROM OITM
Like select CardCode from ordr where CardCode like 'c%'
Top select top 2 DocStatus, DocType from ordr
Union (All) select t1.LineNum from rdr1 t1 union all select t1.LineNum
from inv1 t1
In select DocEntry from ordr t1 where DocEntry in (select
t2.DocEntry from rdr1 t2) or DocEntry not in (select
t2.DocEntry from inv1 t2)
Exists select DocEntry, DocType from ordr t1 where exists(select 1
from rdr1 t2 where t1.DocEntry = t2.DocEntry)
Inner Join
select t1.DocEntry, t2.LineNum from ordr t1 inner join rdr1
t2 on t1.DocEntry = t2.DocEntry
Left (Outer) Join select t1.DocEntry, t2.LineNum from ordr t1 left join rdr1
t2 on t1.DocEntry = t2.DocEntry
Right (Outer) Join
select t1.DocEntry, t2.LineNum from ordr t1 right join rdr1
t2 on t1.DocEntry = t2.DocEntry
Full (Outer) Join select t1.DocEntry, t2.LineNum from ordr t1 FULL OUTER JOIN
rdr1 t2 on t1.DocEntry = t2.DocEntry
Mixed Join
select t1.DocEntry, t2.LineNum, t3.CardCode from ordr t1
inner join rdr1 t2 on t1.DocEntry = t2.DocEntry left join
ocrd t3 on t1.CardCode = t3.CardCode
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4.7 SQL Functions
Currently, only the aggregation functions and a limited set of other functions are supported. More functions would
be considered for support in future according to customers' requirements.
SQL Functions
Sum, Avg
select sum("DocTotal") as sumDocTotal, avg("DocTotal") as
avgDocTotal from ordr
Max, Min select min("DocTotal") as minDocTotal, max("DocTotal") as
maxDocTotal from ordr
Distinct, Count
select count(distinct docEntry) as countDistinct, count(*)as
cnt from ordr
IfNull, IsNull select DocEntry, isnull(comments, 'null comments') as
mssqlComments, ifnull(Comments, 'null comments') as
hanaComments from ordr
Lower, Upper SELECT ItemCode, lower(ItemCode) as lowerItemCode,
upper(ItemCode) as upperItemCode FROM [OITM] where
lower(ItemCode) = 'i001'
Left, Right
SELECT ItemCode, right(ItemCode, 1) as rightItemCode,
LEFT(ItemCode, 1) as leftItemCode FROM oitm
4.8 SQL Normalization
Considering the gap of SQL grammar between SAP HANA and the Microsoft SQL Server, the SQL statements
running on the Microsoft SQL Server cannot necessarily work on SAP HANA, and vice versa. Consequently, in
most cases, the end users are expected to compose two sets of SQL, one for the Microsoft SQL Server and the
other for SAP HANA. This is not developer friendly.
To overcome this problem, the Service Layer would internally parse and normalize the raw SQL identifiers based
on the underlying database, so that end users would have a unified development experience.
4.8.1Table/Column Normalization
Due to database collation difference, in SAP Business One, SAP HANA is case-sensitive while the Microsoft SQL
Server is not. This means that for an SQL statement on SAP HANA, any column needs to be double quoted to
make a precise match to the predefined column. Otherwise, an invalid column name error will occur.
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For example, the following SQL statements
select itemcode, itemName, itmsGrpCod from oitm where ItemCode > 'i01' -- raw SQL
would be converted to the below statements on the Microsoft SQL Server and SAP HANA respectively.
select [ItemCode], [ItemName], [ItmsGrpCod] from [OITM] where [ItemCode] > 'i01' --
normalized on Microsoft SQL Server
select "ItemCode", "ItemName", "ItmsGrpCod" from "OITM" where "ItemCode" > 'i01' --
normalized on SAP HANA
Even if the columns have already been enclosed with [] or "" in the raw SQL like below:
select [itemcode], [itemName], [itmsGrpCod] from [oitm] where [ItemCode] > 'i01' --
raw SQL
select "itemcode", "itemName", "itmsGrpCod" from "oitm" where "ItemCode" > 'i01' --
raw SQL
Service Layer is still able to do the corresponding normalization. This is mainly intended for the scenario where a
SQL statement has already been normalized in the SAP HANA studio or the Microsoft SQL Server studio, and
users just want to use exactly the same statement to create an SQL Query in the Service Layer.
4.8.2Alias Normalization
Both columns and tables are allowed to have an alias. While table alias normalization is not meaningful, the
column alias normalization is a MUST in the SQL select clause, as it is the key name of the JSON object in the
response body.
Therefore, column alias normalization is mainly to ensure that the Service Layer returns the consistent JSON
content on both SAP HANA and the Microsoft SQL Server.
For example, the following SQL statements
select t1.DocEntry as Col1 , t1.DocNum as Col2 from ORDR t1 where t1.DocEntry > 0 --
raw SQL
would be converted to the following statements on the Microsoft SQL Server and SAP HANA respectively:
select t1.[DocEntry] as [Col1] , t1.[DocNum] as [Col2] from [ORDR] t1 where
t1.[DocEntry] > 0 -- normalized on Microsoft SQL Server
select t1."DocEntry" as "Col1" , t1."DocNum" as "Col2" from "ORDR" t1 where
t1."DocEntry" > 0 -- normalized on SAP HANA
Without alias normalization, on SAP HANA the column alias would be converted to uppercase by default. As a
result, the actual generated SQL would be:
select t1."DocEntry" as COL1 , t1."DocNum" as COL1 from ORDR t1 where t1."DocEntry" >
0 -- uppercase alias on SAP HANA
Accordingly, the key name in the response JSON object would be in uppercase and thus result in inconsistent
behavior compared to the output on the Microsoft SQL Server.
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4.8.3Function Normalization
Sometimes, functions with different names between SAP HANA and Microsoft SQL Server have the same
functionality. One typical example is IsNull on Microsoft SQL Server and IfNull on SAP HANA. This means that
the Microsoft SQL Server does not support IfNull and SAP HANA does not support IsNull. However,IfNull
is the functional equivalent to IsNull.
For this case, in order to provide a uniform interface for developers, the Service Layer is designed to support both,
by normalizingIsNull to IfNull on SAP HANA, and IfNull to IsNull on Microsoft SQL Server.
select DocEntry, ISNULL(comments, 'null comments') as mssqlComments, IFNULL(Comments,
'null comments') as hanaComments from ordr -- raw SQL
select [DocEntry], ISNULL([Comments], 'null comments') as [mssqlComments],
ISNULL([Comments], 'null comments') as [hanaComments] from [ORDR] -- normalized on
Microsoft SQL Server
select "DocEntry", IFNULL("Comments", 'null comments') as "mssqlComments",
IFNULL("Comments", 'null comments') as "hanaComments" from "ORDR -- normalized on SAP
4.9 Query with Parameter
Like ODBC or JDBC, in the Service Layer, it is allowed to create a query with parameter placeholders, and then
execute the query by specifying the parameter value. A colon mark (:) is used to define a named parameter,
binding it to a specific column.
For example, send such a request to create a parametrized query:
POST https://server:50000/b1s/v1/SQLQueries HTTP/1.1
"SqlCode": "sql01",
"SqlName": "queryOnOrder",
"SqlText": "select DocEntry, DocTotal, DocDate, comments from ordr where DocTotal
> :docTotal"
On success, service returns:
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
"odata.metadata" : "https://server:50000/b1s/v1/$metadata#SQLQueries/@Element",
"odata.etag" : "W/\"44486B13CDA82E54A31194A3588857803F9D1E57\"",
"SqlCode" : "sql01",
"SqlName" : "queryOnOrder",
"SqlText" : "select [DocEntry], [DocTotal], [DocDate], [Comments] from [ORDR]
where [DocTotal] > :docTotal",
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"ParamList" : "docTotal",
"CreateDate" : "2020-10-08",
"UpdateDate" : "2020-10-08"
To run the query, there are two ways in the Service Layer: one is to set a payload using POST and the other is to
specify a query parameter using GET.
POST https://server:50000/b1s/v1/SQLQueries('sql01')/List HTTP/1.1
"ParamList": "docTotal=10.1"
GET https://server:50000/b1s/v1/SQLQueries('sql07')/List?docTotal=10.1 HTTP/1.1
The query result is:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"odata.metadata" : "https://server:50000/b1s/v1/$metadata#SAPB1.SQLQueryResult",
"SqlText" : "select [DocEntry], [DocTotal], [DocDate], [Comments] from [ORDR]
where [DocTotal] > :docTotal",
"value" : [
"Comments" : "",
"DocDate" : "20201007",
"DocEntry" : 1,
"DocTotal" : 2000.0
"Comments" : "",
"DocDate" : "20201007",
"DocEntry" : 2,
"DocTotal" : 2000.0
"Comments" : "",
"DocDate" : "20201007",
"DocEntry" : 3,
"DocTotal" : 2000.0
"Comments" : "",
"DocDate" : "20201007",
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"DocEntry" : 4,
"DocTotal" : 2000.0
"Comments" : "",
"DocDate" : "20201007",
"DocEntry" : 5,
"DocTotal" : 2000.0
"odata.nextLink" : "SQLQueries('sql01')/List?docTotal=10.1&$skip=5"
If there is more than one parameter, the parameters should be separated by &, like below:
4.10 Query Errors and Exceptions
To pursue the highest levels of flexibility and convenience, the Service Layer allows users to input the raw SQL,
which is extremely error prone. As such, the Service Layer should be capable of handling various sorts of errors
and exceptions.
The following is a summary of the error categories.
4.10.1 Table or Column not in Allowlist
POST https://server:50000/b1s/v1/SQLQueries HTTP/1.1
"SqlCode": "sql06",
"SqlName": "queryOnItem",
"SqlText": "select CardCode from OCRD t1 where exists(select 1 from CRD2 t2 where
t1.CardCode = t2.CardCode)"
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"error" : {
"code" : 702,
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"message" : {
"lang" : "en-us",
"value" : "Table 'CRD2' not accessible"
4.10.2 SQL Grammar Error
POST https://server:50000/b1s/v1/SQLQueries HTTP/1.1
"SqlCode": "sql01",
"SqlName": "queryOnOrder",
"SqlText": "select DocEntry from ordr t1 order by DocEntry dsc"
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"error": {
"code": 701,
"message": {
"lang": "en-us",
"value": "Invalid SQL syntax:select DocEntry from ordr t1 order by
DocEntry dsc, line 1, character position 47, Incorrect syntax near 'dsc'."
4.10.3 SQL Keyword/Symbol Not Supported
POST https://server:50000/b1s/v1/SQLQueries HTTP/1.1
"SqlCode": "sql01",
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"SqlName": "queryOnOrder",
"SqlText": "select \"ItemCode\", length(\"ItemCode\")as lenItemCode from oitm"
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"error": {
"code": 701,
"message": {
"lang": "en-us",
"value": "Invalid SQL syntax:select \"ItemCode\", length(\"ItemCode\")as
lenItemCode from oitm, line 1, character position 19, Cannot support this function or
expression: 'length'"
4.10.4 Multiple Identical Aliases
As JSON does no allow multiple fields with the same name, two or more columns with the same alias in the select
list are not supported.
POST https://server:50000/b1s/v1/SQLQueries HTTP/1.1
"SqlCode": "sql0002",
"SqlName": "query002",
"SqlText": "select max(itemCode) as min_itemCode, min(itemCode) as min_itemCode
from OITM"
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"error" : {
"code" : 701,
"message" : {
"lang" : "en-us",
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"value" : "Invalid SQL syntax:select max(itemCode) as min_itemCode,
min(itemCode) as min_itemCode from OITM, line 1, character position 55, Multiple name
for column or column alias 'min_itemCode', please specify it with a different alias."
4.10.5 Computed Columns Without Alias
For this case, the SQL query author needs to specify a unique alias for the computed columns, so that the Service
Layer would know how to format the output payload.
4.10.6 Select All Columns from One Table
In most cases, selecting all the columns from one table is not necessary, and in some situations, this could
possibly compromise data sensitivity and result in performance issues. Therefore, by design, the Service Layer
does not allow you to use select *.
POST https://server:50000/b1s/v1/SQLQueries HTTP/1.1
"SqlCode": "sql01",
"SqlName": "queryOnOrder",
"SqlText": "select * from ORDR"
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"error": {
"code": 701,
"message": {
"lang": "en-us",
"value": "Invalid SQL syntax: select * from ORDR, line 1, character
position 7, Cannot support asterisk(*) in select list."
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However, if the select * is in the sub query, like the below example, it is allowed.
select DocEntry, DocType from ordr t1 where exists (select * from rdr1 t2 where
t1.DocEntry = t2.DocEntry)
4.10.7 SQL DML
All the DML statements, for example, update, alter, insert, delete, etc, are not permitted to run.
POST https://server:50000/b1s/v1/SQLQueries HTTP/1.1
"SqlCode": "sql01",
"SqlName": "queryOnOrder",
"SqlText": "update ORDR set Comments = '1234'"
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"error": {
"code": 701,
"message": {
"lang": "en-us",
"value": "Invalid SQL syntax:, line 1, character position 0, mismatched
input 'update' expecting {SELECT, '('}"
4.11Query with Permission Control
Like semantic layer views, only authorized users have the authorization to access the corresponding queries.
By default, a normal user has no permission to run queries. Attempting to do so would end in failure. For example,
login to the Service Layer with a normal user (user1) and then send a request to invoke the List function on an
existing SQLQueries (for example, with key = 'SalesQuery1'):
GET https://server:50000/b1s/v1/SQLQueries('SalesQuery1')/List HTTP/1.1
As expected, service returns:
HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
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"error": {
"code": -6006,
"message": {
"lang": "en-us",
"value": "You are not permitted to perform this action"
To grant permission to a normal user, log on the SAP Business One client with a super user, then open the General
Authorizations window from the menu Administration -> System Initialization -> Authorizations, find the specific
SQL Query from Service Layer SQL Query subject, and then change No Authorization to Full Authorization.
To grant a normal user the authorization to create, update, remove and read Service Layer SQL queries, login to
the SAP Business One client with a super user, then open the General Authorizations window from the menu
Administration -> System Initialization -> Authorizations, and grant Full Authorization to the user on the subject
Modify SQL Queries in Service Layer.
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o Superusers have full permission to carry out any operations on SQL queries.
o By design, the normal users do not have permission to create/delete/update SQL queries as well.
However, the retrieval authorization is granted.
o For the sake of performance, the updated authorization for the normal user might not take effect
immediately. To get the latest data, wait for a while (for example, one minute) to allow the internal
permission cache mechanism to refresh.
4.12Security Considerations
4.12.1 SQL Injection
SQL injection would probably occur in case of parameter binding. To prevent this, internally the Service Layer
validates the input parameter value by tokenizing or using the SQL statements preparation technique.
For example, there is an SQL Query with id = 'sql08' and has the following SQL text:
select [ItemCode], [ItemName], [ItmsGrpCod] from OITM where ItemCode = :itemCode
Such requests as below would results in error.
POST https://server:50000/b1s/v1/SQLQueries('sql08')/List HTTP/1.1
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SQL Query
"ParamList": "itemCode='i001';truncate table OITM"
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"error": {
"code": 704,
"message": {
"lang": "en-us",
"value": "Parameter error."
4.12.2 Log SQL Query Modification
According to product standards, SQL is a type of programming code and therefore should have logs for the code
To track the SQL Query modification, the history can be found in table ASQL, which is the log table for the SQL
Query business object.
4.12.3 Sensitive Data Accessibility
Besides business data, in the database, there is also some internally sensitive data we do not want to show to end
users. To prohibit users from accessing the information, partners can define a column allowlist for each table to
achieve this purpose.
4.13 Limitations or By Design
Previously, user-defined objects (UDO) and user-defined tables (UDT) were not supported to query. As of
SAP Business One 10.0 FP 2102, UDO/UDT is supported.
LOG table (for example, AITM, ACRD) is not supported to query.
SBOCOMMON or SBO-COMMON is not supported to query.
Data ownership is not supported.
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Service Layer ETag
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5 Service Layer ETag
5.1 ETag Introduction
Optimistic concurrency control is a concurrency methodology typically applied to transactional systems. It is
generally used in relational database management systems with rare data update conflicts, in which transactions
can complete without the expense of managing locks, leading to a higher throughput.
Although the stateless nature of HTTP makes locking infeasible for web user interfaces, HTTP does provide an
alternative form of built-in optimistic concurrency control. The response to an initial GET request can include an
ETag for subsequent PATCH requests to use in the If-Match header. Any PATCH requests with an out-of-date
ETag in the If-Match header can then be rejected.
In HTTP protocol, ETag is short for entity tag and is used for identifying specific versions of a resource. It is an
opaque identifier whose exact values are implementation dependent. ETag values occur in two varieties: strong
and weak validation. For more information about ETag, see
In the Service Layer, we use weak validation, which guarantees the resource representation is semantically
equivalent to the same ETag value. The format is as follows:
ETag: W/"hashed string"
As of SAP Business One 10.0 FP 2102, the Service Layer can support Etag mechanisms compliant with the OData
spec, mainly for the purpose of avoiding blind concurrent updates on an object.
5.2 ETag Scenarios
5.2.1 ETag in Entity Creation
For this scenario, the ETag information is available in the response, reflecting the version of the newly created
resource in a hashed string.
For example, send such a request to create an item:
POST https://hanaserver:50000/b1s/v2/Items HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8
{"ItemCode": "i002"}
Upon success, the Service Layer responds with the ETag in the response header and body.
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: https://hanaserver:50000/b1s/v2/Items('i002')
ETag: W/"356A192B7913B04C54574D18C28D46E6395428AB"
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Service Layer ETag
"@odata.context" : "https://hanaserver:50000/b1s/v2/$metadata#Items/$entity",
"@odata.etag" : "W/\"356A192B7913B04C54574D18C28D46E6395428AB\"",
"ItemCode" : "i002",
"ItemName" : null,
5.2.2ETag in Entity Retrieval
The ETag can be applied to the entity retrieval scenario as well and allows you to get the latest resource version.
For example, send such a request to retrieve an item:
GET https://hanaserver:50000/b1s/v2/Items('i002') HTTP/1.1
Upon success, the Service Layer responds with the ETag in the response header and body.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
ETag: W/"356A192B7913B04C54574D18C28D46E6395428AB"
"@odata.context" : "https://hanaserver:50000/b1s/v2/$metadata#Items/$entity",
"@odata.etag" : "W/\"356A192B7913B04C54574D18C28D46E6395428AB\"",
"ItemCode" : "i002",
"ItemName" : null,
5.2.3ETag in Entity Update
The default behavior when you PATCH an entity is to directly change the entity, no matter whether the entity has
already been changed by someone else. However, for most scenarios, just like the SAP Business One client, we do
not want this override behavior to happen.
To achieve this, we need to specify the If-Match header with the value of the ETag in the request. In this way, the
Service Layer would prevent the override from happening by returning an error message.
For example, assume the item with key 'i002' is changed by somebody just before you send a PATCH request:
PATCH https://hanaserver:50000/b1s/v2/Items('i002') HTTP/1.1
If-Match: W/"356A192B7913B04C54574D18C28D46E6395428AB"
{"ItemName": "name2"}
The Service Layer responds:
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Service Layer ETag
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HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition Failed
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
"error": {
"code": "-2039",
"message": "Another user or another operation modified data; to continue, open
the window again (ODBC -2039)"
If no changes happen, the Service Layer responds with the following, indicating that the update is successful:
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
5.2.4ETag in Entity Delete
The default behavior when you DELETE an entity is to directly delete the entity if the entity exists or to return a
404 error, indicating the entity is Not Found. For some scenarios, you just want to delete an entity with a specific
version and prompt up an error message if the version does not exist. To achieve this, specify the If-Match
header with the value of the ETag in the request.
For example, you send a request to get an item as follows:
GET https://hanaserver:50000/b1s/v2/Items('i002') HTTP/1.1
Upon success, the Service Layer responds:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
"@odata.context": "https://hanaserver:50000/b1s/v2/$metadata#Items/$entity",
"@odata.etag": "W/\"356A192B7913B04C54574D18C28D46E6395428AB\"",
"ItemCode": "i002",
"ItemName": "i002",
Then another user happens to send a PATCH request to update this item:
PATCH https://hanaserver:50000/b1s/v2/Items('i002') HTTP/1.1
"ItemName": "new name"
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Service Layer ETag
After you check some basic information with this item, you send a request to delete this item with ETag:
DELETE https://hanaserver:50000/b1s/v2/Items('i002') HTTP/1.1
If-Match: W/"356A192B7913B04C54574D18C28D46E6395428AB"
The Service Layer responds with the following error message as the entity you wish to delete has already been
updated by others:
HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition Failed
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
"error": {
"code": "-2039",
"message": "Another user or another operation modified data; to continue, open
the window again (ODBC -2039)"
5.2.5ETag in Entity Action
The default behavior of a bindable action is to directly apply the action to the bound entity, no matter if the entity
has already been changed by someone else.
However, for some scenarios, you just want to do the action on an entity with a specific version and expect the
service to return an error message if the version does not exist or was updated by another. To achieve this,
specify the If-Match header with the value of the ETag in the request.
For example, you send a request to get an order as follows:
GET https://hanaserver:50000/b1s/v2/Orders(8) HTTP/1.1
Upon success, the Service Layer responds:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
"@odata.context": "https://hanaserver:50000/b1s/v2/$metadata#Orders/$entity",
"@odata.etag": "W/\"356A192B7913B04C54574D18C28D46E6395428AB\"",
"DocEntry": 8,
"DocNum": 8,
Working with SAP Business One Service Layer
Service Layer ETag
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Then another user happens to send a PATCH request to update this order:
PATCH https://hanaserver:50000/b1s/v2/Orders(8) HTTP/1.1
"Comments": "it is my order"
After you check some basic information with this order, you send a request to cancel this order with the ETag:
POST https://hanaserver:50000/b1s/v2/Orders(8)/Cancel HTTP/1.1
If-Match: W/"356A192B7913B04C54574D18C28D46E6395428AB"
The Service Layer responds with the following error message as the entity to cancel has already been updated by
HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition Failed
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
"error": {
"code": "-2039",
"message": "Another user or another operation modified data; to continue, open
the window again (ODBC -2039)"
5.3 Entities with ETag
As of SAP Business One 10.0 FP 2102, the following business objects are enabled with the Etag mechanism:
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Service Layer ETag
5.4 ETag Metadata
In OData V4, the Etag is represented by an annotation in the entity set.
<EntitySet EntityType="SAPB1.BusinessPartner" Name="BusinessPartners">
<Annotation Term="Org.OData.Core.V1.OptimisticConcurrency">
The annotation is with the term attribute Org.OData.Core.V1.OptimisticConcurrency, indicating the
internal concurrency mode is optimistic.
Inside the annotation, a collection of properties is presented to indicate the relevant properties used to achieve
the optimistic concurrency.
However, OData V3 uses different metadata to reflect the ETag, as below.
<EntityType Name="BusinessPartner">
<PropertyRef Name="CardCode"/>
<Property ConcurrencyMode="Fixed" Name="DataVersion" Type="Edm.Int32"/>
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Service Layer ETag
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ConcurrencyMode specifies that the value of that declared property should be used for optimistic concurrency
checks. Essentially, declared properties marked with a fixed ConcurrencyMode become part of a concurrency
As OData V4 is the prevalent protocol nowadays, it is strongly recommended that you use OData V4 to consume
the Service Layer.
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Configuring SAP Business One Service Layer
6 Configuring SAP Business One Service Layer
The installation wizard sets the common configuration options when you install the Service Layer load balancer or
balancer members. The configuration options are in the configuration file conf/b1s.conf.
As of SAP Business One 10.0 (PL00 for SAP HANA version and PL02 for Microsoft SQL version), a configuration
controller for Service Layer is available. It provides a user-friendly interface to update configuration parameters
and have them take effect.
6.1 Configuration Controller for Service Layer
In SAP Business One (Microsoft SQL version), before you use the controller, run the Windows PowerShell
execution policy check, and make sure that the execution policy is "Unrestricted". To do so, perform the
Open Windows PowerShell (64bit), and use the Get-ExecutionPolicy command to check the current
execution policy. If it is not “Unrestricted”, use the Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted command
to set it.
You can access the SAP Business One Service Layer Controller after you install the Service Layer, using the URL
https://<Server Name/IP>:<port>/ServiceLayerController.
In the SAP Business One Service Layer Controller, you can:
Stop or force restart of the Service Layer service.
Dynamically add and remove Service Layer nodes.
Specify the configuration options to control the behavior of Service Layer. For details on the configuration
options, refer to Configuration Options for Service Layer.
Download Service Layer logs and dump files.
Limitation: Service Layer Controller does not support managing all nodes in distribution installation
mode (that is, some nodes are installed on one machine, while the load balancer is installed on another
machine). This limitation applies for both the SAP HANA version and the Microsoft SQL version.
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Configuring SAP Business One Service Layer
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6.2 Configuration Options for Service Layer
You can also specify the configuration options to control the behavior of the service in the file
/ServiceLayer/conf/b1s.conf. The file is in the JSON format and the options are case-sensitive. Once you save
the changes, all configuration options take effect after you restart Service Layer.
The configuration file applies only to local Service Layer components. If you have installed some load
balancer members on different machines from the load balancer, you must ensure a copy of the schema
file exists also on each member machine.
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Configuring SAP Business One Service Layer
Server Connection Options
Option Type Description and Default Values
Server String The database server.
License Server String
This option takes effect as of 9.1 patch level 05 for working with
the license server and the SLD server. The license server and the
SLD server share the same address.
SessionTimeout Integer Measured by minutes. Defines the timeout period for each
Default value is 30 (minutes).
Other Options
Option Type Description and Default Values
WCFCompatible Boolean Default value is False.
If the value is set to True, the Microsoft WCF component can consume
Service Layer. The application works around some limitations of WCF and
the application behavior is as follows:
EnumType is replaced by Edm.String, since EnumType is not
supported by WCF in metadata.
The property name cannot be the same as the type name. For example,
BatchNumber.BatchNumber is automatically renamed to
Use type Edm.DateTime instead of Edm.Time, as Microsoft .net does
not have a Time type and uses TimeSpan instead, which is not
compatible with SAP Business One.
As of SAP Business One 9.1, version for SAP HANA patch level 10, the
Navigation and Association parts of the metadata are exposed to
PageSize Integer Defines the page size when paging is applied for a query.
Default value is 20.
Schema String Available as of 9.1 patch level 03.
Default value is empty.
The value is a file name under the conf folder, which defines the required
properties for each type in metadata. For more information, see User-
Defined Schemas.
Boolean Available as of 9.1 patch level 08.
Default value is false. It functions as a switch to enable CORS (Cross Origin
Resource Sharing).
If this item is set to true, Service Layer will check the value of
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Option Type Description and Default Values
String Available as of 9.1 patch level 08.
Default value is empty ("").
This item takes effect only if CorsEnable is true. It is a semi-colon-
separated string list where each string is a representation of a trusted
origin. For example:
CorsAllowedOrigins can also be configured as "*" to support requests
from all origins. However, in production environments, it is not
recommended due to security issues.
String Available as of 9.2 patch level 07.
Default value is ("content-type, accept").
This item takes effect only if CorsEnable is true. It is a comma-separated
string list where each string is a representation of a request header name.
For example:
"CorsAllowedHeaders":"content-type, accept, B1S-PageSize"
LogLevel String Available as of 9.3 patch level 06
Default value is Error.
Generates SAP Business One logs for the Service Layer process based on
below options:
Debug, Warn ,Error
EnableCoreDump Boolean Available as of 9.3 patch level 06.
Default value is False.
For situations where a child process is crashing intermittently, the server
must be configured and started such that it produces core dumps which
can be analyzed further.
EnableAccessLog Boolean Available as of 10.0 FP 2305.
Default value is False.
Prior to SAP Business One 10.0 FP 2305, access logs are enabled by
default in Service Layer. After upgrade to SAP Business One 10.0 FP 2305,
if you intend to check access logs, you can select the checkbox to enable
access logs.
For the configuration of Service Layer log files, please refer to SAP KBA 3157498.
6.3 Configuration by Request
Except for the connection options, Service Layer supports limiting all configuration options to the request level.
You can set the Service Layer-customized HTTP header to overwrite the settings in b1s.conf only for the current
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Configuring SAP Business One Service Layer
To configure your settings for the current request, you should use the following format:
B1S-<configuration-item-name>: <value>
For example:
B1S-WCFCompatible: True
B1S-PageSize: 100
This feature is available in SAP Business One 9.1 patch level 01 and later.
6.4 Log Monitor
As of SAP Business One 10.0 FP 2202, the Service Layer Controller is enhanced to support the Service Layer log
monitor with the following functionalities:
A list view for normal requests
A detail view for groups of normal requests
A list view for error requests
A detail view for groups of error requests
Request/response detailed logs for troubleshooting purposes
On the Service Layer Controller home page, a newMonitor tab is added to display the logs, and you can choose a
recent day of logs by selecting from a dropdown list. For example, the days range from 1 day to 10 days.
For all views, a pagination control is displayed to allow you to browse the requests page-by-page. By default, 20
rows are displayed per page.
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6.4.1List View of Normal Requests
The list view of normal requests shows the basic information for a given group of requests.
Field Description
No. The number of the request in the list view.
Method The HTTP method for a request.
URL The URL for a request.
Count The number of occurrences for a given request.
Detail A clickable link for the detailed view.
The list view is grouped by Method and URL. You can click the refresh icon on the right upper corner to get the
latest logs.
6.4.2Detailed View of Normal Requests
The detailed view of a group of normal requests shows more detailed information.
Field Description
Time The time when the request is served.
URL The URL for the request.
Duration The time taken by the server to handle the request.
Sid The session ID for the request.
Node The ID of the node which handles the request.
HTTP Code The HTTP code for the request.
Pid The process number which handles the request.
Client IP The IP of the client from which the request is sent.
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Configuring SAP Business One Service Layer
6.4.3List View of Error Requests
The list view of error requests shows the basic information of a group of error requests.
Field Description
No. The number of the request in the list view.
Method The HTTP method for a request.
URL The URL for a request.
Count The number of occurrences for a given request.
Details A clickable link for the detailed view.
The list view is grouped by Method and URL. You can choose the refresh icon on the right upper corner to get the
latest logs.
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6.4.4Detailed View of Error Requests
The detailed view of a group of error requests shows more detailed information.
Field Description
Time The time when the request is served.
URL The URL for a request.
Duration The time taken by the server to handle the request.
Sid The session ID for the request.
Node The ID of the node which handles the request.
HTTP Code The HTTP code for the request.
Pid The process number which handles the request.
Client IP The IP of the client from which the request is sent.
6.4.5Request/Response Detailed Logs
This logging is for trouble shooting purposes. In the Service Layer Configuration, click the Request & Response
Logs checkbox to enable/disable the logging. A dropdown list is available to allow you to download log files
according to the selected duration.
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7 Limitations
This section lists the limitations of SAP Business One Service Layer.
7.1 OData Protocol Implementation Limitations
In the OData protocol implementation perspective, the Service Layer has the following limitations:
OData Version 1.0 and OData Version 2.0 are not supported.
Request/Response of XML format is not supported for the general entity CRUD operations.
Accessing the property of a complex type is not allowed (details in section Retrieving Individual Properties).
Managing values and properties directly is not supported.
OData-batch: rollback, an OData batch operation, is not supported.
Metadata option odata=fullmetadata for OData version 3 is not supported.
Metadata option odata.metadata=full for OData version 4 is not supported.
OData-query: arithmetic operators (for example, add/sub/mul/div/mod) in OData queries are not supported
OData-query: some OData query functions are not supported yet, for example, data functions, math
functions, type case functions, string functions. For details of these functions, see http://docs.oasis-
7.2 Functional Limitations versus SAP Business One DI API
Compared to the functionalities of SAP Business One DI API, Service Layer has the following limitations:
Business object RecordSet (direct SQL) is not supported.
Service Layer does not support the operation of ImportFromXML and ExportToXML.
Newly created UDO/UDF/UDT is not accessible unless Service Layer is restarted.
User transactions are not supported. There is no DI-like operation StartTransaction/EndTransaction.
Transactions are internally used in each request (including OData batch request), but they cannot cross
Service layer does not support JSONP, since this feature is optional.
Working with SAP Business One Service Layer
High Availability and Load Balancing
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8 High Availability and Load Balancing
In the context of Web-based mobile-accessible applications, providing highly available services becomes
increasingly important. Service Layer is well-designed and thoroughly tested to ensure that it will be continuously
operational for a significant length of time in a production system.
By default, Service Layer installs Apache Multi-Processing Modules (MPMs) and is configured as a load-balancing
cluster. A central load balancer distributes HTTP loads amongst its nodes according to the number of requests. In
addition, Service Layer implements sticky sessions to avoid an unnecessary login, which is considered a heavy job
in SAP Business One, because same session requests will always be forwarded to the same working node. Those
working nodes can be deployed in a clustered system, where hardware and software redundancy helps to scale
performance and provide high availability.
In an exceptional case, if the load balancer detects that one of its nodes has failed, it forwards subsequent
requests to another valid node. The receiving node validates the session through the shared session info stored in
the database. If valid, the receiving node automatically logs the user in, without interrupting the user actions or
asking for user credentials. End-users will not notice the internal node failure, other than in a slight delay of the
system response.
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with SAP Business One Service Layer
1. What are the differences between Service Layer and other SAP Business One extension APIs, such as DI API
and DI Server?
Service Layer is built on the DI core technology, which is also the foundation of DI API and DI Server.
Therefore, all three extension APIs share similar business object definitions. However, their differences are
o DI API derives from Microsoft COM technology and fits best in the Windows native environment;
o DI Server targets SOAP-based data integration scenarios and prefers Web-services architecture;
o Service Layer is an OData-compliant data service with a smoother learning curve, which enables easy
Web Mashup, or effortless add-on development in various languages (Java, JavaScript, .NET) using 3rd-
party libraries. For a list of all OData client libraries, refer to Service
Layer is also a full-featured web application server with capabilities of high availability and scalable
2. Service Layer is OData-compliant and RESTful, what are the other implications of moving to such Web-
services architecture?
Service Layer provides lightweight and faster results and simple transactions (for example, CRUD
operations). Querying objects is just a matter of changing URI in a uniform fashion. Batch operation is to
support advanced transaction scenarios where multiple requests need to be applied in an atomic way.
Service Layer may not be a good choice to implement complex or distributed transactions where server-side
state management is a must-have requirement.
3. Why does Service Layer support two types of update?
The two types of update differ in the HTTP verb that is sent in the request:
o A PUT request indicates a replacement update. All property values specified in the request body are
replaced. Missing properties are set to their default values.
o A PATCH request indicates a differential update. Only exactly those property values in the request body
are replaced. Missing properties are not altered.
In most cases, Patch request is the recommended approach to update object data.
4. What if my HTTP client does not support the PATCH method?
As of 9.1 patch level 04, you can use the POST method to override the PATCH method. To do so, use the POST
method and specify in the HTTP header X-HTTP-Method-Override the method to be overridden. For
example, the following two requests are equal:
o PATCH /Orders(1)
o POST /Orders(1)
X-HTTP-Method-Override: PATCH
Note that the POST method can also override the PUT, MERGE, and DELETE methods.
5. Does the service auto start with system?
Yes, for Service Layer running on SAP HANA. As Service Layer is installed as a series of Linux services named
b1s and b1s<port>, you can check those services via this command (run as root user):
# chkconfig | grep b1s
On my environment it returns:
Working with SAP Business One Service Layer
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b1s off
b1s50000 on
b1s50001 on
b1s50002 on
b1s50003 on
sapb1servertools on
b1s50000 is for the load balancer and others, such as 50001~50003, are for the 3 service nodes. "on" means
the service is able to start automatically with the system.
You can turn it off for each node:
# chkconfig b1s50000 off
# chkconfig b1s50001 off
# chkconfig b1s50002 off
# chkconfig b1s50003 off
Of course you can turn on it again:
# chkconfig b1s50003 on
6. Does it work if SAP HANA client is not installed at the default location?
By default, SAP HANA client x64 version is installed at /usr/sap/hdbclient. As of 9.1 patch level 04, Service
layer can work even if SAP HANA client is not installed at the default location.
Note: This is done by detecting SAP HANA client in this file:
In prior versions, please work around this issue by creating a symbol link at the default location to your new
location, e.g.
# mkdir /usr/sap
# ln -s /your/path/hdbclient /usr/sap/hdbclient
Or add the HANA client path in the system path: find file /etc/, append your path at the end and
# ldconfig
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Appendix I: Service Layer versus DI API
10 Appendix I: Service Layer versus DI API
This section explains the differences in how to invoke the APIs to finish the corresponding functionalities in SAP
Business One Service Layer versus in SAP Business One DI API.
The APIs fall into different categories in terms of the operations for entity CRUD, Transaction, Query, Company
Service and UDO.
We take the object Order as a typical example to illustrate how to invoke CRUD APIs.
10.1.1 Creating Entities
SAPbobsCOM.Company oCompany;
SAPbobsCOM.Documents order =
order.CardCode = "c001";
order.DocDate = DateTime.Today;
order.DocDueDate = DateTime.Today;
//Add items lines
order.Lines.ItemCode = "i001";
order.Lines.Quantity = 1;
order.Lines.TaxCode = "T1";
order.Lines.UnitPrice = 100;
//Add this newly created order
int retCode = order.Add();
Working with SAP Business One Service Layer
Appendix I: Service Layer versus DI API
© 2024
Service Layer
POST /Orders
"CardCode": "c001",
"DocDate": "2014-04-01",
"DocDueDate": "2014-04-01",
"DocumentLines": [
"ItemCode": "i001",
"UnitPrice": 100,
"Quantity": 1,
"TaxCode": "T1"
10.1.2 Retrieving Entities
SAPbobsCOM.Documents order =
bool bRet = order.GetByKey(2);
if (bRet)
Service Layer
GET /Orders(2)
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Appendix I: Service Layer versus DI API
10.1.3 Updating Entities
SAPbobsCOM.Documents order =
order.Comments = "New comments";
Service Layer
PATCH /Orders(2)
"Comments":"New comments"
10.1.4 Deleting Entities
SAPbobsCOM.Documents order =
Service Layer
DELETE /Orders(2)
Working with SAP Business One Service Layer
Appendix I: Service Layer versus DI API
© 2024
10.2 Company Service APIs
We take the objects GetCompanyInfo and UpdateCompanyInfo as examples to show how to invoke company
service APIs.
SAPbobsCOM.CompanyService companyService = oCompany.GetCompanyService();
SAPbobsCOM.CompanyInfo companyInfo = companyService.GetCompanyInfo();
Console.WriteLine("initial: company version:{0}, company name: {1}, company name:
companyInfo.Version, companyInfo.CompanyName,
...//following the above code snippet
companyInfo.AutoCreateCustomerEqCard = BoYesNoEnum.tYES;
companyInfo = companyService.GetCompanyInfo();
Console.WriteLine("updated: company version:{0}, company name: {1}, company name:
companyInfo.Version, companyInfo.CompanyName,
Service Layer
POST /CompanyService_GetCompanyInfo
POST /CompanyService_UpdateCompanyInfo
"CompanyInfo": {
"Version": 910160,
"EnableExpensesManagement": "tYES",
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with SAP Business One Service Layer
Appendix I: Service Layer versus DI API
"AutoCreateCustomerEqCard": "tYES",
This kind of APIs in Service Layer is called FunctionImport or Action in OData terminology.
10.3 Transaction APIs
Service Layer does not explicitly provide APIs about transaction because OData protocol is stateless. However,
the batch request can be posted to perform the comparable functionality.
SAPbobsCOM.Items items = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.oItems);
items.ItemCode = "item_001";
items.ItemName = "item_001_name";
if (items.GetByKey("item_001"))
items.ItemName = "item_001_name new";
Service Layer
POST /$batch
Working with SAP Business One Service Layer
Appendix I: Service Layer versus DI API
© 2024
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;boundary=batch_36522ad7-fc75-4b56-8c71-56071383e77b
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;boundary=changeset_77162fcd-b8da-41ac-a9f8-9357efbbd
Content-Type: application/http
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-ID: 1
POST /b1s/v1/Items
Content-Type: application/json
{"ItemCode":"item_001", "ItemName":"item_001_name"}
Content-Type: application/http
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-ID: 2
PATCH /b1s/v1/Items('item_001')
Content-Type: application/json
{"ItemName":"item_001_name new"}
The first two lines indicate that this request is a batch request and the request header should be set to
'Content-Type: multipart/mixed;boundary=batch_36522ad7-fc75-4b56-8c71-56071383e77b'.
The remaining part is the exact batch body.
o Multiple operations in the batch body should be enclosed in a change set so as to be treated as an
atomic operation.
o The batch request does not provide a chance for clients to rollback transactions. If all operations are
successful, the batch automatically performs this transaction.
o You can enclose complex business logic in one transaction via DI API, while you cannot do it via
Service Layer.
For more information about batch specifications, see
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with SAP Business One Service Layer
Appendix I: Service Layer versus DI API
10.4 Query APIs
DI API exposes the object Recordset to execute native SQL to implement a query, while Service Layer makes use
of OData query to finish the equivalent functionality.
SAPbobsCOM.Recordset oRecordSet =
oRecordSet.DoQuery("Select \"CardCode\", \"CardName\" from OCRD where \"CardCode\" >=
while (!oRecordSet.EoF)
Console.WriteLine("{0}={1},{2}={3}", oRecordSet.Fields.Item(0).Name,
oRecordSet.Fields.Item(1).Name, oRecordSet.Fields.Item(1).Value);
Service Layer
GET /BusinessPartners?$select=CardCode, CardName&$filter=CardCode ge 'C001'
"value": [
"CardCode": "ce7a456e-ead4-4",
"CardName": "bb72965f-b076-4a81-859f-a2bde7b5b356"
"CardCode": "ce8da8a1-d674-4",
"CardName": "cbdb91d7-1a29-4e64-9ce8-0bd0a72704b8"
Working with SAP Business One Service Layer
Appendix I: Service Layer versus DI API
© 2024
The response of Service Layer is in JSON format. If you want to iterate the result set as DI API does, you
have to make use of OData client libraries (for example, WCF).
10.5 UDO APIs
10.5.1 Creating UDOs
You need to perform five steps to create an UDO. The creation process is very similar between DI API and Service
Step 1: Create UDT "MyOrder" as the main table
//Create UDT "MyOrder" as main table
SAPbobsCOM.UserTablesMD udtMyOrder =
udtMyOrder.TableName = "MyOrder";
udtMyOrder.TableDescription = "MyOrderDesc";
udtMyOrder.TableType = BoUTBTableType.bott_Document;
Step 2: Add fields to table "MyOrder"
//Add UDF CustomerName to table "MyOrder"
SAPbobsCOM.UserFieldsMD udfCustomerName =
udfCustomerName.Name = "CustomerName";
udfCustomerName.Type = BoFieldTypes.db_Alpha;
udfCustomerName.Size = 10;
udfCustomerName.Description = "Customer name";
udfCustomerName.SubType = BoFldSubTypes.st_None;
udfCustomerName.TableName = "@MYOrder";
//Add UDF DocTotal to table "MyOrder"
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with SAP Business One Service Layer
Appendix I: Service Layer versus DI API
SAPbobsCOM.UserFieldsMD udfDocTotal =
udfDocTotal.Name = "DocTotal";
udfDocTotal.Type = BoFieldTypes.db_Float;
udfDocTotal.Description = "Total amount";
udfDocTotal.SubType = BoFldSubTypes.st_Sum;
udfDocTotal.TableName = "@MYOrder";
Step 3: Create UDT "MyOrderLines" as the child table
//Create UDT "MyOrderLines" as child table
SAPbobsCOM.UserTablesMD udtMyOrderLines =
udtMyOrderLines.TableName = "MyOrderLines";
udtMyOrderLines.TableDescription = "My Order lines";
udtMyOrderLines.TableType = BoUTBTableType.bott_DocumentLines;
Step 4: Add fields to table "MyOrderLines"
//Add UDF ItemName to table "MyOrderLines"
SAPbobsCOM.UserFieldsMD udfItemName =
udfItemName.Name = "ItemName";
udfItemName.Type = BoFieldTypes.db_Alpha;
udfItemName.Size = 10;
udfItemName.Description = "Item name";
udfItemName.SubType = BoFldSubTypes.st_None;
udfItemName.TableName = "@MYOrderLINES";
//Add UDF Price to table "MyOrderLines"
SAPbobsCOM.UserFieldsMD udfPrice =
udfPrice.Name = "Price";
udfPrice.Type = BoFieldTypes.db_Float;
udfPrice.Description = "Unit price";
udfPrice.SubType = BoFldSubTypes.st_Price;
udfPrice.TableName = "@MYOrderLINES";
Working with SAP Business One Service Layer
Appendix I: Service Layer versus DI API
© 2024
//Add UDF Quantity to table "MyOrderLines"
SAPbobsCOM.UserFieldsMD udfQuantity =
udfQuantity.Name = "Quantity";
udfQuantity.Type = BoFieldTypes.db_Float;
udfQuantity.Description = "Quantity";
udfQuantity.SubType = BoFldSubTypes.st_Quantity;
udfQuantity.TableName = "@MYOrderLINES";
Step 5: Register UDO "MyOrder"
SAPbobsCOM.UserObjectsMD udoMyOrder =
udoMyOrder.Code = "MyOrders";
udoMyOrder.Name = "MyOrder";
udoMyOrder.TableName = "MyOrder";
udoMyOrder.ObjectType= BoUDOObjType.boud_Document;
udoMyOrder.ChildTables.TableName = "MyOrderLines";
udoMyOrder.ChildTables.ObjectName = "MyOrderLines";
Service Layer
Step 1: Create UDT "MyOrder" as the main table
POST /UserTablesMD
"TableName": "MyOrder",
"TableDescription": "My Orders",
"TableType": "bott_Document"
Step 2: Add fields to table "MyOrder"
POST /UserFieldsMD
© 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
with SAP Business One Service Layer
Appendix I: Service Layer versus DI API
"Name": "CustomerName",
"Type": "db_Alpha",
"Size": 10,
"Description": "Customer name",
"SubType": "st_None",
"TableName": "@MYORDER"
POST /UserFieldsMD
"Name": "DocTotal",
"Type": "db_Float",
"Description": "Total amount",
"SubType": "st_Sum",
"TableName": "@MYORDER"
Step 3: Create UDT "MyOrderLines" as the child table
POST /UserTablesMD
"TableName": "MyOrderLines",
"TableDescription": "My Order lines",
"TableType": "bott_DocumentLines"
Step 4: Add fields to table "MyOrderLines"
POST /UserFieldsMD
"Name": "ItemName",
"Type": "db_Alpha",
"Size": 10,
"Description": "Item name",
"SubType": "st_None",
"TableName": "@MYORDERLINES"
Working with SAP Business One Service Layer
Appendix I: Service Layer versus DI API
© 2024
POST /UserFieldsMD
"Name": "Price",
"Type": "db_Float",
"Description": "Unit price",
"SubType": "st_Price",
"TableName": "@MYORDERLINES"
POST /UserFieldsMD
"Name": "Quantity",
"Type": "db_Float",
"Description": "Quantity",
"SubType": "st_Quantity",
"TableName": "@MYORDERLINES"
Step 5: Register UDO "MyOrder"
POST /UserObjectsMD
"Code": "MyOrders",
"Name": "MyOrder",
"TableName": "MyOrder",
"ObjectType": "boud_Document",
"UserObjectMD_ChildTables": [
"TableName": "MyOrderLines",
"ObjectName": "MyOrderLines"
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with SAP Business One Service Layer
Appendix I: Service Layer versus DI API
10.5.2 CRUD and Query Operations
Once an UDO is created, you can treat it as an ordinary entity. The URL for UDO CRUD and Query operation are
the same as the internal SAP Business One entities.
Creating UDO Entity
POST /MyOrders
"U_CustomerName": "c1",
"U_DocTotal": 620,
"MyOrderLinesCollection": [
"U_ItemName": "item1",
"U_Price": 100,
"U_Quantity": 3
"U_ItemName": "item2",
"U_Price": 80,
"U_Quantity": 4
Retrieving UDO Entity
GET /MyOrders(10)
Querying on UDO Entity
GET /MyOrders?$select=U_CustomerName, U_DocTotal&$filter=U_CustomerName eq 'c1' and
U_DocTotal gt 1000
10.6 UDF APIs
This section demonstrates how to create, retrieve, update, and delete UDFs of an existing entity (for example,
BusinessPartners), and perform relevant operations on entities with the added UDFs.
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Appendix I: Service Layer versus DI API
© 2024
10.6.1 CRUD Operations
Creating UDFs
SAPbobsCOM.UserFieldsMD udf =
udf .Name = "u1";
udf .Type = BoFieldTypes.db_Alpha;
udf .Size = 10;
udf .Description = "udf 1";
udf .SubType = BoFldSubTypes.st_None;
udf .TableName = "OCRD";
int retCode = udf .Add();
OCRD is the main table of BusinessPartners.
Retrieving UDFs
SAPbobsCOM.UserFieldsMD udf =
string tableName = "OCRD";
int fieldID = 0;//Assume the FieldID of the entity to retrieve is 0
if (udf.GetByKey(tableName, fieldID))
Console.WriteLine("Name = {0}, Description = {1}", udf.Name, udf.Description);
You can get the value of fieldID from the response of creating an UDF.
The entity UserFieldsMD has to be retrieved with a multiple-field-composed key.
Updating UDFs
SAPbobsCOM.UserFieldsMD udf =
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Appendix I: Service Layer versus DI API
string tableName = "OCRD";
int fieldID = 0;//Assume the FieldID of the entity to retrieve is 0
if (udf.GetByKey(tableName, fieldID))
udf.Description = "New Description";
Deleting UDFs
SAPbobsCOM.UserFieldsMD udf =
string tableName = "OCRD";
int fieldID = 0;//Assume the FieldID of the entity to retrieve is 0.
if (udf.GetByKey(tableName, fieldID))
Service Layer
Creating UDFs
POST /UserFieldsMD
"Name": "u1",
"Type": "db_Alpha",
"Size": 10,
"Description": "udf 1",
"SubType": "st_None",
"TableName": "OCRD"
The response is:
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
"Name": "u1",
"Type": "db_Alpha",
"Size": 10,
Working with SAP Business One Service Layer
Appendix I: Service Layer versus DI API
© 2024
"Description": "udf 1",
"SubType": "st_None",
"LinkedTable": null,
"DefaultValue": null,
"TableName": "OCRD",
"FieldID": 0,
"EditSize": 10,
"Mandatory": "tNO",
"LinkedUDO": null,
"ValidValuesMD": []
Retrieving UDFs
GET /UserFieldsMD(TableName='OCRD', FieldID=0)
You can get the value of FieldID from the response of creating UDF.
The entity UserFieldsMD has to be retrieved with multiple-field-composed key.
Updating UDFs
PATCH /UserFieldsMD(TableName='OCRD', FieldID=0)
"Description": "New Description",
Deleting UDFs
DELETE /UserFieldsMD(TableName='OCRD', FieldID=0)
10.6.2 Performing Operations on Entities with UDFs
This section shows how to perform operations on entities (BusinessPartners) with an added UDF (U_u1).
Creating entity with UDF
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with SAP Business One Service Layer
Appendix I: Service Layer versus DI API
SAPbobsCOM.BusinessPartners bp =
bp.CardCode = "bp_001";
bp.CardName = "bp_001_name";
bp.UserFields.Fields.Item(0).Value = "udf value";
bp.UserFields.Fields.Item(0) refers to the UDF.
Retrieving entity with UDF
SAPbobsCOM.BusinessPartners bp =
bool bRet = bp.GetByKey("bp_001");
if (bRet)
Console.WriteLine("CardCode = {0}, CardName = {1}", bp.CardCode, bp.CardName);
string udfName = bp.UserFields.Fields.Item(0).Name;
string udfValue = bp.UserFields.Fields.Item(0).Value;
Console.WriteLine("udfName = {0}, udfValue = {1}", udfName, udfValue);
Updating entity with UDF
SAPbobsCOM.BusinessPartners bp =
bool bRet = bp.GetByKey("bp_001");
if (bRet)
bp.UserFields.Fields.Item(0).Value = "new UDF value";
Service Layer
Once an UDF is created, you can treat it as an ordinary property of an entity.
Working with SAP Business One Service Layer
Appendix I: Service Layer versus DI API
© 2024
Creating entity with UDF
POST /BusinessPartners
"CardCode": "bp_001",
"CardName": "bp_001_name",
"U_u1": "udf value"
Querying entity with UDF
GET /BusinessPartners?$filter=startswith(U_u1, 'udf ')
Updating entity with UDF
PATCH /BusinessPartners('bp_001')
"CardCode": "bp_001",
"CardName": "bp_001_name",
"U_u1": "udf value"
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with SAP Business One Service Layer
Appendix II: Metadata Naming Difference between Service Layer and DI API
11Appendix II: Metadata Naming Difference
between Service Layer and DI API
Service Layer is built on top of DI Core and reuses its metadata. Actually, to follow OData protocol, Service Layer
slightly modifies the metadata. The differences are reflected in the following aspects.
11.1 Collection Object Naming Difference
For Service Layer, the collection object metadata can be found by checking /b1s/v1/$metadata while for DI API,
GetBusinessObjectXmlSchema can be invoked to retrieve the metadata.
From the table below, it can be inferred that Service Layer takes more sensible names.
Service Layer DI API
AccountSegmentationsCategories Categories
BPAccountReceivablePaybleCollection BPAccountReceivablePayble
BPFiscalTaxIDCollection BPFiscalTaxID
BPWithholdingTaxCollection BPWithholdingTax
BillOfExchangeTransBankPages BillOfExchangeTrans_BankPages
BillOfExchangeTransDeposits BillOfExchangeTrans_Deposits
BillOfExchangeTransactionLines BillOfExchangeTransaction_Lines
BudgetCostAccountingLines BudgetCostAccounting_Lines
BudgetLines Budget_Lines
BusinessPlaceIENumbers IENumbers
BusinessPlaceTributaryInfos TributaryInfos
CashFlowAssignments PrimaryFormItems
CheckInListParams CheckIns
DocFreightEBooksDetails Doc_Freight_EBooks_Doc_Details
DocsInWTGroupsCollection DocsInWTGroups
DocumentAdditionalExpenses DocumentsAdditionalExpenses
DocumentInstallments Document_Installments
DocumentLineAdditionalExpenses Document_LinesAdditionalExpenses
DocumentLines Document_Lines
Working with SAP Business One Service Layer
Appendix II: Metadata Naming Difference between Service Layer and DI API
© 2024
Service Layer DI API
DocumentReferences DocumentReference
DocumentSpecialLines Document_SpecialLines
EBooksDetails Line_EBooks_Doc_Details
EmployeeAbsenceInfoLines EmployeeAbsenceInfo
EmployeeEducationInfoLines EmployeeEducationInfo
EmployeePreviousEmpoymentInfoLines EmployeePrevEmpoymentInfo
EmployeeReviewsInfoLines EmployeeReviewsInfo
EmployeeRolesInfoLines EmployeeRolesInfo
EmployeeSavingsPaymentInfoLines EmployeeSavingsPaymentInfo
FieldIDs FormattedSearchFields
InventoryCountingDocumentReferencesCollection InventoryCountingDocumentReferences
InventoryPostingDocumentReferencesCollection InventoryPostingDocumentReferences
ItemBarCodeCollection ItemBarCodes
ItemCycleCounts ItemCycleCount
ItemDepreciationParameters ItemDepreciationParam
ItemDistributionRules ItemDistributionRule
ItemGroupsWarehouseInfos ItemGroups_WarehouseInfo
ItemLocalizationInfos LocalizationInfos
ItemPeriodControls ItemPeriodControl
ItemPrices Items_Prices
ItemUnitOfMeasurementCollection ItemUnitOfMeasurement
ItemUoMPackageCollection ItemUoMPackage
ItemWarehouseInfoCollection ItemWarehouseInfo
JournalEntryLines JournalEntries_Lines
LineFreightEBooksDetails Line_Freight_EBooks_Doc_Details
MaterialRevaluationDocumentReferencesCollection MaterialRevaluationDocumentReferences
MaterialRevaluationLines MaterialRevaluation_lines
PaymentAccounts Payments_Accounts
PaymentChecks Payments_Checks
PaymentCreditCards Payments_CreditCards
PaymentDocumentReferencesCollection Payments_DocumentReferences
© 2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
with SAP Business One Service Layer
Appendix II: Metadata Naming Difference between Service Layer and DI API
Service Layer DI API
PaymentInvoices Payments_Invoices
PickListsLines PickLists_Lines
ProductTreeLines ProductTrees_Lines
ProductTreeStages ProductTrees_Stages
ProductionOrderLines ProductionOrders_Lines
ProductionOrdersDocumentReferences ProductionOrders_DocumentReferences
ProductionOrdersSalesOrderLines ProductionOrders_SalesOrderLines
ProductionOrdersStages ProductionOrders_Stages
ProgressiveTax_Lines WithholdingTaxCodes_ProgressiveTax_Lines
SNBLinesCollection SNBLines
SalesForecastLines SalesForecast_Lines
SpecialPriceDataAreas SpecialPricesDataAreas
SpecialPriceQuantityAreas SpecialPricesQuantityAreas
StockTransferLines StockTransfer_Lines
StockTransferTaxExtension StockTransfer_TaxExtension
UserPermission UserPermissionItem
WTGroupsCollection WTGroups
WithholdingTaxCertificatesCollection WithholdingTaxCertificates
WithholdingTaxDataCollection WithholdingTaxData
WithholdingTaxDataWTXCollection WithholdingTaxDataWTX
11.2 Business Object Naming Difference
To conform to OData naming convention, Service Layer adopts plural format if the BO name is of singular format.
Service Layer DI API
InventoryGenExits InventoryGenExit
InventoryGenEntries InventoryGenEntry
Working with SAP Business One Service Layer
Appendix II: Metadata Naming Difference between Service Layer and DI API
© 2024
11.3 Property Naming Difference
To follow OData protocol, Service Layer changes a property name by appending 'Property' if it is the same as its
residing object.
Service Layer DI API
BatchNumber.BatchNumberProperty BatchNumber.BatchNumber
Activity.ActivityProperty Activity.Activity
PeriodCategory.PeriodCategoryProperty PeriodCategory.PeriodCategory
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