Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 01
The impact of physical therapy on
dysphagia in neurological
diseases: a review
*, CuiyuanFu
, ZhenXie
, JiajiaZhang
, RuiLi
, CaifengGao
, JiahuiWang
, YuebingZhang
and WeiDeng
Shandong Daizhuang Hospital, Jining, China,
Department of Psychology, Xinxiang Medical
University, Xinxiang, China,
Aliated Mental Health Center and Hangzhou Seventh People’s Hospital,
Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, China,
Liangzhu Laboratory, MOE Frontier
Science Center for Brain Science and Brain-machine Integration, State Key Laboratory of Brain-
Machine Intelligence, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
A neurogenic dysphagia is dysphagia caused by problems with the central
and peripheral nervous systems, is particularly prevalent in conditions such
as Parkinson’s disease and stroke. It significantly impacts the quality of life
for aected individuals and causes additional burdens, such as malnutrition,
aspiration pneumonia, asphyxia, or even death from choking due to improper
eating. Physical therapy oers a non-invasive treatment with high ecacy
and low cost. Evidence supporting the use of physical therapy in dysphagia
treatment is increasing, including techniques such as neuromuscular electrical
stimulation, sensory stimulation, transcranial direct current stimulation, and
repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation. While initial studies have shown
promising results, the eectiveness of specific treatment regimens still requires
further validation. At present, there is a lack of scientific evidence to guide
patient selection, develop appropriate treatment regimens, and accurately
evaluate treatment outcomes. Therefore, the primary objectives of this review
are to review the results of existing research, summarize the application of
physical therapy in dysphagia management, wealso discussed the mechanisms
and treatments of physical therapy for neurogenic dysphagia.
Parkinson’s disease, stroke, schizophrenia, dysphagia, neuromuscular electrical
stimulation, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation, sensory stimulation,
transcranial direct current stimulation
1 Introduction
ere are several complex physiological movements involved in swallowing, including
movements of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, and esophagus (Shaw and Martino, 2013).
Dysphagia refers to the disruption of the normal swallowing process (Rofes etal., 2011), which
poses severe risks including malnutrition, aspiration pneumonia, asphyxia, etc (Hurtte etal.,
2023). e causes of dysphagia can be divided into neurogenic, structural, and mental
dysphagia (Medicine DRCO, 2023). A neurogenic dysphagia results from problems with the
central and peripheral nervous systems (El Halabi etal., 2023). e number of people suering
from neurogenic dysphagia each year worldwide is estimated at 400000 to 800,000 (Panebianco
et al., 2020). Among the diseases that predispose to neurogenic dysphagia are stroke,
Elisa Kallioniemi,
New Jersey Institute of Technology,
Maja Rogić Vidaković,
University of Split, Croatia
Anna-Lisa Schuler,
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and
Brain Sciences, Germany
Kun Li
Wei Deng
RECEIVED 28 March 2024
ACCEPTED 28 May 2024
PUBLISHED 06 June 2024
Li K, Fu C, Xie Z, Zhang J, Zhang C,
Li R, Gao C, Wang J, Xue C, Zhang Y and
Deng W (2024) The impact of physical
therapy on dysphagia in neurological
diseases: a review.
Front. Hum. Neurosci. 18:1404398.
doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2024.1404398
© 2024 Li, Fu, Xie, Zhang, Zhang, Li, Gao,
Wang, Xue, Zhang and Deng. This is an
open-access article distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License (CC BY). The use, distribution or
reproduction in other forums is permitted,
provided the original author(s) and the
copyright owner(s) are credited and that the
original publication in this journal is cited, in
accordance with accepted academic
practice. No use, distribution or reproduction
is permitted which does not comply with
these terms.
TYPE Review
PUBLISHED 06 June 2024
DOI 10.3389/fnhum.2024.1404398
Li et al. 10.3389/fnhum.2024.1404398
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Parkinsons disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis,
and other forms of neurodegeneration (Chandran and Doucet, 2024).
It is a common complication of stroke to experience dysphagia
aerward, it is estimated that 20–43% of patients have persistent
dysphagia aer 3 months, which can lead to aspiration pneumonia,
malnutrition, water and electrolyte disorders, and other complications
(Chen etal., 2024). ere is a prevalence of 18–100% of Parkinsons
disease with dysphagia, it can lead to dehydration, malnutrition,
aspiration pneumonia, depression, and social isolation, and it can also
aect the quality of life and even cause death (Dashtelei etal., 2024).
Dehydration, malnutrition, asphyxia, and death are all risks associated
with neurogenic dysphagia, which severely reduces the quality of life
for the patient (Xia etal., 2023; Kocica etal., 2024).
Physical therapy, as a new treatment method, directly targets the
swallowing nerve circuit to enhance swallowing function (Li etal.,
2023). Common clinical treatments for dysphagia include
neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES), sensory stimulation,
repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), and transcranial
direct current stimulation (tDCS) (Alvarez-Berdugo et al., 2016;
Miller etal., 2022; Li etal., 2023). However, there remains paucity of
discourse on the application of physical therapy in dysphagia
management in dierent diseases. e purpose of this review article
is to provide more theoretical support for the application of physical
therapy in neurogenic dysphagia, and to describe treatment principles
and treatment programs of several commonly used physical
therapy programs.
2 Mechanisms associated with
Swallowing is a complex process, it involves the coordination of
more than 30 muscles in the mouth, pharynx, larynx, and esophagus,
encompassing four distinct stages: oral preparation, oral transit,
pharynx, and esophageal phase (Dodds etal., 1990). It involves various
levels of the central nervous system, from the cortex to the medulla, as
well as multiple cranial and peripheral nerves (El Halabi etal., 2023).
It is well recognized that pharyngeal movements are strongly related to
the innervation of sensory branches of the cranial nerves (Nascimento
et al., 2021). Usually, swallowing is controlled by four types of
components: (1) aerent motor bers in cranial nerves and ansa
cervicalis; (2) aerent sensory bers in cranial nerves; (3) bers lining
the cerebral, cerebellar, and cerebellar hemispheres that synapse in the
swallowing centers; (4) paired swallowing centers in the brainstem that
synapse with each other (Dodds et al., 1990). In the swallowing
process, ber transmitters transmit signals from peripheral nerves and
the cerebral cortex to the swallowing centers in the brain stem
(Hashimoto etal., 2019). ere is a complex unit called the swallowing
central pattern generator that is composed of motor neurons and
interneurons located in the brainstems medulla oblongata, a region
that contains swallowing neurons (Sasegbon etal., 2024). Two parts
make up the pattern generator of the swallowing center: (1) the dorsal
region consisting of the nucleus tractus solitarius and peripheral
neurons; (2) the nucleus and reticular formation surrounding the
nucleus are located in the ventral region (Jang and Kim, 2021). Nucleus
ambiguous innervates the muscles of the oral cavity, larynx, and
pharynx through the trigeminal, facial, glossopharyngeal, vagus, and
accessory nerves (Petko and Tadi, 2023; Chandran and Doucet, 2024),
e nucleus tractus solitary can receive incoming information from
the nucleus doubtful and then send eerent bers to the corresponding
muscles, but mainly integrates information from higher cortical
centers and peripheral sensory aerents and regulates swallowing
according to the nature of the food bolus (Chandran and Doucet, 2024;
Ye etal., 2024). Overall (see Figure1), the swallowing central pattern
generator is responsible for the formation and regulation of swallowing
motor sequences, processing incoming information, generating
preprogrammed swallowing responses, and distributing appropriate
signals to the motor nuclei of cranial nerves and their axons, which are
ultimately transmitted to the many muscles involved in swallowing
(Yamamoto etal., 2022).
A trigeminal and facial nerve innervate the muscles of the mouth,
masticatory muscles are innervated by the trigeminal nerve, while the
glossopharyngeal nerve and the vagus nerve innervate the muscles of
the pharynx (Costa, 2018). In addition, the contraction of the esophageal
sphincter aects the operation of swallowing, it contains the
cricopharyngeal and hypopharyngeal constrictors and is innervated by
the vagus nerve, while the muscularis that promote the contraction of
the esophageal sphincter during swallowing, such as the suprahyoid
muscles (stylohyoid, digastric, and mylohyoid muscles) and thyrohyoid
muscles, are innervated by the trigeminal, facial, and hypoglossal nerves
(McCarty and Chao, 2021). e recruitment of muscles necessary for
the swallowing sequence is directed by the swallowing network, and
integration between descending signals and aerent inputs may occur
in the cortex and cerebellum, where there are multiple synaptic
connections for dierent functions, the cerebral cortex may
beresponsible for the initiation of motor commands, and some cortical
areas may beresponsible for the integration of chewing and swallowing
information, other regions, however, feed the descending signal back to
the brain stem with the sensation of the bolus moving along the
swallowing channel (Cheng etal., 2022). Although movement is directed
by the cortex, the cerebellum is also associated with movement and plays
a key role in the balanced coordination of muscle movements (Roostaei
etal., 2014). Inuences the cortical swallowing module consisting of
primary motor, auxiliary motor, primary sensory cortical areas, and
cingulate gyrus (Sasegbon and Hamdy, 2023).
e term “neurogenic dysphagia” refers to dysphagia, or
dysfunction of swallowing mechanisms, in patients who have suered
a neurologic insult or disease (Teismann etal., 2007). Such diseases
include stroke, Parkinsons disease, and multiple sclerosis, among
other neurodegenerative disease processes (Chandran and Doucet,
2024). Dysphagia following stroke primarily stems from cerebral
cortex and subcortical structures damage, aecting areas like the
motor cortex, cerebellum, thalamus, and other parts, as well as sensory
defects of the pharyngeal mucosa (Teismann etal., 2007; Qin etal.,
2023). It is characterized by a delayed or absent swallowing reex and
a premature overow of bolus (Labeit etal., 2023), pharyngeal food
residues and pharyngeal motility disorders (Warnecke etal., 2021). A
dysphagia caused by Parkinsons disease is dierent from dysphagia
caused by stroke because it is primarily caused by problems with the
brainstem, muscle atrophy, and dopaminergic and non-dopaminergic
mechanisms (Patel et al., 2020). e patient presented with
hypoesthesia of the pharynx, food residue, and bradykinesia of the
oropharynx (Labeit etal., 2020a), the swallowing reex was impaired,
and the bolus overowed prematurely (Labeit et al., 2020b). e
pathological mechanisms of dysphagia in multiple sclerosis include
damage of cortical bulbar bers alone or in combination, damage of
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the brainstem swallowing center, abnormalities of the cerebellum
aecting the accuracy of sequential planning and coordination of
swallowing, failure of the aerent nerve central sensory pathway and
abnormal impairment of the central motor pathway (Alfonsi etal.,
2013). Its dysfunction may occur at any stage of swallowing and cause
various complications such as aspiration pneumonia, malnutrition
and airway obstruction (Ansari etal., 2020).
3 Physical therapy
3.1 Neuromuscular electrical stimulation
e purpose of NMES is to stimulate peripheral nerves associated
with paralyzed pharyngeal muscles with low-frequency electrical
stimulation, aiming to enhance their functionality (Doucet et al.,
2012). In simpler terms, the eects of NMES on swallowing are
improved through the contraction of pharyngeal muscles (Carnaby
et al., 2020). Laryngeal elevation and reduction resulting from
pharyngeal muscle defects are the primary causes of dysphagia in
stroke patients, leading to potential issues such as aspiration and
pharyngeal residue (Bath etal., 2018). erefore, the NMES therapy
is considered one of the most eective treatments for dysphagia
caused by stroke (Beom et al., 2011). Moreover, patients with
Parkinsons disease oen use NMES as a form of physical therapy to
improve tongue muscle weakness (Park etal., 2018).
Preliminary studies indicated that increased tongue power results
in greater activation of the suprahyoid muscle during swallowing (Oh,
2016). is goal can beachieved by NMES, by depolarizing motor axons
and activation of type II fast-twitch muscle bers in neuromuscular
tissues, either through peripheral nerves or muscle belly (Carnaby etal.,
2020; Carson and Buick, 2021). In patients with brain injury-related
dysphagia, the NMES strengthens both suprahyoid and infrahyoid
muscles, along with the muscles that assist in swallowing (Seo etal.,
2021). Moreover, the long-term application of NMES benets the
recovery of swallowing-related cortical neuroplasticity in stroke patients
(Zhang etal., 2022). Given the loss of swallowing motor control in stroke
patients, functional muscle contraction patterns are primarily
re-educated during NMES (Miller etal., 2022). is entails triggering
the peripheral neuromuscular system via external electrical stimulus,
depolarizing cervical muscle nerve bers, and initiating oropharyngeal
muscle contraction to improve swallowing function (Wang etal., 2023).
In addition, it shows promise in improving dysphagia associated with
other diseases such as Parkinsons disease and head and neck cancer, in
similar ways to how NMES improves dysphagia associated with strokes,
it stimulates the nerve and motor endplates of the nerve (Tan etal., 2013).
In the application of NMES, electrodes are typically positioned on
the hyoid muscles or adjacent areas, utilizing a frequency range of 25
to 120 Hz (Miller etal., 2022). Recent research ndings, as summarized
in Table S1, suggest the optimal treatment duration for NMES is
generally between 20 to 30 min, with an application frequency of
80 Hz, and electrodes placed on the hyoid muscles (Miller etal., 2022).
At present, studies consistently demonstrate that NMES improves
swallowing function in patients suering from neurogenic dysphagia,
attributed to the following factors: (1) stimulation of the tongue,
orbicular oris muscles, and other related muscles to promote the
development of normal movement patterns and enhance organ and
muscle functions; (2) alteration in the excitability of the pharyngeal
cortex to promote normal swallowing mode operation; (3) activation
of the swallowing center, facilitating the functional reconstruction of
the nervous system (Konecny and Elfmark, 2018; Meng etal., 2018;
Zeng etal., 2018; Oh etal., 2020).
The mechanism of swallowing. As part of the swallowing central program generator, the nucleus ambiguous receives relevant cranial nerve stimulation
and the nucleus tractus solitarius receives cortical and peripheral sensory input, after receiving the signal, the swallowing-related muscles are
stimulated to promote the normal swallowing process (Yamamoto etal., 2022). (A) The swallowing center’s operation. (B) Swallowing muscles. (C) A
normal swallowing process; NTS, Nucleus tractus solitarius; CPG, Central program generator; NA, Nucleus ambiguous; V, Trigeminal nerve; VII, Facial
nerve; IX, Glossopharyngeal nerve; X, Vagus nerve; XI, Accessory nerve.
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In summary (see Figure2), the NMES stimulates the depolarization
of the axons below the electrode, and the depolarization signal of motor
axons propagates from the stimulation site to the muscle (peripheral
pathway) to produce contraction, which can induce the neural plasticity
of the central nervous system and enhance the neuromuscular function
aer nervous system injury (Bergquist etal., 2011). A NMES consists of
muscle reeducation primarily focused on improving swallowing function
by facilitating normal swallowing mode operation (Jeon etal., 2020).
3.2 Sensory stimulation
Sensory stimulation plays a crucial role in promoting the
rehabilitation of swallowing function (Cola et al., 2012). Normal
swallowing relies on somatosensory inputs associated with trigeminal,
glossopharyngeal, and vagus nerves (Jean, 2001). When the sensory
information pathway is impaired, reduced sensory input can slow
down the swallowing-cortical pathway, resulting in dysphagia
(Teismann etal., 2007). Sensory stimulation of the cranial nerves
enhances the transmission of information to the solitary tract nucleus
in the brainstem (Alvarez-Berdugo etal., 2016). is, in turn, increases
the sensory input to the nucleus tract solitary in the brainstem through
cranial nerves, promoting the operation of normal swallowing pattern,
and ultimately improving swallowing function (Jean, 2001). Common
sensory stimulation methods include ice, acid, and carbonation
stimulation (Regan, 2020).
Ice stimulation therapy uses repetitive mechanical, pressure, and
temperature stimulation to enhance the sensitivity of the so palate
and pharynx. By increasing the sensory sensitivity of local nerves, ice
stimulation prompts local muscles contraction and triggers the
swallowing reex (Li et al., 2017). Consequently, ice stimulation
mobilizes resting neuron excitability, reconstructs the neural network
to achieve functional reorganization, promotes the normal swallowing
reex, and restores the function of swallowing organs (Ilott etal.,
2016). In the application of ice stimulation therapy Nakamura and
Fujishima (2013) dipped a cotton stick about 10 cm long and 1.27 cm
in diameter into the water until it froze into a frozen sucker, then
lightly rubbed and pressed it against the posterior tongue, bottom of
the tongue, and posterior pharyngeal wall of stroke patients with
dysphagia for 10 s, results revealed that ice stick massage could shorten
the threshold of the swallowing response phase. Kawakami et al.
(2019) demonstrated that placing an ice stick in the mouth is superior
to placing it on the neck. Intraoral ice stimulation signicantly can
increase the excitability of the swallowing pathway in the cortex,
trigger swallowing initiation, and shorten the duration of the
pharyngeal phase. Early rehabilitation of stroke patients with dysphagia
is closely related to the central nervous systems ability to compensate
and reconstruct injured areas, thereby increasing the excitability of the
nervous system and facilitating swallowing by activating the central
nervous system to form new sensory and motor projections (Qin etal.,
2019). At this point, when applied to stroke-related dysphagia, ice
stimulations eects primarily manifest in two ways. Firstly, it activates
sensory nerve bers, boosts sensory recovery, and restores the neural
network (Ferrara etal., 2018). Secondly, it enhances sensory sensitivity.
By increasing the sensitivity of the swallowing reex area, it amplies
sensory inputs before swallowing, induces the generation of swallowing
reex, and nally improves swallowing function (Cui etal., 2020).
e improvement of dysphagia through acid stimulation may
beattributed to sensory feedback information (Logemann etal., 1995).
Previous studies investigating neurogenic swallowing dysfunction
found that subjects consuming water with a citric acid concentration of
2.7%, compared to plain water, exhibited increased spontaneous
swallowing and reduced aspirations, leading to an improvement in
swallowing function (Pelletier and Lawless, 2003). Wang etal. (2022)
reported an eective acid stimulation medium for treating dysphagia
in stroke patients. is method entailed applying vitamin C tablet
Improvement of dysphagia by physical therapy. Depolarization of axons is induced by NMES, which induces swallowing muscle contraction and
improves swallowing (Bergquist etal., 2011). On the other hand, it can stimulate the excitability of the pharyngeal cortex, induce the operation of the
central pattern generator, and improve swallowing (Zeng etal., 2018). Sensory stimulation transmits signals through the cranial nerves, on the one hand,
directly to the central pattern generator, and on the other hand, it transmits signals to the cerebral cortex, where it is integrated and organized, and finally
promotes the swallowing response (Alvarez-Berdugo etal., 2016). A change in neural plasticity is used to accelerate the operation of swallowing circuits
through rTMS, which uses electromagnetic induction to depolarize synapses, ultimately improving swallowing (Labeit etal., 2024). Dysphagia can
beimproved by tDCS because it alters nerve cell polarity and triggers neuroplasticity (Speyer etal., 2022). NMES: Neuromuscular electrical stimulation;
tDCS, Transcranial direct current stimulation; rTMS, Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation, CPG, Central pattern generator; C, Carbonation.
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powder (0.2 g/day) to the patient’s bilateral tongue using a cotton swab,
followed by swallowing practice instructions. Additionally, tongue
massage with the cotton swab and guidance for tongue and masticatory
muscle exercises were included (5–6 times per day, 15 min each time for
2 weeks). Acid stimulation promotes saliva secretion by stimulating the
tongue, thereby accelerating the swallowing process and relieving
swallowing disorders (Wang etal., 2022). Acid stimulation eectively
improves stroke dysphagia based on two fundamental principles.
Furthermore, acid stimulation increases the activity intensity of
swallowing-related muscles such as the mylohyoid and front belly of the
digastric muscles, triggering stronger contractions during swallowing
and consequently improving dysphagia (Palmer etal., 2005).
Carbonation stimulation is also considered to be a benecial
sensory stimulation technique for improving dysphagia, primarily by
enhancing the contractility of the velum and oropharynx (Omari etal.,
2020) as well as prolonging the opening duration of the upper
esophageal sphincter (Miura etal., 2009). A recent study conducted
by Morishita etal. (2023) has suggested that carbonation may induce
changes in brain excitability, resulting in shorter swallowing times in
healthy individuals consuming carbonated beverages. Additionally
Bülow et al. (2003) demonstrated that carbonation stimulation
eectively reduces airway aspiration and pharyngeal retention, and
shortens the duration of the pharyngeal phase duration. Sdravou etal.
(2012) conducted an experiment involving carbonation stimulation in
17 patients with neurogenic dysphagia, conrming that drinking
carbonated water can reduce aspiration. e eectiveness of
carbonation in improving swallowing function can beattributed to
two main factors. On the one hand, it is related to the activation of
swallowing pathways. Stimulation of peripheral sensory receptors and
sensory bers in the nucleus tractus solitarius in the brainstem
activates the pattern generator of the swallowing center (Nagano etal.,
2022). On the other hand, carbonation aects numerous receptors in
the larynx, namely mechanoreceptors, chemoreceptors, pain receptors,
and thermoreceptors, which respond to carbonation stimulation by
triggering protective reexes to prevent aspiration (Bradley, 2000).
In summary (see Figure 2), the intensity and duration of the
swallowing response can be triggered or regulated by a complex
biofeedback mechanism, sensory stimulation transmit signals mainly
through the trigeminal, facial, glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves,
which on the one hand directly reach the swallowing central pattern
generator, and on the other hand, transmit signals to the cerebral
cortex, which outputs information to the swallowing central pattern
generator for integration and tissue, the swallowing response is
facilitated (Alvarez-Berdugo etal., 2016).
3.3 Repetitive transcranial magnetic
e technique of rTMS involves placing a coil to the head to
generate a magnetic eld when an electric current passes through it, this
magnetic eld induces current ows within brain tissue perpendicular
to its direction, which are of strong strength to induce modications in
both cortical and subcortical white matter axons (Ridding and Rothwell,
2007). e rTMS can either suppress or excite neuronal activity
depending on the frequency used: frequencies at or below 1 Hz suppress
neuronal activity, while those above 5 Hz elicit neuronal excitation
(Honda etal., 2021). Studies on healthy participants have investigated
the eects of rTMS on the pharyngeal motor cortex (Yamamura etal.,
2018). Findings indicate that rTMS at 1 Hz inhibits the excitability of
the pharyngeal motor cortex, whereas high-frequency stimulation, such
as 10 Hz stimulation of the cerebellar hemisphere increases the
amplitude of pharynx cortical motor evoked potentials (Vasant etal.,
2015; Sasegbon et al., 2020b). Due to its potential neural repair
mechanisms, dysphagia has been treated extensively with rTMS
(Sasegbon et al., 2020a). Recent schemes for rTMS treatment of
dysphagia are summarized in Table S2. According to Table S2, treatment
with rTMS focuses primarily on the cerebellum and pharyngeal motor
cortex. High frequencies are predominantly used for treatment
frequency, and the treatment time is mostly selected daily, 5 days a week,
for a total of 2 weeks, and the swallowing function test results are
improved (Dong etal., 2022; Rao etal., 2022; Zhong etal., 2023).
ere is evidence that rTMS alters cortical excitability, regulates
neurotransmitter release, and promotes neuroplasticity in the brain
(Kesikburun, 2022). e increase in cortical activity in the cerebral
hemispheres is associated with functional recovery in stroke patients
with dysphagia, and the reorganization of neural networks plays a
signicant role in the recovery of swallowing function (Hoogendam
etal., 2010). e changes in neuroplasticity are closely related to rTMS
induced synaptic connections in the process of regulating the
functional state of the cerebral cortex (Li etal., 2022). ere is no
single target for rTMS treatment of stroke dysphagia; rather, it involves
the regeneration of swallowing function in stroke patients through the
cooperative action of multiple brain areas (Dong etal., 2022). Aer
virtual lesion simulation in stroke patients with dysphagia, cerebellar
high frequency rTMS not only improves the excitability of the
pharyngeal motor cortex in healthy volunteers (Sasegbon etal., 2019,
2020b) but also improves swallowing function among stroke patients
with dysphagia (Zhong etal., 2023). is may beexplained by the fact
that the cerebellum is connected to the brainstem by three cerebellar
peduncles, which directly communicate with the various motor nuclei
of the brainstem (Roostaei etal., 2014). Based on the evidence that
rTMS could improve not only swallowing disorder but also motor
function, Khedr etal. applied rTMS to Parkinsons disease patients
with dysphagia and achieved the envisaged results: Parkinsons disease
patients could benet from rTMS for dysphagia (Khedr etal., 2019).
In summary (see Figure2), the cerebral cortex and cerebellum are
the primary stimulation targets for rTMS in dysphagia, it uses
electromagnetic induction to depolarization synapses and accelerate the
operation of swallowing circuit through changes in neuroplasticity, so as
to improve swallowing function (Speyer etal., 2022; Labeit etal., 2024).
3.4 Transcranial direct current stimulation
e tDCS technique is a groundbreaking method of non-invasive
brain stimulation (Pisegna etal., 2016) that involves applying small
electrical currents (1–2 mA) through two surface electrodes, the
anode electrode and cathode electrode, to targeted brain regions,
thereby triggering and modulating brain activity (He etal., 2022). In
recent years, there has been strong interest in tDCS as an eective,
noninvasive method to treat dysphagia (Cheng etal., 2021). Table S3
shows the application of tDCS in dysphagia treatment in recent years.
It can beseen from the table that tDCS is mostly used for stroke-
related dysphagia. e location of the anode is related to the area
involved in the pharyngeal motor cortex. e cathodes are mostly
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placed in the contralateral supraorbital region and the opposite
shoulder, most single intervention sessions last 20 min, the treatment
eect can generally achieve the improvement of swallowing function
(Farpour etal., 2023; El Nahas etal., 2024).
Neuroplasticity is the concept behind tDCS, which is a form of
noninvasive brain stimulation (Kesikburun, 2022). e swallowing
motor task-related activities of the brain are enhanced through
glutamatergic and calcium-dependent processes, including
synaptogenesis, reorganization, strengthening, and inhibition of brain
networks (Pisegna etal., 2016; Tedesco Triccas etal., 2016). Anodal
tDCS can improve swallowing function by stimulating the pharyngeal
motor cortex in patients with Parkinsons disease, which is associated
with an increase in the strength of synaptic connections related to
deglutition in the cerebral cortex (Tedesco Triccas et al., 2016).
Dysphagia can also beameliorated by tDCS in older adults with and
without neurological conditions, which is associated with the induction
of a polar-dependent shi in underlying cortical excitability, as well as
a broad activation of pharyngeal motor cortex in both brain hemispheres
(Cosentino etal., 2020). Furthermore, stroke patients oen choose
tDCS as a treatment for dysphagia, with numerous therapeutic targets
(Gómez-García et al., 2023), related to the regions involved in the
swallowing network and the fact that tDCS promotes neuroplasticity
(Ahn et al., 2017). For example, enhancing the excitability of the
uninjured side of the swallowing cortex, the injured side of the
swallowing cortex, the bilateral swallowing cortex, and the superior
limbic gyrus can be benecial for enhancing swallowing function
(Wang etal., 2020; Mao etal., 2022; Farpour etal., 2023). Dysphagia in
stroke patients can be eectively improved by tDCS, and anodal
stimulation of the right swallowing cortex in patients with multiple
sclerosis dysphagia can also improve swallowing function, as anodal
stimulation of the swallowing motor cortex of the right also activates an
extensive network involving the contralateral hemisphere to compensate
for the damage caused by focal brain injury (Cosentino etal., 2018).
In general (see Figure2), the treatment principle of tDCS can
improve dysphagia in a variety of diseases (Lefaucheur, 2016). Its
current directly stimulates the brain or cerebellum and changes the
polarity of nerve cells, aiming to trigger and promote neuroplasticity
and improve dysphagia (Speyer etal., 2022; Labeit etal., 2024).
4 Summary and prospect
Neurogenic dysphagia is currently managed with motor training,
oral medications, and surgery (El Halabi et al., 2023). Clinical
evidence supports the use of movement training for mild-to-
moderate dysphagia (Saconato et al., 2016), with strong
recommendations from intermediate and high-level evidence
sources (Medicine DRCO, 2023; Yang etal., 2023). Patients with
severe dysphagia typically undergo medical or surgical interventions,
especially at intermediate and advanced disease stages (Cotaoco
etal., 2024). While conventional treatments may take longer to reach
full ecacy, physical therapy has emerged as a non-invasive and
practical approach to shorten treatment duration for dysphagia
patients (Frost et al., 2018; Bengisu et al., 2024). is review
elucidates the physiological function of the swallowing system, the
pathological mechanisms of neurogenic dysphagia, and the
principles and application of physical therapy. Overall, physical
therapy oers benets to individuals with neurogenic dysphagia by
enhancing swallowing recovery, improving treatment outcomes, and
enhancing quality of life (Banda etal., 2023; Bengisu etal., 2024).
Considering the increasing public interest in neurogenic
dysphagia, it is crucial to also address its eects on individuals with
schizophrenia. Future research should prioritize investigating the
pathogenesis of dysphagia in schizophrenia, exploring the eectiveness
of physical therapy interventions, and identifying the most suitable
therapy targets for this specic population.
Author contributions
KL: Conceptualization, Writing – review & editing, Funding
acquisition, Supervision. CF: Writing – review & editing,
Conceptualization, Writing – original dra. ZX: Writing – review &
editing. JZ: Writing – original dra. CZ: Investigation, Writing –
original dra. RL: Investigation, Writing – original dra. CG:
Supervision, Writing – review & editing. JW: Writing – original dra.
CX: Writing – review & editing, Investigation. YZ: Writing – review
& editing. WD: Writing – review & editing.
e author(s) declare that nancial support was received for the
research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. is study was
supported by Medical and Health Science and Technology
Development Plan of Shandong Province (No. 202303090378); Key
Research Plan of Jining City (No. 2023YXNS006).
We appreciate the help of the Home for Researchers website in
drawing, writing, etc.
Conflict of interest
e authors declare that the research was conducted in the
absence of any commercial or nancial relationships that could
beconstrued as a potential conict of interest.
Publisher's note
All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors
and do not necessarily represent those of their aliated organizations,
or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product
that may beevaluated in this article, or claim that may bemade by its
manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.
Supplementary material
e Supplementary material for this article can befound online
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