Guidelines for Vestibular Evaluation
Developed by Vestibular Special Interest Group, Neurology Section, APTA
Group 1: Facilitated by Annamarie Asher
Patient problem: Patient comes to PT evaluation with dizziness and unsteadiness
Question: When should patient be referred for formal vestibular function testing and/or
referred to neurologist/otologist or ENT who specializes in vestibular disorders
Caveat: this list does not necessarily preclude initiation of treatment
Conditions/Findings, which indicate a need for referral:
1. Unexplained neurological signs
2. CNS signs
3. Hearing loss (unexplained or unilateral)
4. Inconsistencies in clinical exam of vestibular function (see below), history,
physical exam (gait/stance), dynamic visual acuity, motion sensitivity or
positional tests
5. Exam does not reveal cause of patients problems
6. No improvement after 30 day treatment period
7. Dead falls on dynamic posturography conditions 5 and 6, or foam EC
Components of clinical exam of vestibular function:
1. Extraocular ROM
2. Smooth pursuit
3. Voluntary saccades
4. Spontaneous nystagmus (with and without fixation)
5. Gaze-evoked nystagmus (with and without fixation)
6. VOR to slow rotation
7. Rapid head thrust
8. Post-Head shaking without fixation
Group 2: Facilitated by Debbie Struiksma
Patient problem: Patient comes to PT evaluation with dizziness and unsteadiness
Question: What “red flags” discovered during the evaluation should lead to a referral?
1. Lightheadedness potential causes whom to refer
a. Cardiac dysfunction cardiologist
b. Vertebro-basilar insufficiency neurologist
c. Diabetes or systemic disease PCP
d. Orthostatic hypotension cardiologist
e. Polypharmacy PCP
2. Dysequilibrium without dizziness or specific diagnosis
a. Undiagnosed central cause neurologist
3. Sudden onset hearing loss
a. Acoustic neuroma neurologist
4. Drop attacks
a. Cardiopulmonary cardiologist
b. Neurological neurologist
5. Neck pain/instability
a. Cervical ligament instability PCP
6. No treatment effect after 30 days
a. Acoustic neuroma neurologist
b. PCP
7. Facial Numbness
a. Acoustic neuroma neurologist
b. Undiagnosed CNS disease neurology
8. Vertigo with signs of vertical nystagmus on downward gaze, impaired smooth
9. Urgent referrals back to physician
a. Unexplained unilateral hearing loss
b. Orthostatic hypotension or Neurocardiogenic syncope
c. Unexplained drop attacks
d. Cervical ligamentous instability
e. Suspected vertebrobasilar insufficiency not previously worked up
f. Unexplained neurological signs or cranial nerve dysfunction
g. Unexplained vertigo with vertical nystagmus on downward gaze, impaired
smooth pursuit
Group 3: Facilitated by Laura Morris
Patient problem: Patient comes to PT evaluation with dizziness of central origin
Question: What elements of evaluation should be performed to decide if problem is
central versus peripheral in origin?
1. Differential Diagnoses for suspected dizziness of central origin
a. Traumatic brain injury (may also have BPPV, perilymphatic fistula)
b. Cerebellar
c. Stroke
d. Multiple sclerosis
e. Tumors
f. Migraine-related vertigo
g. Parkinsons disease
2. History
a. Previous tests, symptoms, etiology
3. Vestibular function exam
a. VOR
b. dynamic visual acuity
c. VOR cancel
d. Head thrust
e. Head shaking
4. Oculomotor
a. Smooth pursuit
b. Saccadic saccades
c. Spontaneous nystagmus
d. Gaze evoked nystagmus
5. Hallpike-Dix test
a. If have positional dizziness
6. Musculoskeletal exam
7. Sensory exam
8. Tests and measures
a. Depends on functional level
b. Objective and reliable
c. e.g. Berg, DGI, TUG
9. Coordination tests
a. Rapid alternating movements, finger to nose
10. Gait
11. Sensory integration in balance
12. Central screen: cranial nerve testing, sensory testing (vibration, light touch), deep
tendon reflexes, manual muscle testing, tone
13. Positional testing for motion sensitivity: symptoms tend to be cumulative- test as
much as pt. is able to tolerate, may not test all positions
Group 4: Facilitated by Jim Cavanaugh
Patient problem: Patient comes to PT evaluation with diagnosis of unilateral vestibular
Question: What elements of evaluation should be included?
1. Assumption
a. Practicing in an outpatient setting
b. Known vestibular pathology
c. Greater than 1 month post onset
2. Question for PT: how well compensated is patient?
3. History
a. Time since onset
b. Do you fall
c. Co-morbidities
d. Modifiers: anxiety, alcohol
4. Subjective
a. Outcomes: DHI, ABC, symptom list, disability score (0-4), symptom
score (visual analog)
b. Other: housing, stairs, functional limitations, work capacity, driving
5. History and subjective used to cater examination
6. Objective
a. Oculomotor: head thrust, dynamic visual acuity
b. Provocational
c. Standing balance
d. Walking control/balance
7. Functional measures to measure progress (if patient to return)
a. Dynamic visual acuity
c. DGI
d. TUG
Group 5: Facilitated by Sue Whitney
Patient problem: Patient comes to PT evaluation with dizziness of unspecified cause
Question: What elements of eval to include for evaluation of multisensory dysequilibrium
1. History
a. Symptoms
b. Functional complaints
c. Vision, use of glasses
d. Past medical history
2. Falls risk
a. Polypharmacy (greater than 4 meds)
b. Injury severity scale
c. How they fall, when they fall, environment
d. Number of falls in last 6 months
e. Use of assistive device
3. Visual exam
a. Static Acuity sSnellen chart
b. Dynamic visual acuity
c. Find out lens type
4. Somatosensory exam
a. shoe wear
b. vibration sensation
c. proprioception
d. pain and temperature
e. educate about sensory loss
f. possible referral for NCV/EMG
5. Vestibular exam
a. Central vs. peripheral (see previous topics)
b. Oculomotor exam
c. Verbal description of symptoms: constant/intermittent/motion provoked
d. SOT/CTSIB: condition 4 and 5 or fall on foam with eyes open/closed
e. Fukuda step test
f. Hallpike-Dix test
g. Refer for ENG, rotational chair, and dynamic Posturography
6. Neurological Exam
a. Cranial nerve assessment
b. Deep tendon reflexes
c. MMT
d. Tone
Group 6: Facilitated by Kathy Gill-Body
Patient problem: Patient comes to PT evaluation with diagnosis of bilateral vestibular
Question: What elements of evaluation should be included?
1. Assumptions
a. Patient referred to therapy without vestibular diagnosis
b. Practice in an outpatient setting with no specialized vestibular assessment
2. History: Features of history include the following:
a. clinical complaint usually that of unsteadiness or difficulty walking, rarely
dizziness or vertigo.
b. functional limitations often include problems reading, walking in the dark,
turning in small or crowded spaces, showering and washing hair (closing
eyes), reaching or bending and keeping balance.
c. Medical history may include use of vestibulotoxic medications, such as
gentamicin or some cancer drugs; some patients have been on dialysis.
d. Changes in speech, memory, flexibility, strength or sensation associated
with onset of imbalance would not be expected.
3. Subjective
a. descriptions of symptoms and functional limitations (stairs, work capacity,
b. Dizziness Handicap Inventory
4. Exam
a. Oculomotor exam of EOMs, saccades, pursuit, gaze holding should be
b. Rapid head thrusts should be positive bilaterally
c. Dynamic visual acuity should be impaired
d. Static Balance exam of Romberg eyes open/closed, Tandem Romberg
eyes open/closed, and Foam Romberg eyes open/closed should show
impairment in eyes closed tests.
e. Patient’s perception of dizziness and imbalance (0-10 scale) is helpful in
showing improvement in symptoms. In patients with severe imbalance,
widening base of support may be necessary.
f. Gait assessment, including with head turns
g. Functional measures could include Berg or Dynamic Gait Index as patient
able to perform, TUG. Fall risk assessment is indicated.
Do we want to include a table with comparisons like this? This is a quick first draft so please feel free to comment.
Expected results if central vestibular dysfunction Assessment tool
central vestibular
Unilateral vestibular dysfunction Bilateral vestibular
Ocular Motor testing
Smooth Pursuit
Spontaneous Nystagmus
Frequently abnormal
Frequently abnormal
Frequently abnormal:
Direction changing
Gaze evoked
Typically normal
Typically normal
Acute: frequently abnormal or
Chronic: typically normal
Typically normal
Typically normal
Typically normal
Vestibular Ocular Reflex Testing
Active and Passive VOR
Head thrust
Head Shaking
VOR cancellation
Dynamic Visual Acuity
May be abnormal
Usually normal
Usually normal
May be abnormal
Usually normal
Abnormal if acute
Abnormal with head movement
in direction of lesion if acute
Abnormal if acute
Usually normal may increase
Abnormal if acute
Usually abnormal
Usually abnormal
Usually normal
Usually normal
Dix-Hallpike Test May see non-fatiguable
nystagmus, downbeat
May see non-fatiguable
horizontal nystagmus if acute
Usually negative