Student & Family Handbook
Student Code of Conduct
Revised August 2023
Richard Butler Middle School - Student & Family Handbook
3 Pearl Place, Butler, New Jersey 07405
Telephone: (973) 492-2079
Fax: (973) 492-9774
Dear RBS Students & Families,
We are pleased to welcome you to the 2023-2024 school year, and we look forward to partnering with you to
achieve success for all of our Richard Butler Middle School students. Rest assured we are committed to providing
innovative and inspiring learning opportunities for all students in a safe, nurturing, and inclusive environment.
At Richard Butler Middle School, we realize that we have a responsibility to the academic, social, and emotional
success of our students. Our dedicated staff is committed to empowering students through a Multi-Tiered
System of Support to meet individual needs. As a learning community, we have collaborated to set goals and
expectations that will inspire our students to reach their full potential. We understand the unique needs of middle
school students and aspire to prepare them for high school and beyond. With each decision we make, we
consider the great pride and tradition that has consistently been upheld in Butler Public Schools, and we welcome
our families in this partnership as we progress this school year.
The RBS Student & Family Handbook has been prepared to inform you of the expectations, procedures, and
policies of Richard Butler Middle School. We believe if students are part of a respectful, safe, and positive
learning community, they will thrive and experience success. Please review this handbook together and reference
it as the year moves forward; additionally, we welcome your questions or concerns. Please feel free to contact me
at (973) 492-2079 or [email protected] for assistance.
We wish you all an incredibly successful 2023-2024 school year!
Best regards,
Michelle Papa
Richard Butler Middle School
Richard Butler Middle School - Student & Family Handbook
Richard Butler Middle School - Student & Family Handbook
Richard Butler Middle School - Student & Family Handbook
Richard Butler Middle School - Student & Family Handbook
Richard Butler Middle School Student & Family Handbook
Richard Butler Middle School Student & Family Handbook
Richard Butler Middle School Student & Family Handbook
Richard Butler Middle School Student & Family Handbook
Richard Butler Middle School Student & Family Handbook
Richard Butler Middle School Student & Family Handbook
Richard Butler Middle School
Student & Family Handbook
In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 18A:38-25, every parent, guardian, or other person having control
and custody of a child between the ages of six and sixteen shall cause the child to regularly attend school. The
Board of Education requires students enrolled in the school district to attend school regularly in accordance with
the laws of the State.
In accordance with the provisions of N.J.A.C. 6A:16-7.6 and for the purposes of this Policy and Regulation 5200,
a student's absence from school will be excused or unexcused that counts toward truancy.
Students that are absent from school for any reason are responsible for the completion of assignments missed
due to their absence. A student who is absent from school for observing a religious holiday shall not be deprived
of any award, eligibility, or opportunity to compete for any award, or deprived of the right to take an alternate
test or examination that was missed because of the absence provided there is a written excuse of such absence
signed by the parent.
Prolonged or repeated absences, excused or unexcused, from school or from class, deprive students of the
educational and classroom experiences deemed essential to learning and may result in retention at grade level or
loss of credit or removal from a course that would count toward the high school diploma in accordance with
policies of this Board.
Students shall be subjected to the school district's response for unexcused absences that count toward truancy
during the school year as outlined in N.J.A.C. 6A:16-7.6(a)4 and Regulation 5200.
Unexcused absences from school or from classes within the school day may subject a student to consequences
that may include the denial of a student's participation in co-curricular activities and/or athletic competition.
Repeated absences from school interfere with efforts of this Board and its staff in the maintenance of good order
and the continuity of classroom instruction and such absences may result in the removal of the student from a
class or course of study.
Attendance” is a student's presence in school and in the classroom to which he/she is assigned at the times
scheduled for instruction or other school activities. A student will be considered to have attended school if
he/she has been present at least four hours during the school day. A student must be present at least four hours
during the school day in order to participate in any extra- or co-curricular activities or any athletic practice or
"An unexcused absence that counts toward truancy" is a student's absence from school for a full or a portion of
a day for any reason that is not an "excused absence" as defined below.
Richard Butler Middle School Student & Family Handbook
"An excused absence" is a student's absence from school for a full day or a portion of a day for the observance
of a religious holiday pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:36-14 through 16 or any absence for the reasons listed below:
Student illness as verified by a doctor’s note
Home instruction
Approved religious holiday
School-sponsored events (e.g. field trips)
Death in student’s family
"Truancy" means ten or more cumulative unexcused absences that count toward truancy of a student between
the ages of six and sixteen as determined by the Board's Attendance Policy and Regulation pursuant to N.J.A.C.
6A: l6-7.6(a)4.iii. and the definition of school day pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:32-8.3. Any absence not listed in an
excused absence. above shall be an unexcused absence counted toward truancy.
The parent(s) or legal guardian(s) or adult pupil is requested to call the school office or enter the
absence in the Genesis Parent Portal the morning of the pupil's absence to notify the school.
Readmission to School After an Absence
1. A student returning from an absence of any length of time must provide a written statement that is dated
and signed by the parent or adult student listing the reason for the absence.
2. A note explaining a pupil's absence for noncommunicable illness for a period of more than three (3)
school days must be accompanied by a physician's statement of the student’s illness with medical
clearance to return to school.
3. A student who has been absent by reason of having or being suspected of having a communicable disease
must present to the school nurse written evidence of being free of communicable disease, in accordance
with Policy No. 8451.
Readmission to School After an Injury
1. A student returning from an absence that has not previously been reported on the absentee line of any
length must present to the principal a written statement, dated and signed by the parent(s) or legal
guardian(s) or adult pupil, of the reasons for the absence.
2. Any student with an injury (or illness) that prohibits them from participating in physical education classes
must have a valid written excuse from a physician. This excuse must have a return to physical
education classes date. If the student is excused from actively participating in physical education classes
for a full week or more, the student will be responsible for alternate assignments.
In general, pupils will be allowed two days to make up missed work for each one day of absence. Teachers shall
make reasonable accommodations to extend time for pupils.
A pupil who missed a test because of an excused absence shall be offered an opportunity to take the test or an
alternate test.
Denial of Course Credit/Retention in Grade
1. The teacher will determine the credit to be awarded a student for make-up work. Where class
participation is a factor in the learning process, the teacher may consider a student's absence in
Richard Butler Middle School Student & Family Handbook
determining a final grade, except that absences for the observance of a pupil's religious holiday or for a
suspension from school cannot adversely affect the pupil's grade.
Exceptions to this rule may be made for students who have demonstrated through completion of home
assignments and/or home instruction that they have mastered the proficiencies established for the assigned
courses of study.
Appeal Process
1. A truant pupil may be suspended or expelled for truancies in accordance with Policy Nos. 5610 and 5620.
2. A pupil who has been retained at grade level for excessive absences may appeal that action in accordance
with Policy No. 5410.
3. A pupil who has been dropped from a course and/or denied course credit for excessive absences may
appeal that action in accordance with the following procedures:
a. The parent shall file a written appeal to the principal for consideration by an Attendance Review
Committee. The appeal should state the reasons for admitted absences, documentation that
would reduce the number of absences, and reasons why the pupil should continue to be enrolled
in the course and/or receive course credit.
The Butler School District will continue efforts in data collection and data based decision making in order to set
foundational starting points for all students which will occur at the start of the school year within the first two
weeks of school through coordination with general education, special education, and intervention staff.
Assessments will focus on, but not be limited to:
enVision and CommonLit Benchmarks
Longitudinal Standardized Test Scores
This program will inform teachers as to their class levels and individual student levels.
The teachers will utilize a multi-prong approach to work through class level interventions and individualized
learning goals using tools such as: Google Classroom, Nearpod, Renaissance Learning, etc..
The RBS intervention teacher will work to establish individualized learning plans for identified students in need
in Tier II and Tier III of our Tiered Intervention Protocols. They will continue to work within our RtI Model to
set achievable 6-12 week goals throughout the year and reassess at the appropriate times.
Bicycles & skateboards may not be ridden to school due to safety concerns.
In accordance with BOE Regulation 5600, students must obey all school rules while on a school bus. The
following rules of conduct must be adhered to in order to insure student safety:
Wear seat belts and remain seated while the bus is in motion;
Please keep the noise level of conversation low. Screaming on the bus is not permitted.
Students must adhere to the seating assignment given.
Show respect for the driver and each other at all times
Refrain from eating and drinking on the bus
Extend no portion of the body or other object out a bus window
Richard Butler Middle School Student & Family Handbook
Obey all school rules while at the bus stop
Enter and leave the bus in an orderly manner
Keep aisles clear at all times
Avoid reckless and boisterous activity at all times
Ride only the bus to which student has been assigned
Possess, use, or distribute no substance in violation of Board Policy 5530
Disciplinary measures may be applied as appropriate to the pupil's violation. See Code of Conduct. **Please
note that the building principal may, at his/her discretion, immediately suspend riding privileges for
serious infractions.**
Students will consume meals in the cafeteria and all purpose room. Lunch and breakfast are available for
purchase, or students may bring meals from home. Plexi-glass shields have been installed in all paylines and
checkout stations. Preloading to Payschool will continue to be the preferred method of payment; however, cash is
also accepted. Students should ensure all trays, trash, and recyclables are placed in the proper receptacles.
In accordance with Board of Education Policy 5513, the Board believes that the schools should help pupils learn
to respect property and to develop feelings of pride in community institutions. The Board charges each pupil
enrolled in this district with responsibility for the proper care of school property and the school supplies and
equipment entrusted to his/her use.
Pupils who cause damage to school property will be subject to disciplinary measures. The Board authorizes the
imposition of a fine for the loss, damage, or defacement of a textbook and reserves the right to withhold a report
card or diploma from any pupil whose payment of a fine is in arrears.
1. Pupils shall not deface the school building, furnishings, or equipment in any manner.
2. Pupils shall not use school furnishings or equipment for purposes other than those for which the
furnishing or equipment was designed and intended.
3. Pupils will care for school textbooks. A lost textbook must be promptly reported to the teacher who
issued the book. A replacement textbook will be issued immediately.
4. Fines will be assessed for any lost textbooks or textbook damaged beyond normal wear.
The Butler Public School District believes in the use of technology to optimize the learning environment.
However, the blatant misuse of cell phones, or similarly-enabled devices, cameras/videos is counterintuitive to
our goals. Students are not permitted to bring personal electronic devices such as iPods, iPads, music players,
electronic games, cameras, “smart watches, etc. to school.
Cell phones, while discouraged, can be brought to school but cannot be used at any time during the school day,
during school-sponsored activities, or on the school bus. Cell phones are to be kept in a student’s backpack,
turned off, from the time they board the school bus or enter the building to the time they exit the bus at their
bus stop or are in the presence of a parent in the afternoon. Students who need to use the phone during the
instructional day may ask to call from the Main Office.
Richard Butler Middle School Student & Family Handbook
If a student has it out or uses an electronic device during the instructional day, it will be confiscated and brought
to the main office. For a first offense, the principal will hold the item until the end of the day and will return the
item to the student. For a second offense, the principal will hold the item until a parent/guardian can come to
school to pick up the item. Subsequent offenses will result in the item being held in the office for a longer period
of time and/or disciplinary action.
The Butler Public School District is not responsible for lost or stolen cell phones, electronic devices, or other
personal items students choose to bring to school. Smart watches are considered personal electronic devices and
are not to be used or worn in school.
The Butler Public School District believes in the use of technology to optimize the learning environment.
However, the blatant misuse of cell phones, or similarly-enabled devices, cameras/videos is counterintuitive to
our goals. The unacceptable uses of Electronic Communication Recording Devices (cell phones, Ipads, Ipods,
Smartwatches, etc.) are:
1. Camera-equipped cell phones or similar devices may not be used by students as cameras during the
school day including school sponsored co-curricular activities (unless given permission by a faculty
member for instructional purpose). They may not be used in school buildings or on school buses nor
may they be used at any time in locker rooms or bathrooms.
2. Students are not allowed to take photographs or videos of students or staff without their knowledge or
3. The transmission, storing or sharing of photographs taken on cell phones or similar devices may
constitute criminal behavior and will be reported to proper authorities.
**See Code of Conduct for possible Disciplinary Consequences for the violation of the above.**
Staff members reserve the right to confiscate any electronic device if there is good reason to believe that
any violation of this policy has taken place.
Each student is assigned a Chromebook and charger at the beginning of the school year. This chromebook will
be the responsibility of the student to bring to and from school each day. Part of their daily homework
assignments will be to ensure that the Chromebook is charged and ready for use each and every day. The
Chromebook will be assigned to the student for the duration of their time at RBS, so it is their responsibility to
care for the equipment. Please follow the link below for information regarding acceptable use, damage, and lost
Student Chromebook Responsibilities
Students will not be allowed to use the computer network and Internet without a consent form signed by both
the student and his/her parent/guardian. For more information about this policy, please refer to the Butler
Board of Educations Policy on Acceptable Technology Use Policy.
As good digital citizens, students should be respectful, kind, and honest; talk to their teacher and parent as soon
as they see, feel, or experience something that is not “right” on the Internet; use strong passwords; make sure
Richard Butler Middle School Student & Family Handbook
teachers and parents have their passwords; remember that not everyone is who s/he says s/he is on the Internet;
and use primary sources. Additionally, students should not share personal information online, open unexpected
messages or unfamiliar attachments, agree to meet people who approach them online, plagiarize or cheat, or
harass others through email or other means.
Each student in the Butler Public School District will be assigned a school email address. The sole purpose of
this email address is to facilitate communication school related projects and assignments within the school
Parent-teacher conferences are scheduled to take place in December and March. Parents are encouraged to
contact teachers with questions or concerns at any time. Please do this through e-mail or call the main office to
leave a message for the teacher. Parents are not permitted to have unscheduled meetings with teachers since
these detract from instructional time for all students. If you arrive without an appointment, we will take a
message and the staff member will contact you as soon as possible.
N.J.A.C. 9:6-8.10 places the responsibility of reporting suspected cases of child abuse or neglect on District
faculty and staff. As such, District personnel will contact the Division of Child Protection and Permanency
(formerly known as DYFS) to report suspected cases of abuse or neglect. To report a suspected case of child
abuse or neglect, please dial 1-877-NJABUSE.
The arrangements for daily bus transportation and pick up must be done on a “five days a week” basis. We
cannot accommodate daily differences as this creates a safety concern for your child. Students may only ride the
bus they are assigned to each day. If an emergency arises you may call the main office and we will address your
needs at that time.
In accordance with Board of Education Policy 5511, pupils may not wear clothing or engage in grooming
practices that present a health or safety hazard to the individual pupil or to others; materially interfere with
school work, create disorder, or disrupt the educational program; cause excessive wear or damage to school
property; or prevent the pupil from achieving his/her own educational objectives because of blocked vision or
restricted movement.
The following are prohibited clothing and articles at RBS:
1. Pupils are not permitted to wear strapless tops. All tops should completely cover the abdomen and
undergarments. This includes see-through clothing, beachwear, and cut-out shirts.
2. No hats, hoods, other head coverings, or sunglasses are permitted.
3. Clothing with improper messages or designs is not permitted. This includes references to
a. violence and weapons
b. racist comments
c. anti-religious references
d. profanity
e. sexual connotations
f. tobacco, alcohol, or drug use
Richard Butler Middle School Student & Family Handbook
Students are expected to cooperate courteously when faculty and/or administration require compliance with
these guidelines for appropriate dress. In addition to disciplinary action, students who do not comply with the
dress code guidelines will be asked to change/adjust/alter clothing so that they are in compliance. In addition to
sending students home and/or requesting parents to bring acceptable clothing, the administration reserves the
right at any time to amend the dress code policy without prior warning to the students.
Several days on the school calendar are noted as early dismissal days. On these occasions, students in
grades 5-8 will be dismissed at 12:30pm. Please refer to the bell schedule section at the beginning of the
handbook for more information.
If a parent needs to have a specific early dismissal for family or health reasons, a WRITTEN REQUEST
must be sent in advance to the main office. On these occasions, students will be released to parents at the
main office at the specified time. Under no circumstances will a student be dismissed directly from
a classroom to anyone.
All areas of Richard Butler Middle School are under 24 hour camera surveillance. All activities are
monitored and recorded, both within the school and at the entrances.
All students must have an emergency contact card on file. In the absence of a parent, the person
identified as the emergency contact person will be responsible for the care and supervision of the child
until the parent is available. Information on the emergency cards should be accurate and current.
Parents/guardians should immediately notify the school of any changes.
In the event of a weather or other emergency, schools may close, begin on a delayed schedule, or dismiss
early. Emergency closing notices will be posted on the district website,, social media
outlets (Twitter and Facebook), and alerts will be sent to all parents/guardians via Blackboard Instant
Alert System.
In accordance with Board of Education Policy 8420, the District has developed and implements a plan for
emergency preparedness that safeguards the health and well-being of pupils and staff, permits minimum
disruption to the educational program, and helps pupils learn self-reliance and a prudent response to
emergency situations. The plan provides that all threats to the safety of the schools are identified and
promptly responded to by appropriate district personnel. The plan includes:
1. A plan for the prompt and safe evacuation of the schools;
2. As per State Statute 18A: 41-1, every school shall have at least one fire drill each month within
school hours.
3. As per State Statute 18A: 41-1, every school shall have at least one school security drill each
month within school hours. During the academic year schools are required to hold a minimum of
two of each of the following security drills: Active Shooter; Bomb Threat; Evacuation
(non-fire); and Lockdown.
Richard Butler Middle School Student & Family Handbook
4. Some drills will be performed with the cooperation of the Butler Police Department.
We recognize that field trips properly planned and integrated with the curriculum are an educationally
sound and important part of the program of the schools that can supplement and enrich classroom
instruction by providing learning experiences in an environment outside the schools.
As defined in Board of Education Policy 2340, a field trip means any journey by a group of pupils away
from the school premises, under the supervision of a teacher, and integrally related to an approved course
of study.
Teachers will distribute and collect a permission slip for each pupil who will participate in the trip. The slip
must be signed by the pupil's parent(s) or legal guardian(s). The slip will include notice of:
(1) The date, departure time, and return time;
(2) The destination and its location;
(3) The means of transportation; and
(4) The purpose of the trip.
**Students may be considered for exclusion from a field or class trip if they exhibit inappropriate
Students may not possess items or substances that are disruptive to the learning environment in school or
on the bus. These items include, but are not limited to, electronic devices, water pistols, slingshots, sharp
objects, trading cards, laser pointers, handheld games, perfumes/body sprays, toy guns, slime, and fidget
spinners/cubes. Additionally, possession of anything deemed to be a weapon, tobacco product, drug,
alcohol, or sexually explicit material will result in confiscation, parent/guardian contact, police notification,
and disciplinary action.
Each teacher will have a Google Classroom set up for his or her class. Parents and students will be able to
log in to view assignments, activities, and general information about the class. Parents will be asked to
provide updated email information to teachers during Back to School Night for inclusion in their child’s
Google Classroom.
Richard Butler Middle School has transitioned to a trimester system. This system divides the academic
calendar into three sections and eliminates the quarter system. Advantages of trimesters include: providing
more time for students to learn and demonstrate proficiency, allows a longer time at the beginning of the
year for students to acclimate to the classroom before baseline testing and grading for the first report card,
provide more time for teachers to identify and correct areas of concern, and allows teachers more
flexibility to pace curriculum and ensure student mastery of instruction.
RBS Trimester Dates 2023-2024
Richard Butler Middle School Student & Family Handbook
Trimester 1
Trimester 2
Trimester 3
# of Days
Sept 5-Dec 6
62 Days
Dec 7-March 12
61 Days
March 13-June 14
61 Days
Standards Based Report Cards will be used to assess students in grade 5 throughout the year.
Students are expected to take full advantage of classroom time and instruction. In order to leave a class,
students must gain permission from their teacher and follow the procedures enforced by the grade level or
individual teacher. Individual student passes are issued each trimester during homeroom, and additional
passes can be obtained from the main office during lunch or academic assistance.
In accordance with Board of Education Policy 5512, all acts of harassment, intimidation, or bullying are
prohibited. A safe and civil environment in school is necessary for pupils to learn and achieve high
academic standards. Harassment, intimidation, or bullying, like other disruptive or violent behaviors, is
conduct that disrupts both a pupil’s ability to learn and a school’s ability to educate its pupils in a safe and
disciplined environment. Since pupils learn by example, school administrators, faculty, staff and volunteers
should be commended for demonstrating appropriate behavior, treating others with civility and respect,
and refusing to tolerate harassment, intimidation, or bullying.
“Harassment, intimidation, or bullying” means any gesture, any written, verbal or physical act, or any
electronic communication, as defined in N.J.S.A. 18A:37-14, whether it be a single incident or a series of
incidents that:
1. Is reasonably perceived as being motivated by either any actual or perceived characteristic, such as
race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and
expression, or a mental, physical or sensory disability; or
2. By any other distinguishing characteristics; and that
3. Takes place on school property, at any school-sponsored function, on a school bus, or off school
grounds, as provided for in N.J.S.A. 18A:37-15.3, that substantially disrupts or interferes with the
orderly operation of the school or the rights of other pupils; and that
A reasonable person should know, under the circumstances, that the act(s) will have the
effect of physically or emotionally harming a pupil or damaging the pupil’s property, or
placing a pupil in reasonable fear of physical or emotional harm to his/her person or
damage to his/her property; or
Has the effect of insulting or demeaning any pupil or group of pupils; or
Creates a hostile educational environment for the pupil by interfering with a pupil’s
education or by severely or pervasively causing physical or emotional harm to the pupil.
“Electronic communication” means a communication transmitted by means of an electronic device,
including, but not limited to, a telephone, cellular phone, computer, or pager.
Student Expectations
The Board expects students to conduct themselves in keeping with their levels of development, maturity
and demonstrated capabilities with proper regard for the rights and welfare of other pupils and school
Richard Butler Middle School Student & Family Handbook
staff, the educational purpose underlying all school activities and the care of school facilities and
equipment consistent with the Code of Student Conduct.
The Board believes that standards for pupil behavior must be set cooperatively through interaction
among the pupils, parents, school employees, school administrators, school volunteers, and community
representatives, producing an atmosphere that encourages pupils to grow in self-discipline. The
development of this atmosphere requires respect for self and others, as well as for school district and
community property on the part of pupils, staff, and community members.
Students are expected to behave in a way that creates a supportive learning environment. The Board
believes the best discipline is self-imposed, and it is the responsibility of staff to use instances of violations
of the Code of Conduct as opportunities to help pupils learn to assume and accept responsibility for their
behavior and the consequences of their behavior. Staff members who interact with pupils shall apply best
practices designed to prevent pupil conduct problems and foster pupils’ ability to grow in self-discipline.
The Board expects that pupils will act in accordance with the pupil behavioral expectations and standards
regarding harassment, intimidation, and bullying, including:
1. Pupil responsibilities (e.g., requirements for pupils to conform to reasonable standards of socially
accepted behavior; respect the person, property and rights of others; obey constituted authority;
and respond to those who hold that authority);
2. Appropriate recognition for positive reinforcement for good conduct, self-discipline, and good
3. Pupil rights; and
4. Sanctions and due process for violations of the Code of Conduct.
Consequences and Appropriate Remedial Actions
The Board of Education requires its school administrators to implement procedures that ensure both the
appropriate consequences and remedial responses for students who commit one or more acts of
harassment, intimidation, or bullying, consistent with the Code of Student Conduct. The following
factors, at a minimum, shall be given full consideration by school administrators in the implementation of
appropriate consequences and remedial measures for each act of harassment, intimidation, or bullying by
students. Appropriate consequences and remedial actions are those that are graded according to the
severity of the offense(s), consider the developmental ages of the student offenders and students’ histories
of inappropriate behaviors, per the Code of Student Conduct and N.J.A.C. 6A:16-7.
The Richard Butler Middle School believes that homework has a positive influence on learning and
achievement. It is an integral part of, and has significance in, the educational experiences of our students.
Homework is defined as the work that students complete independently outside of school.
Homework serves the following purposes: to provide practice on a concept or skill already taught, to
provide real life application of material studied in class, to develop an appreciation for or knowledge of
resources, and to develop the personal esthetic and/or cultural growth of the student. Homework is
neither punitive nor “busy work.
Richard Butler Middle School Student & Family Handbook
Students’ academic accomplishments are recognized at Richard Butler Middle School based on a tiered
Honor Roll - 85 grade average or above in ALL classes
High Honor Roll - 90 grade average or above in ALL classes
Principal’s List - 95 grade average or above in ALL classes
In order to safeguard the school community from the spread of certain communicable diseases and in
recognition that prevention is a means of combating the spread of disease, the Board of Education, as
outlined in Policy 5320, requires the immunization of pupils against certain diseases in accordance with
state statutes and rules of the New Jersey State Department of Health and Senior Services.
Immunization Requirements
1. Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids and Pertussis Vaccine
a. For those children less than seven years of age, entering Kindergarten or first grade, a
minimum of four doses of DTP are required. One dose must have been administered on
or after the fourth birthday. Children receiving any five doses of DTP, DTaP, DTP/Hib,
DTaP/Hib, or DT (with a valid medical contraindication) shall also be in compliance with
this regulation.
b. Every child born on or after January 1, 1997, and entering or attending Grade Six, or a
comparable age level special education program with an unassigned grade on or after
September 1, 2008, shall have received one dose of Tdap (Tetanus, diphtheria, acellular
pertussis) given no earlier than the 10th birthday.
c. Children entering or attending Grade Six on or after September 1, 2008, who received a
Td booster dose less than five years prior to entry or attendance shall not be required to
receive a Tdap dose until five years have elapsed from the last DTP/DTaP or Td dose.
d. d. Children born on or after January 1, 1997, and transferring into a New Jersey school
from another state or country after September 1, 2008, shall have received one dose of
Tdap, provided at least five years have elapsed from the last documented Td dose.
2. Polio Vaccine
a. For those children less than seven years of age, a minimum of three doses of oral polio
vaccine (OPV) and/or enhanced inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV), is required, provided
at least one dose is given on or after the fourth birthday. Alternatively, children receiving
four doses of polio vaccine, separated by a minimum of one month, shall also be in
compliance with this requirement.
3. Measles Vaccine
a. Two doses of a measles-containing vaccine given after the first birthday, preferably MMR,
will be required of all children born on or after January 1, 1990, who are entering
Kindergarten or Grade 1, or attending a New Jersey school. A measles or MMR dose of
vaccine administered to a child before the first birthday will not be counted, and these
children are to be reimmunized.
b. The two doses of measles-containing vaccine must be separated by an interval of at least
one month (twenty-eight days).
Richard Butler Middle School Student & Family Handbook
4. Rubella Vaccine
a. All pupils must still have rubella vaccine administered on or after the first birthday. Those
children immunized before one year of age are to be reimmunized, preferably with MMR.
5. Mumps Vaccine
a. All pupils must still have mumps vaccine administered on or after the first birthday. Those
children immunized before one year of age are to be reimmunized, preferably with MMR.
6. Hepatitis B Vaccine
a. Children born on or after January 1, 1996 and entering Kindergarten or first grade
(whichever occurs first) or a comparable special education unassigned grade, shall receive
three doses of a hepatitis B vaccine.
b. Beginning September 1, 2001, children born on or after January 1, 1990 and entering grade
6 or a comparable special education unassigned grade, shall be required to receive three
doses of a hepatitis B vaccine.
7. Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
a. Every child two months through 11 months of age enrolling in or attending preschool on
or after September 1, 2008, shall have received a minimum of two age-appropriate doses of
pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV), or fewer as medically appropriate for the child's
age according to the ACIP recommendations.
8. Influenza vaccine
a. Children six months through 59 months of age attending preschool on or after September
1, 2008, shall annually receive at least one dose of influenza vaccine between September 1
and December 31 of each year.
9. Meningococcal vaccine
a. Every child born on or after January 1, 1997, and entering or attending Grade Six or a
comparable age level special education program with an unassigned grade on or after
September 1, 2008, shall have received one dose of a meningococcal-containing vaccine,
such as the medically-preferred meningococcal conjugate vaccine.
In accordance with Board of Education Policy 8760, the Board may provide parent(s) or legal guardian(s)
the opportunity to purchase insurance coverage, at no cost to the Board, for injury resulting from
accidents sustained by pupils occuring in the course of attendance at school and participation in athletic
and co-curricular programs of the school district.
Each Richard Butler Middle School student is assigned a locker during homeroom on the first day of
school. Locks are provided by the school and must remain on student lockers in a locked position at all
times. All lockers are to be kept clean and neat and will be checked periodically by authorized school
personnel. Each student is to use the individual locker which has been assigned. These lockers are
furnished for the student’s convenience and should only contain coats and books. No one is to enter
anyone else’s locker or tamper with it in any way. The school assumes no responsibility for property lost or
All jackets, coats, sweatshirts, etc. should be labeled with your child’s name. In the event an item is left
Richard Butler Middle School Student & Family Handbook
somewhere on school property, a "Lost and Found" box will be kept in the main office stockroom.
Students have access and may check its contents periodically for lost items. The contents will be emptied
in June and be discarded or donated to a worthy charity. Items of value, such as jewelry, glasses, etc.are
not to be placed in the "Lost and Found" box, but are to be turned into the main office until retrieved by
the owner.
The Health Office at the Richard Butler Middle School complies with all state guidelines
regarding medication administration. All medication given to students must be prescribed by
their physician. (This includes all over the counter medications)
In accordance with Board of Education Policy 5330, medication will only be administered to students in
school by the school physician, a certified or non certified school nurse, a substitute school nurse
employed by the district, the student’s parent, a student who is approved to self-administer in accordance
with N.J.S.A. 18A:40-12.3 and 12.4, and school employees who have been trained and designated by the
certified school nurse to administer epinephrine in an emergency pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:40-12.5 and
Medication no longer required must be promptly removed by the parent.
The school nurse shall have the primary responsibility for the administration of epinephrine. However,
the certified school nurse may designate, in consultation with the Board or the Superintendent, additional
employees of the district who volunteer to be trained in the administration of epinephrine via a pre-filled
auto-injector mechanism using standardized training protocols established by the Department of
Education in consultation with the Department of Health and Senior Services when the school nurse is
not physically present at the scene.
In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 18A:40-12.6.d, no school employee, including a school nurse
or any other officer or agent of a Board of Education or a physician providing a prescription under a
standing protocol for school epinephrine pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:40-12.5, shall be held liable for any
good faith act or omission consistent with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 18A:40-12.5, nor shall any action
before the New Jersey State Board of Nursing lie against a school nurse for any such action taken by a
person designated in good faith by the school nurse pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:40-12.6. Good faith shall
not include willful misconduct, gross negligence, or recklessness.
The school nurse or designee shall be promptly available on site at the school and at school-sponsored
functions in the event of an allergic reaction. In addition, the parent must be informed that the school
district, its employees and agents shall have no liability as a result of any injury arising from the
administration of epinephrine to the student.
The parent of the student must sign a statement acknowledging their understanding the district shall have
no liability as a result of any injury arising from the administration of the epinephrine via a pre-filled
auto-injector mechanism to the student and the parent shall indemnify and hold harmless the district and
its employees or agents against any claims arising out of the administration of the epinephrine via a
pre-filled auto-injector mechanism to the student.
Richard Butler Middle School Student & Family Handbook
The permission for the emergency administration of epinephrine via a pre-filled auto-injector mechanism
containing epinephrine to students for anaphylaxis is effective for the school year it is granted and must be
renewed for each subsequent school year.
The PTA is composed of parents, teachers, and staff who seek to provide personal, educational, and
cultural enrichment for all students. The PTA acquires the revenue for various assembly programs, bussing
for field trips, recreational activities, and additional special school needs via fundraisers that are scheduled
throughout the school year. Your involvement in the PTA and support of its programs are necessary for
the continued success of the organization. We sincerely appreciate our PTA!
According to state law, classes in physical education and health are required for all students in middle
school. In order to provide a safe and healthy environment for all students, please note the following:
1. All students are required to dress for physical education classes. Students must
wear appropriate footwear and athletic clothing that was not worn to school (e.g. t-shirt,
sweatpants, sweatshirt, shorts), and to be in compliance with the schools’ dress code, in order
to participate in PE activities.
2. Sneakers are required.
3. For safety reasons no jewelry of any kind may be worn during activities. It is difficult to maintain
and watch over valuables during the gym period. Please do not bring valuable jewelry or watches in the
gym or locker areas. Keep valuable jewelry at home. The school cannot be held responsible for lost or
stolen items.
4. Students who are unprepared for class may not receive credit for the day’s activities.
5. Students who have a short term medical excuse will be provided with written assignments related
to the health and physical education fields.
Please refer to the grade level course proficiencies for specific information concerning the physical
education and health program. Any concerns or questions should be directed to the physical education
teachers or the department supervisor.
Occasionally, situations or problems arise at school concerning such things as placement of a child,
homework assignments, absences, discipline, the grading system, etc.
The first step in resolving a matter is to contact your child’s teacher and arrange for a conference. If the
problem is not resolved, then a conference with the principal should be scheduled through the main
office. We recommend that the teacher be present so there will be continuity in addressing the problem.
Matters that are not resolved with the principal should be appealed to the Superintendent of Schools, who,
in turn, will conduct a meeting of all necessary parties in an attempt to resolve the matter.
Should the matter not be successfully resolved at the Superintendent’s level, and the parent wishes to
appeal, the matter should be addressed in writing to the President of the Butler Board of Education at 38
Richard Butler Middle School Student & Family Handbook
Bartholdi Avenue, Butler, New Jersey, 07405. Because of the manner in which the School Board functions,
individual Board members are not in a position to resolve conflicts. Only the Board, acting as a whole, in
an advertised public meeting, is empowered to make decisions.
Richard Butler Middle School students are placed in a setting that best meets their social, physical and
educational needs. Students will be promoted to the next grade level when they have: completed all of the
necessary educational requirements of that grade and have achieved academic objectives. Classroom
teachers will make recommendations to the building principal on those students that should be promoted
and those that should be retained. Students who fail more than one class for the year will be required to
attend summer school at the cost of the parent/guardian or will be retained in the previous grade until
grade level academic requirements are met.
In the Genesis parent portal there is a parent consent form to inform you and allow you to give
permission for your child’s name and/or photo/video to be presented in connection with school related
articles in newspapers, at public presentations, television, and/or on the Internet, including district social
media platforms.
We will not release any personally identifiable information without prior written consent from you as
parent or guardian. This includes student names, photos and information in a related story. Residential
addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers will NEVER be published. In the case of a group shot of
students, we will not publish the photo and/or video unless permission is granted for ALL students in the
photo and/or video.
This information will become part of your child’s school records. Your choice will remain in effect for the
duration of your child’s enrollment in the Butler Public Schools. If you, as the parent or guardian, decide
to rescind this agreement, you may do so at any time by sending a letter to the Principal of your child’s
In accordance with NJ Administrative Code and School Board Policy, parents and/or legal guardians may
view, make notes, or have copies made of their child’s school records maintained at school. Anyone
wishing access to pupil records should make an appointment with the principal.
The District acknowledges the need for the in-school storage of pupils’ possessions and shall provide
storage places, including desks and lockers, for that purpose. Where locks are provided for such storage
places, pupils may lock them against incursion by other pupils. In accordance with Board of Education
Policy 5770, no storage place provided by the District shall pupils have such an expectation of privacy as
to prevent examination by a school official. Receipt of the Student Handbook at the beginning of each
school year will serve as notification that inspections of their lockers, desks, and other storage facilities on
school district property may be conducted. The school Principal or designee will conduct, without further
notice, the regular inspection of such facilities provided to pupils for the storage of property.
Richard Butler Middle School Student & Family Handbook
Weather permitting, students in Grade 5 have outdoor recess each day. The following are rules for safe
play during recess. Failure to adhere to these and other directions given by staff will result in loss of recess
time as determined by the classroom teacher and principal and or consequences as per the Richard
Butler Middle School Code of Conduct.
1. Students may not play roughly. (No wrestling, kicking, punching, tackling, etc.)
2. Students will show respect for others and follow all instructions given by the staff.
3. Students must stay out of the parking lot area.
4. Students are to stop what they are doing when directed by the staff and line up quickly.
5. Students should not touch or throw rocks, sticks and other dangerous objects.
6. Students will show pride in their school by keeping the building and grounds free of litter.
8. No physical/contact sports may be played for the safety of all students.
9. Students may not leave the recess areas at any time unless accompanied by an adult.
10. Students are not permitted to bring outside equipment to school without permission from a
staff member.
Report Cards
Available on
Parent Portal
Dec 13, 2023
On Genesis
Parent Portal
March 20, 2024
On Genesis
Parent Portal
June 21, 2024
On Genesis
Parent Portal
Field & Class Trips
Students will not be permitted to participate in class trips without written permission of
Permission slips and money for trips must be received on the dates specified by teachers.
When students go on trips, they represent our school; therefore, it is expected that students uphold the
school values.
Students may be considered for exclusion from a class trip if they exhibit inappropriate behavior.
Extra Curricular Activities
Any student who has entered the school building for a dance or other activity must remain in the
building until the activity is over.
Upon leaving the activity or dance, students should exit the area promptly.
There will be no public student activities or dances to which outsiders are free to come.
The control of the activity shall be the responsibility of the committee in charge.
Students not attending the activity are not permitted on or around the school grounds.
If a student is absent from school on the day of the activity, or is dismissed from school on the day of
the activity, that student is not permitted to attend.
STUDENT BEHAVIORAL EXPECTATIONS (For More Information, Please See Code of Student
Richard Butler Middle School Student & Family Handbook
An effective discipline program is essential to the teaching and learning process. The staff has established
an educational environment in which children can comfortably learn at their level. Each student has the
right to learn and socialize at school without disruption or antagonism from other students.
Our staff is committed to teaching and reinforcing appropriate student behavior. Students are encouraged
to consistently follow school rules of conduct, set a positive example for others, and always be conscious
of how their behavior affects others. Many of our school wide initiatives like character development,
anti-bullying, social skills groups and mindfulness are in place to develop positive behavior and social
Our goal is to ensure that each child achieves success. We believe that you, as parents, play an important
role in helping your child achieve our school expectations both academic and behavioral. We believe that
the major role of parents in school discipline is to continually show interest in and support for their child
at school.
Generally, classroom teachers administer the discipline at a Tier I level, but when the situation warrants,
the principal or designee becomes involved at the Tier II level. Parents are not necessarily called on the
first problem, since students are encouraged to take responsibility for their own actions and must learn to
meet the rules and expectations of the school. We believe each student has the final responsibility for the
consequences of his/her behavior. If your child exhibits unacceptable behavior at school on a continual
basis, or if the action is severe, you may be asked to help us reinforce the rules of the school.
With your cooperation and help, we can provide a positive, productive, and safe learning environment for
your child. The Code of Conduct is applied equitably without regard to race, religion, color, ethnicity,
gender identity and expression and/or disability and reflects the student's right to protection pursuant to
Federal and NJ State laws and regulations. The school uses comprehensive behavioral supports that
promote positive student development in order for the student to fulfill the behavioral expectations to the
best of the student's ability.
Comprehensive behavioral supports include:
Positive reinforcement for good conduct and academic success
Supportive interventions and referral services
Collaboration of research-based remediation of problem behavior
Appropriate behavioral interventions for students with disabilities.
Sharing of school/community based resources when applicable
All students have the right to:
an education
attend a safe school
physical safety and protection of personal property
not to be discriminated against
equal protection
fair and just treatment from school employees
Richard Butler Middle School Student & Family Handbook
In order to ensure this, all students are expected to:
Take responsibility for learning.
Take responsibility for their actions.
Respect self and others.
Respect their school, school property, and the property of others. Never litter or write graffiti.
Act in a safe and healthful manner.
Attend school on a regular basis.
Complete all academic work assigned.
Obey school/classroom/playground rules.
Be polite, courteous, and use appropriate language.
Comply with the requests of school employees.
Dress appropriately for school.
Arrive to school on time.
Be prepared with all necessary supplies.
Always give their best effort.
Student Privileges:
Recess activities
Classroom celebrations
Field trips
Participation in before and after school activities
At assemblies students will:
Walk quietly and orderly in the hallways.
Enter the area quietly, watching for teacher directions
Respond to teacher signals
Show appropriate appreciation by clapping.
Show respect for the performers and peers by not talking.
Exit quietly, watching for directions from their teacher.
At lunch time students will:
Enter the cafeteria quietly, get their lunch, and find their table.
Remain seated until lunch is finished and permission to leave has been given.
Use appropriate voices so that only close neighbors can hear.
Use appropriate mealtime manners.
Clean the area when finished eating.
Wait until teachers or lunch aides give permission to leave, then walk quietly to the field for recess
or back to their classrooms.
Avoid rough play during recess (play fighting, wrestling, pushing, kicking, etc.)
Leave personal belongings such as cell phones and electronic games at home.
Speak kindly to others.
Report to the assigned area immediately when called or when the bell rings.
Respond immediately, with respect and courtesy, to instructions from adults in charge.
Richard Butler Middle School Student & Family Handbook
Classroom Behaviors:
Be kind to others in words and actions
Respect the property of others
Keep personal space orderly
Follow teacher directions
Use indoor voices
Use of Bathroom:
Students will place paper towels in the garbage.
Ensure water/soap does not spill on the floor, which can cause a friend to slip.
Give others privacy.
Use indoor voices.
Return to the assigned location as soon as finished so others can use the area.
Students will not stand on toilets or hang from stall doors.
Students will not bring writing implements to the bathroom, nor write or draw on walls and/or
When Expectations are not met:
Students who break rules will discuss the incident with the appropriate staff member. Students will
be redirected and given the opportunity to practice the expected behavior.
If a student receives a warning or warnings and continues to demonstrate severe/ inappropriate
behavior, a parent/guardian contact will be made and consequences may be issued.
A tiered consequence for violation of the Code of Conduct considers severity, fact finding, and
prior knowledge.
Consultation with Student Assistance Counselor/Psychologist.
Students may be suspended for violating the HIB policy or endangering the well-being of self or
If a student violates the Code of Conduct, they will be subject to disciplinary action. Consequences depending on severity and
prior interventions may include:
Teacher reprimand
Administrative reprimand
Parent conference
Community Service in the building
In-school suspension
Out of School suspension
Saturday detention
Loss of an activity or privileges
For serious actions - police notification
Parental/ Guardian Appeal
Parents who wish to appeal a disciplinary action, may speak with the school’s administration. Parents may
appeal to the Superintendent after meeting with school administration. If a student is suspended or
Richard Butler Middle School Student & Family Handbook
expelled, parents may ask for a hearing with the Butler Board of Education and can make a final appeal to
the NJ Commissioner of Education.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Pursuant to FERPA, disciplinary consequences and matters will only be discussed with the
parent/guardian of the student receiving disciplinary actions.
The district assures that physical restraint and seclusion techniques on students are only used in an
emergency in which the student is exhibiting behaviors that places the student or others in immediate
physical danger in accordance with NJSA 18A:46-13.4.
Additional Information
Additional information concerning district policies and regulations can be found at the Butler Board of
Education website.
English Language Learners (ELL)
Students whose primary language is not English will be screened, and, if qualified, provided with an
English as a Second Language class.
Response to Intervention(RTI)
This team of professionals functions under the direction of the principal and is designed to assist students
who are experiencing academic and/or social/emotional difficulties. Parents/guardians may make referrals
to the RTI Committee and/or will be notified when their child is referred for assistance.
Section 504 Committee
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act prohibits discrimination against persons with a disability in any
program receiving federal funds. The Act defines a person with a disability as anyone who:
has a mental or physical impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities
such as caring for one’s self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking,
breathing, learning, and working;
has a record of such an impairment; and
is regarded as having such an impairment.
The purpose of the 504 Committee is to guarantee that an identified child is receiving an education
comparable to that provided for a non-disabled student. The Committee will formulate reasonable
accommodations outlined in an accommodation plan and will review this plan as needed.
Special Education
In accordance with State law, the Butler Public School District stands ready to provide advice, assistance,
and information to parents of students from age three to twenty-one. Parents who suspect that their child
may have an educational disability should contact their child’s teacher to discuss their concerns. Parents
Richard Butler Middle School Student & Family Handbook
may also contact the Child Study Team directly at any time at 973- 492-2079 ext 2550.
The Butler Public School District provides a program of supports and services to those students eligible
for special education and related services. The District employs special education teachers, an occupational
therapist, a physical therapist, speech and language specialists, paraprofessionals, and child study team
members including a school psychologist, a school social worker, and a learning disabilities
teacher-consultant. In addition, the District contracts with various therapists to assist District faculty and
CST members are responsible for the identification, evaluation, and determination of eligibility for
students referred for special education and related services. These professionals work closely with the
teachers and administration to provide additional support to ensure that each student has a safe, positive,
and affirming learning experience. If you feel that your child is in need of this support, please contact your
child’s teacher or Director of Special Services.
Student Assistance Counselor Ms. Tagariello and School Counselor Ms. Emily Young collaborate to
provide academic, social, and emotional support to RBS students. Our counselors are also available to
offer confidential advice, information and referral services to students and their families. Assistance is
available for students who are struggling socially, emotionally, or behaviorally. Issues may encompass peer
or relationship difficulties, sadness, coping with grief, school adjustment, or difficult familial situations.
When a situation is brought to Ms. Tagariello or Ms. Young attention by a student, parent, or staff
member, assistance is offered in a safe and confidential environment. Parents are welcome to meet with
RBS counselors by request.
The Butler Board of Education recognizes that tobacco, drug and alcohol abuse presents a growing
problem in society and is aware of the vital role played by the school and the efforts of the community to
control this problem. Since such abuse is a violation of the law and presents a danger to the student
involved and to other students, the Board must discourage it from occurring in a school building, on
school grounds or at any time away from school when a student is responsible to the school for his/her
conduct. The Board prohibits the use, possession, or distribution of any tobacco, drugs, alcohol or related
paraphernalia by students, staff, or others on school property or at school-related functions.
Staff members are required by law (N.J.S.A. 18A:40A-12) to report any student suspected of being under
the influence of or having problems related to substances in accordance with district procedures. Staff
members reporting students in “good faith” are immune from civil prosecution (N.J.S.A. 18A:40A-13 and
14). Confidentiality of information obtained Substance Awareness Coordinators (SACs) and
administrators shall be protected under the regulations set forth in CFR-42 Part 2.
All students will be expected to participate in summer reading. A complete list of books and activities will
be posted on the RBS website in June. These books will be available at the Butler Public Library or for
Richard Butler Middle School Student & Family Handbook
purchase at a local bookstore. Students are expected to read one of the books and will complete activities
based on that book when they return in September.
All visitors must have an appointment and use the front entrance and announce their arrival through the
intercom. If you do not have an appointment you will not be allowed access. Upon entry you must scan
your driver's license and take a photo to receive a badge to wear which identifies you as an approved
visitor. This badge should be worn until you exit the building.
A security system with 20 cameras is in place at three (3) entrances to the building and at various other
inside and outside locations, for the childrens safety. There is a clear bin outside of the main entrance that
you may use to drop off forgotten items. Please ring the bell and alert us to let us know you have left
something in the bin.
Visitors are not to report to other school locations without authorization from the main office.
This applies to school hours, at lunch/recess time, and for after/before school visits.
Disregarding this procedure may result in being disallowed from the school building.
Students who walk to and from school are reminded that they are required to use sidewalks where
available. In cases where there are no sidewalks, students should walk in single file facing traffic. Students
are not to trespass on private property or destroy any property. Should this occur, students will be held
liable for any damage caused and action will be taken accordingly. Students are not permitted to ride
bicycles, scooters, or skateboards to school; the Butler Board of Education along with the Butler
Police deem this a safety concern.
If you are moving to a new school district, please telephone the main office as soon as your plans are firm.
You may also wish to discuss your plans with the classroom teacher. Knowing about your plans helps the
teacher to be sensitive to the feelings your child may have about the impending move. We will assemble
your child’s records so they can be mailed promptly to the new school when they are requested.
Richard Butler Middle School - Code of Student Conduct
Richard Butler Middle School
30 Pearl Place, Butler, New Jersey 07405
I. Overarching Expectations for Responsible
Student Conduct
A solid and interdependent partnership exists between home and school. Incorporating
principles of scholarship, citizenship, and character, parents and educators shall provide an
environment of social, emotional and educational support for all students. Students are both the
stakeholder and a product of home and school support.
In order to help ensure a respectful, responsible learning environment, it is expected that a
student shall:
Be on time and attend every class every day. (Butler BOE Policy #5200 Attendance)
Attain satisfactory academic achievement consistent with the student’s ability and complete all
homework and other assignments.
Assume personal responsibility for acting with respect and civility and shall not contribute to any
infraction which may be observed. Bullying and harassment in all its forms, is unacceptable. (Butler
BOE Policy #5460)
Exhibit ethical behavior as it applies to tests, assignments, and other work for which the student is
responsible. (Butler BOE Policy #5701 Academic Honesty)
Abide by school rules that have been developed to assure the safety and accountability of all those
in the school community. (Butler BOE Policy #5500 Expectations for Pupil Conduct)
Communicate with peers and those in authority with respect and consideration, and assume
responsibility for one’s own behavior and speech. (Butler BOE Policy #5512 Harassment, Intimidation
& Bullying)
Accept disciplinary consequences, In-School Suspension Out of School Suspension, Exclusion
from Events, with dignity and a resolve to improve one’s performance and conduct.
Comply with Board Policies governing appropriate dress and grooming. (Butler BOE Policy #5511
Dress and Grooming )
Understand and comply with school requirements in relation to bus conduct and appropriate
conduct at all co-curricular or other school-sponsored activities. (Butler BOE Policy #5850 Social
Events and Class Trips)
Respect school property and help to keep it free from damage. (Butler BOE Policy #5513 Care of
School Property)
Refrain from the use of non-prescription drugs at school and at all school-sponsored activities
unless necessary for the health and safety of the student in accordance with District policy and
procedural requirements, including written authorization provided by the parent/guardian to the
school nurse. Students are not permitted to self-administer medication except in certain limited
life-threatening conditions. (Butler BOE Policy #5330 Administration of Medication )
Refrain from using and/or possessing alcohol, controlled dangerous substances, or other illegal
substances at school, on school property or school buses, and at all school sponsored activities.
(Butler BOE Policy #5530 Alcohol, Drugs- Substance Abuse)
Richard Butler Middle School - Code of Student Conduct
To maintain a safe and orderly lea
II. School, Student, and Parent Responsibilities
Students are expected to:
fulfill the behavioral expectations of the school community
Demonstrate respect for people and property
Maintain appropriate levels of decorum and behavior
Take responsibility for their own behavior and learning
Use time and other resources responsibly
Share responsibilities when working as a group
Meet the unique requirements of each class
Monitor their own progress toward objectives
Communicate with parents and school personnel about school related matters
Adhere to all policies and procedures of the school district
Every parent/guardian is expected to:
Model positive modes of behavior and good manners.
Insist on his/her child’s punctual and regular school attendance.
Exercise respect and civility in all interactions with staff, students, and members of the community.
Explain and discuss the code of conduct with his/her child.
Reinforce student compliance with the code of conduct.
Provide emotional, social, and academic support in the student’s school life.
Adhere to all policies and procedures of the school district.
The school staff is expected to:
Model positive modes of behavior and good manners.
Exercise respect and civility in all interactions with staff, students, and members of the community.
Maintain a positive learning environment during the school day.
Explain and discuss acceptable and unacceptable modes of behavior with students and
Foster an emphasis on positive behaviors creating an atmosphere of mutual respect and
appreciation of individual differences among staff, students and parents for individuals as well as
for district and community property.
Inform and enforce the discipline structure with students.
Be consistent in enforcing the discipline structure throughout the school.
Comply with the requirements of New Jersey Administrative Code and District policies and
Comply with N.J.S.A. 18:6.1 following the provisons of corporal punishment of students
Assure that physical restraint and seclusion techniques on students with disabilities are only used in
an emergency in which the student is exhibiting behavior that places that student or others in
immediate physical danger in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 18A:46-13. et seq.
Richard Butler Middle School - Code of Student Conduct
III. Student Rights
Students have the right to:
A description of student responsibilities that include expectations for academic
achievement, behavior, and attendance. These responsibilities are listed under the
Overarching Expectations for Responsible Student Conduct of this Code. Pursuant to
N.J.S.A. 18A:37.2
Advance notice of behaviors that will result in suspension or expulsion. These behaviors
are listed under the Discipline Categories section of this Code. Pursuant to N.J.S.A.
Education that supports students’ development into productive citizens.
Attendance in safe and secure school environments.
Attendance at school irrespective of students’ marital status, pregnancy, or parenthood.
Due process and appeal procedures and policies.
Parents/guardians notification consistent with procedures established by the District for
instances of law enforcement agency interviews involving their children, for short-term
and long-term suspensions or expulsions, and for attendance-related issues and
consequences. Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:16-6.2 (B)3, N.J.A.C. 6A:16-7.2-7.8
The due process procedures established by the District for review of conduct which may
result in the imposition of short-term suspensions, long-term suspensions, or expulsions.
Those procedures are set forth below in this Code of Conduct.
Records and privacy protection pursuant to Federal and State Laws and Regulations
Appeal disciplinary determinations of District officials or the Board of Education to the
New Jersey Commissioner of Education and, where applicable, to pursue the due process
rights established in N.J.A.C. 6A:14 for pupils classified as eligible for special education.
The knowledge of the information provided in this regulation will keep acts of misbehavior and violations
of school rules to an absolute minimum. When such acts and violations take place, every attempt will be
made to discourage and prevent repeated incidents.
As stated in the New Jersey State Statutes:
BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey Section
18A:37-2 (amended). Any pupil who is guilty of continued and willful disobedience, or of open
defiance of the authority of any teacher or person having authority over him (or her), or of the
habitual use of profanity or obscene language, or who shall cut, deface or otherwise injure any
school property, shall be liable to punishment and to suspension or expulsion from school.
The rules that appear in the Code of Conduct do not limit the administration’s authority to
maintain safety, order, and discipline in the school, but, instead, offer specific guidance in listing
acceptable and unacceptable behavior.
Richard Butler Middle School - Code of Student Conduct
IV. Behavioral Recognition, Support, and
Richard Butler Middle School provides the following institutions to provide positive behavioral support
recognition to students:
Student of the Month Awards (recognized at all school monthly meeting)
Certificates of Merit
Academic Honor Rolls
Recognition of Student Achievements in all arenas
Student Assistance SAC
Child Study Team (CST)
School Nurse
NJ PerformCare
In-School Suspension
School SACs
Resources as listed below:
Treatment Agencies
High Focus Center
1259 Route 46 Building #4
Parsippany, NJ 07309
1-800-877-3628 Intake
Substance abuse assessments. Provides IOP, partial hospitalization level of care for both mental health
and substance abuse clients. Private insurance provider. Provides transportation 1 way.
Treatment Dynamics at Summit Behavioral Health
Florham Park
256 Columbia Turnpike
Suite 100N
Florham Park, New Jersey 07932
(855) 844-1509 - Florham Park
Substance abuse assessments. Early Intervention, IOP level of care. Private insurance.
Richard Butler Middle School - Code of Student Conduct
Ascend Treatment and Wellness Center
100 Enterprise Drive Suite 301
Rockaway, NJ 07866
Substance abuse assessments, Early intervention. Private insurance
Daytop Adolescent Substance Abuse Screening Unit
320 W Hanover Avenue
Parsippany, NJ 07054
(973) 539-5764
Substance abuse assessments, IOP, residential level of care. Medicaid/private insurance. Provides
transportation both ways.
New Pathway Counseling Services
321 Changebridge Road
Pinebrook, NJ 07058
Substance abuse assessments, IOP and early intervention. Medicaid provider for clients over 18. Provides
transportation to the program.
Tri County Behavioral Care
172 Woodport Road, Suite E
Sparta, NJ 07871
3155 Route 10 East, Suite LL100
Denville, NJ 07834
Substance abuse assessment, individual counseling, most insurance accepted.
New Life Recovery Center
23 Colfax Avenue
Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442
IOP level of care for substance abuse, Adolescent school program-minimum 6 week stay.
Medicaid provider as well as private insurance.
Richard Butler Middle School - Code of Student Conduct
Mental Health
Services are free to all adolescents and their families.
Wayne Counseling and Family Services
1022 Hamburg Tpke.
Wayne, NJ 07470
Medicaid provider, outpatient counseling, substance abuse evaluations.
Family Intervention Services
50 Vanderhoof Ave.
Rockaway, NJ 07866
973-324-7879- Number for outpatient referral
Medicaid provider. Outpatient and in home counseling.
Immediate Care Psychiatric Center
28 Hill Road
Parsippany, NJ
Accepts private insurance. Outpatient, IOP, partial hospitalization. Medication management.
M&S Psychotherapy and Counseling
1157 Main Ave.
Clifton, NJ 07011
320 Lafayette Ave.
Hawthorne, NJ
Outpatient counseling, medication management, psychiatric evaluations. Medicaid provider
St. Clare’s Partial Program
The Child/Adolescent Partial Hospital Program
Saint Clare’s Hospital/Boonton
130 Powerville Road
Boonton Township, NJ 07005
Richard Butler Middle School - Code of Student Conduct
Center for Children's’ Behavioral Health
356 Horseneck Road
Fairfield, NJ 07004
Medicaid and private insurance. Transportation provided within 30 miles.
Devon Rizzo, LPC, LCADC
Birch Tree Psychology
498 Newark-Pompton Turnpike ~ Pompton Plains, NJ ~ 07444
(973) 839-3060
Counseling and Wellness Center of West Milford
1592 B Union Valley Road
West Milford
Accepts Horizon/Aetna in office, sliding scale
Paul Lavella, LPC, LCADC, ACS
135 Columbia Turnpike Suite 201
Florham Park, NJ 07932
Psychological Associates of Northern NJ
Wayne Counseling
1022 Hamburg Tpke.
Wayne, NJ 07470
Yvonne Krasner-Cohen, LPC, LCADC
37 Kings Road Suite 203
Madison, NJ 07940
Jacqueline Bonnano, LPC, LCADC
Morristown, NJ
Leslie Malnak, LCSW, LCADC
Denville, NJ
Richard Butler Middle School - Code of Student Conduct
V. Disciplinary Infractions and Actions
A. Disciplinary Infraction Descriptions
Abusive language is defined as the transmitting or posting of defamatory, harassing, abusive, or
threatening language about another. Profanity is defined as the use of any curse or swear-words,
irreverent, slang or profane language. Abusive and/or profane language does not have to be directed at
another individual to be considered as such.
Absence from school restricts and inhibits the ability of the student to successfully complete the
prescribed curriculum requirements. It also violates New Jersey State Law (N.J.S.A. 18A-38: 25-26),
requiring students to regularly attend school.
Starting a fire or causing an explosion in or on the grounds of a school, thereby purposely or knowingly
placing the victim or group of specified victims in danger of death or bodily injury; or with the purpose of
destroying or damaging the victim’s or group of specified victims’ property that as defined under
Incident Location is in the school, on school grounds, or in another school building or structure.
Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:16-5.7-5.8, assault, is defined by the New Jersey Student Safety Data System is an
act by a person who attempts to cause, or purposely, knowingly, or recklessly causes bodily injury to
another. Assaults include those with weapon offenses and on board of education members or employees.
Attendance includes the student's participation in the daily schedule as prescribed by each individual
school building.
A bias incident means that an incident is reasonably perceived as motivated by any actual or perceived
characteristic, such as race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender
identity and expression, a mental, physical, or sensory disability, or any other distinguishing characteristic.
A bomb threat is a communication received via telephone, email or other means stating that a bomb (an
explosive device greater in size than a firecracker) will detonate on school grounds (building, property or
school bus).
Richard Butler Middle School - Code of Student Conduct
Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:16-7.7, any gesture, written, verbal, or physical act, or electronic or wireless
communication that:
a reasonable person should know, under the circumstances, the act will have the effect of alarming
(i.e., fear created by imminent danger) or harming (e.g., physically, emotionally) a student or staff
member, or of damaging their property; OR
has the effect of insulting or demeaning any student or group of students in such a way as to cause
a substantial disruption in, or to substantially interfere with, the orderly operation of the school.
Disruptive behavior on the bus may result in detention, suspension and/or removal from the bus.
Misbehavior that results in the traffic disturbance and/or puts other drivers, passengers or pedestrians in
jeopardy may involve contact with local law enforcement. It is not necessary to suspend a student from
school to revoke the bus privilege. N.J.S.A.18A: 25-2 reads in part, A pupil will be excluded from the bus
for disciplinary reasons by the principal, and his parents shall provide for his transportation to and from
school during the period of expulsion.
The use of cell phones and other electronic devices are prohibited during the school day. Electronic
devices include, but are not limited to cameras, smart watches, iPods, iPads, tablets, and other devices that
have recording software.
Academic Dishonesty, or cheating, is any type of dishonest act that occurs during or in relation to a formal
academic exercise.
A person is guilty if he/she threatens to kill another with purpose to put him in imminent fear of death
under circumstances reasonably causing the victim to believe the immediacy of the threat and the
likelihood that it will be carried out.
Failure to attend assigned class as outlined in student schedule.
CUTTING DETENTION (Administrative and Teacher)
Failure to attend detention assigned by either teacher or administration.
An open or bold act of resistance to or disregard for authority.
Purposely, knowingly, or recklessly destroying or defacing school or personal property. The student or his
parents are required to pay for the damages (restitution). N.J.S.A. 18: 35-3 states: “Parents or guardians of
any pupil who shall injure any school property shall be liable for damages for the amount of the injury to
be collected by the Board of Education of the district in any court or competent jurisdiction, together with
costs of suit.
Richard Butler Middle School - Code of Student Conduct
Any act in which a student behaves in a manner where the intention is to deceive a member of the staff or
Responding/acting in a rude, impertinent aggressive manner and/or using threatening abusive language.
Responding/acting in a rude, impertinent aggressive manner and/or using threatening abusive language.
A disruptive student is a student who is substantially disruptive of the educational process or substantially
interferes with the teacher’s authority over the classroom.
It is expected that students and parents will become familiar with the Richard Butler Middle School dress
code before attending school. The parameters are clearly outlined in this document and in the student
Electronic devices, including cell phones, smart watches, iPods, and iPads, are only permitted during
specific times of the school day outlined in the student handbook. Devices used outside of those times
will be confiscated. Family emergencies should be handled through the RBS main office.
The use or possession of any explosive device is prohibited by law. The students may be suspended,
expelled and/or referred to local law enforcement.
Extortion is the act of obtaining money or any material thing (regardless of value) from another by means
of a stated or implied threat of future violence.
A person is guilty if he/she threatens to commit any crime of violence with purpose to terrorize another
or to cause evacuation of a building, place of assembly, or facility of public transportation, or otherwise to
cause serious public inconvenience, or in reckless disregard of the risk of causing such terror or
Fighting is defined as the mutual engagement in a physical confrontation that may result in bodily injury to
either party. Each participant is classified as an offender.
Richard Butler Middle School - Code of Student Conduct
Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying any gesture, any written, verbal or physical act, or any electronic
communication, whether it be a single incident or a series of incidents, that is reasonably perceived as
being motivated either by any actual or perceived characteristic, such as race, color, religion, ancestry,
national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, or a mental, physical or sensory
disability, or by any other distinguishing characteristic, that takes place on school property, at any
school-sponsored function, on a school bus, or off school grounds, that substantially disrupts or interferes
with the orderly operation of the school or the rights of other students.
Refusing to comply with a staff member’s instructions or showing disrespect for a staff member.
Uncooperative behavior, such as delayed compliance toward a staff member’s instruction, is also
considered insubordination. Refusal to identify oneself, showing an ID and/or fleeing from a staff
member is considered gross insubordination. This offense will result in automatic suspension.
Inappropriate behavior can be defined as behavior which is unsuitable or improper for a given situation or
setting. Students shall be acutely aware of their behaviors and language as it applies to various settings and
situations. Students shall be aware of their behaviors and ensure that they fit in to those of socially
accepted norms.
Any written expression directed at a student that is obscene, profane, abusive or inappropriate in nature.
Physical contact that was aggressive in nature and the intent was to cause harm or injury to another
Physical contact to a student where that student was disturbed or made to feel uncomfortable. (Pushing,
kicking, pulling, grabbing, etc.)
Physical contact to another student where that student was harmed or injured by the action that was a
result of aggressive behavior or horseplay.
Physical contact to another student where an object was used and that student was disturbed, made to feel
uncomfortable, or injured.
Any object not related to an education activity thrown in the school building, school bus, or on the school
grounds is prohibited. These include, but are not limited to: snowballs, coins, pencils, books, etc.
Disciplinary action and/or police notification will result according to the severity of the infraction.
Richard Butler Middle School - Code of Student Conduct
School property is defined as any area in or within any building, structure, athletic playing field,
playground, parking lot or land contained within the real property boundary line of the Butler Public
School District, or in or on a school bus.
Confirmed use, possession, selling, purchasing, distribution or otherwise transferring illegal drugs or
alcohol will be dealt with in accordance to our Substance Abuse policy and state law NJAC 6A: 16-5.7
The complete policy is listed as a separate entity on this website: HC Substance Abuse Guidelines.
Harassment in a social situation, involving the making of unwanted sexual advances or obscene remarks.
Students who arrive after the scheduled time of school or class shall be considered to be tardy.
Theft is defined as the taking of the school district’s or a persons belongings or property without consent.
A threat is defined as expressing, either physically or verbally, the intent to commit one of the following
violent criminal offenses - homicide, aggravated assault, sexual assault, kidnapping, or arson. The threat
must be made for the purpose of placing another in imminent fear of one of these violent acts, under
circumstances that would reasonably cause the victim(s) to believe the immediacy of the threat and the
likelihood that it will be carried out.
Behavior by actions or words that can be viewed as a threat to the staff member or student.
Intentionally or knowingly putting another person in fear of bodily injury.
A tobacco product, for the purpose of this code means the burning of a lighted cigar, cigarette,
vape/electronic cigarette, pipe or any other matter or substance that contains tobacco and the use of
smokeless tobacco and snuff.
Any person who enters onto school property or into a school building without permission when the
individual knows that he/she is not privileged to be on the property is considered to be trespassing.
Absence from school grounds for all or part of the day without authorization from the school or prior
authorization from the parent to the Main Office.
A safe educational environment, free of distractions and hazards is paramount. Considering this, the
following items shall be considered unsafe, hazardous or a detraction from the learning environment.
Richard Butler Middle School - Code of Student Conduct
All electronic devices as outlined in the student handbook
Any item that might ignite
Roller Blades
Weapons of any type, including pocket knives, or knives of any type, guns, chains, bats or any item
that can be construed as dangerous.
Wireless Speakers
E-Cigarettes, including, but not limited to vapes, vape pens, and juuls
An unauthorized area is any area of the school building, where a student is present, in the absence of
direct faculty/staff supervision. Students are expected to be, at all times, in their scheduled building
locations. Students should not be in any area of the school building or school grounds while not under
the supervision of a faculty or staff member. Moreover, any student who is not being directly supervised
by a faculty or staff member shall be in possession of their Student Passport.
Use of force shall be described for the purpose of this code of conduct as the intervention of an
individual to dissuade or physically prevent another individual from taking a particular course of action.
A Weapon includes any instrument readily capable of lethal use or of inflicting bodily injury. A weapon
categorically includes, but is not limited to: handguns, rifles, knives; clubs or other bludgeons; chains;
slingshots; leather bands studded with metal filings; razor blades; stun guns; and any device which projects,
releases, or emits tear gas or any other substance (e.g., pepper spray) that is intended to produce temporary
discomfort or permanent injury through being vaporized or otherwise dispensed in the air. Components
that can be readily assembled into a weapon are considered to be in this category. Pursuant to N.J.A.C.
Possession and/or use of these devices will result in disciplinary action. Using these devices to propel
substances other than water which could harm an individual will be subject to more severe disciplinary
action such as suspension.
B. Parent/School Communication
Parent Notification (electronic) At times a faculty/staff member or school administrator will notify a
parent to inform them of a problem with their child’s conduct or a consequence for a specific infraction.
Richard Butler Middle School - Code of Student Conduct
Parent Notification Parent notification of student suspension will be sent via regular US mail. A
statement of the discipline infraction, administrative action, duration of disciplinary action, and
requirements for student readmission to the regular school program will be documented in this letter.
Parent/Teacher Tele-conference – A conference via telephone may be initiated by a parent, teacher,
school counselor, and/or administrator. Generally speaking, a telephone conference incorporated and
utilizing the proper chain of command should precede any building level parent conference.
Parent Conference A parent conference may be scheduled, for disciplinary reasons, after repeated
attempts have been exhausted to remediate poor student conduct. A building level conference should be
scheduled after attempts to resolve and remediate student behavior through telephone and electronic
means have been exhausted.
Re-entry Meeting– A re-entry conference/meeting may be a requirement before a student may re-enter
their regular education program. Re-entry conferences are typically held, by appointment, on the morning
of a student’s re-entry to school following suspension. Guidelines for this meeting will be defined in the
Parent Notification Letter.
C. Building Level Pupil Support Interventions
Physical Health Examination – students may be referred to the school nurse, through the RTI
Committee, to determine if any physical ailments might be contributing to difficulties in the classroom.
The school nurse shall report back to the RTI Committee with any remarkable results stemming from the
Building Level Referral Personnel and Personnel Teams
Response to Intervention Team (RTI)
Student Assistance Counselor (SAC)
School Psychologist/Social Worker
Learning Disabilities Teacher Consultant (LDTC)
Anti-Bullying Specialist (ABS)
Child Study Team (CST)
D. Outside Referral Interventions
Psychiatric Evaluation Students who are believed to be of harm to themselves or others shall be
required to undergo a Psychiatric Evaluation.
Drug/Alcohol Screening Students who are believed to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol shall
be immediately required to undergo a Drug/Alcohol Screening. During this screening, the student will be
examined by a medical professional who will determine if the student is under the influence. The student
will also be subject to a blood or urine screening. The blood or urine sample will be forwarded to a
Richard Butler Middle School - Code of Student Conduct
laboratory for analysis. Drug/alcohol screening is administered by an outside health care provider
contracted by the Butler Board of Education.
Drug/Alcohol Assessment – Students, who are referred for a drug/alcohol screening and receive
positive test results from the lab; shall be subject to a drug/alcohol assessment. Drug/alcohol
assessments shall be administered by a New Jersey certified Drug and Alcohol SAC. Students shall
comply with the recommendations of the counselor as a part of their readmission back into their regular
school program.
Recommendation for Treatment – As a component of a drug/alcohol assessment, recommendations
for treatment may be given to students and their families. These treatment recommendations may include
but shall not be limited to inpatient care, and/or outpatient individual or group counseling.
Student/family participation in any/all recommendations for treatment noted by an assessment agency
will be required by the Butler BOE before readmission to a student’s normal educational setting.
New Jersey PerformCare – Students and families in need of outside counseling services may be referred
to NJ PerformCare. PerformCare is the statewide Contracted System Administrator (CSA) for the
Division of Child Behavioral Health Services (DCBHS). As the CSA, PerformCare is committed to
getting children, youth, young adults and their family/caregivers the services that they need at the right
time, and in the right place.
E. Faculty/Classroom Disciplinary Actions
A member faculty shall counsel and advise students of wrongful and/or inappropriate behavior as a
primary step in the order of progressive discipline.
A faculty or staff member shall issue a formal reprimand to any student who is in breach of classroom
rules and procedures. This brief, but official meeting serves to formally address inappropriate student
behavior. A reprimand shall serve as notice to a student of inappropriate behavior prior to detention,
parent contact and/or administrative referral.
Exclusion from Classroom Activities
Exclusion is a disciplinary action assigned to students, by a faculty member, who has not earned the
privilege to participate in normal classroom activities. Students who are unable to act properly engage
within socially accepted norms, established by the classroom teacher, may be excluded from selected
classroom activities. Exclusion actions may be assigned by a faculty member for classroom privileges
including, but not limited to cooperative activities, discussions, or field trips.
Teacher Detention
Teacher detention is an assignment of a student, by a teacher, to remain in the classroom during a specified
time on a school day.
Richard Butler Middle School - Code of Student Conduct
Removal is the act of a teacher in discontinuing the presence of the student in his/her classroom. Students
who are formally removed from a classroom have displayed such behavior that has exhausted all other
means of modifying their behavior including, reprimand, teacher conference, parent intervention,
exclusion from activities, and teacher detention.
F. Administrative Disciplinary Actions
Administrative Review
Administrative review is a process which enables a building administrator to review circumstances in a
specific case by interviewing students/faculty/parents, gathering information, and developing an action
plan. An action plan may include, but shall not be limited to, disciplinary action, referral, and/or dismissal
of disciplinary actions.
Exclusion (EX)
Exclusion is a disciplinary action assigned to students who have not earned the privilege to participate in
the normal activities of the student population. Students who are unable to act properly and socially
engage within established norms, may be excluded from school activities. Exclusion of privileges may
include, but shall not be limited to, hall privileges, school assemblies, dances, field trips, and/or, athletic
In-School Suspension (ISS)
In School Suspension is assigned to students by the Principal for students exhibiting a need for a
structured environment. It is held daily, in a small group or individual setting. A staff member is assigned
to supervise students assigned. Requests for work are generated and sent to teachers for any student
assigned to this. The environment is designed to be quiet and academically productive. Students assigned
to In School Suspension are expected to be compliant with the expectations for this setting. While this is
a behavioral consequence, it is also a privilege for students who are able to work productively, in the
school setting, while suspended from their regular school program. Students who are behaviorally unable
to comply with the rules governing the In School Suspension program shall be suspended out of school.
Students assigned to In School Suspension are suspended from participating in all school sponsored
events, including athletics and extra-curricular activities for the duration of their assignment to the
Out of School Suspension - Short Term (OSS)
Out of School Suspension is assigned to students by the Principal. Students who are suspended out of
school are considered to be Absent Excused” under Butler BOE Policy. Students have the right to make
up work missed while suspended out of school. Requests for work are generated from the guidance office
for students suspended out of school. Short Term Suspension is an out of school suspension for a period
of ten (10) consecutive school days or less. Students who are suspended out of school are suspended from
participating in all school sponsored events, including athletics and extracurricular activities for the
duration of their suspension.
Out of School Suspension - Long Term - Out of School Suspension is assigned to students by the
Principal. Students who are suspended out of school are considered to be Absent Excused” under Butler
BOE Policy. Long Term Suspension is an out of school suspension for a period greater than ten (10)
Richard Butler Middle School - Code of Student Conduct
consecutive school days. Students who are suspended out of school are suspended from participating in
all school sponsored events, including athletics and extracurricular activities for the duration of their
Saturday Detention
Saturday Detention is assigned to students by the Principal or designee. Students are expected to report to
Butler High School on the date and time of the assigned detention and complete school work under staff
supervision. Transportation to and from Saturday Detention is the responsibility of the parent/guardian.
Personal electronic devices, food, and drinks are prohibited. In the event a student has medical dietary
concerns, this must be made known to administration at the time the detention is assigned. When issued,
students will be assigned the next available Saturday Detention date. Athletics, activities, and employment
are not considered when scheduling Saturday Detentions as students are expected to appear on the
assigned date. Failure to attend an assigned Saturday Detention will result in additional Saturday detentions
and/or Out of School Suspension in addition to serving the original Saturday Detention. In the case of a
medical emergency or illness, proper documentation from a physician must be presented in order to
Board of Education Hearing (BOEH) – A Board of Education Hearing is a formal procedure set forth
by the Butler Board of Education.
G. Administrative Discretion and Administrative Review
The Richard Butler Middle School Administration recognizes all students for their individuality and
developmental maturity. Considering this, the determination of consequences for students in breach of
the Richard Butler Middle School Code of Conduct is applied individually to each student and to each
infraction. While the administrative actions documented within this Code of Conduct generally comply
with most disciplinary cases, they serve as a guide. Administrative actions may vary from case to case.
Several factors are considered by the Principal or Designee when applying disciplinary actions. These
factors may include, but shall not be limited to:
Severity of Incident
Student age, developmental level and maturity
Circumstantial Information
Individual student behavioral patterns
Prior infractions
Relationship between parties involved
The School Administration will, at all times, exercise their professional administrative judgment when
determining disciplinary action for students. Disciplinary actions are viewed by the faculty and staff as a
part of the teaching and learning process. Citizenship, scholarship and human empathy are products of
the learning process resulting from the application of the actions defined within this Student Code of
H. Students with Disabilities
Richard Butler Middle School - Code of Student Conduct
Behavioral Support Interventions
Behavioral support interventions, for students with disabilities, are determined and provided pursuant to
the requirements of N.J.A.C. 6A:14. Students with disabilities may be eligible to receive behavioral support
and services as stated in their IEP or determined by the Child Study Team. The Butler School District
provides individualized services to eligible children based on assessments performed by the Child Study
Team. Individual behavior plans, which are designed and based on a positive behavior approach, ensure
that classified children learn to modify their behaviors based on support from adults. Behavior plans may
be re-designed as needed to enable and ensure proper developmental growth.
The School District also has procedures in place for the discipline of students with disabilities, designed to
implement the relevant mandates outlined in the federal IDEA and N.J.A.C. 6A:14.
These procedures apply to all students who have been determined eligible for special education and
students who have been referred to the Child Study Team for possible eligibility, while that process of
identification and/or evaluation is in progress.
Suspension of a Student with a Disability
Students with Individual Education Plans, or students who have been referred to the Child Study Team
during the current academic school year, will be subject to the following determinations prior to any
The building principal shall determine if the student has been suspended for 10 consecutive or
cumulative school days during the current school year.
The building principal, with the case manager, shall determine if a series of short-term
suspensions constitutes a change of placement
The building Principal, with the case manager, shall determine if a nexus exists between the
student’s behavior and their disability.
If a nexus exists, the building Principal, along with the case manager, shall establish an
appropriate plan for intervention and remediation.
If a nexus exists, the building Principal, along with the CST, shall review current student
placement and accommodation plan.
Richard Butler Middle School - Code of Student Conduct
Disciplinary Infractions and Actions
Administration reserves the right to remove a student from any school sponsored activity as a result of
any infraction listed in the table below.
First Offense
Second Offense
Third and Subsequent
Abusive Language
Policies 5500, 5600, 5560
Warning and/or 1-3 Admin.
AM and/or Lunch Detentions
based on severity; Parent
1-3 Admin. AM and/or Lunch
Detentions or 1-3 days ISS
based on severity; Parent
Conference; Meeting with
school counselor
1-3 days ISS or 1-3 days
OSS based on severity;
complete all work missed;
parent conference; RTI
Policies 5200, 5600
On the 4th unexcused absence,
the school will send a letter to
parents/guardians alerting
them of the danger of the
student’s noncompliance with
the attendance requirements,
even if the school has received
medical documentation.
On the 8th unexcused absence,
the school will send a letter to
parents/guardians alerting
them of the danger of the
student’s noncompliance with
the attendance requirements,
even if the school has received
medical documentation.
Referral to RTI and
community based agencies
On the 12th unexcused
absence, the school will
send a letter to
parents/guardians alerting
them of the danger of the
student’s noncompliance
with the attendance
requirements, even if the
school has received medical
documentation. Follow up
with RTI and community
based agencies as well as
referral to court.
Please see BOE policy
regarding attendance for
information regarding
Policies 5500, 5600, 5560,
5513, 5610, 7610
Police Notification;
RTI Review/CST Referral;
Long Term Suspension;
Psychiatric Evaluation
Bus Misconduct
Policies 5500, 5600, 5560
Referral to Administration;
Parent Notification;Warning
Seat Change and /or
Bus Suspension
Referral to Administration;
Parent Notification;
Bus Suspension 1 Week
Referral to Administration;
Parent Notification;
Long Term or
Permanent Bus Suspension
Cell Phones, Electronic
Policies 5600, 5516, 5560,
Warning; Parent Notification
Device Confiscated;
Return to Parent Only;
Conference With Student;
1 Administrative Lunch/and or
Recess detention
Device Confiscated;
1-3 Admin. AM and/or
Lunch Detentions; Parent
Richard Butler Middle School - Code of Student Conduct
Cell Phone/Electronic Device
Usage: texting, recording,
videotaping, picture taking,
social media, etc.
Policies 5600, 5516, 5560,
Device Confiscated;Return to
parent only; Parent
Conference; Admin discretion
depending upon severity and
impact on others
Device Confiscated;
Return to Parent Only; Parent
ISS or OSS dependent on
Device Confiscated;
Return to Parent Only;
Parent Conference;
Policies 5600, 5701
Classroom Based Discipline;
Parent Contact;
Referral to Administration;
Administrative Review;
“0” on Assignment/test
Parent Contact/Conference;
Referral to Administration;
Loss of Privileges;
“0” on Assignment/test;
RTI Referral;
1-3 Admin. AM and/or Lunch
Parent Contact/Conference;
Referral to Administration;
ISS-1 day
Loss of Privileges;
“0” on Assignment/test;
First Offense
Second Offense
Third and Subsequent
Cutting Class
Policies 5600, 5200, 5610
1 Admin Detention; Parent
2-3 Admin Detention; Parent
Notification, Meeting with
school counselor; complete all
missed work
1-3 days ISS; complete all
missed work; parent
conference; RTI Referral
Cutting Detention
Policies 5600, 5200, 5610
Teacher: 2 admin detentions;
parent notification
Admin: 2 additional admin
detentions, parent notification
Teacher/Admin:1 day ISS,
parent notification, Meeting
with school counselor; loss of
Teacher/Admin: 1-3 ISS;
administrative discretion;
parent notification; RTI
Damage to School Property
Policies 5600, 5513, 5610,
Warning and/or 1-3 Admin.
AM and/or Lunch Detentions
based on severity; Parent
1-3 Admin. AM and/or Lunch
Detentions or 1-3 days ISS
based on severity; Parent
Conference; Meeting with
1-3 days ISS or 1-3 days
OSS based on severity;
complete all work missed;
parent conference; RTI
Defiance/ Insubordination
Policies 5500, 5600, 5560, and
all other applicable BOE
Warning and/or 1-3 Admin.
AM and/or Lunch Detentions
based on severity; Parent
1-3 Admin. AM and/or Lunch
Detentions or 1-3 days ISS
based on severity; Parent
Conference; Meeting with
school counselor
1-3 days ISS or 1-3 days
OSS based on severity;
complete all work missed;
parent conference; RTI
Dishonesty, Lying, Forging
Policies 5600, 5701
Classroom Based Discipline;
Parent Contact;Referral to
Referral to Administration;
Possible admin lunch
detentions based on severity
1-3 Admin. AM and/or Lunch
Detentions or 1-3 days ISS
based on severity; Parent
Conference; Meeting with
school counselor
1-3 days ISS or 1-3 days
OSS based on severity;
complete all work missed;
parent conference; RTI
Disrespectful to Staff
Policies 5500, 5600, 5560, and
all other applicable BOE
Warning and/or 1-3 Admin.
AM and/or Lunch Detentions
based on severity; Parent
1-3 Admin. AM and/or Lunch
Detentions or 1-3 days ISS
based on severity; Parent
Conference; Meeting with
school counselor
1-3 days ISS or 1-3 days
OSS based on severity;
complete all work missed;
parent conference; RTI
Disrespectful to Student
Policies 5500, 5600, 5560, and
all other applicable BOE
Warning and/or 1-3 Admin.
AM and/or Lunch Detentions
based on severity; Parent
1-3 Admin. AM and/or Lunch
Detentions or 1-3 days ISS
based on severity; Parent
Conference; Meeting with
school counselor
1-3 days ISS or 1-3 days
OSS based on severity;
complete all work missed;
parent conference; RTI
Richard Butler Middle School - Code of Student Conduct
Disruptive Behavior
Policies 5500, 5600, 5560, and
all other applicable BOE
Warning and/or 1-3 Admin.
AM and/or Lunch Detentions
based on severity; Parent
1-3 Admin. AM and/or Lunch
Detentions or 1-3 days ISS
based on severity; Parent
Conference; Meeting with
school counselor
1-3 days ISS or 1-3 days
OSS based on severity;
complete all work missed;
parent conference; RTI
Dress Code
(See Parent/Student Handbook)
Policies 5500, 5511
Parent Notification;
Change of Clothing Required;
Conference with Student
Parent Notification;
Change of Clothing Required;
1-3 Admin. AM and/or Lunch
Parent Conference;
Change of Clothing
1-3 Admin. AM and/or
Lunch Detentions
Exploding Devices
Policies 5600, 5500, 5560,
Long term Suspension;
Psychiatric Evaluation;
Parent Notification;
Police Notification
Long term Suspension;
Psychiatric Evaluation;
Parent Notification;
Police Notification
Long term Suspension;
Psychiatric Evaluation;
Parent Notification;
Police Notification
First Offense
Second Offense
Third and Subsequent
Policies 5616, 5600, and any
other applicable BOE policies
Warning and/or 1-3 Admin.
AM and/or Lunch Detentions
based on severity; Parent
1-3 Admin. AM and/or Lunch
Detentions or 1-3 days ISS
based on severity; Parent
Conference; Meeting with
school counselor
1-3 days ISS or 1-3 days
OSS based on severity;
complete all work missed;
parent conference; RTI
Failure to Follow Procedures
during an Emergency
Operation Procedure/Health
Policies 5500, 5600, 5560, and
all other applicable BOE
Warning; Parent notification;
1-3 Admin. AM and/or Lunch
Detentions or 1-3 days;;
Parent Conference; Meeting
with school counselor
1-3 days OSS based on
severity; parent conference;
RTI referral
Falsifying Alarm
Policies 5500, 5600, 5560,
5610, and all other applicable
BOE policies
Immediate 1 to 5 days OSS;
Parent conference; Police
notification; Meet with school
5 to 10 days OSS;
Police Notification;
Psychiatric Evaluation
Long term Suspension;
Police notification;
Psychiatric Evaluation
Fighting (Major Physical
Policies 5500, 5600, 5560,
1 to 3 days OSS;
Police Notification;
Parent Conference;
school counselor
2 to 4 days OSS;
Parent Conference; counselor
Administrative Review;
Police Notification;
CST Referral
3+ days OSS;
Parent Conference;
Psychiatric Evaluation;
Leaving School Grounds
Policies 5500, 5600, 5560,
ISS 1 day; counselor
notification; parent
notification; police
2 day ISS; parent notification,
counselor notification; police
1-3 days OSS, parent
conference; RTI referral;
police notification
Obscene Language
Policies 5500, 5600, 5560,
Warning and/or 1-3 Admin.
AM and/or Lunch Detentions
based on severity; Parent
1-3 Admin. AM and/or Lunch
Detentions or 1-3 days ISS
based on severity; Parent
1-3 days ISS or 1-3 days
OSS based on severity;
complete all work missed;
Richard Butler Middle School - Code of Student Conduct
Conference; Meeting with
school counselor
parent conference; RTI
Obscene Note/Letter To
Policies 5500, 5600, 5560,
Warning and/or 1-3 Admin.
AM and/or Lunch Detentions
based on severity; Parent
1-3 Admin. AM and/or Lunch
Detentions or 1-3 days ISS
based on severity; Parent
Conference; Meeting with
school counselor
1-3 days ISS or 1-3 days
OSS based on severity;
complete all work missed;
parent conference; RTI
Physical Contact (Intent to
Policies 5500, 5600, 5560,
1-3 Admin. AM and/or Lunch
Detentions or 1-3 days ISS or
1-3 OSS based on severity;
Parent Conference; Meeting
with school counselor; Admin
1-3 days ISS or 1-5 days OSS
based on severity; complete
all work missed; parent
conference; RTI referral
5 to 10 days OSS;
Police Notification;
Psychiatric Evaluation
Physical Contact (No Injury)
Policies 5500, 5600, 5560,
Warning and/or 1-3 Admin.
AM and/or Lunch Detentions
based on severity; Parent
notification; Admin discretion
1-3 Admin. AM and/or Lunch
Detentions or 1-3 days ISS
based on severity; Parent
Conference; Meeting with
school counselor
1-3 days ISS or 1-3 days
OSS based on severity;
complete all work missed;
parent conference; RTI
Physical Contact (With
Policies 5500, 5600, 5560,
1-3 Admin. AM and/or Lunch
Detentions based on severity;
Parent notification; Admin
1-3 Admin. AM and/or Lunch
Detentions or 1-3 days ISS
based on severity; Parent
Conference; Meeting with
school counselor
1-3 days ISS or 1-3 days
OSS based on severity;
complete all work missed;
parent conference; RTI
Physical Contact (With
Policies 5500, 5600, 5560,
1-3 Admin. AM and/or Lunch
Detentions or 1-3 days ISS or
1-3 OSS based on severity;
Parent Conference; Meeting
with school counselor; Admin
1-3 days ISS or 1-5 days OSS
based on severity; complete
all work missed; parent
conference; RTI referral
5 to 10 days OSS;
Police Notification;
Psychiatric Evaluation
First Offense
Second Offense
Third and Subsequent
Scuffle (Minor Physical
Policies 5500, 5600, 5560,
Admin Detention or 1 to 3 ISS
(Depending upon situation)
Parent Notification
1 to 3 days ISS
Parent conference,
1 to 3 days OSS
Parent conference
CST Referral
Sexual Harassment
Policies 5512, 5500, 5560,
5600, 5610, 5751, 3362, 4352
See Harassment, Intimidation,
Harassment; Contact
Affirmative Action Officer
See Harassment, Intimidation,
Harassment; Contact
Affirmative Action Officer
See Harassment,
Intimidation, Harassment;
Contact Affirmative Action
Policies 5200, 5600
Tardies will be accumulated
per marking period/trimester.
Students with 1-3 unexcused
tardies will receive a warning
from administration.
4-6 tardies will result in one
lunch detention for each day
7 or more tardies will result
in one AM/PM detention for
each tardy.
Terroristic Threats
(Mass Violence)
Policies 5500, 5560, 5600,
Parent Notification;
Administrative Review;
Police Notification;
Psychiatric Evaluation ;
OSS or long term suspension
Parent Notification;
Administrative Review;
Police Notification;
RTI Review/CST Referral;
OSS based or long term
Psychiatric Evaluation
Parent Notification;
Administrative Review;
Police Notification;
RTI Review/CST Referral;
OSS or long term
Psychiatric Evaluation
Richard Butler Middle School - Code of Student Conduct
Theft or
Possession of Stolen Property
Policies 5500, 5560, 5600,
5513, 5610
1-3 Admin. AM and/or Lunch
Detentions or 1-3 days ISS or
1-3 OSS based on severity;
Parent Conference; Meeting
with school counselor; Admin
discretion; possible police
Parent Notification;
1-3 days ISS/OSS;
Administrative Review;
Appropriate Restitution;
Police Notification
Parent Notification;
3-5 days ISS/OSS;
Administrative Review;
Appropriate Restitution;
CST Referral;
Police notification
Threatening Behavior
Policies 5500, 5560, 5600,
5513, 5610
Warning, 1-3 Admin. AM
and/or Lunch Detentions or
1-3 days ISS or 1-3 OSS
based on severity; Parent
Conference; Meeting with
school counselor; Admin
1-3 days ISS or 1-5 days OSS
based on severity; complete
all work missed; parent
conference; RTI referral
1 to 10 days OSS;
Police Notification;
Psychiatric Evaluation
Threats of Violence
Policies 5500, 5560, 5600,
5513, 5610
Warning, 1-3 Admin. AM
and/or Lunch Detentions or
1-3 days ISS or 1-3 OSS
based on severity; Parent
Conference; Meeting with
school counselor; Admin
discretion; Possible Police
1-3 days ISS or 1-5 days OSS
based on severity; complete
all work missed; parent
conference; RTI referral;
police notification
1 to 10 days OSS;
Police Notification;
Psychiatric Evaluation;
police notification
Weapons Possession
Policies 5500, 5560, 5600,
5513, 5610
OSS or Long term
Parent Notification;
Police Notification;
Possible Psychiatric
Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying Infractions
First Offense
Second Offense
Third and Subsequent
Policies 5512, 5500, 5560,
5600, 5610
Conference with
Students (Victim and
Parent Notification
(Victim and
Communication by
knowledge of
offense, e.g. Apology
or pictorial
Conference with
Completion of
Temporary Exclusion
from environment as
appropriate (bus,
cafeteria, recess)
Temporary loss of
privileges as
appropriate (Field
Trips, Recess,
Special Events, Etc.)
Completion of
Temporary loss of
privileges as
appropriate (Field
Trips, Recess,
Special Events,
Exclusion from
environment as
appropriate (bus,
cafeteria, recess)
Richard Butler Middle School - Code of Student Conduct
Temporary Exclusion
from environment as
Possible disciplinary
consequences based
upon situation (
detention, ISS, SOS)
Completion of
In School Counseling
Assessment by CST
Action as appropriate
Detention (before,
after or during
RTI Review/CST
Communication by
knowledge of
offense, e.g. Apology
or pictorial
RTI Review/CST
Communication by
knowledge of
offense, e.g.
Apology or
Suspension 1-5
Mandatory Reentry
conference with
Substance Abuse Infractions
First Offense
Second Offense
Third and Subsequent
Being Under the Influence of
Drugs or Alcohol
Policies 5530, 5533, 5610 and
all other applicable BOE
Parent Notification;
SAC Notification;
Drug and Alcohol Screening;
RTI Review
Follow Policy
3 days or more OSS based on
Admin. Review
Parent Notification;
SAC Notification;
RTI Review
Drug and Alcohol Screening;
Follow Policy
5 days or more OSS based on
Admin. Review
Parent Notification;
SAC Notification;
RTI Review
Drug and Alcohol Screening;
Follow Policy
10 days or more OSS based
on Admin. Review
Possession of
Controlled Dangerous
Substance (CDS)
SAC Notification;
Police Notification;
RTI Review
Follow Policy
SAC Notification;
Police Notification;
RTI Review
Follow Policy
SAC Notification;
Police Notification;
RTI Review
Follow Policy
Richard Butler Middle School - Code of Student Conduct
Policies 5530, 5533, 5610 and
all other applicable BOE
3 days or more OSS based on
Admin. Review
5 days or more OSS based on
Admin. Review
10 days or more OSS based
on Admin. Review
Including, but not limited to
possession E-Cigarettes,
including, but not limited to
vapes, vape pens,
juuls,smokeless tobacco
Policies 5530, 5533, 5610 and
all other applicable BOE
Parent Notification;
Drug Screening
SAC Notification;
RTI Review
1 Saturday Detention
Parent Notification;
Drug Screening
SAC Notification;
RTI Review
2 Saturday Detentions
Parent Notification;
Drug Screening
SAC Notification;
RTI Review
Up to 3 Days OSS based on
Admin. Review