Cal Bus & Prof Code Div. 9, Ch. 16, Art. 4
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Article 4 Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) Training Program Act of 2017 (§§ 25680 — 25686)
Article 4. Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) Training Program Act of 2017
Added Stats 2017 ch 847 § 2 (AB 1221), effective January 1, 2018.
Stats 2017 ch 847 provides:
SECTION 1. This act shall be known, and may be cited, as the Responsible Beverage Service Training Program
Act of 2017.
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Cal Bus & Prof Code § 25680
Deering's California Codes are current through Chapter 16 of the 2022 Regular Session.
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Division 9 Alcoholic Beverages (Chs. 1 — 18) > Chapter 16 Regulatory Provisions (Arts. 1 — 4) >
Article 4 Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) Training Program Act of 2017 (§§ 25680 — 25686)
§ 25680. Definitions
For purposes of this article:
(a) “Alcohol server” means a person who serves alcoholic beverages for consumption, or a person who
manages or supervises that person, on premises licensed to serve alcoholic beverages pursuant to this
division, including a designee for alcoholic beverage sales and service pursuant to temporary license.
(b) “Alcohol server certification” means a certification issued by a training provider to a person who has
successfully completed an RBS training course, as demonstrated by the passage of an exam.
(c) “RBS training course” means a course administered by a training provider that is designed to
instruct and educate alcohol servers on responsible practices regarding the sale and service of
alcoholic beverages that includes, but is not limited to, instruction on the following subjects:
(1) The social impact of alcohol.
(2) The impact of alcohol on the body.
(3) State laws and regulations relating to alcoholic beverage control, including laws and regulations
related to driving under the influence.
(4) Intervention techniques to prevent the service or sale of alcoholic beverages to underage
persons or intoxicated patrons.
(5) The development of management policies that support the prevention of service or sale of
alcoholic beverages to underage persons or intoxicated patrons.
(d) “RBS training program” means a statewide Responsible Beverage Service training program
administered or authorized by the department that provides RBS training courses to licensees and their
agents and employees.
(e) “Training provider” means any of the following:
(1) A training provider accredited by an accreditation agency, provided that the accreditation
agency is authorized by the department to accredit training providers offering RBS training courses.
(2) A training provider approved by the department, pursuant to rules promulgated by the
department pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 25681.
(3) The department when offering RBS training courses.
Added Stats 2017 ch 847 § 2 (AB 1221), effective January 1, 2018.
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Cal Bus & Prof Code § 25680
Stats 2017 ch 847 provides:
SECTION 1. This act shall be known, and may be cited, as the Responsible Beverage Service Training Program
Act of 2017.
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Cal Bus & Prof Code § 25681
Deering's California Codes are current through Chapter 16 of the 2022 Regular Session.
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Division 9 Alcoholic Beverages (Chs. 1 — 18) > Chapter 16 Regulatory Provisions (Arts. 1 — 4) >
Article 4 Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) Training Program Act of 2017 (§§ 25680 — 25686)
§ 25681. RBS training program curriculum; Providers
(a) On or before January 1, 2020, the department shall develop, implement, and administer a curriculum
for an RBS training program that will make RBS training courses available, both in person and online, to all
persons required to obtain an alcohol server certification pursuant to this article. RBS training courses shall,
at a minimum, be offered in English and Spanish.
(1) The department may be a provider of RBS training courses.
(2) The department shall authorize one or more accreditation agencies to accredit training providers to
offer RBS training courses that meet the curriculum requirements established by the department. The
department may collect fees to cover its reasonable costs for the review, approval, and renewal of the
approval of accreditation agencies.
(3) An accredited training provider shall register with the department once accredited.
(1) The department may approve training providers that are not accredited by an accreditation agency
authorized by the department. On or before January 1, 2020, the department shall promulgate
regulations setting forth the requirements for approval for training providers that are not accredited. At a
minimum, training providers that are not accredited shall:
(A) Possess background and expertise in the fields of alcohol, training, hospitality, and
(B) Keep records of all certifications issued and, upon request, make these available to the
department or other law enforcement agencies.
(C) Provide technical support to servers and customers.
(D) Maintain strict data security protocols.
(E) Comply with any other requirements established by the department.
(2) The department may collect fees to cover its reasonable costs for the review, approval, and
renewal of the approval of training providers that are not accredited by an accreditation agency.
(c) A training provider shall register with the department once accredited by an authorized accreditation
agency or approved by the department.
(d) A training provider shall issue alcohol server certifications to persons who have successfully completed
an RBS training course and passed an exam.
(e) An alcohol server certification shall be valid for a period of three years from the date of issuance and
shall be valid for any person employed by a licensee that is subject to this article.
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Cal Bus & Prof Code § 25681
Added Stats 2017 ch 847 § 2 (AB 1221), effective January 1, 2018.
Stats 2017 ch 847 provides:
SECTION 1. This act shall be known, and may be cited, as the Responsible Beverage Service Training Program
Act of 2017.
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Cal Bus & Prof Code Div. 9, Ch. 16, Art. 4
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Cal Bus & Prof Code § 25682
Deering's California Codes are current through Chapter 16 of the 2022 Regular Session.
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Division 9 Alcoholic Beverages (Chs. 1 — 18) > Chapter 16 Regulatory Provisions (Arts. 1 — 4) >
Article 4 Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) Training Program Act of 2017 (§§ 25680 — 25686)
§ 25682. Certification of alcohol servers employed by licensee
(a) Beginning July 1, 2022, a licensee that is subject to this article shall not employ or continue to employ
any alcohol server without a valid alcohol server certification.
(1) An alcohol server who was employed by the licensee prior to July 1, 2022, shall obtain an alcohol
server certification by August 31, 2022.
(2) An alcohol server who is employed by the licensee on or after July 1, 2022, shall obtain an alcohol
server certification within 60 calendar days of employment.
(1) A licensee that is subject to this article shall ensure that each alcohol server it employs has a valid
alcohol server certification. The licensee shall maintain records of certifications for inspection, upon
request, by the department.
(2) Except for a violation of subdivision (c), it shall be a defense against any action for a violation of
this article that the alcohol server was within 60 calendar days of initial employment or, with regard to
employees employed prior to July 1, 2022, between July 1, 2022, and August 31, 2022, inclusive.
(c) A nonprofit organization that has obtained a temporary daily on-sale license or a temporary daily off-
sale license from the department shall designate a person or persons to receive RBS training prior to the
event, and that designated person or persons shall remain onsite for the duration of the event.
Added Stats 2017 ch 847 § 2 (AB 1221), effective January 1, 2018. Amended Stats 2018 ch 92 § 18 (SB 1289),
effective January 1, 2019; Stats 2020 ch 14 § 1 (AB 82), effective June 29, 2020.
2018 Amendment (ch 92):
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Cal Bus & Prof Code § 25682
Substituted “licensee that is subject” for “licensee subject that is” in (b)(1) and substituted “remain onsite” for
“remain on site” in (c).
2020 Amendment (ch 14):
Substituted “2022” for “2021” in (a) and twice in (a)(1); in (a)(2), added “who is” and “substituted “2022” for “2021”;
and substituted “2022” for “2021” three times in (b)(2).
Stats 2017 ch 847 provides:
SECTION 1. This act shall be known, and may be cited, as the Responsible Beverage Service Training Program
Act of 2017.
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Cal Bus & Prof Code § 25683
Deering's California Codes are current through Chapter 16 of the 2022 Regular Session.
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Division 9 Alcoholic Beverages (Chs. 1 — 18) > Chapter 16 Regulatory Provisions (Arts. 1 — 4) >
Article 4 Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) Training Program Act of 2017 (§§ 25680 — 25686)
§ 25683. Prohibition against services provided without valid certification
A person shall not perform duties that include the sale or service of alcoholic beverages for consumption on
licensed premises, and shall not manage that person, without a valid alcohol server certification.
Added Stats 2017 ch 847 § 2 (AB 1221), effective January 1, 2018.
Stats 2017 ch 847 provides:
SECTION 1. This act shall be known, and may be cited, as the Responsible Beverage Service Training Program
Act of 2017.
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Cal Bus & Prof Code § 25684
Deering's California Codes are current through Chapter 16 of the 2022 Regular Session.
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Division 9 Alcoholic Beverages (Chs. 1 — 18) > Chapter 16 Regulatory Provisions (Arts. 1 — 4) >
Article 4 Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) Training Program Act of 2017 (§§ 25680 — 25686)
§ 25684. Violations
The failure of a licensee to comply with this article shall be grounds for disciplinary action. A violation of this
article shall not be grounds for any criminal action, pursuant to this division, against a licensee or an agent
or employee of a licensee.
Added Stats 2017 ch 847 § 2 (AB 1221), effective January 1, 2018.
Stats 2017 ch 847 provides:
SECTION 1. This act shall be known, and may be cited, as the Responsible Beverage Service Training Program
Act of 2017.
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Cal Bus & Prof Code § 25685
Deering's California Codes are current through Chapter 16 of the 2022 Regular Session.
Deering’s California Codes Annotated > BUSINESS & PROFESSIONS CODE (§§ 1 — 30047) >
Division 9 Alcoholic Beverages (Chs. 1 — 18) > Chapter 16 Regulatory Provisions (Arts. 1 — 4) >
Article 4 Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) Training Program Act of 2017 (§§ 25680 — 25686)
§ 25685. Fee for RBS training course
(a) The department may adopt rules that it determines necessary for the administration of the provisions of
this article.
(b) The department may charge fees as necessary to cover its reasonable costs for administering the
program authorized by this article.
(c) The department may charge a fee, not to exceed five dollars ($5) per person, for administering the
exam required for an alcohol server certification.
(d) If the department offers an RBS training course, the fee charged by the department for that course shall
not exceed fifteen dollars ($15) per person.
(e) Any moneys collected under this article shall be deposited in the Alcohol Beverage Control Fund.
Added Stats 2017 ch 847 § 2 (AB 1221), effective January 1, 2018. Amended Stats 2019 ch 29 § 72 (SB 82),
effective June 27, 2019.
2019 Amendment (ch 29):
Rewrote the former section which read: “(a) The department may charge a fee, not to exceed fifteen dollars ($15)
per person, for any RBS training course provided by the department. Any moneys collected under this article shall
be deposited in the Alcohol Beverage Control Fund. (b) The department may adopt rules that it determines
necessary for the administration of the provisions of this article.”
Page 2 of 2
Cal Bus & Prof Code § 25685
Stats 2017 ch 847 provides:
SECTION 1. This act shall be known, and may be cited, as the Responsible Beverage Service Training Program
Act of 2017.
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Cal Bus & Prof Code § 25686
Deering's California Codes are current through Chapter 16 of the 2022 Regular Session.
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Division 9 Alcoholic Beverages (Chs. 1 — 18) > Chapter 16 Regulatory Provisions (Arts. 1 — 4) >
Article 4 Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) Training Program Act of 2017 (§§ 25680 — 25686)
§ 25686. No expansion of existing duties
Nothing in this section shall be construed to expand the existing duties of a licensee in connection with the
sale and service of alcoholic beverages. An alcohol server shall continue to be subject to subdivisions (b)
and (c) of Section 25602.
Added Stats 2017 ch 847 § 2 (AB 1221), effective January 1, 2018.
Stats 2017 ch 847 provides:
SECTION 1. This act shall be known, and may be cited, as the Responsible Beverage Service Training Program
Act of 2017.
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Hierarchy Notes:
Cal Bus & Prof Code Div. 9
Cal Bus & Prof Code Div. 9, Ch. 16, Art. 4
Deering’s California Codes Annotated
Copyright © 2022 Matthew Bender & Company, Inc.
a member of the LexisNexis Group. All rights reserved.
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