Uriah Y. Kim, Ph.D.
John Dillenberger Professor of Biblical Studies
Graduate Theological Union
2400 Ridge Road
Berkeley, CA 94709
(510) 649-2416
Ph.D., Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, May 2004
Th.M. (magna cum laude), Candler School of Theology, Emory University
M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary
B.A., New York University, Major: Philosophy
Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, Major: Engineering,
Degree: None
President, Graduate Theological Union, (Interim, February – July 2020) August
2020 – present
Dean and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Graduate Theological Union,
January 2017 – July 2020
John Dillenberger Professor of Biblical Studies, Graduate Theological Union,
January 2017 - present
Academic Dean, Hartford Seminary, July 2012 – December 2016
Full Professor of Hebrew Bible, Hartford Seminary, July 2015 – December 2016
Associate Professor of Hebrew Bible, Hartford Seminary, 2010 – 2015
Assistant Professor of Hebrew bible, Hartford Seminary, 2005 – 2010
Courses: Hebrew Bible Survey ( I and II), Biblical Hebrew, Solomon and the
Wisdom Tradition, Reading Judges for Our Time; David and His Supporting
Cast; Reading David for Our Time; King David and Multicultural Leadership;
Contextual Interpretation of the Bible; Old Testament Survey [for the Black
Ministry Certificate Program]
Assistant Professor of Hebrew Bible [tenure-track appointment], Canisius
College, Buffalo, New York, 2004–2005; Courses: Introduction to Hebrew
Bible/Old Testament; Introduction to Biblical Hebrew; Introduction to World
Visiting Professor, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea, Spring 2009; Courses:
Old Testament and Postcolonialism; Book of Judges
Visiting Professor, Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, California, Summer
Session 2006; Course: Introduction to the Old Testament
Adjunct Faculty, San Francisco Theological Seminary, San Anselmo, California,
2000–2004; Courses: Biblical Hebrew (Fall 2003 and Winter 2004; Fall 2002 and
Winter 2003; Fall 2001 and Winter 2002, Fall 2000 and Winter 2001); Reading in
Biblical Hebrew, Fall 2002
Adjunct Faculty, Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, California, Fall 2000–
Spring 2004; Course: Exegesis of the Hebrew Bible (Fall 2000, Fall 2001);
Wisdom Literature for the Certificate of Ministry Studies Program (October
2001); The Former Prophets for the CMS Program (October 2002; October
2003); Introduction to the Old Testament for the CMS Program (May 2004)
Visiting Lecturer, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California, Summer
2003; Course: Asian and Asian–American Biblical Hermeneutics
Newhall Teaching Fellow, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California,
Spring 2003; Course: The Bible, Memory and Asian America
Teaching Assistant, Graduate Theological Union, 1999–2003; Courses: The Book
of Joshua (Spring 2001); Prophets (Spring 2001); Introduction to the Old
Testament (Fall 1999, Fall 2000, Fall 2003)
Biblical Hebrew; Deuteronomistic History; History of Ancient Israel; Wisdom
Postcolonial Criticism; Cultural/Contextual Hermeneutics; Asian and Asian-
American Theology and Interpretation
King Josiah; King David; Book of Judges; Historical and Political Context of
Ancient Near East in the Seventh Century B.C.E.
Selected as the Alum of the Year for 2013 by the Graduate Theological Union
ATS Lilly Faculty Fellowship, 2011 – 2012
Wabash Center Colloquy for Theological Deans, 2015-16
Wabash Center Summer Fellowship, Summer 2007
Wabash Center’s Workshop for Asian/North American Pre-Tenure Faculty, 2006
– 2007
North American Doctoral Fellow, The Fund for Theological Education, 2001 –
02, 2002 – 03, and 2003 – 04
Appenzeller Memorial Scholarship, International Foundations for Ewha Womans
University, Spring 2004
Newhall Teaching and Research Fellow, 2002 – 2003
Presidential Scholar, Graduate Theological Union’s Ph.D. Program
Monographs/Edited volumes
1. Decolonizing Josiah: Toward a Postcolonial Reading of the Deuteronomistic
History (Bible in the Modern World, 5; Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2005)
Reviewed by Panel of 4 Presenters, San Diego, 2007 SBL Annual Meetings
Reviewed in the following journals:
Reviews in Biblical Literature 09/2006 (8 pages in length; 3800 words)
Catholic Biblical Quarterly 69/1 (2007):120-22
Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 30/5 (2006):110
Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament 19/2 (2005):302-303
Revista biblica 69/1-2 (2007):119-120
The Bible and Critical Theory 2007; 3/3:47.1-47.3
Reviews in Religion and Theology 13/3 (2006):283-85
Society for Old Testament Study Book List
Conversations in Religion and Theology 6/1 (2008):6-9
2. Identity and Loyalty in the David Story: A Postcolonial Reading (Hebrew Bible
Monographs, 22; Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2008)
Reviewed by Panel of 4 Presenters, New Orleans, 2009 SBL Annual Meeting
Reviewed in the following journals:
Biblical Interpretation 20 (2012):165-67
Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 35/5 (2011):95
The Bible and Critical Theory 6/3 (2010):44.1-44.3
Reviews in Religion and Theology 17/1 (2010):15-18
Conversations in Religion and Theology 8/1 (2010):1-11
3. Editor with Marvin Chaney and Annette Schellenberg, Reading a Tendentious
Bible: Essays in Honor of Robert B. Coote (Hebrew Bible Monographs, 66;
Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2014)
4. Editor with Seung Ai Yang, T&T Clark Handbook of Asian American Biblical
Hermeneutics (T&T Clark, 2019)
Journal Articles
“In Search of God, Identity and Home with/in Others: A Reflection on Korean
Diaspora and Old Testament,” Korean Journal of Old Testament Studies 25/4
(2019): 59-81.
“More to the Eye than Meets the Eye: A Protest against the Empire in Samson’s
Death,” Biblical Interpretation 22/1 (2014): 1-19
"The Postnational Responsibility toward Undocumented Immigrants: The Praxis
of Hesed and a New Ethics of Friendship," Covenant Quarterly 71/3-4 (2013): 3-
“Is There an ‘Anti-Conquest’ Ideology in the Book of Judges,” in Roland Boer,
ed., Postcolonialism and the Hebrew Bible: The Next Step (Semeia Studies 70;
Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2013), pp. 109-128
“The Politics of Othering in North America and in the Book of Judges,”
Concilium 49/2 (2013): 32-40
“Preaching David and Saul from Multicultural Contexts,” The Living Pulpit 21/1
(2012): 8-11 (http://www.pulpit.org/2012/02/preaching-david-and-saul-from-
“Leviticus 25:1-24,” Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 65/4
(October 2011): 396-98
“Where is the Home for the Man of Luz?” Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and
Theology 65/3 (July 2011): 250-262
“Reading King David from Asian American Context,” Society of Asian North
American Christian Studies Journal 3 (Summer 2011): 7-22
“The Third Way for Korean Churches,” Korean Theology Association’s Annual
Conference Papers, October 2009
“The Transgressive Power of Hybridity: King David and President Obama,”
Yonsei Theological Forum (2009)
“Uriah the Hittite: A (Con)Text of Struggle for Identity,” Semeia 90/91 (2002):
Book Chapters
“More Than an Interpretation from a Different Perspective: A Postcolonial
Reading from a Different Epistemological (Back)Ground,” in Uriah Y. Kim and
Seung Ai Yang, eds., T&T Clark Handbook of Asian American Biblical Hermeneutics
(T&T Clark, 2019), pp. 186-95.
“Introduction to the Handbook,” in Uriah Y. Kim and Seung Ai Yang, eds.,
T&T Clark Handbook of Asian American Biblical Hermeneutics (T&T Clark, 2019),
pp. 1-14.
“The Woman of 4Q184: She’s No Ordinary Woman,in Marvin Chaney, Uriah
Kim, and Annette Schellenberg, eds., Reading a Tendentious Bible (Sheffield
Phoenix Press, 2014), pp. 98-113
“2 Kings 22 – 23,” in Mark Roncace and Joseph Weaver, eds., Global
Perspectives on the Old Testament (forthcoming; Prentice Hall)
“Judges 12,” in Mark Roncace and Joseph Weaver, eds., Global Perspectives on
the Old Testament (forthcoming; Prentice Hall)
“From Marginality to Hybridity: A Postcolonial Reflection on David’s Kingdom
and Korean Church,” in K. Park and H.J. Lee, eds., Reading the Bible and
Doing Theology in Asian American Context: Essays in Honor of Sang Hyun
Lee (forthcoming; Portland, Maine: Pickwick Press)
“Postcolonial Criticism: Who Is the Other in the Book of Judges?” in Gale A.
Yee, ed., Judges and Method (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2007), pp. 161-182
“The Realpolitik of Liminality in Josiah’s Kingdom and Asian America,” in
Jeffrey Kuan and Mary Foskett, eds., Ways of Being, Ways of Reading: Asian
American Biblical Interpretation (St. Louis: Chalice Press, 2006), pp. 84-98
Senior Editor, Reviews in Religion and Theology, July 2007 to July 2011
Associate Editor, Reviews in Religion and Theology, August 2005 to June 2007
On the Editorial Board of Society of Asian North American Christian Studies
Journal, since 2008
On the International Editorial Board of Korean Presbyterian Journal of Theology,
since 2013
Editorials in Reviews in Religion and Theology and Responses in Conversations
“In Memory of Mary,” editorial (19/1 January 2012: 1-3)
“You’re the Standard, Sir!” editorial (17/1 January 2010: 1-4)
“Barak Obama and King/David,editorial (15/4 September 2008: 477-79)
“From Strength to Strength,” editorial (15/1 January 2008: 3)
“Beckham’s Cultural Currency,” editorial (14/4 September 2007: 325-27)
“Oprah’s Book Club and RRT’s Review List,” editorial (13/3 July 2006: 269-70)
“Response to Robert Coote,” my response to Robert Coote’s review of Identity
and Loyalty in the David Story (Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2008), Conversations in
Religion and Theology 8/1 May 2010: 11-13
“Response to Dr. Daniel L. Smith-Chritopher,” my response to Dr. Smith-
Christopher’s review of Decolonizing Josiah (Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2006),
Conversation in Religion and Theology 6/1 (2008): 9-12
Book Review Articles in Reviews in Religion and Theology
“Will Capitalists Live Happily Ever After?” review article of Roland Boer,
Political Myth: On the Use and Abuse of Biblical Themes (18/2 March 2011:
“To the Ends of the Earth? Minority Biblical Criticism in Motion,” review article
of Randall C. Bailey, Tat-siong Benny Liew, and Fernando F. Segovia (eds.),
They were All Together in One Place? Toward Minority Biblical Criticism (18/1
January 2011: 4-12)
“Enjoying Life and Fearing God: A Theology and Ethics for the ‘Haves’,” review
article (co-wrote with Jane Ellingwood) of Eunny P. Lee, The Vitality of
Enjoyment in Qohelet’s Theological Rhetoric (14/4 September 2007: 474-78)
“Hold Back Abraham and Push Hagar and Sarah,” review article of Phyllis Trible
and Letty M. Russell (eds.), Hagar, Sarah, and Their Children (13/4 September
2006: 461-65)
“Time to Walk the Postcolonial Talk,” review article of R. S. Sugirtharajah (ed.),
The Postcolonial Biblical Reader (13/3 July 2006: 271-78)
Book Reviews in Reviews in Religion and Theology
Review of David G. Horrell, The Bible and the Environment: Towards a Critical
Ecological Biblical Theology (18/4 September 2011: 516-18)
Review of A. Philip Brown II, Bryan W. Smith, Richard J. Goodrich, and Albert
L. Lukaszewski (eds.), A Reader’s Hebrew and Greek Bible (18/1 January 2011:
Review of Anthony C. Thiselton, Hermeneutics: An Introduction (17/3 July
2010: 283-285)
Review of Mark G. Brett, Decolonizing God: The Bible in the Tides of Empire
(16/4 September 2009: 503-507)
Review of A. Philip Brown II and Bryan W. Smith, A Reader’s Hebrew Bible
(16/3 July 2009: 334-35)
Review of Bruce K. Waltke, An Old Testament Theology: An Exegetical,
Canonical, and Thematic Approach (16/1 January 2009: 27-30)
Review of Richard S. Hess, Israelite Religions: An Archaeological and Biblical
Survey (16/1 January 2009: 183-186)
Review of Victor H. Matthews, Studying the Ancient Israelites: A Guide to
Sources and Methods (15/3 July 2008: 310-312)
Review of Thomas Römer, The So-called the Deuteronomistic History: A
Sociological, Historical, and Literary Introduction (15/1 January 2008: 18-20)
Review of Yehouda Shenhav, The Arab Jews: A Postcolonial Reading of
Nationalism, Religion, and Ethnicity (14/4 September 2007: 523-26)
Review of Peter Leithart, 1 & II Kings (14/4 September 2007: 482-83)
Review of Tomás Czövek, Three Seasons of Charismatic Leadership (14/3 July
2007: 338-41)
Review of Keith Bodner, David Observed: A King in the Eyes of His Court (13/4
(September 2006): 466-69)
Review of Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible, edited by Kevin
J. Vanhoozer, Craig G. Bartholomew, Daniel J. Treier, and N. T. Wright (13/4
(September 2006): 483-84)
Review of Victor H. Matthews, Old Testament Turning Points: The Narratives
That Shaped a Nation (13/3 (July 2006): 287-89)
Book Reviews in journals other than Reviews in Religion and Theology
Review of David Jenzen, “The Necessary King: A Postcolonial Reading of the
Deuteronomistic Portrait of the Monarchy,” Biblical Interpretation 23 (2015):
Review of Royce M. Victor, “Colonial Education and Class Formation in Early
Judaism,” Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman
Period 46/1 (2015): 157
Review of Andrew Sloane, ed., “Tamar’s Tears: Evangelical Engagement with
Feminist Old Testament Hermeneutics,” The Journal of Ecumenical Studies 47/2
(2012): 304-305
Review of Adam Sparks, “One of a Kind: The Relationship between Old and New
Covenants as the Hermeneutical Key for Christian Theology of Religions,” The
Journal of Ecumenical Studies 47/1 (2012): 139-140
Review of Roberta Sterman Sabbath, ed., “Sacred Tropes: Tanakh, New
Testament, and Qur'an as Literature and Culture,” The Muslim World 102/1
(2012): 204-206
Review of Brian C. Alston, ed., “Visions in Conflict: International Perspective on
Values and Enmity,” The Muslim World 101/3 (July 2011): 567-69
Review of Randall C. Bailey, Tat-siong Benny Liew, and Fernando F. Segovia
(eds.), “They were All Together in One Place? Toward Minority Biblical
Criticism,” Society of Asian North American Christian Studies Journal 2
(Summer 2010): 107-111
Review of Karen Armstrong, “The Bible: A Biography,” Shofar: An
Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies 27/4 (2009): 149-151;
Review of Lester L. Grabbe, ed., “Good Kings and Bad Kings,” Biblical
Interpretation 16 (2008): 514-15
Review of James Chukuma Okoye, “Israel and the Nations,” Theological Studies
68/4 (December 2007): 955-56
Review of Philip F. Esler, ed., “Ancient Israel: The Old Testament in its Social
Context,” Theological Studies 68/1 (March 2007): 172-3
Essays for General Audience
“Giving Thanks” and “Understanding ‘Enemies’,” Horizons Nov/Dec 2009, pp.
“Beyond Single-Identity Politics,” The Progressive Christian, September/October
2008, pp. 26-28
“For Nothing?”, The Praxis, August 2008
“Making Enemies Out of Neighbors,” Zion’s Herald, March/April 2006
Contributed the following articles for The People’s Bible (NRSV study bible published
by Fortress Press, 2008)
“Introduction to the Historical Books”
1 Samuel
2 Samuel
The People’s Bible’s “WikiWord”
Judges 1:10-11
Judges 1:22-26
Dictionary Articles
The New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, Volume 1: A–C (Nashville: Abingdon Press,
“Cherethites and Pelethites”
The New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, Volume 3: I–M (Nashville: Abingdon Press,
“Manasseh (King)”
The New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, Volume 4: Me–R (Nashville: Abingdon Press,
The New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, Volume 5: SZ (Nashville: Abingdon Press,
“The Postnational Responsibility toward Undocumented Immigrants: The
Practice of Hesed and a New Ethics of Friendship,” Immigration and Theology
Group, AAR/SBL AM, November 2012
“A Reflection on Genesis 21 from an Asian American Perspective,” Minoritized
Criticism and Biblical Interpretation Consultation, AAR/SBL AM, November
“The Politics of Othering in the Book of Judges,” SBL Annual Meeting,
November 2011
Invited as a panelist for a session sponsored by the Minoritized Criticism and
Biblical Interpretation Consultation, SBL Annual Meeting, November 2011
Respondent to Panel Book Review of Identity and Loyalty in the David Story,
SBL Annual Meeting, November 2009
“Reading the David Story with Asian Americans, ” SBL Annual Meeting,
November 2008
Respondent to a panel on a postcolonial reading of Prophetic Literature, SBL
Annual Meeting, November 2008
“David of Theology, History and Postcolonial Imagination,” The Asian Pacific
American Religions Research Initiative’s annual conference, August 2008
"Reading the Story of David for Our Time," Chatlos Bible Conference: “One
Bible, Many Milieux,” sponsored by New York Theological Seminary, Feb. 11,
Respondent to Panel Book Review of Decolonizing Josiah, SBL Annual Meeting,
November 2007
“Contextual Interpretations of the Deuteronomistic History in the Global Bible
Commentary,” SBL Contextual Interpretation Consultation panel on the Global
Bible Commentary, SBL Annual Meeting, November 2005 [posted in the internet
as “Inter(con)textual Interpretations of the Deuteronomistic History in the Global
Bible Commentary” in
“Reading Josiah’s Death, Reading Domain Assumptions,” SBL Annual Meeting,
November 2005
“The Realpolitik of Liminality in Josiah’s Kingdom and Asian America,” the
Asian Pacific Americans and Religion Research Initiative’s annual conference,
August 2004
“Decolonizing Josiah,” the Asian Pacific Americans and Religion Research
Initiative’s annual conference, August 2002
“Uriah the Hittite: A (Con)Text of Struggle for Identity,” the SBL/Pacific Coast
Region, March 2000
“One Scripture, Multiple Perspectives: The Sacrifice of Jephthahs Daughter and
the Death of Samson”; Congregation Beth Israel, May 11, 2011; Asylum Hill
Congregational Church, May 18, 2011
“Insights into Biblical Leadership”; Asylum Hill Congregational Church, April
13, 2011
Keynote speaker, Annual Retreat of National Association of Korean-American
United Methodist Pastors Serving Cross-Racial Appointment, August 4-7, 2010
“The Transformative Power of King David and President Obama”; public lecture
at Hartford Seminary, November 4, 2009
“The Third Way for Korean Churches”; Key-note paper at the Korea Theological
Society’s 2009 World Conference of Korean Theologians, October 26, 2009
“The Transgressive Power of Hybridity: King David and President Obama”;
Yonsei University’s College of Theology’s Annual Lecture, May 20, 2009;
Methodist Theological University, April 16, 2009
Wisdom Literature; Methodist Theological University, April 16, 2009
“Leadership for Multicultural Society: David and Saul”; The United Graduate
School of Theology, Seoul, South Korea, April 2, 2009, at its annual Ecumenical
“A Reflection on Bruce Almighty and Job”; a sermon delivered at Yonsei
University’s Chapel, April 1, 2009
“Three Davids”; The College of Theology of Yonsei University, Seoul, South
Korea, May 26, 2008
“Interpreting the Story of Joseph from Three Faith Traditions”; The Jewish
Community Center of New Haven, December 2, 2007
Keynote speaker at a conference of the AADVENT Project at McCormick
Theological Seminary, August 8-12, 2007
“The Joseph Story”; for Educational Outreach program at Hartford Seminary,
May 2006
“The Politics of Interpretation and Identity”; for Educational Outreach program at
Hartford Seminary, November 2005
“On PANA’s Tenth Year Anniversary”; for Pacific School of Religion’s PANA
Institute’s tenth year celebration, Berkeley, October 2005
Commencement Speaker at the 2004 Commencement of the Graduate
Theological Unions (the speech can be read at http://www.gtu.edu/news-
Numerous speaking engagements at churches, including topics on
“Homosexuality and the Bible,” “Multicultural Leadership,” and “King David
and President Obama”
"Postmodernity and the Church" at Ephphatha Poetry (http://ephphatha-
Member of the Steering Committee, Minoritized Criticism and Biblical
Interpretation, 2018 – present
Member of the Steering Committee, Postcolonial Studies and Biblical Studies, 2017
– 2019
Member of the Underrepresented Racial and Ethnic Minorities in the Profession
Committee, 2012 – present
Co-chair of the Steering Committee of the Asian and Asian American Hermeneutics
Group 2009-2013; member of the Steering Committee since 2005
Member of the Fund for Theological Education’s Ministry Fellowship Selection
Committee, 2010-2012
Faculty Advisor, Recruitment Conference sponsored by The Fund for Theological
Education, Emory University, October 2005
Faculty Advisor, “Nurturing the Next Generation of Scholars,” sponsored by The
Fund for Theological Education, at the Society of Biblical Literature Annual
Meeting, November 2008
Coordinator, Recruitment Conference 2000 sponsored jointly by Fund for
Theological Education, Society of Biblical Literature and American Academy of
Religion, Summer 2000