Theology &
Biblical Studies
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April-June 2024
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THEOLOGY - T&T CLARK ..................2
Systematic Theology ...........................2
Catholic Theology .............................2
Historical Theology.............................2
Theological Ethics .............................3
Theology & Science ............................3
T&T Clark Handbooks ..........................4
The Bible in History & Culture ....................4
LHBOTS Series ................................5
Old Testament / Hebrew Bible....................5
The Library of New Testament Studies..............6
New Testament................................7
Representatives, Agents and Distributors ...........9
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Cover image is from the book Securing Peace in Angola and Mozambique:
The Importance of Specicity in Peace Treaties (Bloomsbury Academic, 2024)
UK, Europe, ROW
+44 (0)1256 302692
Fundamental Theology
A Protestant Perspective
Matthew L. Becker
Encyclopedic in scope, this book offers wide-
ranging coverage of the foundational teachings
and practices within the mainstream of the classical
Christian tradition. It begins with their roots in the
Scriptures, and also branches out into Eastern and
Western Christianity, ancient, medieval, and modern to the present
UK February 2024
US February 2024
760 pages
PB 9780567705693
£32.99 / $44.95
HB 9780567705709
£100.00 / $135.00
ePub 9780567705716
£29.69 / $40.49
ePdf 9780567705723
£29.69 / $40.49
T&T Clark
The Consciousness of the
Historical Jesus
Historiography, Theology, and
Austin Stevenson
In this book, Austin Stevenson argues that it is not
the ‘divinity’ of Jesus that causes problems for
historians, but his humanity. To insist that Jesus was fully human, as
both theologians and historians do, still leaves us with the question
of what it means to be human. It turns out that theologians and
historians often have different answers to this question on both a
philosophical and a theological register. This book offers a new path
toward the reconciliation of these disciplines by focusing on human
knowledge and subjectivity, which are central issues in both historical
method and Christology.
UK March 2024
US March 2024
240 pages
HB 9780567714398
£85.00 / $115.00
ePub 9780567714411
£76.50 / $103.94
ePdf 9780567714404
£76.50 / $103.94
Series: T&T Clark Studies in Systematic Theology
T&T Clark
Joseph Ratzinger in Dialogue
with Philosophical Traditions
From Plato to Vattimo
Edited by Tracey Rowland, University of Notre
Dame, Australia, Alejandro Sada, Universidad
Panamericana, Mexico & Rudy Albino de
Assunção, Centro Universitário Católica de
Quixadá, Brasil
Each chapter in this volume examines precisely how Ratzinger has
dealt with the ideas of a particular philosopher, and how he has
appropriated their ideas and thoughts. Moving from philosophers he
has modied or critiqued – such as Newman, Comte or Guardini – to
those who have contributed to his philosophical theology, this truly
international endeavour is an extraordinary journey into Ratzinger’s
engagement with his competing schools of thought.
UK February 2024
US February 2024
424 pages
PB 9780567706850
£28.99 / $39.95
HB 9780567706867
£90.00 / $120.00
ePub 9780567706874
£26.09 / $36.44
ePdf 9780567706881
£26.09 / $36.44
T&T Clark
World All Languages (except German/Spanish)
The Mission and Ministry of the
Church in England
History, Challenge, and Prospect
Michael Nazir-Ali, Oxford Centre for Training,
Research, Advocacy and Dialogue, UK
The Anglican Reformers felt they had a vocation to
disciple the nation but why was there an absence
of awareness about the need for world mission? How then did
Anglicanism come to have a signicant mission history? Did those
who remained in obedience to the Roman See simply want to survive
or did they also have a sense of mission to their fellow citizens? When
and how did they become involved in world mission? This is a concise
introduction to themes in Christian mission offered by way of history
of the local and global mission of the English church.
UK November 2023
US November 2023
168 pages
PB 9780567713322
£18.99 / $25.95
HB 9780567713339
£60.00 / $80.00
ePub 9780567713346
£17.09 / $24.29
ePdf 9780567713353
£17.09 / $24.29
T&T Clark
"Neither the Spirit without the
John Calvin's Doctrine of the Beatic
Steven W. Tyra, Emory University School of Law,
This book shows that John Calvin engaged in
substantial reection and debate on the vision of God. The existing
scholarship has both overstated the medieval consensus and
underestimated the diversity of the early Reformation. Tyra argues
that Bellarmine was correct: Calvin was indeed a “Greek” as that term
was understood in the sixteenth century and bridges a signicant
gap in the literature on the beatic vision. To see the Calvinist God
face-to-face, one rst had to be clothed in esh and blood, and the
consequences of this insight for recent reection on the beatic vision
will be drawn out in the nal chapter.
UK February 2024
US February 2024
208 pages
HB 9780567714497
£85.00 / $115.00
ePub 9780567714527
£76.50 / $103.94
ePdf 9780567714503
£76.50 / $103.94
Series: T&T Clark Studies in Historical Theology
T&T Clark
THEOLOGY - T&T CLARK – Systematic Theology / Catholic Theology / Historical Theology
USA, Canada, Latin America
A Blackqueer Sexual Ethics
Embodiment, Possibility, and Living
Elyse Ambrose, Meadville Lombard Theological
School, USA
This book challenges norms that have long
disintegrated persons from themselves, God, and
their communities. Emphases on both personal and
social right-relatedness mark a shift from Christian sexual ethics based
on rules, toward a communal relations-based transreligious ethics.
UK May 2024
US May 2024
224 pages
PB 9780567707925
£21.99 / $29.95
HB 9780567707932
£65.00 / $90.00
ePub 9780567707949
£19.79 / $26.99
ePdf 9780567707956
£19.79 / $26.99
Series: T&T Clark Enquiries in Embodiment, Sexuality, and Social Ethics
T&T Clark
Sanctuary and Subjectivity
Thinking Theologically about Whiteness
and Sanctuary Movements
Michael Woolf
Based on 28 interviews with recipients and activists
in the Sanctuary Movement of the 1980s, as well
as participant observation and interactive or
collaborative interviews in a church participating the
New Sanctuary Movement, this book asks the question, “how would
perspectives about sanctuary shift if the voices of recipients were
centered, and how would such shifts challenge or conrm theological
approaches to practice?” Much of the scholarship on the movement
focuses on the experiences of activists, while this book centers the
voices of recipients of sanctuary.
UK October 2023
US October 2023
216 pages
PB 9780567711281
£19.99 / $26.95
HB 9780567711298
£65.00 / $90.00
ePub 9780567711304
£17.99 / $24.29
ePdf 9780567711311
£17.99 / $24.29
Series: T&T Clark Studies in Social Ethics, Ethnography and Theologies
T&T Clark
The Spirit of Polyphony
Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Musical
Joanna Tarassenko, St Clement’s Church, UK
This book re-examines how Bonhoeffer employs
musical patterns of thought and language to a
theological end. It outlines how the signicance
of Bonhoeffer’s musico-theology has not been
sufciently recognised, and sets the stage for a rigorous re-
examination. It becomes clear that through the lens of his musical
metaphor of polyphony, Bonhoeffer demonstrates how his account of
Christian formation contains a latent pneumatology. Here, Tarassenko
demonstrates that incorporation of this pneumatology is key in
deepening one’s understanding of Bonhoeffer.
UK February 2024
US February 2024
176 pages
HB 9780567713575
£85.00 / $115.00
ePub 9780567713599
£76.50 / $103.94
ePdf 9780567713582
£76.50 / $103.94
Series: T&T Clark New Studies in Bonhoeffer’s Theology and Ethics
T&T Clark
The Ethics of Grace
Engaging Gerald McKenny
Edited by Paul Martens, Baylor University, USA
& Michael Mawson, University of Auckland, New
This is the rst volume to facilitate critical
engagements with a number of key themes in
Gerald McKenny’s work. It draws together leading
theologians and Christian ethicists from across the globe. The
volume critically engages with and reects upon McKenny, widely
acknowledged as one of the most original and important Christian
ethicists working today.
UK April 2024
US April 2024
232 pages
PB 9780567708335
£28.99 / $39.95
Previously published in HB 9780567694676
ePub 9780567694706
£76.50 / $103.94
ePdf 9780567694683
£76.50 / $103.94
Series: T&T Clark Enquiries in Theological Ethics
T&T Clark
Christian Kinship
Family-Relatedness in Christian Practice
and Moral Thought
David A. Torrance, Church Mission Society,
Torrance critiques the special privileging of family,
the 'blood tie.' In contrast to European and
American cultural assumptions, he argues that it is
kinship in Christ that is the basis of a truly Christian account for social
ties. The book presents some historical and contemporary examples
of practices, such as monasticism, L’Arche and spiritual kinship,
displaying the outworking of kinship in Christ. In this way, the book
aims to stimulate the moral imagination to consider Christian kinship
might be lived out in miniature, in everyday life.
UK June 2024
US June 2024
216 pages
PB 9780567699848
£28.99 / $39.95
Previously published in HB 9780567699800
ePub 9780567699831
£76.50 / $103.94
ePdf 9780567699817
£76.50 / $103.94
Series: T&T Clark Enquiries in Theological Ethics
T&T Clark
Of Modern Extraction
Experiments in Critical Petro-theology
Terra Schwerin Rowe, University of North Texas,
Argues that when it comes to climate change, the
need to fundamentally rethink energy policies,
practices, values, and assumptions becomes urgent.
This book examines how a consistent obstacle to
making these key shifts is the fact that we have become unconscious
of the ways religion and gender have formed our concept of
energy—and so repeat the worst of our theologies and gender norms
in our energy practices and policies.
UK April 2024
US April 2024
216 pages
PB 9780567708397
£28.99 / $39.95
Previously published in HB 9780567708342
ePub 9780567708380
£76.50 / $103.94
ePdf 9780567708359
£76.50 / $103.94
Series: T&T Clark Explorations in Theology, Gender and Ecology
T&T Clark
THEOLOGY - T&T CLARK – Theological Ethics / Theology & Science
T&T Clark Enquiries in Theological Ethics
Brian Brock, University of Aberdeen, UK & Susan F. Parsons
UK, Europe, ROW
+44 (0)1256 302692
T&T Clark Handbook of the
Doctrine of Creation
Edited by Jason Goroncy, University of Divinity,
The T&T Clark Handbook of the Doctrine of
Creation provides an expansive range of resources
introducing the doctrine of creation as understood
in Christian traditions. It offers an examination of:
how the Bible and various Christian traditions have imagined creation;
how the doctrine of creation informs and is informed by various
dogmatic commitments; and how the doctrine of creation relates to a
range of human concerns and activities.
UK April 2024
US April 2024
1088 pages
HB 9780567686473
£150.00 / $200.00
ePub 9780567686497
£135.00 / $183.59
ePdf 9780567686480
£135.00 / $183.59
Series: T&T Clark Handbooks
T&T Clark
T&T Clark Handbook of Public
Edited by Christoph Hübenthal, University
Nijmegen, The Netherlands & Christiane Alpers,
Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt,
Introducing the various philosophical and
theological positions and approaches in the
emerging discourse of public theology, this handbook claries central
terms like ‘public sphere’, ‘the secular’, and ‘post-secularity’. To
highlight the international scope of the public theological discourse,
the volume concludes with a summarizing overview of public
theological debates in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America
and South America.
UK June 2024
600 pages
PB 9780567707048
Previously published in HB 9780567692153
ePub 9780567692177
£117.00 / $159.29
ePdf 9780567692160
£117.00 / $159.29
Series: T&T Clark Handbooks
T&T Clark
Hindus and Their Christian Bible
R. S. Sugirtharajah, University of Birmingham,
R.S. Sugirtharajah shows how at the height of
European colonialism whilst the colonizers were
studying the sacred texts of Hindus, Muslims,
Buddhists, Sikhs and Zoroastrians, the colonized
were themselves scrutinizing the white man's book
– the Christian Bible. Sugirtharajah examines how the colonized
transformed the bible into what they deemed t for and suited to
their contexts. Major gures discussed include: Raja Rammohun
Roy, Keshub Chunder Sen, P.C. Moozumdar , Swami Vivekananda,
Ponnambalam Ramanathan, Dhirendranath Chowdhary, M.K.Gandhi,
Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Sita Ram Goel and Ram Swarup.
UK February 2024
US February 2024
224 pages
HB 9780567711533
£85.00 / $115.00
ePub 9780567711564
£76.50 / $103.94
ePdf 9780567711540
£76.50 / $103.94
T&T Clark
The Bible in the Age of Empire:
A Cultural History
Edited by Scott McLaren
An interdisciplinary examination of the bible during
a period of history when European countries were
expanding their reach, and during a period of huge
industrial and political change. The contributors
examine how the bible developed as a cultural text
during this time, facing new challenges to its authority from the work
of Charles Darwin, as well as having its authority used to justify the
colonial project and the suppression of indigenous peoples. Chapters
view the period through specic lenses such as art, literature and
UK June 2024
US June 2024
336 pages
HB 9781350087682
£95.00 / $130.00
ePub 9780567714374
ePdf 9780567714367
Bloomsbury Academic
Psalms 42-72 (ITC)
Mark W. Elliott, Highland Theological College,
Mark W. Elliott examines Psalms 42-72 and their
focus on themes of the soul's longing, the absence
of God and a sense of the communality of salvation
in this theological commentary. He considers
historical exegesis and makes use of literary
approaches to get at the sense of the text. The riches of Christian
praying and preaching of the psalms provide a guide into deeper
theological assertion, with Elliott keeping one eye on the covenant
relationship of faith and the other on Christ as author and nisher
UK June 2024
US June 2024
288 pages
HB 9780567500397
£75.00 / $100.00
epdf 9780567715968
£67.50 / $91.79
epub 9780567716071
£67.50 / $91.79
Series: T&T Clark International Theological Commentary
T&T Clark
My Psalm My Context
Edited by Athalya Brenner-Idan, University of
Amsterdam, the Netherlands & Gale A. Yee,
Episcopal Divinity School, USA
This unique volume on the Psalms is the nal
Hebrew Bible installment of the Texts@Contexts
series. As with former T@C volumes, it situates
Psalms in various different contexts, whether geographical, or within
certain political contexts and readings. In addition to these lengthier
pieces, diverse contributors have been invited to write shorter
reections on Psalms that have had a particular meaning within their
own contexts. As such the volume provides a sort of contextual
commentary on the Psalms, gathering a wide range of voices and
reecting a diverse range of cultural afterlives of the Psalms.
UK February 2024
US February 2024
296 pages
HB 9780567710284
£95.00 / $130.00
ePub 9780567710307
£85.50 / $116.09
ePdf 9780567710291
£85.50 / $116.09
Series: Texts @ Contexts
T&T Clark
BIBLICAL STUDIES – T&T CLARK - The Bible in History and Culture / Psalms THEOLOGY - T&T CLARK – Handbooks
T&T Clark Handbooks
USA, Canada, Latin America
'The Spirit of the Lord Came
Upon Me'
Prophets in Ancient Israel from a Cross-
Cultural Perspective
Lester L. Grabbe, University of Hull, UK
Grabbe considers prophecy in the immediate
context of ancient Israel before widening the
cultural lens to consider it in more global environments, including
Africa and the Americas, and more recent gures such as Joseph
Smith. In the nal part of the book Grabbe then analyses different
prophetic types and their contexts, looking at continuing traditions of
prophecy alongside their ancient roots.
UK February 2024
US February 2024
440 pages
HB 9780567710703
£120.00 / $160.00
ePdf 9780567710710
£108.00 / $147.14
Series: The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies
T&T Clark
Ancient Near Eastern
Iconography and the Bible
Erwin Panofsky and Othmar Keel in
Edited by Hans Ulrich Steymans, University of
Fribourg, Switzerland
Examines the dilemma of whether ancient Near
Eastern images – while providing unique aspects of the world-views
of the cultures from which the Bible arose – can be interpreted in a
way that traceably relates them to the biblical text. The essays within
this volume describe the methods developed by Othmar Keel for
bringing imagery into a dialogue with texts from the ancient Orient
and their own interpretation, including previously unpublished
material from Keel.
UK June 2024
US June 2024
304 pages
15 b&w images
HB 9780567691835
£85.00 / $115.00
ePub 9780567715661
£76.50 / $103.94
ePdf 9780567691842
£76.50 / $103.94
Series: The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies
T&T Clark
Loanwords in Biblical Literature
Rhetorical Studies in Esther, Daniel, Ezra
and Exodus
Jonathan Thambyrajah, Broken Bay Institute and
Sydney University, Australia
In contrast to previous scholarship which has
approached loanwords from etymological and
lexicographic perspectives, Jonathan Thambyrajah
considers them not only as data but as rhetorical elements of the
literary texts of which they are a part. He explains why certain
biblical texts strongly prefer to use loanwords whereas others have
few. Thambyrajah studies the loanwords of Esther, Daniel, Ezra
and Exodus rhetorically, considering their impact on audiences
and readers, and paying close attention to how these texts present
UK April 2024
US April 2024
320 pages
PB 9780567703095
£28.99 / $39.95
Previously published in HB 9780567703064
ePdf 9780567703071
£76.50 / $103.94
Series: The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies
T&T Clark
Crossing Borders between the
Domestic and the Wild
Space, Fauna, and Flora
Edited by Mark J. Boda, McMaster Divinity
College, Canada & Dalit Rom-Shiloni, Tel Aviv
University, Israel
An examination of the boundaries between the
domestic and the wild in terms of the landscape of Israel and the
Hebrew Bible. The book explores the Hebrew Bible with respect to
plant and animal life, while offering a rare ecological perspective and
including modern concerns such as the human ecological footprint.
UK February 2024
US February 2024
208 pages
HB 9780567696359
£90.00 / $120.00
ePub 9780567696380
£81.00 / $110.69
ePdf 9780567696366
£81.00 / $110.69
T&T Clark
Capital Punishment in the
Why the Bible Prescribes Ritual Killing
Simon Skidmore, Independent Scholar, Australia
Though an in-depth analysis of various passages
from Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy,
Skidmore reveals how the process of Mimetic
scape-goating functions in Pentateuchal texts concerning capital
punishment. These observations suggest that biblical capital
punishment may have functioned as a means of protecting the
Israelite community by managing rivalry and violence. Skidmore
concludes by considering the implications this may have in modern
contexts where capital punishment persists.
UK May 2024
US May 2024
232 pages
PB 9780567707239
£28.99 / $39.95
Previously published in HB 9780567707192
ePub 9780567707222
£76.50 / $103.94
ePdf 9780567707208
£76.50 / $103.94
T&T Clark
BIBLICAL STUDIES - T&T CLARK – LHBOTS / Old Testament / Hebrew Bible
The Library of Hebrew Bible/
Old Testament Studies
Laura Quick, Princeton University, USA & Jacqueline Vayntrub,
Yale University, USA
UK, Europe, ROW
+44 (0)1256 302692
The Countercultural Victory of 1
John in Greco-Roman Context
Conquering the World
Ahreum Kim
Ahreum Kim re-examines conquering language
in 1 John, arguing that when the letter is read
with the context of Greco-Roman culture in mind,
the conict extends beyond in-ghting within the Johannine
community. She suggests that the letter’s author presents a consistent
countercultural narrative due to concern about the predominant
world, and proposes that the author exhorts the minority Johannine
community to hold onto their belief while proclaiming that they are
triumphant conquerors against the prevailing “world”.
UK October 2023
US October 2023
172 pages
7 bw illus
HB 9780567712073
£85.00 / $115.00
ePub 9780567712103
£76.50 / $103.94
ePdf 9780567712080
£76.50 / $103.94
Series: The Library of New Testament Studies
T&T Clark
The Gospel of the Son of God
Psalm 2 and Mark’s Narrative Christology
James M. Neumann, Princeton Theological
Seminary, USA
James M. Neumann proposes that there is far
more at work in Mark’s portrayal of Jesus as Son
of God, and what it means for Mark to depict him
as such, than past scholarship has recognized. He
argues that Mark presents Jesus’s life from beginning to end as the
actualization of Psalm 2: a coronation hymn describing the Davidic
king as God’s “son,” which was interpreted messianically in early
Judaism and christologically in early Christianity. Rather than a simple
title, the designation of Jesus as God’s “Son” in Mark contains and
encapsulates an entire story of its own.
UK November 2023
US November 2023
256 pages
HB 9780567711489
£85.00 / $115.00
ePub 9780567711519
£76.50 / $103.94
ePdf 9780567711496
£76.50 / $103.94
Series: The Library of New Testament Studies
T&T Clark
Intergroup Conict,
Recategorization, and Identity
Construction in Acts
Breaking the Cycle of Slander, Labeling
and Violence
Hyun Ho Park, First United Methodist Church,
Santa Rosa, USA
Hyun Ho Park employs social identity to create the rst
thorough analysis via such methodology of Acts 21:17—23:35,
which contains one of the ercest intergroup conicts in Acts.
Park’s assessment allows his readers to rethink, reevaluate, and
reimagine Jewish-Christian relations; teaches them how to respond
to the vicious cycle of slander, labeling, and violence permeating
contemporary public and private spheres; and presents a new
hermeneutical cycle and describes how readers may apply it to their
own sociopolitical contexts.
UK December 2023
US December 2023
224 pages
HB 9780567713278
£85.00 / $115.00
ePub 9780567713308
£76.50 / $103.94
ePdf 9780567713285
£76.50 / $103.94
Series: The Library of New Testament Studies
T&T Clark
Jesus and YHWH-Texts in the
Synoptic Gospels
Scott Brazil
Scott Brazil examines the Synoptic Gospels and the
interplay between Christology and the YHWH-
text phenomenon. He argues against the theory
that the Synoptics evidence a low Christology
in the primitive church, while John’s Gospel
displays a high Christology developed in the decades to follow;
instead stressing that the YHWH-text phenomenon in the Synoptics
contradicts that theory by revealing an early and united Christian
understanding of Jesus as YHWH.
UK March 2024
US March 2024
272 pages
HB 9780567713957
£85.00 / $115.00
ePub 9780567713988
£76.50 / $103.94
ePdf 9780567713964
£76.50 / $103.94
Series: The Library of New Testament Studies
T&T Clark
The Structure of Second
Paul’s Theology of Ministry
Kei Hiramatsu
Hiramatsu examines the literary structure of 2
Corinthians through an inductive and integrative
methodology which focuses on the meaning of
a passage to the original audience and how this can inform the
meaning for readers today. This study proposes that the letter
consists of seven major segments that coherently develop Paul’s
discourse pertaining to ministry. He discusses the theological
implications that arise from a literary investigation, and argues that
an inductive and integrative approach demonstrates the relevance of
studying the literary structure when seeking to gain understanding of
the theological implications of this Pauline letter.
UK October 2023
US October 2023
264 pages
HB 9780567708847
£85.00 / $115.00
ePub 9780567708878
£76.50 / $103.94
ePdf 9780567708854
£76.50 / $103.94
Series: The Library of New Testament Studies
T&T Clark
Markan Typology
Miracle, Scripture and Christology in
Mark 4:35–6:45
Jonathan Rivett Robinson, University of Otago,
New Zealand
Responding to the belief that typology was a
later development of the early Church, and not
applicable to the earliest canonical Gospel,
Jonathan Robinson stresses that typology has deep Jewish roots,
and that typological modes of thought were a signicant part of the
Gospel’s historical and cultural background. He brings this insight
to bear on four of the most dramatic miracles in Mark’s Gospel,
discovering a surprisingly consistent typological approach.
UK May 2024
US May 2024
256 pages
1 bw illus
PB 9780567708755
£28.99 / $39.95
Previously published in HB 9780567708717
ePub 9780567708748
£76.50 / $103.94
ePdf 9780567708724
£76.50 / $103.94
Series: The Library of New Testament Studies
T&T Clark
BIBLICAL STUDIES - T&T CLARK – The Library of New Testament Studies
The Library of New Testament Studies
Chris Keith, Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society, Norway
USA, Canada, Latin America
The Pauline Book and the
Dilemma of Ephesians
Benjamin J. Petroelje, Western Theological
Seminary, USA
Argues that how one reads Ephesians is a function
of deeper questions about how to read the Pauline
book. Using Ephesians 3:1-13 as a point of analysis,
Petroelje theorizes that the text’s “image of Paul”
not only anticipates recent revisionist interpretations of Paul’s Jewish
identity and gentile gospel, but also holds together tensions in the
collection itself surrounding these questions. By assessing ancient
letter collections beside their own hermeneutical priorities, and
applying this method to the late-antique and modern reception of
the corpus Paulinum, Petroelje historicizes the origins of the split of
Paul's corpus.
UK April 2024
US April 2024
232 pages
PB 9780567703750
£28.99 / $39.95
Previously published in HB 9780567703729
ePub 9780567703767
£76.50 / $103.94
ePdf 9780567703736
£76.50 / $103.94
Series: The Library of New Testament Studies
T&T Clark
Simon of Samaria and the
Contours of an Early Christian Movement
M. David Litwa, Australian Catholic University,
Litwa provides a complete overview of the
Simonians, the group depicted by second-century
heresiologists as licentious followers of Simon Magus, the rst
"gnostic", who was thought to practice magic. Litwa examines
the Simonians in their own literature, as well as in the work of the
heresiologists and in novelistic accounts such as the Acts of Peter. As
a result Litwa uncovers the theology of this early Christian movement
and shows how they understood themselves. An appendix features
Litwa's original translations of primary texts.
UK April 2024
US April 2024
256 pages
HB 9780567712950
£85.00 / $115.00
ePub 9780567712981
£76.50 / $103.94
ePdf 9780567712967
£76.50 / $103.94
T&T Clark
The Village in Antiquity and the
Rise of Early Christianity
Edited by Alan Cadwallader, Charles Sturt
University, Australia, James R. Harrison,
Sydney College of Divinity, Australia, Angela
Standhartinger, Phipps University Marburg,
Germany & L. L. Welborn, Fordham University,
This is the rst volume to articulate a methodology for studies of the
ancient village in relation to the expansion of early Christianity. There
editors give particular focus to the villages associated with biblical
cities (Israel; Corinth; Galatia; Ephesus; Philippi; Thessalonica; Rome),
including potential insights into the rural nature of the churches
located there. A nal section explores central issues of local village
life (indigenous and imperial cults, funerary culture, and agricultural
and economic life).
UK January 2024
US January 2024
472 pages
HB 9780567695956
£130.00 / $175.00
ePub 9780567695987
£117.00 / $159.29
ePdf 9780567695963
£117.00 / $159.29
T&T Clark
Romans: A Social Identity
William S. Campbell, University of Wales, UK
Provides a comprehensive coverage of the
issues and concerns related to Romans from the
perspective of social identity. Campbell outlines his
interpretation of the theoretical issues concerned,
and then applies this to provide a clear overview
of historical and critical issues related to the study of Romans. This
provides a clear engagement with the text that will serve as a useful
resource for scholars, students, clergy, and people interested in the
formation and purpose of the letter.
UK June 2024
US June 2024
480 pages
PB 9780567709967
£34.99 / $47.95
Previously published in HB 9780567669421
ePub 9780567709950
£85.50 / $116.09
ePdf 9780567669438
£85.50 / $116.09
Series: T&T Clark Social Identity Commentaries on the New Testament
T&T Clark
T&T Clark Handbook to the
Historical Paul
Edited by Ryan S. Schellenberg, Methodist
School of Theology in Ohio, USA & Heidi
Wendt, McGill University, Canada
This handbook gathers together leading voices
on individual aspects of Paul’s biography. The
contributors examine how recent trends in Pauline
scholarship have reopened and reconsidered Paul’s personal history
questioning –among other things -- his social location, his level of
education and cultural formation, his place within Judaism and his
place alongside other travellers and “freelance religious experts”,
other ecstatics, exegetes and diviners. Part one surveys sources and
methods; part two examines key biographical questions; and part
three reconstructs potential "micro-biographies" from the letters
associated with Paul.
UK June 2024
US June 2024
512 pages
PB 9780567707659
£39.99 / $54.95
Previously published in HB 9780567691965
ePub 9780567691996
£117.00 / $159.29
ePdf 9780567691972
£117.00 / $159.29
Series: T&T Clark Handbooks
T&T Clark
Early Classical Authors on Jesus
Margaret H. Williams, University of Edinburgh,
Margaret Williams examines how classical writers
saw and portrayed Jesus. The volume shows how
each of the early classical writers who mentions him
(the historian Tacitus; the biographer Suetonius; the
epistolographer Pliny and the satirist Lucian) takes
a different view of Jesus and presents him in a different way. Williams
considers these different depictions and questions why these writers
had such differing views of Jesus. To answer this question Williams
examines both the different literary conventions by which each of
these writers was bound and the social, cultural and religious contexts
in which they operated.
UK June 2024
US June 2024
248 pages
PB 9780567708656
£28.99 / $39.95
Previously published in HB 9780567683151
ePub 9780567683199
£81.00 / $110.69
ePdf 9780567683168
£81.00 / $110.69
Series: The Reception of Jesus in the First Three Centuries
T&T Clark
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