Paygrade 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
O-10 6,328 7,309 8,252 9,261 9,679 10,169 10,649 11,266 11,820 12,383 12,810 13,459 14,121
O-9 6,328 6,954 7,510 8,126 8,519 8,978 9,400 9,943 10,430 10,925 11,302 11,875 12,459
O-8 6,328 6,824 7,239 7,725 8,127 8,533 8,875 9,216 9,558 9,899 10,240 10,670 11,106
O-7 5,896 6,326 6,627 6,928 7,230 7,531 7,832 8,147 8,463 8,781 9,083 9,449 9,819
O-6 4,541 4,925 5,242 5,614 5,909 6,262 6,568 6,992 7,368 7,750 8,018 8,341 8,667
O-5 4,084 4,368 4,617 4,918 5,183 5,452 5,670 5,888 6,106 6,324 6,542 6,760 6,979
O-4 3,686 3,883 4,068 4,253 4,438 4,623 4,808 4,993 5,178 5,363 5,547 5,732 5,917
O-3 3,168 3,327 3,485 3,643 3,802 3,960 4,119 4,277 4,436 4,594 4,752 4,911 5,069
O-2 2,328 2,445 2,561 2,678 2,794 2,911 3,027 3,144 3,260 3,376 3,493 3,609 3,726
O-1 1,837 1,929 2,021 2,113 2,205 2,297 2,389 2,481 2,573 2,664 2,756 2,848 2,940
O-3E 3,350 3,550 3,719 3,888 4,057 4,227 4,396 4,565 4,734 4,903 5,072 5,241 5,410
O-2E 2,697 2,831 2,966 3,101 3,236 3,371 3,506 3,640 3,775 3,910 4,045 4,180 4,315
O-1E 2,281 2,395 2,510 2,624 2,738 2,852 2,966 3,080 3,194 3,308 3,422 3,536 3,651
W-5 3,106 3,453 3,778 4,186 4,440 4,757 5,006 5,327 5,594 5,865 6,068 6,376 6,689
W-4 3,106 3,336 3,533 3,794 4,021 4,307 4,534 4,832 5,078 5,329 5,513 5,735 5,960
W-3 2,811 3,052 3,239 3,457 3,634 3,845 4,031 4,263 4,468 4,675 4,836 4,997 5,158
W-2 2,511 2,690 2,848 3,030 3,184 3,357 3,510 3,664 3,800 3,936 4,072 4,207 4,343
W-1 2,357 2,530 2,682 2,837 2,960 3,083 3,207 3,330 3,453 3,577 3,700 3,823 3,947
E-9 2,693 2,903 3,089 3,323 3,512 3,754 3,955 4,241 4,482 4,729 4,892 5,140 5,392
E-8 2,354 2,539 2,684 2,873 3,042 3,240 3,396 3,622 3,827 4,035 4,174 4,343 4,513
E-7 2,153 2,291 2,409 2,558 2,702 2,866 3,000 3,209 3,405 3,606 3,730 3,854 3,979
E-6 1,845 1,946 2,039 2,131 2,224 2,317 2,410 2,502 2,595 2,688 2,780 2,873 2,966
E-5 1,555 1,633 1,711 1,789 1,867 1,944 2,022 2,100 2,178 2,256 2,333 2,411 2,489
E-4 1,220 1,281 1,342 1,403 1,464 1,525 1,586 1,647 1,708 1,769 1,830 1,891 1,952
E-3 1,023 1,074 1,125 1,176 1,227 1,278 1,330 1,381 1,432 1,483 1,534 1,585 1,636
E-2 863 906 949 992 1,035 1,078 1,122 1,165 1,208 1,251 1,294 1,337 1,381
E-1 769 808 846 885 923 962 1,000 1,039 1,077 1,116 1,154 1,193 1,231
Members who retire this year and do not have a disability retirement receive retired pay based on their basic pay. The
figures in the table below assume three things: 1) That 2016 retirees with 36 or more completed years of active duty entered
the military before Sept. 8, 1980, which puts them under the old plan that pegs retirement pay to a member’s final basic pay;
2) that current-year retirees with less than 35 completed years of active duty entered the military after Sept. 7, 1980, which
puts them under the High-3 plan that pegs retirement pay to a member’s average basic pay over the three highest earning
years in uniform, almost always the last three years; and 3) that these High-3 retirees spent their final three years at the
same grade in which they retired. The figures below assume the exact number of years of service shown; retirement pay is
pro-rated for additional months of service. Exact amounts of retirement pay vary by individual and depend on such factors as
annual pay raises and dates of longevity pay increases compared to dates of retirement. Monthly retirement pay as of Jan. 1,
2016: The figures below assume the exact number of years of service shown; retirement pay is pro-rated for additional
months of service. Exact amounts of retirement pay vary by individual and depend on such factors as annual pay raises and
dates of longevity pay increases compared to date of retirement. Monthly retirement payment levels on Jan. 1:
Years of service
Commissioned officers
Commissioned officers with more than four years of service as warrant officers or enlisted members
Warrant officers
Enlisted members
Paygrade 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
O-10 14,796 15,244 15,955 17,159 17,635 19,018 19,518 20,019
O-9 13,054 13,450 14,078 15,140 15,561 16,780 17,222 17,663
O-8 11,546 11,896 12,349 13,072 13,435 13,798 14,161 14,524
O-7 10,192 10,500 10,809 11,257 11,570 11,882 12,195 12,508
O-6 8,995 9,268 9,541 9,985 10,262 10,540 10,817 11,094
O-5 7,197 7,415 7,633 7,988 8,210 8,432 8,654 8,876
O-4 6,102 6,287 6,472 6,774 6,962 7,150 7,338 7,526
O-3 5,228 5,386 5,545 5,803 5,964 6,125 6,286 6,448
O-2 3,842 3,959 4,075 4,265 4,383 4,502 4,620 4,739
O-1 3,032 3,124 3,216 3,366 3,459 3,553 3,646 3,740
Commissioned officers with more than four years of service as warrant officers or enlisted members
O-3E 5,579 5,748 5,917 6,193 6,365 6,537 6,709 6,881
O-2E 4,450 4,584 4,719 4,939 5,076 5,214 5,351 5,488
O-1E 3,765 3,879 3,993 4,179 4,295 4,411 4,527 4,643
W-5 7,008 7,221 7,558 8,168 8,395 9,054 9,292 9,530
W-4 6,186 6,373 6,561 6,866 7,057 7,248 7,438 7,629
W-3 5,320 5,481 5,642 5,905 6,069 6,233 6,397 6,561
W-2 4,479 4,615 4,750 4,972 5,110 5,248 5,386 5,524
W-1 4,070 4,193 4,317 4,518 4,643 4,769 4,894 5,020
E-9 5,650 5,821 6,093 6,585 6,768 7,299 7,491 7,683
E-8 4,684 4,826 4,968 5,199 5,344 5,488 5,633 5,777
E-7 4,103 4,228 4,352 4,555 4,681 4,808 4,934 5,061
E-6 3,058 3,151 3,244 3,395 3,489 3,583 3,678 3,772
E-5 2,567 2,645 2,722 2,849 2,928 3,007 3,087 3,166
E-4 2,013 2,074 2,135 2,235 2,297 2,359 2,421 2,483
E-3 1,688 1,739 1,790 1,873 1,925 1,977 2,029 2,082
E-2 1,424 1,467 1,510 1,580 1,624 1,668 1,712 1,756
E-1 1,270 1,308 1,347 1,410 1,449 1,488 1,527 1,566
Commissioned officers
Enlisted members
Warrant officers
Years of service